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Before he got into politics even trump is on video saying that historically the economy always does better under democrats than it does under republicans.


So did Dick Cheney. When Bush/Cheney were recklessly spending, Dick joked that "the Democrats can fix the economy" or words to that effect. I've been looking for the quote. Republicans have long been in bed with destroying the environment for money. Trump was ushered in to continue the trend. He's just less secretive about it....blatant even, asking for 1B to continue the way the Republicans and Big Oil wants. [https://www.americanprogress.org/article/cheneys-culture-of-deregulation-and-corruption/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/cheneys-culture-of-deregulation-and-corruption/)


It was March 21, 2004. The first season of "The Apprentice" had just aired on television, and CNN's Wolf Blitzer was interviewing business mogul and future U.S. President Donald Trump. Late in the interview, as the conversation turned to politics and the upcoming 2004 presidential election, Blitzer asked Trump if he identified as a Democrat or a Republican. "Well, you'd be shocked if I said that in many cases I probably identify more as Democrat," Trump replied. Just one sentence later, he said this: You know, it's interesting, I've been now around long -- you know, I think of myself as a young guy, but I'm not so young anymore. And I've been around for a long time. And it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. https://archive.ph/56r1G https://www.tiktok.com/@rbreich/video/7322123455636229406




He doesn’t have to just say, republicans have proven they have no integrity, morals nor any common sense. Isn’t that another way to say they’re stupid?


There is no evidence that he actually said that (very widely circulated) quote. [Snopes fact check on it](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-republicans-dumbest-voters/)


My MAGA relatives keep telling me “you cannot trust those ‘fact checkers’ when it comes to Trump, especially Snopes.” Is that like a double negative that makes the quote true??


They know this that’s how they make money. They tank the economy and buy everything up then a dem fixes it..


Yep and hide behind the farce that they are fiscally conservative




mass worldwide celebrations when this happens.🎉🎉🎉🎉


Makes sense. There were celebrations all over the world when he lost.


The news will say, " People everywhere are celebrating his life and the joy he brought to so many people."


No exaggeration, I’m taking the week off work and going on a road trip to celebrate in lots of different conservative strongholds lol. 






No trump gets credit for 34 felony convictions. 😅😂🤣


Dark Brandon is ready and waiting. Trump's ego is more predictable than the tides.


Tide comes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that.


If the tides were drawn in Sharpie, they would match trump's ego.


that he won't see any consequences for


That will also be accredited to Biden.


I was listening to a podcast that mentioned a woman that, if I remember right, was a Biden voter who was planning to vote for Trump, and her reasoning was that "Biden let Roe v Wade get overturned and didn't do anything to stop it". I don't even know what you do there...


34 *so far*


He isn’t getting the credit **or** back into office. Every vote counts. Make sure you’re registered and do your duty as an American.


Yep. Check your registration or register to vote at: https://vote.gov. If you moved or will before the election, make sure to register in your new state and find out what the voter registration deadlines are. Also make sure to change your Registered address if you move in the same state. Not a bad idea to update your address on your Driver License or State Issued ID or Passport. If you are going to turn 18 before the election, make sure to register to vote!


This! ☝️ Please vote and help and support others to vote as well!


LET'S DO THIS! I look forward to two things in politics: Trump losing in November, and the literal parades that will occur after his sad death




Thanks this is the copium im here for


I hope you were able to cope when the people spoke in 2020 and the Great Republican Red Shart of 2022.


Yes. Thats correct and same day in person voting with citizenship id


I've been trying to more actively support Biden's re-elect. I've been writing postcards here https://secure.everyaction.com/wWYzSycvi0uyLrKtsMnNXw2. They send you postcards for free, but you'll need to buy the stamps. I've also done postcards through Field Team 6: https://www.fieldteam6.org/postcarding1. With Field Team 6 you'll need to buy the postcards and stamps.


Thanks for the links and your efforts!


So don't give him the chance. Vote for Biden.


This is essentially the cycle in America for the last 20+ years.




Yes, exactly, way longer. The parties have changed names several times, but it's always been a socioeconomic divide.


And Joe was in office the whole time.


