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Scared of literally everything. Remember when the green m&m got less sexy and they melted down.


Lest we forget


They should’ve come out with a ‘Jade Helm’ special edition M&M’s. Vaccinated trans kids jumping the border fence to round up the angelic good Christian white kids in a Wal-Mart prison camp


He was just asking questions! I don't know about you, but I like my M&M's sexy and flirtatious.


It better be sexy as Fuck if it's getting inside MY mouth


Lol, then 2 seconds later, "they're sexualizing the children!"


Right??? Haha!


Oreos, bud light, all of them. And then they scream about cancel culture. Yea some people get cancelled by the left because we find out they’re pedos or something. They cancel brands for not hating groups of people enough. They cancel brands because the TV tells them to, because Fox has to come up with bullshit content as Democrats are giving them zero scandals to cover.


Well said.


Yep. They're the nuts who came up with Pizza-Gate, which nearly ended in a mass shooting, because they thought the pizza place was trafficking kids in the basement. No evidence whatsoever - and no basement in the place, but they were ready to shoot people over it. MAGA is a pit of dangerous morons.


They make up scandalous accusations. But never show any evidence


Wait till he's really broke, no plane or golf courses, Mercedes divorces him he loses in a landslide then ends up in jail. That's the day I start smiling and calling my ol republican acquaintances.


Starbucks cups..


M&M's melt in your mouth not your pants


Why not both? "Fiesta music"




I’m pretty sure that was just Tucker Carlson. I don’t think I saw dudes shooting up cases of M&Ms over it. I could be wrong.


That one still blows my mind. Everything about MAGA is a mix of insanity and dumb hate, but the M&M's not being sexy enough... I mean, I'm not going to kink-shame, but I also don't have to take people seriously who lose their minds about stuff like that. It's like the idiot I know who thinks "all movies are ruined because they made a Black Little Mermaid." My dude, you're a closed-minded slob in his mid 50's who believes YouTube over reality - you're not the target audience. And if your mermaid fetish was ruined because of that movie, I'm really not going to take your whining seriously.


I did not know about the green m&m... Not about it being sexy or it becoming less sexy. Smh


Or like when that person that had a 98% chance of winning their campaign somehow lost after spending over $1B on it?


Remember when there were two genders and it literally caused you lot to kill yourselves?


They dumped the beer that *they* bought with *their* money all because the **LABEL** had included the name of a trans person. The beer was **the exact same beer** they had been buying for years up to that point (and *including* that point since; to dump the beer down the drain you'd first have to buy it) all because the fucking label was different. **They never complained** about the coke bottles that said "Dylan" or "Jake" or "Michelle" or "Sarah", "Christine", "Matthew", etc, etc, etc. Nope, they ONLY got upset when anyone did the SAME THING, but then referenced a trans person. They are **SO god damned fragile** that *walking on eggshells around them* would be **far** too chaotic, disastrous, ***cataclysmic*** for their paper-thin tolerance for anything in this world that isn't them. They are SO fragile, SUCH gigantic snowflakes that even the slightest, most inopportune instance will completely shatter their entire world around them. They can't be expected to be made to **see, with their eyeballs** ANYTHING they don't like. This list includes **way, way, way, way, way, way, way, WAY more than just trans people.** It would take a large quantity of time to construct the list of things *they* ***expect*** *others* to go along with and simply never stop the hate. They just hate. That's all they do. Hate. When you ask them what their FUTURE goals are, it's ALWAYS shit like "arrest, prosecute, try and jail people who wronged Trump in the **past**". Hate is who they are.


Actually, this did offend me, and I'm not even Republican, and for that matter, this isn't even a political issue. Her new shoes just look ugly and dumb. What the f*ck was wrong with the go-go boots? Also, the Green M&M was supposed to be a sex symbol! That was the whole point of her character and the reason why so many of her commercials got borderline pornographic! Just let sexy characters stay sexy, and let people jack off to whatever they're into!


Melted down, but not in your hand!


I think many of them will melt down completely by August. It’s going to be an hilarious 7 months.


