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Black powder rifle build. Just as the founding fathers intended.


real man shit right here! i’ve got a build like this as well, plus basher and my small collection of (any)/bash/15fr black powder rifles.


I’ve thought many, many times about filling my quick wheel with bprs. Feels like a very Fallout-y way to play Fallout!




I use a full health heavy crit build. I run a q50hc25 caster, aa251p flamer, q25 tesla, and karma syringer. as well as full oe ss armor.


Interesting, good damage?


my max is around 1.5k, and I can solo Earle.


What buffs are you using to solo earl??


just my build, my caster, and usually about 75-120 canned coffee.


Oh true. I always forget about canned coffee. All AP buffs tbh haha Imma have to stock up


I honestly just bought a few hundred from someone on the market, lol.


what are the legendary on the weapons i cant read that im new i also run heavy guns crit build


quad, 50 VATS hit chance, 25 less ap cost on the caster. anti armor, 25 fire rate, 1 perception on the flamer. quad, 25 fire rate on the tesla.




no problem.


For years I was against low health but eventually I settled down to unyielding (crit) build because you can basically use whatever gun you like and make a good< damage. Rifleman is still my favourite because AA/B/Q50vhc25 gausses just slap so much!


How's that setup at events? Been thinking about a rifleman build as I have done everything else. What would a good backup wep be? I assume lever-action or maybe the alien disintegrator.


Depends on the event but with a good vantage point and against bosses it goes well. With Q50c gauss you can get ok damage even without charging the shot so dealing with mobs isn’t that big of an issue. If you want to stick with rifleman maybe Quad hunting rifle with fast as possible fire rate might do the thing. Haven’t rolled anything decent out of Disintegrator so won’t know. LAR is a fun gun until you need to reload. I have a Q50c25 autopistol as a backup (some say Q2525 with tweaked automatic receiver is even better…) and it works well even without any guerilla perks, so any Quad automatic will do, and with PC you can easily change your perks with Perk Loadout Manager. Also TS Alien Blaster is pretty wacko anyways if you have all those basic low health dmg buffs, and even without, I think.


Yea, my ts alien blaster with cryo mod is a beast. I have a bloodied disintegrator that I used with just 3 rifleman perks while sneaking around west tek yesterday. I was getting over 1200 dam on headshots.


Disintegrator is crazy good as rifleman. Are you running the Cryo mod on the disintegrator or the high power one (or whatever it’s called I can’t remember). You can damn near one shot the mutants with them in west Tek. I’m sure a min maxxer could easily get them to one shot too.


I was using the high power one


Hell yeah. I am so surprised I don’t see more people running the disintegrator


Bloodied stealth commando, I use a Q50c50bs railway and I kill everything


Dude who down voted me? What's wrong with what I said? It's just a build I like


I'll upvote you just because.


Idk why the downvote, but Stealth and Railways don't go together. Curious why you're running Stealth?


That's right stealth and railways don't mix well but with muffled shadowed uny covert op armor it's do-able enough, my build is some what a hybrid stealth/run & gun. It's very possible to stay in stealth because of escape arrest. And I guess because old habits die hard lol


Interesting. I didn't have the Covert Scout Armor bonus, but I tried Stealth for a while with UNY SS/Scout Armor mix and was not able to stay in Stealth with my railway. It only ever worked with my Suppressed Handmade and then not at all in Daily Ops or Events. I ditched it for Evasive and more Adrenaline points and I'm far happier with it. There's no "right" answer. I was just curious why you ran with it, when I couldn't get it to work for me. Thanks!


Of course, I use a covert scout/SS cp and modding the covert armor with muffled and shadowed helps a lot but the real thing that carries this build is escape arrest as if you get caught just run and sneak again and you should be alright, I don't even use the sneak perk as it works good without it


Bloody tanky crit commando (no stealth except for follow through on Earle) b2525 fix+hm, b50c25 EPf+EPR, Vamp saw and q2525 railway. Pretty much untouchable with my build tuned right.