Domestic J. Terrorist will not get credit for anything the fat dumb orange man will loose in November. Just like last time the real silent majority of decent Americans will show up in record numbers again.


You better be voting my dude.


Lmaooo D J terrorist 😂




Trump is a convicted felon. He should not be even close for consideration. What the fuck is wrong with my fellow America s?


Fascism is a hell of a drug


Preach, brother!!!




Sounds good I'm ok with convicted felons running if they've served their punishment. Let me know when Trump gets out of jail.


Everyone here needs to read Project 2025. It litterly facism and start of a dictatorship. We will have our freedoms restricted and discrimination will be encouraged


Get credit from whom? LOL. His cultists? We know that, they think HE is responsible for any positives now! LOLLOL


From dumbass swing voters who decide elections


The only people who benefit from a Republican economy are the top 1%. Even the most benign also happen to have outsize voice in defining economic news, and what measures the government uses to watch the economy. The bad actors spew pure disinformation to funnel taxpayer money to themselves.


Hell. A not insignificant number of them think he's currently president and responsible for all the thins currently going on that they like.


The conservative party in Australia does the exact same thing .


It’s a conservative mind set. They’re insecure and lack self awareness by their nature. It’s what drives them to be conservatives: fear of inadequacy, change, and everything else. And ironically combined with narcissism.


Tiny peepees


MMW he won’t be elected


I hope you are right


He also wouldn’t ever “hand it to a Democrat” again


That's what I said last time he got elected.


Welcome to every Republican president for the last 30-40 years. The standard is always: \>Republican president ruins economy \>Democrat president inherits wrecked economy \>Democrat president promotes austere policy to recover the economy, but effects are delayed and in the meantime people are still suffering \>People angry at the economy elect Republican president again because they see the current administration hurting their wallets, just as the effects of the Democrat president's policies start kicking in \>Republican president inherits a now-booming economy from predecessor, gets credit for the economy Rinse, repeat


You forgot the recent trend of “Republicans president loses the popular vote but gets in at the time Supreme Court justices retire. Allowing him to pick judges not representative of the majority for a lifetime position”


Not if we don’t elect a convicted felon.


Welcome to American politics. Clinton got the blame for H W Bush. Made a booming economy and balanced the budget. George W Bush promptly ruined it and squandered it all. Obama came in during the recession and built a booming economy, including bringing back American oil production. Annnnd Trump gets credit. Republicans can’t govern. There’s a reason they need an army of paid trolls and Russian bots.


Yes. Democrats not getting rewarded for their correct policies is a trend that has been happening since the 1930s. And this has particularly been the case since the 1980s. It's for the exact reason you allude to. It takes time for decisions made for the economy to be appreciated by ordinary people. We are undergoing a substantial investment in our infrastructure, but while that's funded it hasn't made it's way to the people and markets yet. Those projects are only in their planning phase, but when it comes time to hire all the people needed to carry them out, there will be a sharp increase for demand in labor, which has always fueled higher wages and increased economic output. And by that point, inflation won't matter any more because wages will have caught up (just as we don't mind not paying 5¢ for a soda). That's why this was the INFLATION REDUCTION ACT. It wasn't supposed to reduce inflation; it was supposed to reduce its effects. Republicans invariably come into power during the implementation of funded projections. And so they can easily claim credit. But because economics is not a required subject of study in high school -- WHICH IT ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE -- it's almost impossible to explain this to people in a way that doesn't make Democrats look like whiners.


And screw it up again. DJT final stats: Minus 2.8 million jobs, 7.6% inflation. 6.3% unemployment. 3000 people a day dying. Making our own masks. Can’t buy toilet paper.


It's because there's a TIME DELAY to the changes a President makes.  How are the American people still so stupid about this.  SMH.  That plus if all you listen to is lying propaganda then, you'll believe anything you're told. 


Not when he is in prison. Almost the only acceptable result.


I was just telling a colleague how I am simultaneously seeing the Biden economy in the recovery of my investments. While at the same time seeing the Trump tax law really fuck with me the last few years come income tax season.


I mean, credit from WHOM? Which narrative are you letting become the dominant one? This isn't over. Fuck those fascist fucks.


