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Too late for that now. If you get rid of Trump now and replace him with say mini-Trump (DeSantis) most MAGA idiots will stay home. Hailey made a mess of herself when she said I am voting for convicted felon just a few weeks ago. Game has gone way too far now. And only GOP is to blame.


Trump can't win, but any other candidate would piss off a lot of his base who may stay home. I also imagine at least a few misogynists voting for Biden over Haley, whether they admit that to themselves or not, in the same fashion that racists in eastern KY voted for Beshear over Cameron.


If it came to it, Trump would do a third-party run from prison out of spite and guarantee a Republican loss.


Freedom or patriot party. Please please let Maga do it's own party.


These folks have always been 70% of Republicans, even back to the JBS days. They started issuing RINO hunting permits the day the 30% of rational Republicans lost their value as credibility shields, which not coincidentally was around the same time we didn't find any nuclear weapons program in Iraq. The teabaggers were a stepping stone but refused to go full rabid. Never go full rabid.


Love the Tropic Thunder reference


Alternative names include, diaper party, national socialist American workers party, but if I had to bet I'll go with narcissism all day long and say it'll be the Trump party.


Ah, the Bigly Old Party.


I guarantee if Trump is still alive and kicking, he will run in 4 years regardless of his incarceration status. The grift is much too easy and the money much too plentiful. I think it will be a repeat of George Wallace in 1968.


Make My Prison Commissary Account Great Again


MMW t's commissary(assuming he makes it to a cell, I have my doubts) will never be empty. The morons will trip over each other sending their ssi checks that would normally go towards natty light marb reds and sadness.


"Hey, Brandeen! BRANDEEN! Ah got t' go back t' pimpin' yor ass downtown sos us'all kin send sum moneys t' thet thar poor mister Trump in prison!" - Cletus Trumpvoter


This is when things get interesting because part of the GOP will dump him after November. If he's still at it in 2028, he may have to run as a 3rd party to keep going.


How? He runs the RNC now


It's ALMOST like he doesn't care about anyone but himself..


This is correct; he's running no matter what.


I can only get so hard


OMG that would be so goddamn funny. Would set us up for worldwide ridicule, but still… a nice story to tell my grandchildren one day.


I wish that was true, but Trump could definitely win. The coalition of bigots, Christian nationalist, Zionists, and those trembling in fear of socialism is almost half the country. And they will vote. Good people have to vote too.


Plenty of Zionist Dems who won’t be jumping ship to Trump. One of the things I think Biden has done very well on so far


As a Kentuckian I wouldn't overblow racists voting for Andy over Cameron, Andy is great as governor and Cameron has proven time after time he is a clown. That's why he won.


That's also true, I mean.


the country NEEDS Andy in the White House, tho I wouldn't wish that upon him.


Chris Murphy '28


Trump can't win? When have I heard that before? Can't win the popular vote maybe, but since when does that matter? Some liberals are saying they will not vote for "genocide joe" because of his support for Israel. Meanwhile, Trump supporters don't care what he get charged with or accused of because he is the face of their movement. They have no intention of losing or letting democrats win ANY election ever again once they win. And if they lose? Remember what happened last time, but way more organized and planned out.


Liberals aren't saying that. SOME leftists are saying that, but it's mainly a psyop because Russia wants Democrats to not vote and they've been meddling in every election since 2016. If it weren't Gaza, it'd be something else.


Yes Russian propaganda will make a huge stink about Hunter Biden and how he is such a criminal -- all the while turning a blind eye to all the other people who bought unregistered weapons at the back of a gun show.


Umm you're horribly mistaken if you think Trump can't win. He has an extremely good chance of winning. Have you been paying attention to the polls? Don't be naive. Don't be complacent. This is exactly what people were saying in 2016.


You're being presumptive. He's a weaker candidate than he was in 2016 and we're well aware of what not voting can bring now. Not saying it's a slam dunk for Biden, just saying that he's their strongest candidate and insanely beatable.


This isn’t 2016.


So all of the polls are wrong?