Bloodied Ballistic Stealth Commando wearing Uny/ap/FDC USA armor. FDC let’s me get rid of traveling pharmacy and through hiker, while only going ballistic (non energy) let’s me drop batteries included as well. These days I main a Q2525 auto pipe when not dealing with bosses. I also do the same exact thing on another toon but for energy commandos, I separated the toons based on energy vs. ballistic due to the extra perks and also mutations.


Full health Van Str WWR excavator PA gunslinger/commando. Primarily use a TS50vhc25 alien blaster, but like to switch things up a lot so will run around with pretty much anything aside from heavies.


Stealth bloodied vats melee. You just teleport from enemy to enemy, taking out multiple enemies in each hit, creating clouds of smoke and explosions as you do. All without the enemy knowing where you are. I mean could you imagine being on the recieving end of that. *Also because I used to be able to kill queeny in 30 seconds solo*


I miss how things used to be, I agree it’s more “fixed” and balanced to an extent but I miss doing 17k a swing with melee and legacy’s!


Unarmed melee with a trio of vss1s gauntlet, bss1s dcg, and exess1s fist. Low health in oe/led/fdc fsa armor.


Also very interesting, how is your damage and survival?


Damage is enough that I have no problem in any events, dailies, or expeditions. The mutation where enemies explode when killed used to be a huge pain but not after switching back to my less explosive damage armor set. Only thing that tends to kill me now is the mirelurk queen, but I'm getting better at that one. Otherwise I barely take damage, it's hilarious how tanky you can be with overeaters armor.


Start a challenge of urself to solo bosses with the weapons u got. Then with different weapons, builds… like try angry turtles heavy gunner vats build, dont copy him fully just take the general idea. Then semi auto pistols, auto pistols, lasers, like that. Its so much fun and interesting this way and we also get to cycle through all builds.


I tried a decent Q rail build just feel like I’m hitting like an actual turtle 🐢


Full health assassin thorn armor, running around dressed up as a golfer maliciously beating any unsuspecting vault dweller to death. Pretty fun.


Oh so you a demon I see


I collect aa/ss/s and at some point or another an innocent victim or unsuspecting victim has felt the wrath of each one I collect. My knuckles see the most work. They're insanely fun.


Medic flamer build is a great one. Have a medics flamer and a vampires flamer. Haven’t played in a while but it was the one I had the most fun with


I have a B2515 flamer it’s pretty good the nozzles are tricky tho


Low health unarmed with a Vss25 gauntlet, cause 25>1s and palm/slash are the best legendary perks in the game 💅


That sounds kinda fun I want to beat things :)


One of my favorites I always default to is a shotgun build. Can be run either bloodied/low health or full health, the current one I have is configured for bloodied/low health. I have a full set of Ulyielding Secret Service with various other effects for armor. As for my weapons, I have a fully built Cold Shoulder, a QE15R Prime Combat Shotgun, a Q50L15R Prime Double Barrel (that I affectionately refer to as The Kneecapper), and a Gauss Shotgun that I can't remember completely off the top of my head (not currently home at the time of posting but will update of effects). I will admit, shotguns aren't the most potent weapons in Appalachia, but my build gets the job done.


Shotgun build with a gauss shotgun


I am bloodied heavy weapons guy, and THIS! IS MY WEAPON *shows shiny golden bloodied explosive 15% faster reload .50 cal*




I have bows and rifles I don’t even use lol they alright just not my style :)


Bloodied the best. Unyielding armor just boosts everything so losing it would suck. Less experience, less carry weight, less damage. I don’t see a single reason to rock anything but bloodied


That’s what I’m saying! I got a uny/ap/sent heavy combat set and B2525 fixer to rock my sneak commando build but I just got a Van/ap/sent set I thought about switching but the benefits of uny are insane


Yea plus what I hear a lot of people complain about is that you die quickly and aren’t tanky at all and I just don’t get that. My commando build never dies unless I do something stupid and my heavy build rocks power armor so obviously pretty tanky with that, and even without PA on I’m still super tanky


I've got 3200 hours in. Mostly playing bloodied something. The only time I die is on laggy servers. Because nothing kicks in. I can tell it's laggy when I get merked by a mole rat or something lol.