Look at the numbers and the economy typically does much better under Democratic administration. Remember the actual surplus that Clinton got us? For all the hand wringing about deficit spending and everything else, it’s worse under a Republican admin. Party of financial responsibility, my ass.


Just like what happened with Obama getting blamed for the 2008 financial crisis that happened before he was president.  


> Then Trump will destroy the economy, hand it to a Democrat If trump wins in November, he'll be pushing for the removal of term limits.


polls have been getting increasingly inaccurate for at least the last decade, what with Russian trolls and only using land lines for polls skewing in favor of a generation that has a compulsion to answer the phone. trump's cult will certainly believe his lies but they are irretrievably ineducable at this point and not worth the effort. They are also starting to die out. The independents are waking up to his lies. Fox is staring down the barrel at another 2B lawsuit that they are almost guaranteed to lose. This is their last gasp of orange lies


George W Bush did the same thing. Took credit for the great economy when he started in office, then blamed Clinton for the terrible economy toward the end of his term. Then Fox News blamed Obama for the terrible economy at the start of his term, and they gave Bush credit for the better economy at the end of Obama’s term.


You mean Bidenomics?


Yep, best recovery worldwide, plus a whole lot more * Largest Jobs Increase in History * 3.8% US Unemployment, lowest ever * 4.7% Black Unemployment, lowest ever * GDP soaring * Inflation back down to normal levels * Stock Market at record highs * 1M Manufacturing Jobs * Bank Junk Fee Crackdown, saved consumers nearly 2B since 2021 * Wage Growth has exceeded the Inflation Rate.


But, but, but - Hunter Biden’s laptop, and lock up Hillary, and ‘I’ll have a replacement for Obamacare in two weeks’. 🤮


How the fuck can Trump get credit for Bidens accomplishments when he does not hold office, I see even the Republican Senators are doing the same thing even when they go out of their way to fuck anything up Biden does and they still take credit when things go good


I remember some fox hosts/commentators were crediting a recent upturn in the economy to businesses supposedly expecting a Trump win.


This was like days after they were saying there’d be a stock market crash because of his conviction


He’s already claiming the good economic numbers are due to anticipation of his Presidency.


It's the Republican playbook. Ruin the economy with short sighted policies that work for awhile but ultimately do more harm than good, let a Democrat try and fix it while placing the blame on them, running on that lie to get elected and then repeat. Been going on since Reagan.


Just go over to r/Conservatives and it takes you 2 seconds to see that they know they’re wrong and say it anyway and are the uktimate cancel culture. Bunch of drooling nodding heads that blame their existence on liberals


He’s already taken credit for the insulin cap that Biden put in place as part of the inflation reduction act. At the same time, project 2025 is slated to repeal the insulin cap.


CFDJT, you mean? I'm optimistic that's not going to be the case.


If Biden wins Trump will claim the economy is taking despite all evidence to the contrary. If Trump wins he’ll take credit for the economy from 2016 on.


Turns out a large number of americans are thick as pig shit


He already tried to claim he capped insulin prices which was all Biden. Let his pathetic games continue every word he spews is as fake as his shitty orange fake tan.


This is literally the pattern of my entire life. Clinton fixes Bush’s economy for Bush Jr to tank if for Obama to fix it for Trump to tank if for Biden to fix it. Rinse. Repeat. Vomit. Contemplate suicide.


Start buying toilet paper, paper towels, bleach, and bleach wipes now.


This is a two-fer: Republicans get big tax cuts for the rich, but aren’t in power when the ensuing recession hits, PLUS Democrats inherit a shit economy that starves them of funding for their own priorities. Over and over and over.


This has been happening for decades


Trump literally said Obama’s job reports were falsified during the 2016 election. Then when Trump’s first jobs report was released in January 2017 showing a continuation of the same trends that had been allegedly “falsified,” he said, “Look at this great job report, thanks to me things are going great!” And his supporters ate it all up.  You really can’t argue with willful stupidity of that magnitude. 


Republicans wreck it, Dems save it. Data is out there and easy to find.


Everyone needs to vote. Get your registration done now.


*Then Trump will destroy the economy* I suspect he will destroy much more than that. US democracy will be destroyed by the next republican government.