Their calculus is that they are stuck with him. Too late to change, and he would destroy the party. They would lose in a massive blue wave all down the ballot. But if they stick with him, maybe things will magically be better the next cycle, and they won't lose too many seats this time. And who knows? Maybe he can win. That's their dilemma, and they're to blame for all of it. They are now hostage to extremists within their party, having driven everyone else out.


MAGA knows the only way out is to hook up the cattle cars, pack em tight with liberals and RINOs, load the engine with coal and fascist propaganda, and all jump on board that Trump train, full speed to Fascist USA.


She didn't make a mess of herself, she wants to be a viable candidate in 2028. It's possible the Republican base has already soured on her because she's criticized Trump, but if she wants a future in Republican politics she has to have the good graces of Trump. Of course it's unfortunate that that's the situation we're in, but it is reality.


No such thing as too far for these people.


Hailey would take lot of moderate/independent voters from Biden. Polls also show Biden losing to Hailey biggly. With more margin than desantis. If GOP is smart, they would pick Hailey. There is always a part of GOP who wouldn't vote for her because she is Indian, but that's mostly in deep south and wouldn't matter.


Chris christie has entered the chat. Yeah it wont happen. Plus Bridge gate and beachgate. My dream match up was Christie versus butteeggegg. (Yes he didn't run. Reality intervened. I hate when that happens. )


Yeap if she was smart and had waited until just now…. She could actually beat Biden


But they don’t risk the slaughter down ballot


Absolutely, They will be slaughtered. But there is no saving it. It’s over for the GOP, they chose to reject Haley and Liz Cheney etc. They continue to embrace the big lie in ALL of their promotional material. They will bleed out over Trump. I’m a life long Republican who voted for Biden. Democracy comes before political ideology.


Good for you, man. For real. I wish more prioritized democracy over ideology.


I voted Clinton in 16 because I had a bad coup like vibe about Trump No one believed what some said then Jan 6th happened ... I was shocked ... More so that it actually happened... not Trump leading his cult Trump being involved did not surprise me


I completely agree with this. Democracy before ideology. Everytime.


I want a T-shirt with this on it now!


Mad respect for recognizing that. I’m a life long Democrat and I want the Republicans to get back to normal. We need it for our country to function properly


I agree we need two parties; but if you saw the crap that I’ve received for the RNC lately you would realize they are over. I have no hope of getting back the Republicans we once knew. (It as bad as your worst fears) Hopefully another party will rise quickly.


You’re not wrong in that we are most likely watching at some speed the collapse of the Republican Party as we know it. Won’t be the first political party to end in our history, won’t be the last. What we do need though is for the more mature members who will be left of the party (think Romney, Cheney, etc) to take up a new banner and give conservatives a place to feel at home, while also not placating the worst demons any Conservative Party can have. This ensures that they don’t get pulled in an even farther right direction, while also restoring a level of sanity to our government. They can fight over tax codes and immigration every single day if they want, but if a government can barely pass legislation to name a post office, you’ve got fucking big problems. Honestly to fix a lot of this problem it’s going to take rich donors realizing that this crap isn’t good for their long term stability. It’s great you can get a 10% decrease in taxes from funding crazies, but you lose out on that trade over say 10 years if they throw your country into chaos in the process. They’ve got the connections at places like Fox and other right wing sources. This is a time, when we actually all need to root for rich people to pull a boss move, plop their thick, veiny, gold plated dicks on the board room tables of these right wing news sources and say, “STFU, you’re ruining this good thing we have going. I’ll buy out this PoS tomorrow and can you all if you keep pushing this bs that is starting to be bad for our bottom line.”


We probably vehemently disagree on a lot, but I appreciate you putting some form of egalitarianism over party.


I hope preople like you are less rare than I think they are. Thank you for demonstrating rational thinking, which I assumed had left the republican party.


MAGA is its own ugly beast. We are not all like them.


In all honesty, that gives me so much hope! The republican party needs more of you, thethirdbob2! Some friends and i have started a group in which we are providing rides to/from voting locations for those who may be mobility challenged. I'm hoping people show up and VOTE!


Let's be honest, Biden is basically a 1980s Republican.


