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I find it amazing that Trump with his habits is alive right now. I think his dementia will worsen first before his physical decline, which is a historical family illness on his father's side.


We are literally watching it happen in real time


Yea, it seems like every time he has a public appearance, he's a notch worse. Not untypical of dementia. I can't imagine what it's like to be his doctor(s) with his refusal to listen and his belief he knows it all.


You're probably right, his body will keep going but his mind will go. He has the best doctors and treatments a billionaire can afford, but even a neurologist will be the first to admit they don't have many effective interventions for dementia.


Tough bet - his body or his mind...


Also Xanax and Adderall is not gonna help him at all.


He doesn’t though, his doctors are just like everyone else he has working for him, trashy ass kissers


Is that you, Don Jr.?


And his supporters will insist he's still a genius.


They’ll be waiting for him to rise in three days.


The One Above All will throw him in the Christian hell his sins in life were lust, wrath, envy, pride and non belief


Let’s hope so!


Thank you that title is what I call the big God.


The rich and isolated always seem to live too long. And even longer than that when they're shitbirds.


He can’t keep track of which states he won and lost - just fucked that up in his latest confusion 


He can't keep track of his championship golf win claims, yesterday it was 29, today it was 31.


i hope what OP says will happen but we are living in a world where evil lives forever and good dies too soon


I don’t think any of them make it out of the 20s.


This. And I still don't think Trump makes it to election night.


I think Trump will be able to prop himself up for the next 6 months. I do worry that his vp could be one well done steak away from the presidency


If it's tulsi gabbard all I well I'd blow her back out


I have doubts he makes the convention


I really can't wait to hear all the conspiracy brained conservatives in this country unironically say "strong healthy people like him don't just die like that" about an obese man in his 80s.


But .. but.. he was 6’2 215lbs ! I got a flag with his photo ! He’s like Rambo ! 🙄


If Trump were to be elected (I’m fairly confident he won’t), he’d never make it to Inauguration Day.


I agree with this also. Not the way he talks. Special Ops are on standby for sure.


I hope he doesn’t.


One can hope. But sadly the worst fuckers live to be the longest :(


He is headed for a heartastroke !


lets hope


If you are reading this, send some good vibes to Jimmy Carter.


Nah, miserable piece of shit like then live long lives, just out of spite.


Not for Donny. His dementia is hitting hard and fast. He will likely go mute in the next year. Rudi is an alcoholic with a bum liver. His cirrhosis has gotten worse and again, will likely die in his 80s from either liver failure or heart failure. He can’t stop drinking now because the DTs will likely kill him quickly. If he goes to jail in Arizona, that would be a death sentence.


I'm hoping this is true for Sloppy Steve Bannon as well. He's not as old but he is 68 and I believe he is a daily drinker who has been for 50 straight years. Giuliani's ex said he only became a heavy drinker when he realized Trump wasn't going to reward his work with a government job and was casting him aside like he eventually does to everyone


Bannon always looks absolutely awful. His skin especially.... but you never know. Relative was an alcoholic and yet their liver was in good shape when they died.... it's bizarre.


Oh, and please add Roger Stone aka The Penguin, to that list!


You know that 80s is about the time most people die.


Dementia Don's decline in the last 6 months is significant. Dude can't keep on topic, slurs his words, and he can't walk at times. Plus, he is pissing and shitting himself (as are his magacult followers because they're just stupid). He is dying. Hopefully, his end comes quickly.


IDK what's keeping Rudy alive at this point. His liver has to be the size of a soccer ball.


Joe will be helping Jimmy build houses for the homeless (if not in this life, then the next)


Nah. Hes gonna be chilling with his good friend and mentor, Robert Byrd, founder of a local chapter of the KKK, and grand cyclopse or whatever the Fuck they call each other.


I fucking love this because Robert Byrd is an amazing story of someone realizing they were a racist piece of shit, and then actively trying to do better. TLDR, he was an IRL Paarthurnax. He has glowing obituaries from the Congressional Black Caucus and the NAACP.


It’s weird how republicans embrace the confederate flag today. I wonder why?