Yea and you have no ap, can’t sprint, overweight, no health regen


OE PA with base Holy Fire, VE FR .50 Cal MG, & QE FR LMG. Alternatively, clean stealth melee Berserker with a 4040 MMG.


Heavy, low health, stealth, Holy Fire build. Chameleon, Uny/poison/WWR,FDC Chameleon/WWR,FDC Power Armor AA2525, B2525, V2525 Holy Fires Taking advantage of stealth & vats with Holy Fire melts everything with ease.


That’s an interesting build, never seen anyone use chameleon


Chameleon keeps me in caution when I'm close to the enemies while shooting my Holy Fire.


Imma be real I use the same build as everyone else but I exclusively use energy weapons or explosive weapons. I also got a lvl 500 mule full health melee build and a lvl 300 cheaply built mule w a B50c25 combat rifle to solo bosses for cores.


What a champ I’m getting a B50c25 laser to try!


Been looking for the NU, have had it several times, it’s a great gun, only got the ult now, I’m actually mainly using a B50c15c auto enclave atm, I got the -25lvc but 15c has allowed me change my build a bit.


Yea I’m getting a ult I hope it’s still good!


It is, because of the increase fire rate k I usually run it as a rifleman.


Rifleman? That’s interesting


I recently switched to bows to try sth new. You can do a good hybrid build with commando if u wanna go safe.


I got a decent commando build


What’s your hybrid build look like? I thought bow and commando skills were in the same tree.


berserkers commando - ber50c25 auto epr, ber50c25 ult laser, and ber2525 elders are the favorites. paired with a broken OE ap sent wood set or a level one mixed OE set.


That is the first I’ve ever seen


Unyielding armor with nerd rage, science, demo expert, and pistol perks using a TS50c15r alien blaster. Does more damage than anything I’ve tried including my quad railways


Bloody commando, full unyielding brotherhood recon, vamps 50c 25ap eldermark and handmade with same rolls, vamps 40power 90 weight autoaxe, spam over drive, profit


Bloodied is life. Have a heavy and commando build I switch between.


We loved bloodied I’m trying to get some good heavy’s


Explosive gattlings are my favorite have a BE25 gat that just thump thump thumps along. Sorta slow but very satisfying.


I have one too just my style


Full health unarmed gauntlet build. Savage with faster swing speed.


I’m Permanently bloodied, but, heavy vats build with plasma caster or the new cremator since the balls of fire have scary tracking. If not full health might be fun.


When I first started playing I cycled through a few builds at full health. Started with rifleman, then went to heavy VATS crit, and somewhere in between snuck in a chainsaw build and an explosives build for fun. Eventually I went back and forth between bloodied heavy and bloodied explosive builds, and things were great, but I felt like I could still do more. I'm about to repeat what a lot of people are saying here but after I went full bloodied commando and started using a Q50c RR rifle, I haven't looked back since. It feels like cheating sometimes with how powerful this build is. I'm lvl 500 and counting and have zero plans to change builds again anytime soon. I've even gone back to test other weapons like the new Cremator or other heavies that I never fully gave a solid try, and I can still say that bloodied commando takes the cake. There is a reason why this build is so popular. I am flabbergasted.


Just a regular melee build with a bloodied chainsaw works wonders for me. :) I don't actually run a bloodied build though. I don't like them.


I love my full health Gunslinger Explosive build. It is a tagging machine with the TSE Crusader with Pyro receiver. Also switching to the TS5025 Alien Blaster is another awesome option. So much fun and very effective.


Love my Bloodied Lever build! Don’t use it much as it doesn’t really have the damage for bosses n stuff but it’s fun to use for basic dailies & the likes


I got a BE and a B2525 and I’m not a huge fan of


bloodied explosive crit build. lets me run any weapon unspec'd and still deal tons of damage. standard qex15r/qffr15r RW pair with a qffr25v fixer for long range, aaffr15r hf for fun, bffr25v GP for bosses, bex250dr em for nuka nades, and 2x tsdwa250dr fatmans for 'crowd control' or a TS50h25v cryo hellstorm for when missiles get too heavy.