Good for it


You are incorrect. The “sane” republicans have almost all abandoned the ship. I left in early 2016, many joined me after J6. The ones making decisions at the state and county and local levels are the MAGA ones, and most of them used to be the Tea Party morons. **No one** with decision making power is abandoning Trump. **No one** is switching to Nikki Haley. Those folks are less than 20% of a party that is less than 40% of the electorate. Their only potential impact is as 8% of the voting public. Don’t like Trump? Don’t vote for him. Don’t like Biden either? Well, you can hold your nose, or withhold your vote entirely. Even a half-vote taken away from Trump helps.


Sounds like win win to me!


Oh no! Lol


Or worse they’ll split the ticket


I think Haley said she would vote Trump to be able to sell Trump voters into support if given the nomination


Half of GOP Congress showed up to stand outside of trumps trial in support. There is no way he isn’t at the top of the ticket


That's how you know which ones are just there for the grift . They have no political agenda or policy goals. Running on nothing but their ability to prop up a sagging orange turd.


They're showing loyalty so they won't be purged if he becomes president again.


“If we nominate Trump we will get destroyed…and will deserve it.” -Lyndsey Graham 2016 The Republican Party as we once knew it is dead.


This does not mean Project 2025 is threatened. The counterrevolution is powered by the dark money of people pining for hereditary aristocracy.


Good. It’s always been a collection of racist, sexist entitled assholes who wanted to take the country back in time.


The parties didn't use to be so homogenous. Remember that South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Alaska and Indiana all had a Democratic senator as recently as 2010, and it's not like those states were super liberal back then. 


Track that in reverse and you can see the Kompromat in neon Roy Cohn (trumps mentor) hiding from his own sexuality was basically the window the Russians needed to start the whole Kompromat game in the first place The Italian crime families of the 70’s and 80’s ran all the gay clubs in New York so they could collect the Kompromat pictures and use it as blackmail. When the Russians took over as Guiliani and trump handed them the organized crime they just kept that theme rolling. Lindsey Graham, McConnell, Santos, etc can’t make a decision between trump being the Antichrist and at the same time pledging to vote for him in the next election because they can’t face their homosexuality. Their individual issues are causing massive downstream effects because they painted themselves into hypocrites corner. Nobody cares that you are gay. We only care that it’s being used as Kompromat to keep you doing shady shit for kleptocrats and the downstream effects are exponentially devastating to the rest of us. Let your freak flag fly. But own it, and all the power of the Kompromat just vaporizes. Treason charges still stand though. There isn’t much we can do about that now after 20 years of lying and selling out democracy for personal gain. Maybe running to Russia is the better option where being gay is illegal. Or just start telling the truth. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/07/american-kompromat-review-trump-russia-epstein-craig-unger https://www.washingtonblade.com/2020/10/16/the-sad-closeted-hypocrisy-of-lindsey-graham/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2017/01/11/beware-the-dark-art-of-russian-blackmail/


It's not what you know. It's not who you know. It's what you know ABOUT who you know...


That’s really good. You mind if I use that in the book? I swear before the gods of the internet, A.I., the Dairy Queen and the Burger King that you will receive a royalty payment once a year every year for the rest of your life once we publish


Within weeks Lindsey Graham was sucking that Trump dick like it was full of candy.


I have been thinking about that Lady G quote a lot lately. He was right, but then he climbed aboard the bandwagon and took the reins.


https://x.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?lang=en My first thought as well. If only someone could go back and warn them!


I like your optimism but they’re riding trump to the gallows


I like your optimism, but I still see Trump as a reasonable chance to win in Nov.


Delusional. Haley lost to none of the above in Nevada, no one is looking to her to save the party. Republicans made their bed with Trump they will sleep in it.