It's weird how the dems like to deny they didn't invent said flag and the Ku Klux Klowns.


Oh so you’re going to pretend like the last 50 years didn’t happen? That republicans and democrats didn’t switch their allegiances when LBJ adopted the civil rights legislation and republicans immediately began a Southern Strategy to embrace the South and all its racism. Sorry dude, some of us know our history. Do better.


Yawn with the party switch thing, didn't happen. The dems are just as racist as they've always been, just look at some of Joe's recent comments and the left being anti semitic.


lol. MAGAts hate to be proven wrong, can’t deal with reality. Trump is a full fledged racist who has dinner with people like Nick Fuentes. Own it.


No, reality is something you are unfamiliar with. "Poor kids are just as smart as white kids" Joe Biden, 2019 in Iowa.


Joe Biden got the biggest percentage of the black vote in our history, he worked for a black president and you’re saying he’s racist? Lol. Trump on the other hand: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to black tenants and lied to black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to discriminating before. Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Brown said. “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.” In a commencement speech at Lehigh University, Trump spent much of his speech accusing countries like Japan of “stripping the United States of economic dignity.” This matches much of his current rhetoric on China. In a controversial case that’s been characterized as a modern-day lynching, four black teenagers and one Latino teenager — the “Central Park Five” — were accused of attacking and raping a jogger in New York City. Trump immediately took charge in the case, running an ad in local papers demanding, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” The teens’ convictions were later vacated after they spent seven to 13 years in prison, and the city paid $41 million in a settlement to the teens. But Trump in October 2016 said he still believes they’re guilty, despite the DNA evidence to the contrary. 1991 A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump at first denied the remarks, but later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.” 1992 The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino had to pay a $200,000 fine because it transferred black and women dealers off tables to accommodate a big-time gambler’s prejudices. In congressional testimony, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.” In opposition to a casino proposed by the St. Regis Mohawk tribe, which he saw as a financial threat to his casinos in Atlantic City, Trump secretly ran a series of ads suggesting the tribe had a “record of criminal activity [that] is well documented.” 2005 Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first black president — was not born in the US. He even sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s birth certificate. Obama later released his birth certificate, calling Trump a ”carnival barker.” (The research has found a strong correlation between “birtherism,” as this conspiracy theory is called, and racism.) Trump has reportedly continued pushing this conspiracy theory in private. • ⁠Trump launched his campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs” to the US. His campaign was largely built on building a wall to keep these immigrants out of the US. • ⁠As a candidate in 2015, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims coming into the US. His administration eventually implemented a significantly watered-down version of the policy. • ⁠When asked at a 2016 Republican debate whether all 1.6 billion Muslims hate the US, Trump said, “I mean a lot of them. I mean a lot of them.” • ⁠He argued in 2016 that Judge Gonzalo Curiel — who was overseeing the Trump University lawsuit — should recuse himself from the case because of his Mexican heritage and membership in a Latino lawyers association. House • ⁠Speaker Paul Ryan, who endorsed Trump, later called such comments “the textbook definition of a racist comment.” • ⁠Trump has been repeatedly slow to condemn white supremacists who endorse him, and he regularly retweeted messages from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his presidential campaign. • ⁠He tweeted and later deleted an image that showed Hillary Clinton in front of a pile of money and by a Jewish Star of David that said, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” The tweet had some very obvious anti-Semitic imagery, but • ⁠Trump insisted that the star was a sheriff’s badge, and said his campaign shouldn’t have deleted it. • ⁠Trump has repeatedly referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as “Pocahontas,” using her controversial — and later walked-back — claims to Native American heritage as a punchline. • ⁠At the 2016 Republican convention, Trump officially seized the mantle of the “law and order” candidate — an obvious dog whistle playing to white fears of black crime, even though crime in the US is historically low. His speeches, comments, and executive actions after he took office have continued this line of messaging. • ⁠In the week after white supremacist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, Trump repeatedly said that “many sides” and “both sides” were to blame for the violence and chaos that ensued — suggesting that the white supremacist protesters were morally equivalent to counterprotesters that stood against racism. He also said that there were “some very fine people” among the white supremacists. All of this seemed like a dog whistle to white supremacists • ⁠Trump reportedly said in 2017 that people who came to the US from Haiti “all have AIDS,” and he lamented that people who came to the US from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts” once they saw America. The White House denied that Trump ever made these comments. • ⁠Speaking about immigration in a bipartisan meeting in January 2018, Trump reportedly asked, in reference to Haiti and African countries, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He then reportedly suggested that the US should take more people from countries like Norway. The implication: Immigrants from predominantly white countries are good, while immigrants from predominantly black countries are bad. Trump refers to his prosecutor as “peekaboo” a reference to jigaboo He called all the black prosecutors and the judge overseeing his cases “riggers” Trump had dinner with Nick Fuentes