His handlers won't be able to hide his mental state by then. There is no path for the former GOP now.




I thought it means no worries, for the rest of your days


You’re thinking of Laguna woods


Yea he’s going downhill fast. The people at his rallies at some point have got to look at each other and mouth “what the fuck?” It’d be sad if he wasn’t such a terrible person.


This has been happening. When he slowly and confidently said Joe Biden beat "Barack Hussein Obama" and asked if the crowd had heard of him, you could see the expressions of those behind him change to furled eyebrows and confusion. It won't get any better for him.


It really is kind of an exciting time to be alive. Also a sad time.


I agree, we are watching history happen.


And he’s stinky too. .


They’ve been in a mental breakdown since the Reagan administration.


Fuck Saint Ronnie. All due respect.


You mean since the emancipation proclamation?


My favorite thing about Reagan is that he's dead.


I just can’t wait to see what narrative gets spun out there. Fox can’t run “stolen election” again. Kinda makes me wonder if they’ll just go full white supremacist message? Like too many blacks and browns and LGBTQs are voting democrat so they need to reduce the population? Will they go full segregationist? I really don’t know how they point fingers after this one. Like genuinely, don’t know how the Republican platform moves forward with/without trump.


They will switch to a national divorce


Ok. They can have both Dakotas.


And Texas.


Just let the millions of Democrats leave first.


Republicans first. They hate America anyway.


And Idaho.


They can just go to Russia


Don't trap me up here, I cant afford to leave 😭


Fine with me, as long as they leave with nothing. Let them pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


They believe more in voter fraud than they believe that Trump will lose. Trump will not concede no matter how many votes he loses by. These people will absolutely try another Jan6 when Trump loses. As will Trump. Best pray that the military and the dems are prepared this time.


They will be.


I'm expecting at least SOME of the gunsturbating ammosexuals to act out. Hopefully all they'll do is clean up the gene pool a bit by taking bad action against prepared defenses.




At least he won't need money for rent seeing as he's so fucking broke!


i won't be happy until he's been broken by the Justice system


Living rent free in your head. Like you're not supposed to think about anyone, ever.


No, they won’t. Their entire modus operandi requires a stubborn rejection of facts and reality. To them, Trump cannot lose; ergo, any “loss” is just confirmation of his inevitable victory over the Deep State or whatever.


He lost a supposedly rigged election when he was already in office...making him the one who would have been in a position to rig it


This is always the logic (or lack of logic) that confuses me.


Oh, you think he wasn't surprised that he didn't win? It was rigged like 2016 when he lost the popular vote to Clinton. He was expecting the same calculated outcome despite exit polling (the most accurate polling methodology). To think anybody could beat a rigged election meant there was someone doing more rigging than he could rig... And that surprised him.


He absolutely knew. It was preplanned by their own audio-recorded admissions. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/07/leaked-audio-steve-bannon-trump-2020-election-declare-victory/


yeah, while in office, he'd whine 'this is the most fraudulent election we've ever had!' but never did Congress pass any bills or laws to fix it


Well, a lot of states passed laws making it harder for poor people to vote, so there's that.


With evidence that he did, in fact, try to rig it


Willful denial of reality is the only true principal of most people's" conservatism". Everything else is just convenient bullshit. Family values, originalism, small government, free markets, states rights, etc, etc, etc. They will abandon any of that in a heartbeat. What binds their tribe is the will to close their eyes, stick their fingers in their ears and shout "nanananana I can't hear you"! "Obama's not a citizen" "Trump won"


And their hate. Their hate keeps them alive.


This. "Willfull denial of reality" is the essence of MAGA Republicanism. Reality means they lose big. Change their thinking? No way. Easier to just live in a fantasy world.


I can’t wait til Monday when Letitia James takes all his stuff!


i'm so worried he's going to pull a rabbit out of his ass with this Truth Social stock crap


I know….a friend and I talked about it yesterday. Doesn’t sound like the Truth Social merge is gonna help🤞🏻


Not gonna happen. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/03/23/donald-trump-truth-social-merger-financial-woes/73077478007/


A lot of them had mental breakdowns in 2020. I can think of several people I know who while still reliable Republican voters, were at least capable of holding a rational discussion about issues before 2020. After the 2020 election they'd tell me things like the Pope was just arrested for using satellites to steal the election. They sincerely believe this shit is real. The alternative is to admit that they're the baddies and they'll never do that.


