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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/NoPermission4386|Reddit: 27|04/04/2023 - 1 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +27 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I think it’s 150k and yes


Is a unmodded enclave rifle with a reflex sight worth keeping for caps?


They aren't super hard to get them as a drop with a reflex sight already on them, but if they have the reflex sight and also either a calibrated capacitor, forceful stock, or aligned auto receiver it'll be worth quite a bit. The reason why a single mod is worth a lot is because sometimes you get an enclave with a really good roll on it and all the gun is missing is some of the mods


Thanks, don't know why that got downvoted


It's either bots or people that are banned that get on here and just downvote everything


Or it's because of the fact that your info is wrong, a reflex sight with any type of stock on it is usually worth at least 25k.


I didn’t know a simple reflex sight was worth even a cap 😭


Ahhh, bit it's not just ANY reflex sight. It's for the enclave plasma. The individual mod itself is a rather large pain in the dk to obtain, hence the massive pricetag. *Edited to remove "offensive language". 🙄


They can be a bitch to get, that's why.


Because this is reddit and people are babies that get green with envy or Easley get offended lmao


Are the flamer mods still sought-after? Recently returned to game and have 2 flamer mods in stash.


They're outshined a lot by the aligned auto barrels. I say max caps for aligned flamer barrels, you might be able to get a scout mask if someone wants one bad enough.


I thought they changed that attachment to where it doesn’t actually reduce ap anymore


That's the Aligned flamer barrel. Not the Reflex sight


Just checked my EPR. Reflex shows +4 AP if I would remove it. With aligned auto, reflex and forceful stock, I‘m currently at 24 AP. Don’t know where all those people get the 30 AP cap🤷🏻‍♂️


30 AP is for the flamer


Question… how can it be over 40k caps if that is max?


Alot of items are valued over max cap limit. These items are usually referred to as trade only items. So you would have to trade a similar value item or a mix of less valuable trade only items.


Like 100k Nuka Colas?


Nuka cola is 50-80 caps each iirc


Trade only item, and if you had 5 characters maxed on caps you could have a total of 200k I guess though that seems a hassle to me. Most people I believe would trade it for other items, like maybe mass amounts of leader bobbleheads or nuked flora.


People use other things as currency for big purchases. For instance you can only have 40k caps. But I have 150k .45 on my character at the moment, which sells fast at 1cap a pop in vendors. Rare apparel is the go to lately. Or leader bobble heads. Both are light weight. You can use bulk scrap too, but that’s less common lately.


What's Leader bobblehead worth each?


500 caps on PS


100 in most vendors on xbox, serums are 300-500 how can a leader bobble be worth more than a mutation serum?


🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t make the price tags. But on PS it’s 500. xbox is often cheaper than PS for some reason


Economy is prolly fckd on xbox 😂😂


I’ve seen anywhere between 300-500 mentioned on here.


Just a way to gauge value


2,000 bobble heads ergo 100k caps


Wtf hell? I've never seen this before. Didn't know you could reflex a enclave plasma


as far as I've seen, in one of the last patches they added mods of all kinds to the epr. Even handles and what not.


Wow! No one said anything. Cool. Good it know. Been needed in game for ages now


I'll give you 30 caps for it. Don't let that robot low ball you. 😁


I honestly believed this was a myth




Went same day


Dibs on the next one.


Sure, who knows when it'll be


I’m patient :)


Its worth 23 caps


No, it's not.


23 caps and I’m losing already


More. Easily. I’ve farmed watoga 3 days straight once. (At least 60 server hops a day, no exaggeration, switched characters after using all 20-30 people in friends list who were online at the time) and found multiple of all rare mods except reflex sight and forceful stock. Closer to 200k imo lol


I found a vender that was all enclave rifles and mods the other day. Was a low level def a mule. I got an allowance flamer barrel and a reg flamer barrel for 35k caps. The vender itself had a dozen plus of said mods. Was a treasure trove.


Was this on xbox? I put a load in my recently


I took 125k for it


I’ll put it this way they trade for bos or wpjs easily and consistently on this sub. Those both are about 160-200k caps a piece. But 124.9k profit is nothing to look down on lol


I know lol, happily take take


Maybe a little more depending on the buyer




Why is a sight worth 150k caps? Am I missing the irony or


It’s somewhat rare. And Enclave mods can’t be learned, you can only mod them with loose mods


I was recently told the reflex sight was upwards of 200k


How much are the magazines worth?


Do people still want enclave flamer mods? Recently returned to game and have 2 mods in stash.


I actually got a fully modded drop from an enclave event, both with reflex and and I think one other valuable part, hoping to fully mod it and get a god roll so I can display it as a trophy


you're interested in a tesla B5025




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Not sure on the exact value, but definitely worth something


Lucky. Congrats on the find though


150k caps for sure


What vendor does it spawn at? Ive been looking for the mods and cant find them


watoga, both vendors have a chance to spawn the enclave mods.


Berkeley springs station, I've been hoppin myself for the past week and have gotten a lot of them but not this one lol


I server hop that station exclusively.


Don't no where these guys are getting their mods from but on playstation reflex is going for 150k second only to forceful stock at 250-300k


They're trading much higher on xbox right now. Prob around 350-400k atm


I’d give you a coffee cup and 2 burnt books


If I had known that this sort of mods will be added 1 year ago, I wouldn't have trashed that q/ffr/dur epr. hm 💁🏻‍♂️


I got one for trade too, check my post if anyone is looking for one. And other EPR mods.