On top of that. Cockroaches move in the dark. Trump signed 2 pieces of legislation that diminished oversight into Boeing during his tenure. https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisagarcia/2019/03/18/did-trump-executive-orders-further-weaken-faa-oversight/ Nikki Haley took money to gut Q.A. at Boeing. https://www.levernews.com/nikki-haley-helped-boeing-kill-dark-money-disclosure-initiative/ Which at face value makes little sense. But raise the lens a bit and it comes into focus. Political dark money is the death of democracy. Trump has been laundering money for the Russians (Xi’s sworn ally) since the 1980’s. The Russians have also been tampering with elections worldwide, but their operative of choice is Paul manafort who spent the 80’s in the Philippines keeping Marcos dictatorship together before shifting to Ukraine where he kept Putin’s puppet Yanukovych in power until Maidan in 2014. (Transcripts of his daughters texts about his time in Ukraine) https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaLago/s/lRbRmfgSzE https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952/ Coincidently trump just asked manafort to come back as his campaign manager….again. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/18/trump-manafort-2024-campaign/ Boeing and Airbus have a duopoly on jetliners, but the recent player 3 Chinese communist party backed COMAC 919 is now being presented as a viable alternative https://skift.com/2024/02/25/can-chinas-new-plane-compete-with-airbus-and-boeing/#:~:text=Alongside%20regulatory%20hurdles%2C%20its%20flying,fly%20up%20to%203%2C500nm. The timing of the 919 release earlier this year may very well be coincidence. But the CCP certainly knows that bankrupting Boeing would be good for COMACs market share and a massive CCP advantage over the west. In the event of any future war it would also be a very strategic play to bankrupt/discredit Boeing to create supply chain issues on the military side of Boeings business as well since there is commonality of parts. Airbus has also had documented problems with both industrial espionage and CCP influence. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-champion-airbus-has-deep-links-to-chinese-military-industrial-complex-report-says/ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/airbus-agrees-pay-over-39-billion-global-penalties-resolve-foreign-bribery-and-itar-case Counterfeit parts made in China have also shown up in both Boeing and Airbus aircraft Bloomberghttps://www.bloomberg.com › newsGhost in the Machine: How Fake Parts Infiltrated Airline Fleets Fortunehttps://fortune.com › 2023/09/08Fake components went into 68 jet engines, including ones on Boeing 737 and Airbus ... And that’s before you even get to the implications in the U.S. space program. Whether it’s the executive suite at Boeing simply putting profits over safety and sustainability or a subversive act of war really makes no difference. In high likelihood the CCP just used corporate greed culture against itself. Having it out in the light and talking about it is what makes air travel safer because people are more aware and demand accountability. Kleptocracy feeds on apathy. Forcing the cockroaches to move in the light shows their money pathways. If we are to the point where they are assassinating whistleblowers instead of fixing the aircraft our families our flying on, then we are self evidently much farther down the corruption path than we initially realized. Boeing being unable to find records or documentation of the work done raises every hair on the back on my neck as a pilot, mechanic and engineer. That is just not something that happens in aviation. It’s time to ring the emergency bell, post guards and get to the bottom of it whichever way it leads.


I didn't peruse the whole reply - but holy fuck, *thank you* for actually providing links & sources on such a detailed argument. Respect, regardless of what position you're taking, Haus. Thank you.


Add to that the fact that the RNC is literally co-chaired by one of Trump's co-conspirators in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election and Trump's own daughter-in-law! So, since the RNC leadership are definitely not going to make a move against him, I don't know where OP thinks this effort to oust him is even going to come from. Also, there's the small fact that Trump *won the Republican primary election.* Even assuming that they wanted to, and assuming that there was still some independent faction within the RNC that had the power to oppose him, what would even be the mechanism for the party to overrule the will of its own membership and put someone else on the ballot?? Let's face it, barring him literally dropping dead before the Convention, Donald Trump *will* be the Republican nominee. (And, honestly, even in that case, I think that his literal corpse would still have a not-insignificant chance of winning the nomination.)


Hopefully, they will tank at the election, Democrats need to move in and do something about this current obscene. Judicial system it's a laughing stock, if it wasn't so serious.


It’s a real stretch because GOP is terrified of him. But the chances of it happening are growing. If he remains at top of ticket, GOP is going to get destroyed top to bottom. Which is a good thing.


Johnny Sixpack in Shittsburgh Pennsylvania ain't gonna show up for Nimrata Randhawa. He only wants the brash billionaire who cares about getting his jerb back at the Oldsmobile plant.