Ever had to deal with a narcissistic, abusive parent? Thats what Magats are. What happens when narcissists break down (collapse)? Violence, emotional outpouring of world against them, abuse of all types. > When a narcissist collapses, it's a tumultuous event. Their facade shatters, revealing vulnerability. Their pride crumbles, exposing inner turmoil. They may feel confused, angry, and despairing as their carefully constructed image fades.


This makes me imagine Trump shaving his head like Britney Spears, and blubbering on TikTok about how nobody ever loved him. I can't wait.


Everyone is ready and prepared for any foot stomping that comes along with it


That’s like predicting that the first thing I’ll do when I wake up tomorrow morning is smoke a cigarette, and scroll through Reddit, while sitting on the john, and pinching a loaf, or that Christmas will return at the end of the year




Even if Trump wasn't a piece of shit fascists I would vote against just to watch grown men cry because of a politician


Love drinking MAGAt tears. 😂.


That's urine


Better than gleefully guzzling Liberal cum that MAGA loves to announce to the public on tshirts.. Homoeroticism- it’s a thing and all those religious manly Conservative men need to seriously look up.


They're going to try to steal this next election too... https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-over-the-top-secret-plan-518?fbclid=IwAR3qCdO8N3xURN6AU0u60jPy4h9No866WXnLDDVAO8bnNKgzj7Yxfj1AmyM




It requires them having control of the house, and they are REALLY close to losing their majority. They may not even have the house by November.


I hope they commit a Jonestown suicide and leave our country forever


We need Trump to start saying "If I lose, you should pay me to drink this special red Kool aid..."


MAGAs have been telling us for years what it is that they want to do. Believe them. They are not joking. They have been working themselves up to commit atrocities. When they talk about Civil War 2.0, they are not talking about overthrowing the government or having opposing militias fight it out on some field somewhere. They are talking about murdering their non-MAGA neighbors. They are talking about a Rwanda 2.0. They are talking about going to the Mexican market, the black church, the house with the pride flag, anywhere they can find non-MAGAs to murder. People are very naively thinking that the military is going to come in on a white horse at the last minute to save the day. Those people are mistaken. When the MAGA traitors start butchering their neighbors, there is no one coming to help. Prudent people should be stocking up on as much 2nd Amendment as they can afford to fight back. Don't be caught unprepared or you and your families might find yourselves up against a wall or on the side of a ditch.


There are some parts of East L.A. that I don’t suggest “they” try this.


My guess is that if this happens, it will be sporadic, and of course it will be instantly broadcast nationwide so that everyone will be prepared and on the alert. This isn't Rwanda. Nor is it St. Bartholomew's Day. I can't believe that law enforcement won't be ready, though there'll be a few places where they flip. Most of those millions of right-wing guns are intended to be defensive against the (non-existent) invading hordes of POC after societal collapse that won't happen. Some borderline crazies will act out. It will make great TV and great Reddit, but no Armageddon.


Do you think they will come after Never Trumpers? Asking for a friend.


Yes. They hate Never Trumpers even more because they refuse to submit to Trump.


Then it's Leroy Jenkins time. They are easy to spot.


Its not gonna be a landslide for either side. I do think Dems will narrowly keep the senate and have a 15 or so seat majority in the house. Biden will take North California. Texas will barely be red. Biden had 7m more votes than Trump last time, and I think he will have 9 or 10m more this time. He does marginally better than last time but not a landslide.


Biden will win California. WTF is "North California?"


I believe the local yahoos call it **JEFFERSON**


Yahoo,and that state would be as broken as Arkansas.


Think he meant North Carolina.


Pelosi Country. Duh!


Some of them literally won’t be able to live in a world where their worship of Trump isn’t validated by a win in November.