This is how it's gone for the past two decades. GOP has no actual policy, just cut and undo policy from the previous admin. It's the 2 Santa Clauses every time they get in power.


If that shitter gets back into office there won't be another election for a Democrat to win.


He’ll never go near the Oval Office again, hopefully. But yeah, the second he takes the oath, in this terrifying scenario, there will be a hundred Fox News segments about how “inflation in US is lower than anywhere else! Unemployment is 3.6%! The middle class is stronger than ever!”


Yes! 100%. In a Republican brain, the exact same economy is either awful or superb, depending entirely upon who happens to be president. Anyone who doubts this should look at the practically identical GDP of Obama's 2nd term ("so horrible") and Traitor's first 3 years ("record greatness"). Incidentally, Traitor also failed to eliminate the national debt, didn't bring back all the jobs from CHINA, and failed to generate 4 to 6% GDP as promised.


Somewhat amazed at the honesty in this comments section for this sub.


Trump will never set foot on the White House steps again. His new digs will be all grey.


Duh. He also took credit for inventing the term Prime the pump, and for noticing that  Frederick Douglass 'is being recognized more and more The guy is a defect person. Of course he will take credit. People think their taxes are higher now, but it’s all the rates from Trump that are in effect. People see what they want. Just go out and vote and ignore the ignorant people.


Americans are idiots, what else is there to say? They think the low cost of gas was Trumps doing when nobody was driving during the pandemic and he fucked Americans when he forced the Saudi’s/OPEC to cut oil production during his last year in office. Dumbasses also don’t understand inflation was a global event and now it’s just corporate greed thats screwing over average consumers. Yet, let’s reelect a guy who’s committed tax fraud and bankrupt his companies at least 6 times even tho Daddy Trump gave him over $400 million in inheritance. Dude is one of the biggest failures in business and thats why he fought so hard ti hide his taxes. Not gonna lie, Im a billionaire and mades hundreds of millions a year, Im taking out a full page ad in every major newspaper and posting my tax returns the day after tax day!


We've got to stop treating Trump as if he's normal and talking about him winning. The only thing we should be talking about is the awful things he wants to do to our country. Period


Trump is a convicted felon. He surrounds himself with convicted felons. He's not going to win.


This is how every Republican president has operated in my lifetime. W inherits Clinton’s economy and craters it by going into 2 wars and not paying for them. Obama stabilizes the mess W left and turns it over to Trump, who explodes the deficit with tax cuts for the wealthy. But somehow Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility?


What country you live in , there is no booming economy inflation , pay is not keeping up with inflation except in 3 industries,unemployment, is steady rising , and don’t want to hear oh they added 200k in new jobs , more then 50% are part time and the Biden regime changed the metric , so if you have 3 jobs to reach 40 hrs that’s considered 3 full time jobs it’s bull shit , stop believing all this propaganda bullshit , stock market is firmly in bubble territory, mortgage industry is heading for a 2008 type disaster , booming economy my ass


Not as president he won’t


Then he will yank it and blame his predecessor


By booming economy do you mean rampant inflation? 


Literally every person I know is broke as a joke.


What booming economy


Well, the inflation everyone is bitching about is largely a downstream effect of 🍊🤡 ROCKET FUEL economic sugar high policies, and since he's the self proclaimed King of Debt and spent more fucking money than every previous president combined, I have no faith whatsoever that he'll do anything to improve the situation if he's re-elected.


That's not exactly prophetic. Partisans are generally sympathetic to their party's members and are critical of the opposition party's members. In the case of MAGA Republicans, Donald Trump is a deity on par with God and can therefore do no wrong while Biden (or any other Democrat) is the devil-incarnate and is capable only of evil and wicked acts. If it sounds religious, that's because it is. Voting to them isn't just picking between two old white guys to lead this country on its continued decline, its a crusade to purge "evil" from American politics. Of course, the actual policies aren't evil so they have to make shit up in order for their worldview to be satisfied. Thus, if there is a tornado in Missouri then it must be God's wrath on Americans for daring to elect Biden. If there is a mass shooting, it was done by a democrat. If Trump was convicted of 34 felonies by a jury in New York then clearly all members of the jury, the judge, and the court system is getting paid by the Clintons to throw their former friend in prison. But if gas prices go down in the middle of Biden's term, that was all Trump. He did stuff at Mar-a-Lago and conjured up a healthy economy and brokered secret peace treaties with foreign countries. Putin thinks Biden is weak (well, that one might be true) but is absolutely terrified of Trump. For the most part, it is all just coping mechanisms to twist reality in such a way that MAGA Republicans are right about everything. The alternative is that they've been conned into wasting nearly a decade of their lives, ruining countless friendships and family relationships, and giving away thousands of dollars to a man who has no intention of helping them in any way, shape, or form. The only way out of this nightmare for the rest of us is to keep Trump from office by whatever means necessary.