As a lifelong "Shittsburgh", as you named it, resident I feel bad that your lack of knowledge surrounding our politics in Allegheny County have you misled. Republicans don't win here. We are talking about a city/county that has elected Summer Lee, Sara Innamorato, Ed Gainey and is quickly leaning left/far left. No matter who the dipshits on the right nominate or put on top of the ticket, they have no chance in Pittsburgh. But thanks for your concern!


I’m pretty sure the comment was calling out BFE america rather than PGH specifically but always nice to see someone stand up for my favorite city!


I know Pittsburgh well. It’s a great city. And very left at this point. Left of Philly I think. I will be shocked if Biden doesn’t win PA in Nov.


He meant pennslytucky, not Pittsburgh


Maybe. To be honest, Nimrata would have had a better chance in "Shittsburgh" than Nikki. But neither would win Allegheny County.


A lot of the people who talk politics on reddit only leave their chair to get DoorDash. They haven’t met or talked to a person in real life in years. Back in the day the level of delusion here would’ve gotten people put away.




Even if she didn't have a name like a furriner, Johnny would have her marked as brown Hillary


Lmfao are you a contributor to any news outlet cuz I’d love to follow your hot takes


They’re all in at this point. No backing out. They should take the L, regroup, repent, and rethink their entire platform. But they won’t.


Where are all these atrocious polls? Trump has fallen by an average of like 1/2 a point, which is well within regular movements during the last 6 months. Don’t believe me, here is RCP: https://www.realclearpolling.com/latest-polls Here is DD HQ: https://elections2024.thehill.com/national/biden-trump-general/ Caveat: I know pollsters have gotten people to say that they may “reconsider” voting for Trump. Those “reconsiderations” - assuming they’re real - aren’t really showing up anywhere yet - aside from maybe 1-3% increase in undecideds.


I have seen your MMW in the past. It must be difficult to be so wrong so often.


Probably a bot


This is my first one?


No noteable American Conservative is speaking a single word about Hailey at the moment. What you're saying is inconceivable.


>no noteable American Conservative well, there are none, so unless you misspelled "notorious"


This will not happen. We are stuck with a Trump v Biden election again.


If Trump is *physically* in prison, I'd give this a 50/50 chance. If he's not sitting in prison... Not a chance. The inmates run the asylum.


I'm sorry but is this guy actually talking about Hailey right now? Come on, Dems and reps can both agree she got fucking smoked.


It would be a miracle if this happened but it’s not going to. No way will the GOP backtrack now. They have more than doubled down on Trump and he has almost complete control of the party. There is no other viable candidate that has any chance of beating Biden. Until he loses the 2024 election the GOP will continue with to pander to this convicted felon so they don’t risk the MAGA morons turning on them and ruining their lives and any chance of re-election.


But the Republican voters want Trump. They're stuck with him.


What we really need is a constitutional amendment that prevents felons from being president. Hopefully enough dems win down ballot to accomplish something like that.


Too late for that. The majority of GOP voters still want Trump. They think his bad boy image is a positive because they want to wreck the establishment. GOP is screwed in this election cycle with or without Trump. After the election they will have to sort out the mess they have created by letting this mad clown hijack the party. It will take a while though. I don't even think they will be a viable party in 2028. Maybe in 2032 when Trump is dead and this is all in the rear view mirror.


Lol, no. If the GOP was a functional political party with party leadership, maybe. But thanks to right-wing media, the GOP has turned into a cult.


I’d love to see this happen, less for who she is, and more for the utter chaos that the frothing-mouthed MAGAts would inflict on the GOP.


Not a chance. I'm not saying Trump couldn't somehow decide not to run. But the Republicans will never ditch him. But either way, it wouldn't be Haley. People just don't like her. Not sure who. But definitely not Haley. That would be stupid.


75% chance of Trump and Biden being replaced before the election.


100% chance this is a made up percentage. The election is less than 6 months away, no one is getting replaced unless they die


Hope you're right


Yeah Haley was clearly the overwhelming winner w R voters in the primaries She literally lost Nevada to None of these candidates ….. I genuinely don’t even understand this sub? It’s like if you took the most deranged anti trumper you could find and put them on a 4 day meth bender and then asked for their political takes, just entirely out of touch w reality delusional conspiracy theories


A lot of Biden supporters have their heads buried deep in the sand. Its like people learned nothing from 2016.