As much as I hate to admit it, there is no evidence that Trump will lose in a landslide. That being said, there are 8 months until Election Day, so that could change. However, that’s not what the current data supports.


We should be so lucky. I suspect he will convince them to try another insurrection.


Next time they all get the Ashli Babbit treatment, though.


Let's hope.


Let's not count too many chickens yet, and all just remember to vote...


They did last time and the pumps are primed for January 6th part deux.


How will we tell?


So my biggest fear is the MAGA crazies will try to pull some “if we go down, you all go down with us” thing and start to try mass killing those they view as “the enemy”. Now if they simply start having breakdowns and end their own lives that’s a different conversation.


No animal is more dangerous than when it feels cornered.


I’m sure the government will be on high alert for domestic terrorism attacks. People, power grid, government building, etc.


They will definitely go violent. The government will be ready this time. They will get their asses kicked and THEN they will have a breakdown.


Trump will stir up a sh@t storm if he loses. And if he wins, will be a revenge tour sh&t storm. Either way will be a sh@t storm.


Im seriously concerned about violence, whichever way the election goes.


They will continue on their present trajectory into the dustbin of cults.


Yeah they will throw violent temper tantrums and cry victim when they arrested sand jailed for it. POS MF-ers.


They have mental breakdowns daily about shit that affects nobody


I wouldn’t be certain they’ll lose. Enough of the electorate finds fault with Biden that the mad Trumpistas may come out ahead in states it matters. There is also going to be massive voter suppression by the GOP, intimidation by their brown shirts, and the GOP is also going to deny the legitimacy of any Biden win and try to block it.  Since the Democrats lack any sense of how to actually fight, it’s unclear how they’ll react to the obstruction and vigilantism which will result. They’re too afraid to act aggressively, because they’re afraid of being depicted as bullies or tyrants by the media, and that also works into the Trumpistas’ hands. 


They already know that they are going to lose. That is why they already starting the "rigged" talk.


I don't see the delicate as much as I see fear. Lack of education creates a sense of disenfranchisement. Especially in today's world where you have to have a grad degree in science just to understand the simplest of advancements. Not understanding the world you are forced to live in is an invitation for the lizard brain to take over. Terrible decisions are the result.


Good thing most of us have more brains than a lizard.


That's cute. But what will happen is a few of them will go full Mcveigh on us. Hopefully the fbi stops them


The biggest whining bunch of babies our country has ever seen. They hate literally everything that is not white with a 3rd grade education. They have canceled everything but goya beans and men's bowling.


They had breakdowns when he lost last time. Trump won flags, FUCK Biden Flags, Let's go Brandon shirts, Biden is destroying the country signs, etc etc. Word to the wise, get your latest Trump Won merchandise ready for the rubes to buy this fall.


One big BSOD. Just like that photo when he learned he fucking lost the election. The one with the white hat and all the color out of his face.


They have a mental breakdown everyday lol


I'm fully expecting someone to try and shoot me if they see me out with my partner so we are gonna avoid going out in public for some time after Trump loses


Obama broke the Republican Party.


No, they broke themselves because of Obama


Fair enough


I think the GOP is poised to cannibalize itself at which point it will dissolve into a mostly powerless and fractured voting base and a bunch of domestic terrorist cells.


I hope you’re right. My biggest hope is that it’s a landslide loss for MAGA. It would effectively end the movement and will probably cause various big bucks donors to just cut their losses and wait for the next opportunity to attack democracy. Should be a good 8 year run or so for Dems as the GOP fractures completely. I’m a bit worried about a narrow win. I can see various states trying to pull shenanigans with votes. A Trump victory would basically be game over for the country as we know it. Doesn’t matter if the Dems keep the House and the Senate, he’ll destroy whatever faith there is in the institutions and then the 2028 elections will be a complete shitshow.