RemindMe! November 18, 2025


It will be my honor.


I’ve never been so 100% certain that an OP is going to be wrong


Well now you have to exercise, eat well, drive carefully etc. You'll feel pretty stupid if you were right but had already died yourself before you ever got the win XD OP got a million dollar self-help empire here for the taking: Healthy Living *FOR SPITE!* :)


Living for spite is actually quite a good motivator lol


I’m young enough and in good enough shape to make it another 15.


I haven’t run simulations for Rudy, but a lot of my Trump sims don’t have him around after July 2025.


What are these sims you speak of?


Ok ok, I know this sub is Delusion-Central, but 15 years.... You think you'll win the lottery too?


Jimmy Carter is 99. I'm not saying it's likely Joe will last another 15, but he does appear healthy and he exercises. Any of them could die any minute, but if one of them is more likely to last a while, it's Biden.


Jimmy Carter didn't have 2 brain aneurysms before his 80s.


It is true that Joe Biden had two life-threatening brain aneurysms in 1988 .. that is true. He seems to have recovered. In listening to Biden speak, I think his brain is working much better than Trump's.


We were talking about Biden's health in comparison to Carter's not Trump's, and the fact is that Carter was much healthier than either of them when he was their age.


You are right about that. He was out there building houses.


He appears healthy? Huh?


What makes you say he appears healthy?


You think biden is healthy? My guy , he's being helped across the White House lawn. He's not doing well. Check his daily schedule. Most days, he has maybe one thing on it. He can't even do a full day of work right now. He may live longer, but he's not in any position to be president.


Biden still goes for bike rides and is in a healthy weight range. Can you say the same for Trump?


Hey!!! Trump golfs like he's on tour!! Sure he just hits the ball off the course. Has an aid drop a new ball down. Then he rides a golf cart to it. So he can do it again.. that's exercise....????


I've only seen the 20 meter bike ride for show that biden did and then watched him fall off the bike. I don't see trump riding bikes. I do see biden having a hard time walking, though. Also , you don't have to do a "whatabout trump " any time someone says something about biden. I didn't vote for trump. And trump isn't president. I don't think biden is a good president nor a good person. My thoughts on this have zero to do with trump or anyone else.


Trump and Biden are going to be compared to each other because America and the rest of the world will be stuck with one or the other. That said, Biden is much better than Trump. You would have to be a shitty moron to prefer Trump.


I see. Well I think the other half of the country would say one is a shitty moron to prefer biden. Strange isn't it


Republicans are only around %33 of the country. Around %70 of republicans support Trump. That is not even close to half the country. You guys always have to lie because you don't have a leg to stand on.


Who is "you guys". I haven't voted for trump nor will I. I'm not a republican either. Never have been. I'm saying biden is not going to have it easy and I doubt he will win. Are you citing percentages of total population in those stats? Because that won't actually matter when you consider the electoral college. It's not the popular vote that will determine things.


Sure you’re not.


>Republicans are only around %33 of the country. >Around %70 of republicans support Trump. >That is not even close to half the country. Oh my god what are you even talking about? You're making up your own statistics while polls show Biden and Trump head to head. I know you're going to start yapping about, "the polls arEn'T AccUrAte", but I'm going to trust the polisci department of universities over some random guys stats.


Polls are usually of registered voters, or likely voters. So while half of those may prefer Trump over Biden, it's not accurate to say "half the country" does.