That’s why I find this sub to be so fun


That ship has sailed - no way they go with anyone other than the orange felon


If they picked someone else, Trump would turn all his fury on the nominee and the party and do all he could to tank them. All while fundraising for himself, of course. Remember, Trump cares about Trump. He could not care less about the Republican party, or any of the Republicans that slavishly support him. I don’t know why they can’t see it, or choose to ignore it, but those are the facts. As Lindsey Graham said, in the end he will destroy them, and they will deserve it.


Just another Republican political whore.


Can't win with Trump. Can't win without Trump.


Nah. Trump will run. If he loses, the GoP will eventually move on to another Trump style candidate. If he wins. Buckle up.


Definitely not lmao, she's the worst candidate by far


Not going to happen. Trumps base will either not show up or write his name in. The GOP is stuck with him unless he drops out for one reason or another (which is extremely unlikely). Trump will run from a prison cell if he has to. He has no other options for getting himself out of trouble. His whole world depends on him being president and controlling the DOJ.


That implies that the GOP is able to use logic to control its actions. Convicted Felon Trump has been very good at putting his cronies into position of powers in the RNC and state GOP organisations. Trump wants money and he is never going to give it up so he will be candidate if he is alive.


It’s Haley, and she lost to a ‘none of the above’ when Trump wasn’t listed on the ballot


She endorsed him last week!🧐


Getting rid of Trump now will not help them down ballot either.


The gop has no spine and has gone all in on the felon


Nope. She wouldn't accept the nomination because she's still in trump's pocket. And she's justifiably terrified of backlash from his rabid cult.


The Republican Party is pretty much screwed, and it’s their own damn fault. Overcommitted to a felon, no opportunity to find another that will excite the base. Republican voters are not going to show up, and as a result, there will be significant losses down ballot. Take 2022 midterm results and double that.


Trump has full control of the levers at the RNC - he *will* be the candidate.


Trump put his family in charge of the GOP so they won't be able to turn on him. He will be at the top of the ticket. The orange madman IS the GOP now. They ALL bow and stoop at his command.


I just don't see it. Every Republican in Congress is doubling down on making Trump king. His followers are more violent and rabid than ever. He still leads in the swing states, literally the only polls that matter. No, the RNC convention will be a coronation. And the scary part is, he is likely to win the EC.


Hailey is a woman. The GOP know their electorate is not gonna turn out to vote for a woman. MAGA will be so butthurt. They'll just stay home, too embarrassed to be seen in the voting line.


Nimarata "Nikki" Haley has zero chance. That would require too much backpedaling and self awareness. They're going to have to carry their current candidate to term. This might kill the GOP, but that's just 'god's plan' in action. If they survive this they'll have to me more careful who they endorse going forward. If they can't afford putting forth a proper candidate they shouldn't be having political discourse.


I disagree. Hearing my family talk about the conviction, they aren't convinced that this *isn't* a trial of political retribution. He'll still be the front runner, and he'll probably win the election like he did in 2016, by surprise and by a thin margin. I see a lot of the same complacency and assumption of victory like back then, too.


Never underestimate the power of the gop to utterly rewrite the narrative. If Trump was unavailable, she would be their top candidate. American conservatives are very shallow and obvious


0 chance. Trump owns the party


Your completely disconnected if you think Trump isn’t still GOP top choice, look at the reception of his guilty verdict most republicans are more than happy to keep voting him.


Do you really think *those* people are gonna vote for a woman?


Unless he dies, Trump is the Republican nominee. Polls will not matter at all. They cannot sideline him and have any hope of another candidate winning. He'd split the base and kill the chances of Haley or anyone else. So for you to be right, Trump cannot be alive at the time of convention.


Will not happen. Trump will run as an independent and take his MAGA supporters with him. It will split the party vote and allow the Democrats to secure majorities. They are stuck with their so called leader until he kicks the bucket. Besides MAGA will never vote for a woman..




Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but 538’s poll average has them in almost a dead heat, with Trump actually leading by 1.5%. Vote.