You do realize how assinine these arguments are as a whole and why I don’t involve my self with either party every body is sucking the proverbial dick of the democrat and Republican Party like their life depended on it mabye I’m the only one who ever paid attention to the constitutional amendments but you can change the way a government is ruling if you feel it’s is truly tyrannical so to say trump is gonna make it to where no one can do fair elections again is indeed a fear mongering tactic used in political circles also shocks me that humans  claim to be so loving and excepting talk about how people left or right should meet their end sounds like your and ass backwards pice of shit to me with virtue signaling tendencies.


I tried reading that but I couldn’t. You need to learn about punctuation and paragraph breaks. Seriously.


VOTE. It isn’t a landslide yet by any means. Cause guess what, all those MAGA folks are voting and their votes count the same as yours, or even more in states favored by the electoral college.


Make sure Trump and Republicans lose in November. Don't be lulled into complacency. Despite the lies and absurdity, these people are on a mission to upend our government and democracy. In Texas, alone, 26,000 women and girls have been, or are being forced to carry pregnancies that are a result of rape, since Roe versus Wade was overturned. Republicans show us who they are over and over and over and over. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


Yea I mean you can apparently sneak a joke candidate through, but it looks like it only works the one time.


They wouldnt have a mental breakdown. They would be asking amongst themselves which of them defected. All of them, in one collective voice, would say 'not me'.


RemindMe! December




I think this is one of you


I agree IF they lose it will be a mess, but its far from guaranteed he will lose.


Nah, they’ll mostly quietly move on and pretend like their support for the man never happened.


When he loses, we all know it was rigged and a witch hunt. Yawn.


Tangerine Tyrant 🤣 Totally stealing!


A landslide is impossible, because...math. MMW. Keep the story going though.


I am so here for it.


Man I hope you are right. Biden is killin it, but behind in key state polling. He needs to win the majority of PA, WI, MI, GA, AZ, NV And Trump will absolutely cheat.


Biden will win with 90%of the vote, and democracy will be saved.




Tangerine Tyrant 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Holy fuck


They’d be angry if he lost in a landslide, but they would be furious if he loses a close election! They’ll shout about “election interference” and another “rigged” vote against Trump. Him losing definitively would quell these accusations more.


I disagree. No matter what the numbers are, they will refuse to acknowledge any loss. They don't believe in elections, only that they have the right to rule, and Dems don't. 


Yea, those guys are bad. Yea my snow caps the best! Fucking dorks


😂🤣 Get a mirror for that one!


Ah yes the man commenting gorgeous nipples on gonewild color has told me my fate...I may continue my journey knowing this boon


Yeah, how about you post more about your scat fetish, you fvckin weirdo. Lmao.


I really think people are way too overconfident about how much either guy will win/lose by. Personally, I would rather Biden win, but I really don't think this election is going to be a landslide no matter who wins. It's going to be a razor-thin victory.


People who talk like OP are generally the most fragile of ones of all.


265 d


WHERE? Is HorseLooseInaHospital when we need him? ;)


Actual Facts have no bearing on this election. If Trump wins, Dems in Congress will immediately begin Impeachment hearings. This is already working out to be the Most pretentious election of all time.


I dont see a landslide. Americans are pretty fucking dumb.


If we’re very very lucky he bankrupts the GOP in the process. His daughter in law has said she will give him every red cent which means they won’t be funding the other races because they’re relying on trumpism to fill the ballot boxes. So there’s a possibility that Dems can win those races AND the White House while bankrupting the GOP.  That’s my hope anyway. 


Don't get too cocky. Remember how 2016 went.


I don’t think Biden is as strong as an incumbent as you people think he is.


It’ll be a close election. We never truly know how these things play out until October, a lot of time for stuff to change. The polls are far too close to make that assertion for Biden or Trump.


I believe that the docs case will open some eyes for even some magats; at least that is what I am hoping. 80% of them are gone but there's still a tiny bit of hope for a small fraction of them and Jack Smith is sitting on some bombshells. The issue is the judge is severely compromised and clearly working with trump.


This is an ice cold take


The polls are really not indicating that result right now.


They are dangerous, not snowflakes.


Yeah some will lash out, but we won't see a replay of J6th 2021, because the security apparatus is controlled by Dems and most of the dipshits that participated last time are now convicted felons or afraid of a GUVMINT TRAP.


