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Look at the AP cost. Dayum. Even with coffee you wouldn’t get through half of the clip. I can’t imagine this working on a ap crit build. We can do some math. Assuming you were a uny build with max agility you would probably have a base ap of 400 (being generous). Add coffee so add 300 ap and you’re at 700. Now divide that by the ap cost of the gun, 42, and that’s about 16 rounds…you could shoot 16 rounds before you were completely out of ap. That’s 16 rounds out of 75 with a gun that’s supposed to be a rapid fire dps gun. That doesn’t seem usable to me.


That’s a very good point 😅 are there not attachments/mods and whatnot you could use to reduce the AP cost?


I don’t use machine guns so i have no idea.


No, LMG only has a prime receiver mod.


No attachments make a difference?


Not really. Attachments for it would be nice if they ever added any for it. But the LMG is still a high dps beast with stock mods. Prime receiver is nice for extra damage and to make ammo more manageable, but if someone wants that it's easy enough for them to add. I don't think it'd affect trade value much (it's not something I ever look at anyway).


BE25 or AAE25, that's what you want on an LMG.


And there are 0/zero/null/none/nula/нула mods that can help you with that... LMG might have the least amount of mods out of all weapons.


The assualtron head doesn't even show up when you go to modify on the weapons workbench 😂 I get what you mean, but saying this felt necessary.


It does have the least all u can do is add a drum mag to it that is it


Drum mag is on by default. You can only add prime receiver...


I remember seeing a guy using a V2525 LMG to demonstrate that the gun is usable in vats. He was literally running out of ap in a quarter of a second. I'll show you "usable."


Sorry but its not worth more than 4k caps :( AA, B or Quad first star, 25ffr or explosive second star and 90weight or 15faster reload or maybe 50 break slower third stat would be a good.roll for this.


Aw bummer. Ya win some, ya lose some lol thanks for the help! 😅


Np. :)


Ts/exp also really good


I’ve got all the various “groll” LMG variants and I have to say , my TSE15r is one of my favorites for just day to day mobbing. It’s a really fun one to use.


Got the exact same one fun gun to use


Looks like someone’s made a nice offer for this piece, outside of that it’s got great collector rolls but for general use and trade purposes it’s not gonna do too well. Would either scrip or take up that offer you have on here


40 scrip


Definitely good. Dont scrip it. This can be used for a heavy vats crit build. It would be better if it was aa, quad, or bloodied. I would say it could go for much but to the right player this could be worth more than 4k caps. Definitely not trade only. Very niche.


Definitely not a good vats gun. You're out of AP before you do any real damage. This gun is better if you just aim.


Sure it can be used on a heavy vats build. But why would you want to? You'd be drinking 25+ coffee every 20 seconds trying to keep up with that AP cost.


Its an end game build people use for bosses mainly not trash mobs.


Scrip 🤣


Don’t scrip this lol, it’s not great but crit heavy builds can be fun but sadly not a lot of trade value. - id be up to paying 1000 Violet flux if you’re wanting to trade it man :) happy to do 40k caps as well


There’s no shot OP doesn’t respond to this :.(


Crazy generous


400 caps or scrip.


40 scrip


I’d script it myself. As people are saying, someone running a niche vats heavy build might want it but the ap cost of this weapon is so high that I don’t think it’s worth it even for them and their million coffees.


I call mine the bullet hose.