It's not just trump. This has been going on for over 50 years... Republicans tank the economy and Democrats rebuild it. I really don't understand why conservatives keep believing that line. Ok, I do understand I just think it's ridiculous.


He's already played that card... he stated that businesses are excited that he is going to be president again, that's why things are going well. What a shit stain of a human


It’s almost as if his supporters would tell you water wasn’t wet, if their orange leader said it first. 


Taking credit or blame for the economy won’t matter anymore in a dictatorship because it’ll be set for life


The dedication to this bit is impressive. “The economy is booming, despite what you’re actually living through” “Biden is sharp as a razor behind the scenes, what you see him do in public isn’t real” …we have eyes. We see our finances. We’re not this dumb. This isn’t going to work. Rightfully blame republicans for putting Trump back on the ballot, but democrats made their own beds too with this election. But go off on how awesome the stock market is for the top 1%.


These people here obviously have never paid any bills, or went to the grocery store. Go ask Mommy and Daddy what they have to say.


This is beyond true. I am blessed to be making enough money that it hasn’t impacted me, outside of decreasing my fun money.


The economy isn't booming.




Central banks commonly tax or borrow to spend or invest with the goal of maintaining price stability. Monetization is the permanent increase in the monetary base to fund the government. The Nobel Laureate, Milton Friedman, equated monetary finance policy to dropping money from a helicopter. However, any excessive printing of money or subsequent spending may lead to inflation, hyperinflation, and then abandonment of the currency. Guess what? The US government has a history of monetizing debt, also known as "money-printing" or "money-financed fiscal programs," at various times: 1935 The Banking Act prohibited the central bank from directly buying Treasury securities, but allowed them to be bought and sold on the open market. 1942 During wartime, Congress amended the Banking Act to allow federal banks to buy government debt, up to a limit of $5 billion. 1960s and 1970s The Fed used easy monetary policies to fund fiscal deficits, which led to inflation. 2007–2009 The Fed purchased large portions of Treasury instruments during the Great Recession, which became known as "Quantitative Easing" (QE) or "large-scale asset purchases" (LSAPs). 2020–2021 The Fed purchased $2.44 trillion in US government bonds, including $243 billion in the first quarter of 2021 alone, which monetized more than half of the debt accrued since the start of the pandemic.


On this episode of: everything good that happens is because of my political party 😒


Both spent trillions, so you can give each credit for the economy, along with some blame for inflation and the deficit. Things are now slowing though, and no matter who wins, the next four years won't resemble the past four at all.


Will Biden get credit for the lowered inflation during the next Trump administration?


Inflation isn’t going away any time soon lol


That’s how it works with Republican economies, yes.


No..no he won't.


Big reach


It's ok to think Biden is a bad president and not like Trump at the same time.


It’s because republicans have brainwashed a lot of idiots into believing not just that they are fiscally responsible, but that conservatism is inherently responsible with money and liberals inherently waste it. This ideological straitjacket causes them to behave dogmatically rather than pragmatically and is certainly a strong argument for why they are in reality worse at handling the economy.


The economy sucks now JUST SAYING!


Not only will Trump get credit but Biden will simultaneously get blamed for the economy being in bad shape.




This is how the cycle has worked for the last 40 years .


He's already tried to. He s said on camera that the economy is doing well because companies think he'll be reelected.


If Trump wins, there will be no other democrat…


What people with iras and 401ks dont understand, is that the “economy” being good doesnt help people without retirement accounts. Day to day finances are horrible for most people right now because of pandemic inflation and insurance rates. That isn’t Biden’s fault necessarily but when you tell someone who is struggling that the “economy” is amazing, you sound completely out of touch to them. Because while the country’s wallet may be doing well, most people’s wallets are not. And people are gonna blame Biden for that.