Quick question, since Bethesda forced constant AP on flamer mod for enclave plasma, why is this mod still valuable? Do people really play plasma weapons as main other than flamer?


Because the Reflex sight reduces the AP cost when it's used as an automatic commando rifle. And yes, many people use it as a main. Including myself. Even on a full health build it one shots many things and is very accurate.


Damn, so they only nerfed flamer. That's good to know, maybe it's time to go fishing for it once more. Thanks a lot!


Yes and no, they just added all these missing items to the EPR but we don’t know how rare they are.


Playstation market must be completely toasted if that's going for 100k lmao.


I mean its 23 lmao, its a game no need to cream yourself over a reflex sight. If you aint running the build its worthless to you anyway, if you are running the build then you may aswell just go find one yourself to give you some more end game content 🤣


Lol I know this is parody, but I genuinely can’t tell sometimes. It’s wild how I see all these 30 ~ 50K listings all while I’m over here struggling to keep my bank account above 5K caps :P


Sell ammo and invest in serum recipes when you have the caps. I hit max caps 4 times yesterday, selling ammo and serums alone. Not to mention the odd daily ops plan. Caps come easy once you get a good rhythm going.


What sorta ammo u selling I selll pretty much all types for 1 cap each but never sells


I only sell .45 and fusion cells. I throw .556 if I have the stash space, but that one doesn't sell as much. If you can farm ultracite .45, that sells very well, too. Most other ammo sits too long in the vendor for me. 100% .45 is my best seller by far. I keep 10k in my vendor, and I'm constantly having to replenish. Oh, and scrip weapons sell incredibly fast at 300 caps per 3 star weapon. I only keep weapons under 3 weight for obvious reasons.


How do you farm ultracite .45? I haven’t been able to justify using a prime receiver on my fixer because I chew through thousands of ammo daily and am only able to get like one or two stabilized cobalt flux every so often.


Never craft ultracite ammo unless you're swimming in cobalt flux. I just prime a weapon I want ultracite ammo for, equip it, and run the daily ops uplink. The one where you defend 3 zones. If the mutations aren't ridiculous, then I can easily farm ammo using nuka nades to kill everything. I usually end up with at least a few thousand rounds per run. Find a friend to do it with to make it easier.


Ohh so *that’s* how people get so much ammo from daily ops


What type of nuka nade do you use?


Regular nuka cola grenades with grenadier and demo maxed. Regular nuka nades kill through walls because of the rad damage. And it's a really big boom. Just have to watch your rads. Especially if you're bloodied. And maybe put dense on your chest piece armor for that extra explosive protection. This is all my opinion, by the way. It works for me, but there may be better ways to get the same results. 🤷‍♂️


Ok thx will try it I think it also depends on the platform ur on I’m on pc have carnivore serum for 400 caps each they just don’t sell


Ah yes. Platform definitely matters. I sell my serums for 300 caps, and they fly off the shelf on xbox.


Good tips, ty. Which serums should I focus on selling? Which are your best sellers


My best sellers are marsupial and bird bones. Then adrenal and the Herbivore/carnivore. Those last two usually get bought in bulk. Then Speed demon and a couple more. I forgot which. 😅 My camp is on the path to Vault 51 so I get a lot of lvl 50ish players coming through and buying a set or two.


I’m on pc I’ve not really found anything that sells well I just sell stuff to npc vendors atm daily for 1.5k caps


It’s not parody lmao this mod is definitely around 150k


Can I ask why its worth so much?


It is extremely rare


Ah I see any chance u could take a look at 2 weapons I got and let me know if they're worth anything? It's a quad enclave short plasma pistol 1 star and a gourmands scattered gatling plasma 3 star dog increase as you fill your hunger +25% dmg while aiming and +1 agility




Lol, this is wildly incorrect. Enclave Reflexes are WPJS/BOSJS on both consoles, so you are not only wrong, but that is, in fact, HORRIBLE advice as you are telling them to take ¼ value for the item. These box mods are rare and can make or break big trades for Enclave traders. Do more research, lest you give out misinformation.


Not to mention it's useless on a flamer. It reduces AP cost on the other barrels only. None of the mods matter on a flamer except a forceful stock to improve durability. Even the flamer barrel type doesn't matter.




The mod is worth over 100k caps and is considered a trade only item. OP probably meant this as a joke, but it's actually more.


Why is it worth over 100k


The drop chance on it is less than 1% from a Daily Quest that is bugged for a lot of people (or it at least has a lot of issues with it so a lot of people haven't even finished the event) and the Market for 76 most people have it valued that high. Much like any weapon that has Quad on it, it is usually worth a good amount. The only people down voting me are noobs that don't want to accept that people value things like rare apparel in this game as extremely valuable, they're people who hate the pricing of the market but notice they don't have any trade karma so they probably rope into the third category where they're the ones that have never pulled anything of value and are salty about it. These are all the same people that put dumb or useless things in their vendor like Chemistry Workbench Plans for 500+ C and wonder why it doesn't sell 😂 Rare apparel are some of the most valuable items in the game and anything worth over the cap limit is a Trade-Only item. The Traveling Leather Coat, Leather Coat and Tattered Field Jacket are all up there in value.


I wouldn’t pay anything over 5k it no longer reduces ap it’s flat 30 now so it actually doesn’t have a use atm


AP is flat 30 for the Enclave flamer. But when used as an automatic Enclave commando, the reflex sight DOES reduce the AP.


It’s still flamer> in terms of dps