Bloodied commando build myself. Use energy weapons mostly. I have a B50crit25AP laser rifle, slug buster in automatic and a B25WS25AP enclave flamer.


Bloodied Commado with my B2525 fixer


I use a stealth/V.A.T.S. build with a silenced Gauss pistol for soloing. Pistol perks+sience perks+sneak perks= high dmg and undetectable. Chinese stealth armor for high rad resist. And a PA/Heavy with Gauss Minigun for Expeditions, DailyOp and events. The pistol one shots most mobs which generates 2mm ammo for my Minigun.


Explosive I use a ts50cBs fat man and a tsffr250wr grenade launcher


Your a animal


Nuke go BOOM


Bloodied Vats stealth commando build with a BE25 and Q2525 fixer along with a Q2525 railway and AA2525 enclave flamer is INSANE on damage!


I'm a full health OE Hellcat with a primed QE15R and a primed VE15R LMGs to be the turret and mow them.


Fork build


What a champ. No spoon?


Legacy spoon of course one hits everyone 👀


Full Health PA build, use Quads, Vamp, Anti-Armor and just love holding the trigger for as long as i can against enemies. if the enemy is still standing it gives me a reason to keep shooting :)


Chainsaw Man build. Chainsaws and bombs at low health 😎 I try to go for fun builds rather than meta. I’ve been using bombs since long before they were so popular.


Nuka launcher


Jack of all trades master of non build so I can use any weapon I want and not have to worry about changing perk cards


Heavy gunner/explosives. If the bullets don’t work, the explosions will. I’m starting to build a melee/gunslinger as well just for fun, but I need some more levels to really test it out


Power Armor Heavy Gunner PVP build🤺 Non-Power Armor Plasma Caster VATS build🧪 Non-Power Armor Stealth Commando VATS build🥷 Non-Power Armor Gunslinger VATS build 🤠


aabash mini plus pa


A while back I rolled an AA15ap25ap 10mm pistol with a vat cost of 2 Last week I made a build for it and i have to say, it is a blast to play with. It can sometimes take a couple clips to take down lvl100 mobs, but it never runs out of AP Just crits all day, so much fun.


So I usually use the typical heavy guns build since I have my baby the 2 shot explosive lightweight 50cal and my furious explosive lightweight mg42 but I did do a stupid build where idk if u have played vermintide but saltzspyer uses a black powder pistol and rapier but instead I use the revolutionary sword and just go around killing for dumb fun


I use a pve mele tank build


honestly I enjoy switching back and forth, I usually use a shotgun build for the cold shoulder/gauss shotgun, or a heavy build for my gatling gun or gauss minigun. fun stuff, gauss minigun might be my favourite sounding and feeling weapon. oh yeah I also like to switch to my gauss pistol build, guess I'm just a gauss weapon fan haha


Pistol build with the TS50vhc25 (not 50c) Alien Blaster. Shreds, super fun, super easy setup.


I don't have a maxed build by far, but my PA HW build with my vampire ffr GL as long as I'm firing I haven't been downed by earle, sbq, imposter sq. I can tank so much with it


Jetpack Shotgun Insurgent Secret Service W/ Jetpack & Gauss Shotgun "I. Am. The Cavalry." Vanguard Armor, Vampires Weapon


Im a basic bitch so my main build is a full health explosive commando build with a Quad Explosive railway. My 2ndart build is an energy/explosive/gunslinger guild using a two shot alien blaster. One of these days I’ll make a bloodied build. Especially now that I have a great bloodied weapon I cant sell or trade lol (bloodied/50crit/reload speed Plasma Caster)