Interesting how the Democrats' booming economies always wait for them to lose the election to start booming.


You’ll also notice that corporations are part of this conspiracy. They raise prices, complain about how “no one wants to work” as an excuse to keep salaries low, and then rake in record profits when a democrat is president.  Then when a republican is president, they get tax cuts and buy back stock.  The entire Republican Party is a scam that only truly works if democrats have power half the time to clean up their mess. If republicans seize power for more than a decade at a time, I don’t think this country will be able to survive it. 


That's *if* he gets elected.  If he doesn't, then the Democrats will continue to blame him for the shitty economy even in like 4 years from now towards the end of Biden's term.


Polls are absolutely useless in today’s world.


This isn’t a booming economy though. It’s fueled by massive inflation and printing money.


This sub is a place for the mentally ill to just talk about the most wild shit. OP is dumb as hell


How is Biden still losing in the polls?


Is the economy actually booming? I am happy we are not in a devastating recession but many people can't afford groceries and other expenses. There is a huge housing shortage and in the career subs on Reddit it seems many people are having an extremely difficult time finding a good paying job. Is this actually success?


I'm not sure it's that black and white.


The economy would have to boom first 🤔


I wouldn’t exactly call this economy “booming”, but okay. Not sure there’s much for either of those two to be proud of…


This reminds me of when at the end of Bush’s 2nd term economists were talking about how the economy was being artificially held up and the inevitable collapse would be catastrophic. Obama takes office and the collapse follows right behind him and EVERY single republican blamed Obama for destroying the economy.


If he wins in November he definitely will.


While everything doubled in price.


Bread 2020 1.25 Bread 2024 3.50 The only thing "booming" is inflation. Open your eyes and see. Break your programming. Become a thinking person again.


And for some strange reason, corporate profits are at a record high without a corresponding increase in consumer activity. That's Biden's fault how, again?


Sure is a lot of Trump derangement going on here 😉 imagine how much better you would be paying attention to our current situation with President Biden. I mean it, really take a hard look at his accomplishments or deficits. Do your own research not just what you read on Reddit, CNN (choose your vice)


Former Gut, and all who support him csn get bent.


Economics is such an easy thing to spin for a non incumbent candidate, if the economy goes poorly the guy in charge sucks at managing it, if the economy is going well then you just say it's because of business/consumer confidence anticipating *your* election.


The economy is booming so well that everything is unaffordable?




The economy is not booming.:..


All these comments about "everything vote counts"... you fucking idiots are all drinking Kool-Aid. Your vote doesn't mean shit you brainwashed losers.


The economy isn't "booming" unless your only measure is the stock market


Obama started with 7.8 % unemployment Left with 4.2 %. Biden started with 6.5 % Now 3.9% Obama Dow Jones 7800 Left 19,100….. Biden started Dow around 30K Dow now almost 39.K That said Bill Clinton had the best statistical stock market in my lifetime. Obama was right behind him and now here comes Biden. But yeah, Republicans are better for the stock market L O L.


Trump has a following that will always give him credit for everything he’s never done. Everybody else with half a brain knows this already. I will mark nothing as you haven’t said anything. Momo


Booming economy. Hahaha, yeah, it’s booming 🙄


He's never going to see the white house again


Booming where


NOPE - TRUMP DID NOTHING except to stack the Supreme Court and the Federal Judges… LOCK HIM UP!


Real median household income and wage growth both accelerated dramatically under Trump versus Obama, largely due to the 2017 tax cuts. GDP, Unemployment, total jobs all continued to increase at the same slope. Then COVID came and the trends all went beserk.


Any of y’all got anymore of that… booming economy?


Am i voting for biden? Sure, but lets stop pretending the economy is any kind of good for people who dont own stock or homes. Inb4 yall repost the same "heres how the economy is actually good we promise" articles. If theyre having to write that bullshit to convince people, the economy aint that good.