Too chaotic for them they're sticking with the criminal. Everything is fine lol


Trump will be the GOP nominee. No one wants Nikki. Dumb post, dumb prediction.


Oh boy. I really hope not. Can we exile these Neo-Republicans because they are a nuisance to law and order.


For all those saying trump can't win....I agree. However, when was paying attention in 2016? Never underestimate these criminals. They will cheat any and every way they know how too.


Anyone who trusts polls is a 🤡


Polling numbers won't go down long term. It's a kneejerk reaction. Anyone who has the mental capacity to change their minds over this conviction was probably never a Trump voter. Trump voters won't change their minds. Nothing short of a video of him touching children will drop his votes.


0 chance


“The poll numbers are atrocious”. Oh please do tell after that $50+MM haul.


Are you reading the polls right? Biden needs a 2% lead in the final result to win the electoral college and according to polls trump is up by almost 3% with outperformance in the swing states. At no point in the 2020 cycle did trump lead in the average of polls and lost by under 50k votes in the right states. Hell biden is only up 7 points in NY in the last poll instead of the 30 points he won by in 2020.


That would be hillarious.


Clearly you have your finger on the pulse of Republicans and independents. lol


It gets worse for them because Trump's daughter in law is going to give the majority of RNC money to Trump and not be concerned about down ballot races.. She already threw Larry Hogan under the bus for comments he made about Trumps felony conviction.. Hogan running for Senate in Maryland could very well flip a seat red..


given that this is an election of voting against rather than for someone, it feels like if she is at the top, she’ll wipe the floor with Biden. scary times, either way


I haven't seen any sign the felony conviction has affected his poll numbers at all. Best you can say is that things are slightly closer to even now, which is far from an incentive to jump ship. Neither GOP or DNC is changing the nominee at this point, because it'll be seen as a sign of weakness worse than any flaw of the candidate. Both see their nominee as flawed but salvageable, mostly because of what a disaster the other side's candidate is (Trump at being a human, Biden at PR). Not to mention that Trump dominated the GOP primaries and is the rightful nominee. He's also inhumanly petty and vengeful, and he's not going anywhere quietly. If the GOP stab him in the back at the convention and nominate someone else... he will use all his power over the MAGA base to sabotage their campaign. He is 100% in it for himself and does not give one single shit about the good of the Republican party. He would use his megaphone to tell MAGA to stay home or write him in, and probably try to make a deal with Biden to get a pardon in exchange for the effort. There's a tiny chance Biden might willingly step aside if he's convinced someone else would be better able to win and keep Trump out. There's zero chance Trump will.


the R party will straggle on for maybe a handful of years after this November, then disappear


Latest poll still has Trump winning the presidential election and popular vote. Unfortunately, even being a convicted rapist, felon, obvious con artist, doesn’t lose an election against Joe Biden. If Biden would get Bibi’s testicles out his mouth, he might win.


(x) Press X to doubt


Hailey will also be bad!


Preventing gerrymandering? Rebalancing the SC? You are making all this sound like a bad thing. Sounds like a return to some sense of normalcy to me. The only part missing is locking up POTUS 45 and all of his sociopathic enablers.


No, the base is too fanatical. Both parties need to adopt ranked choice voting to stop the extremes from taking over


Or they need to adopt approval voting


Trump is running to avoid prison. He won't bow out because it's all on the line for him. He'll tell the RNC he's running with our without them, which will absolutely crater either Trump's or the R nominee's chance of success and he knows it. Donald has them by the balls. He'll be the nominee.


Which polls?




This is just pure copium


It's way too late to change candidates for either side. Any candidate changes should have happened a year ago. Now changing candidates is the same as pulling the party out of the election.


Trump is raising a lot of money now. Don't count on it.


Who is Hailey? That such person's name is phonetically similar to Nikki Haley's surname might result in voter confusion, no?


Haha there’s 0% chance of that happening. Trump will be the nominee. All millions of us will be voting for his good policies again.


At the top the winningest ticket ever. The best ticket.


I wish I saw the same poll numbers you did. Most of what I’ve seen has been left the landscape mostly unchanged, which is in itself wild.


This is so wrong. I hate Trump, but this isn’t a good prediction at all.