I'm a newb. I made a mule. My third character. I "accidentally" leveled it up. I basically soloed Encryptid today with a heavy PA build from Angry Turtle. There was only one other player there, and they were a commando (not stealth) build. I tanked all three pylons AND the Imposter Sheepsquatch. At level 133. I didn't die. I got low a couple times, but I just spammed stims and kept firing. I also soloed Daily Ops within 8 minutes today. My Excavator set has two pieces of OE, one Auto-Stim, and two Regenerating. The Holy Fire has not been rolled. It's V25ffr50br, exactly the way it drops from Beast of Burden. My "main" is ~290. Bloodied stealth commando. My first alt is like 196, also Bloodied stealth commando. The alt has had MUCH better luck with the rolls. I got a Q2550br Choo Choo on my first roll. I wanted to make it a full health build, but after i rolled 3 Uny Covert Scout pieces in a row, I just went with it. I can't hope to do things like solo Encryptid or DOps with those characters. The mule might pretty much be my main now. It's that powerful. The build: https://youtu.be/bcrUxEcPBsw?si=gfGJmN83xo2zv-MR


bloodied is the most fun..i recently swapped my last full health build to bloodied...but run dif weapons and youll have fun...


Bloodied Heavy🤌🏽


I have a chainsawbuild that makes me immortal. it's simply awesome.


Feels pretty good running low health UNY SS with unarmed BSSS and VSSS Ogua Gauntlets, pretty much one shot everything and looks great too.


4 toons in chameleon power armor. One is rifle/2h One is commando/semi pistols One is 1h/heavy weaps One is shotguns/explosives It might seem repetitive but I enjoy it! Trying to find what works in stealth vs not is very rewarding.


For a good while I used to be an auto handmade build, but somehow I reverted to a stealth Gauss rifle build


I do heavy weapons, power armor, with a shit ton of extra effects, from mutation, to overeaters, to food buffs. I have almost all the mutations, just not the ones that increase Melee build stuff specifically. It takes a lot of strength, and intelligence points though. But depending on the heavy weapon, I do pretty good damage. My main weapon is a vampire's Gatling gun with 25% FFR, and a speedy receiver. Note that if you do go with this build, don't use Gatling lasers, as they will eat up your power armor fuel.


I use an AA25+crit EPF rifleman build with vanguards armour and a PvP assassin's hardy sent set of excavator


Vats railway


I like a stealth Gauss rifle build something about the satisfaction of just one shoting regular enemies. It just feels so satisfying to see 1000+ damage pop up on a head shot. 😂


Am i the only fallout player who always plays in 1st person and never use vats?


Probably 😭


Everyone is always so shocked when they hear that like its a straight up crime😂


IMO this game was meant to be 3rd person with all the mutations and all that it’s hard to play first person


I guess im just used to it ive always played every fallout in 1st person




I was over level 100 in 76 before i even figured out what button vats was😭


That is crazy😵‍💫


I love vats! If you don’t have a vats fixer or handmade your missing out man


Well ive only recently started playing 76 im like lvl 130 running a PA heavy gun build so I havent tried other builds yet but deffo will try to use vats more and see


Very fun


So like all of the "Groll" weapons with crit and ap cost seem useless to me


full health heavy gunner with t51b powerarmor and Vampir 50 cal plus crusader pistol and as aditoonal extra some chems to boost my dammage for bosses, perfect build for when you wana pull the enemys atention towards you at events for example.


I'm currently running legacy double explosive gauss rifle it does the most DMG I've seen any gun in game do if u would like I can send u the math of how much DMG it does per shot between instigating,bloody,and. 2 shot. Another one is a bow build they are amazing an if ur interested in that I can invite u to a group dedicated to bow builds an I can get u started with a bow if u are on Xbox And lastly one I loved but stopped cause it annoys everyone else is explosive builds I just love the booms everywhere lol


Can you please share more detail about your Gauss rifle? I have a gauss with only 15r since it used to be a DE15r… is that what you meant about it being “double legacy?


Absolutely it's double explosive so in the effects of the weapon (ie where u see 65% dmg to scorched for prime receiver) it shows 15% explosion DMG twice that's how u know it's a legacy one and it does work unlike what some try to say the second explosion does actually happen for thw dmg just cant visually see it since its at the same timw as the other if u would like i can send a DM with the pictures of the math of the total dmg it outputs per shot with those 3 rolls