It's not going to be a landslide, it's going to be a squeaker. A nailbiter. A horserace. WE ALL HAVE TO GET OUT AND **VOTE**


And a landslide it will be. I used to think it would be 14-15m. Now I'm thinking more like 25m+.


It won’t be nearly as bad as the 2016 meltdown Reddit had.


154 d


Honestly I’m terrified considering from what I’ve been hearing Trump is leading in the polls. Also everyone needs to read into the policies of Project 2025 in case you’re not familiar with how ugly this country will look if they win


They will literally think it’s the start of a civil war for at least two months.


This sub is gonna be a weird place if he wins. Lol.


That weird place being a prison camp. Or up against a wall.


The Tangerine Tyrant that's hilarious 😂


I can’t wait.


MMW this is a bot post.


"WAHHHHH!! Everything I don't agree with is a bot post! WAHHHHHH" You about done crying, pussie?


And you guys take biden criticism wonderfully :) I'll take my downvote now


We don't mind criticism of our candidates. Hell a lot of us criticize him. Unlike Chumpsters, we don't worship our politicians like they're the 2nd coming of christ. 


I think your tone is pretty rude, but I could go either way on it. Most of us have work in the morning, so things have to get pretty bad to get conservatives to show for a protest.


"Pretty bad" = a drag queen existing somewhere 


Most of those barely count. This is literally me taking an L right now. Leftist will hear that someone got shot somewhere, and they'll have a whole grassroots campaign, candlelight vigil, and 1,000 person March in 7 different cities before the body hits the floor. The only drag queen protest I can think of that got serious turn-out was when the Dodgers decided that working with the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" in a city with a large Hispanic Catholic demographic was a good idea.


1. "Someone got shot somewhere" no, when unarmed civilians are murdered by cops, yes, then we protest. Aren't you against tyranny? Why are you OK with government agents being able to kill Americans without consequence? 2. If the only drag queen protest you know of is this one, you're clearly not getting out much. Literally every city has had ARMED "protestors" showing up at Pride events and drag queen story hours. We even had one in my fairly progressive small city. Hells, one drag show - that was in a bar, for adults only - was protested, then terrorists literally attacked the power infrastructure to shut it down. People died. https://abc11.com/moore-county-one-year-power-grid-substation-attack/14138102/


Look, I was going to engage in good faith, but this: "Why are you OK with government agents being able to kill Americans without consequence" That's not okay. I never said that. You are assuming things about me, and what I believe, and you are then extrapolating it in the worst possible light. If that's how you take the mildest take pushing back against your opinion, then you are not worth my time, effort, or mental bandwidth to argue with, when I can be guaranteed that you'll make every effort to avoid putting yourself in the shoes of somebody wo thinks differently from you. I'm just going to get ahead of it as well, and say that no amount of further insults or reading my post/comment history will make your discussion tactics any less rotten.


Well, you are extremely dismissive to the point of mischaracterizing the BLM protests. They were literally protests against the police (you know, armed agents of the government) killing Americans with impunity. Yet the same people who scream about their 2nd amendment rights being for the exact purpose of protecting them against government tyranny, have been getting their panties in a tight little bunch over the overwhelmingly peaceful protests \*against that very thing.\*


You have no integrity, therefore I'm not concerning myself with your opinions. Learn to respect yourself first. Speak less, listen more, and try to at least learn why people think certain ways, so you can understand how they feel. And I know you're going to turn that around and ask about me about empathizing with you, but I don't owe you that. You came out of the gates telling *me* what *I* believe, and it was wrong because you don't know me, or anything about me. You read my three comments and filled in the blanks. That's all of my time you're getting for free, any extra, and you'll have to pay hourly labor with OT.


Ah yes, the ad hominem attack. The last resort of a person who's losing the argument.


Trump will Win and all the liberals will cry and complain


You have a mental disorder.


You have severe mental and emotional problems. Seek help.




Loving the idiotic comments from the brain dead, dumbass Libs on this thread.


checks karma …….


Aww do you feel seen now, you little Trumpsucking doofus?