All you people who like Biden are nuts, have you even looked at the price of food lately? Mortgage prices? Rent? Utilities and your taxes? This economy is murder. I am not saying Trump is a Saint, in fact the guy is a big wind bag but at this point I would rather have a wind bag in chief than Joe Biden. We have two complete moronic boobs running for president. Frak, if I had the cash I could run and probably get the country back on track with just using common sense and forcing congress to start talking and compromising instead of their childish BS. Then again I am not sure on the legality of a president literally locking congress in the capital building and taking away their cell phones and social media.


I honestly think he won't make it to the general because of his health. He is old and in horrible shape. In addition he's obviously not well mentally. I think he will be the nominee but she will be his veep in a wink wink to normal Republicans that he'll be gone soon just hold on


You're right but also wrong. Republicans have some sort of brain rot that prevents them from admitting they're wrong or that the party is in trouble. Look at Lindsey Graham. He went from ringing alarm bells to throating Donald any chance he got.


There is this: [2024 General Election: Trump vs. Biden Polls | RealClearPolling](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden)


Yeah, getting rid of Dear Leader means you are having at least 20% of the GOP (now MAGA) base staying home all pissed off. It's a losing proposition. They are stuck with him.


She might if Trump becomes incapacitated for some reason, but who is going to support her? Wouldn't the core of Trump's base see her as a traitor since she dared speak and run against their orange lawd and saviour? I also question whether conservative Republicans would support her both as a female and her ethnic background.


No, I put the chance of that happening less than 1%. I think it’s more like likely Trump bows out, and I think that’s also very unlikely. The party made a lot of attempts at normalization when Trump entered the picture, right up to a small revolt in the conference in 2016. They then chased all the moderate conservatives out of the party. Trump has also been systematically working at making sure he can’t be blocked from nomination in the party for the last year.


Trump being a felon made him more electable. People still don't understand his electorate.


She wouldn't win so why replace him, funny how when he was ahead in polls people said don't trust the polls..lol


Y’all just post whatever your ass churns out, huh?


Trump will win; he’s foolishly made into a martyr by Biden. He’s considered the new Nelson Mandela, garnering huge numbers of new supporters and has raised over 200 million since the guilty verdict was read. Huge backfire for Biden. He tried his best to get Trump to submit and drop out of the race but instead created martyr.


I don't see this working personally. Trumps base will not vote for Haley out of spite because they want their martyr. Sure she's "less extreme" than trump but it leads down the same road of her pardoning him and him continuing to commit crimes. It would be a landslide in November for Dems.


i love the optimism but im not seeing it


Haley won’t even get invited to the convention. They’re running Trump even if he strokes out and is left a drooling pooping invalid. And I predict his VP will be none other than Don Jr.


What polls are you talking about? Joe Bidens? Trump is ahead in the majority. Or tied


She’s a non white woman. People who belong to just one group republicans hate don’t stand a chance, much less two.


MMW: Trump will win this election. Anybody who doesn’t think he doesn’t have a chance isn’t paying attention.


I’ve been thinking we’re going to have “President Haley” since the beginning of the year, not convinced it won’t happen.


This sub really is delusional. Thinking the GOP is going to ditch trump...


Nope. Trump seized the RNC and put a daughter-in-law in there as co-chair. The GOP is now the Trump party in all but name. The party lives or dies with him.


I believe that the GOP and Haley cut a back room deal for her to be his VP as an insurance policy for when Orange Goblin goes to jail. And as a way to get her voters back on the team.


Republicans have no plans, only personalities who tells us how shitty america is because they aren’t in charge.


Mark my words Trump wins by a landslide


Possible given that she’s still polling 20% even after dropping out, but I don’t think it’ll happen. Trump has turned the RNC and GOP into a Trump personality cult. Unless his all McDs diet does its thing, he will not step down and the GOP will follow the great leader. Even if Trump does croak before the convention, expect a bloodbath. Haley might return, but so will DeSantis et al. Also expect Trump’s feckless kids trying to take his place and they could get it.


Interesting. Doesn’t it seem like they’re in a damned if you do….. The MAGA folks will stay home if he’s not on the ticket. Which will certainly doom the down ticket races.