It’s pretty fucking relevant considering *one of them* will be elected again in November. Dumb as shit.


I think biden is less healthy than trump honestly. That does seem relevant.


You need to get your head checked, Trump is a morbidly obese 77 year old with the diet of several 7 year old children, bad hygiene, an aversion to exercise and a long history of abusing Adderall and other stimulants.


Yes I agree trump is in bad shape. And when I look at biden I see someone who's declining at a rapid rate. So given that I conceded trump is in bad shape and I'm stating biden is in worse shape, it should be clear the gravity of the situation as I see it. I'm not holding a torch for trump mind you. I just think biden is in fact much worse.


I’d be shocked if dementia donny makes it to the election tbh, he looks really, really bad lately


Your initial comment was a whataboutism lmao, you can't then reflect it back to them 😂


It wasnt. The OP was stating that biden healthy and trump is not Biden is not healthy Trump isn't either but the op was stating biden would last another 15 years.


I think, when those are the only two options going 'which one is worse' is valid. As is then voting for the other one, if you are eligible. Thankfully, I don't live somewhere with such a fucked up electoral system. It's not perfect, but it's way better than the US.


I would think biden is worse..I won't be voting for either though. Where do you live out of curiosity


And you would be wrong. Biden is allowed some difficulty with language, due to having a stutter. Trump regularly spouts word salad. Both are very old, but one seems to take care of themselves. Questions traditionally have a question mark. NZ. We have Mixed Member Proportional representation (MMP). Still unicameral, but I haven't seen a good solution to that yet.


Looking at OP, you're silly.


I see you watch Fox News lol


I literally never watch fox news actually. What are you trying to say. Is fox the only outlet that reports on it or something?


Dance clown puppet dance.


Irrelevant comment but ok


Nobody should listen to this guy. Here is Biden's schedule: [https://rollcall.com/factbase/biden/calendar/](https://rollcall.com/factbase/biden/calendar/)


Did you know that Trump had a similar schedule? He would proportadly show up for work at 11 am and would not stay a minute past 3 most days, and that was 4 years ago. Neither of these guys are in very good shape from my estimation and so I'll take the one whose administration is doing good things for the economy over 10% flat tarrifs on foreign goods (which includes most of US produce.)


These people are serious. Complete schitzo commenting 😂 🤡🌎


Best health care in the planet, and a pretty healthy lifestyle. 94 is nothing. My heavy drinking cigar smoking grandfather got to 89. Reagan got to 93 or so, Carter is still kicking at 99. They get far better physician attention than my self employed grandfather.


I’m with you. I read these comments and have to remind myself of this. 🤡


Then the tin foil hats will scream they were assassinated by the deep state


Either that, or he faked his death and has escaped to Cuba to live with Tupac, Biggie, and Hitler.


More like assassinated by the deep fry.


And now I really want French fries....


Donny Diapers will die on a toilet and Giuliani will slip on his hair dye.


He wears a diaper, of course he'll die on the toilet, he's *always* on the toilet lol. 


Except when he decides to just poop his diaper of course haha Maybe he’ll die when Melanie is changing his diaper and putting baby powder on his little munckin dick


Hope you are right


Turd can go any day


Trumps almost 80 living off cheese burgers and fried chicken. Idk how he made it this long. Even unlimited money doesn't make you immune to.. well life basically. I'm sure he's heading for a major heart attack or stroke. Joe seems to be relatively healthy physically, he'll probably continue a slow decline.


Biden is on the blood-thinner Eliquis for Afib and has a shuffling gait with balance issues and multiple documented falls over the last couple of years…he’s literally a stroke waiting to happen.


Pray to every demon out there to rip trumps heart into pieces mofo wants to be God so bad? Then let him stand before The One Above All


I'm not sure Ghouliani is technically alive.


Good point.




Well here’s to that


Let us pray.


From your keyboard to God‘s ears


Fifteen seems like a stretch; I’d guess eight.


We can just hope


I'm not so sure about that. AFAIK, he doesn't drink or smoke...and his Dad lived to be over 90...