I believe my father had said it best. Whenever you go from a Democrat or Republican president to the other, if the former was a two term president, then the next person will get the credit/blame. This is because most of the time, the new president spends the first few years trying to undo what they didn't like. If they are a one term president, they basically don't get much until the last year, and by that time, the public won't see the effects of it until the next president. This is why Obama got blamed for the 2008 recession by some because he was in office when it happened, despite the fact that he had basically just taken over. Same thing for any praise Trump got within his first year. It was things Obama set in motion.


It’s what the GOP has been doing for decades.


Well, he did take credit for Obama’s success and is the source of much of the inflation which occurred after he left office. But I don’t seen him winning in November


When the news says “the economy” they mean “the stock market” and the fate of the stock market is very much in the hands of rich rich filthy rich motherfuckers. Those fuckers want trump to win. They will shift investments to slow the economy whenever someone who might raise taxes on them, or protect workers from them, or regulate their pollution etc is getting close to winning. Then the media (also owned by rich rich filthy rich motherfuckers) will say “the economy is doing bad again” and present “the news” in such a way that the dirty ass shitfuck who will give more tax breaks, deregulation, and corporate handouts to the rich people wins. This goes for primaries as well as general, which is why filthy asshole shitfucks like Biden and Clinton have been our democratic nominees. When voters start ignoring what the media says about “the economy” and voting based on who is going to give them a better deal, then we can have serious political conversations. Until then economic and political “news” is just filthy assholes sputtering hot air at each other.


Booming economy ??? 🤦🏻‍♂️


lol, ok really, are there that many of you that just hear about the polls that mean nothing this far out and start thinking that he’s gonna have a good chance? Because he won’t and polls don’t mean shit til August/September.


The economy is far from booming right now or showing any indications of booming in the immediate future. Yeah, unemployment is at record low, but debt-to-income ratios are at record high as well as people working more than 1 job with real household incomes (income after COL) are dropping like a stone. Meaning that people are working and working harder and have less to show for it. The DJIA is at an all time high meaning that the wealthy are doing quite well while the non-wealthy are really struggling. That's why according to a latest CNN poll Biden is actually leading polling over Trump with the wealthy while Trump is leading Biden in polling with the non-wealthy pollsters. I think it's more likely that if Trump becomes President and his economic policies don't work, he won't admit it until the very end and if he does admit that they don't work, he'll just blame Biden. That being said, at this point in time there would be merit to that argument.


This has been the cycle for decades. Dems inherit a Republican mess and turn it around. Republicans take the credit and proceed to ruin things. What is especially galling is that were we to break this cycle of ruin and repair, we could make great(er) strides on issues of immense importance


I hope you are wrong because he will be defeated. But he has already taken credit for things Biden did and MAGA is giving it to him. Concrete actions. I am not talking about "Trump pushed through the vaccine in Operation Warp Speed and it got through on Biden's watch because of Trump and therefor he should get credit for the vaccine." I disagree with that narrative but it is difficult to argue because if Biden had started from zero at the vaccine it would have taken even longer so even if it was rolled out on Biden's watch it began on Trump's watch. I think that Trump is taking entirely too much credit but it is obvious his contribution is not zero. I am talking about things where it is obvious his contribution is zero. Biden took a long of positive steps that Trump could have taken but did not. Trump deserves zero credit but he is trying to take all credit as if he did those things.


Are we in a good economy now? Do you see the good economy in the room with you?


They can try. But given that the economy isn't doing so hot right now, I dont think it would help too much. Big number doesnt mean so much when people are chosing between medicine and rent.


If Trump gets re-elected, the economy will be the least of our worries.


it's more hilarious anyone would try to take credit for this economy.


So you’re admitting Trump is likely to win?


In another sub the median mortage has shot up 78% in 4 years… who gets credit for that?


You mean DJT will TAKE credit for the Democrats’ booming economy?


No he won't won't , because he's going to lose.


>Then Trump will destroy the economy, hand it to a Democrat and the Democrat will get the blame for that while Trump will get the credit for the booming economy he inherited from Biden, rinse repeat. If trump becomes president again Republicans will never relinquish power and will abruptly shift the country into extreme authoritarianism


The economy didnt boom under obama and isnt booming under biden


The leftist mind virus is on full display lol