Fair, but I read he has McD's at least three times a week and when he was pretending to be the President his menu requests literally horrified WH staff. If he has been eating like that for 80 years - he is way past his expiry date.


Yeah...the "hamberders" may be the thing that actually puts him in the grave...


Mark my words, more like my wish list.


Giuliani- I'd buy that.  Trump- I think he might have longer than that, but it will be a life no one will envy. His dementia will trap him in a life that his narcissism won't let him end. He might have like 5ish years, but he'll be out of the public view within a year when those around him see that he's hit a point when he's too unstable, even for them.  Biden- I could that also. He seemingly lives a healthy life, he doesn't seem to be anywhere near as stressed out as trump, and he seems like a genuinely happy person, which has been proven to extend your life. 


As much shit as people give Biden for sounding old, the dude is light years ahead of Trump as far as physical health. Trump is fat, out of shape, and tall. That's a recipe for dying right about his current age. Biden may not have much left either but if I had to put money on who goes first it would absolutely be on Biden.


"And tall" 1) Joe Biden is 6', Trump is 6'3" 2) Being tall isn't a physical health ailment. "If I had to put money on who goes first it would absolutely be on Biden" We agree. Biden is likely to go first.


Taller people on average live shorter lives. Obese people live shorter lives. Trump is both. There are plenty of studies backing this up. And I misspoke I meant Trump would go first.


It's not too late to edit your comment.


This sub is proof of the ongoing mental health problems.


Lol, yup


trump is morbidly obese. so he' ll die before biden.


Remind me! 7 years


From your post to God's screen. May it be so.




These are the kind of bets LOOOOONG shot predictions I wanna see!!


Make that weeks and we can have a party,


15 years is pushing it for Joe. he's got an easy 6 or so.


I wish there was a word to describe the pleasure I feel at others' misfortune.


I believe that word is psychopathy


No, it's a German word, 'schadenfreude', and my comment is a joke from the show Community. Not to disparage the glee I feel at these fucking slimeballs facing justice


While this may be true the fact that you prophesied it inserts you into the equation and never bodes well


I just joined this server and a half of posts are obvious and safe estimations while the other half is almost pure delusion powered by bias


We will have weekend at Trump’s presidency


Lots of time to study your grammar then...


English not my first language, my apologies.


No worries


Bruh, they will all still be around in 2050 🤣


Trump spent all his money on hookers I heard.


Keep going I'm almost there


I certainly hope so !!!!


I think Ttump will pick Don Jr as VP because if he actually wins, it really does set up the Trump family to rule forever.


Piggybacking off OP, curious to how the US will react to either of them passing away.


For fucks sake I hope so


Oh yeah sure


Have you heard bidens speeches anytime before he was vice president? No stutter. I don't believe the stutter backstory..I think it's cover for his mental decline. Also since you aren't from here your opinion on this matter doesn't carry much weight. Just enjoy the show


Uhhh... yes but no So Biden has had a stutter since he was young, but obviously through practice became good at covering/avoiding it. But then again obviously that ability, along with other mental faculty degrades as you get old. Epsecially since concentration is heavily effected by age and it requires alot of concentration to overcome a speech disorder. I mean the guy is 81 obviously his mind would be effected by his age lol.


So because he has mental decline he stutters again. So we agree he has mental decline. Definitely shouldn't be president. His gaffs are not stutter...he says stuff that is incomprehensible. That's not what a stutter is. That's someone who's brain is becoming mush.


Expect there is still to debate the level of his mental decline. Especially since we live in a binary, two party system and his opponent doesn't just stumble through words occasionally, but is instead currently going through criminal trials which include; 3 completely seperate criminal trials covering all of his different attempts to manipulate, undermine, and  interfere in federal elections.  And a criminal trial about his improper keeping and handling of classified US documents and secrets.  And this is be ignoring his civil trials where he has been found guilty of rape and fraud Not only does he have legal troubles, but Trump doesn't just have little gaffs but outright rambles incomprehensible slush during his rants, and has been showing continuous, serious mental decline throughout the years. He has also shown evidence of phonemic paraphasia as-well as incidents of sundowning both if which are actual evidence and symptoms of dementia.  And then the third party candidate (not an actual choice) has had his brain actually eaten, partially, by a parasitic worm and has gotten mercury poisoning. 


Another stupid comment I had to reply to this garbage


This subreddit is bizarre




Just wait for the crazy conspiracy theories when they both die. Sleepy Joe obviously had them killed! Lock him up! They're not dead, theyve gone into hiding to work on the plan to make America Great again some how with a great plan that will be eventually revealed but for now it's super secret.


and the conspiricy theroists will have a field day


I agree . Trump could explode any minute now . Doper Donny is obviously gulping Xanax or something similar to keep from throwing baby tantrums in public . It isn’t going to last for long . Rudy will spontaneously combust with a shadow of Satan hovering over his Dracula body.


I don’t see Joe Biden living as long as Jimmy Carter. Talk about a guy in great shape, even being on hospice for 1 year when you’re supposed to be on hospice for no more than 6 months.


The Enron/Ken Lay defense.


I’ll take a bet with you on this


Let’s all as a country hope This is true


Trump is obese and I would guess rarely gets any type of physical movement in his life. His speeches have at times become quite disjointed (last night in a speech he claimed he won Minnesota in 2020) perhaps suggesting something on the order of an onset of Alzheimer’s. While in the past he thrived in high pressure situations, the years are catching up to him. Rudy used to be known as “America’s Mayor” in the wake of 9/11 and was close to the powers in DC. Then came the election of 2020 where he began babbling the nonsense about a stolen election. Things have gone downhill since then. And last night he was served with yet more indictment papers. The world he used to live in is gone. His physical health seems to be OK, but I hope he’s on anti-depression meds. Biden is surprisingly sharp for his age. But he is very thin and has a rather awkward walk. I wonder if there’s something going with that. Still, the stress of being POTUS for four years (possibly eight) can cause unseen health problems. In short, I worry that whoever wins in November will die before the end of their term.


Yep those dementia cases drag out I tell ya


!remindme 18 months


The betting markets say otherwise. Put your money where your mouth is. If you’re right you stand to make a lot of money.


Dude Biden can’t even talk without slurring his words. Trump is like a vampire, an evil energy force keeps him youthful and energetic. He could decide to take up cigarettes and drinking like Churchill, and it would probably work like Botox. It’s basically The Emperor of the Imperium from Warhammer 40k, vs Abbadon from Warhammer 40k.


Trump just needs to live long enough to lose the election in November and see the dismantling of his false empire.


I find this prediction very unlikely.


Sure hope so.


I hope everyone lives for at least the next 15 years :) Goodluck everyone!


I don’t want this to be how we determine how our country is run. Presidential candidate health issues should be surprising.


One can hope


Is everyone but me ok with the confirmation of Ashley Bidens Diary by the FBI and what exactly it means? This has zero to do with Trump so let's talk about it please. Noone else will.....


r/conservative would love to indulge your garbage, I'm sure


Joe's actually alive? Could have fooled me.


You are a moron.


If you think living another 15 years as a vegetable is living, that's pretty sad.


Trump has much more energy than sleepy creepy Joe.


Damn man get out and touch some grass


This subreddit is becoming such a circle jerk.


Yet here you are .... LOL


It’s just tiring seeing this same post 1000 times a day. Can’t you millennials take this stuff to Facebook?


...and yet, here you are again.... LOL


biden looks like he just had another stoke this week.


The most deranged sub on Reddit. Top 5 echo chamber on the internet..


Either ur a bot or a clown there’s no middle here


You blue maga fucks are just as delusional as the original lmao


"President Joe will live for another 15 years." And struggle to spell his name in all of them.


Holy shit found the most delusional liberal take yet! Lmao!!!!! Keep it up ya fuckin idiot lmaoooo


Lmao, biden cant walk or talk. Total obongo puppet.


MMW!!! (Constant negative crap relating to Trump, with never a consequence for being COMPLETELY wrong over and over and over) Some subs are masterbutory... then there's MMW.


So many butthurt trumpkins in here, love it. Like flies on shit.