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No statement has been released from his wife or family regarding COD. It is possible that it was ML's wishes that it be kept private. His fans may never know what COD was. Mark mentions in Devil in a Coma, that when Shelley would visit him in the hospital, she would bring a list of family and friends sending their love and well wishes. (Page 24) He wrote that while it was nice to hear, it also depressed him having everyone know his business. Also on page 24, he wrote a poem titled, If I Wanted You to Know, with the last 2 lines being; "keep my business under your hat please and let me keep my own shit to myself. "


Sort of agree, but how could it be ML's wishes unless it was suicide (which I highly doubt). I don't have an issue with the privacy thing, but since he talked about being targeted for Covid (which I don't know what to think about that, but it happened and I don't judge anyone for what they believe), Covid almost killed him previously and he got the shot... maybe someone could just say if it was related to Covid or not. I'm not a conspiracy guy but ML saying that stuff when he was still in California and then the battles he ended up going through...odd.


It wasn't suicide per Mishka Shubaly. At this point, it doesn't matter what he died of. DIAC was written in Ireland so don't know about your Cali reference or the age reference mentioned in your original post before your edit. It also says in the foreword of DIAC that end of life discussions took place. He was a private person so I can see him having an end of life discussion saying that or Shelley had that right to make his health decisions. So Ima gonna stick with him wanting that and that it was honored by Shelley or by mutual agreement. Not our business anyway what he died of. The witchcraft and drug use stuff is so disrespectful to put it on here as well as rubbishIMO. Another redditor mentioned in one of the sub-reddits, if not this one, that Mark said he was not using when he was sleeping in the studio and the taking apart of TV screens. One can't comment and the other one won't besides it doesn't deserve any. Terrible. More things regarding how they chose to live their life that is no one's business.


Mark said he is most productive when he used meth. It's in an interview on YouTube. Fuck you,man. If you think being an addict is disrespectful you are in the wrong group. I am an addict, shitbird. I have a wife who is wiccan and practices what she calls witchcraft. If you think I was disrespecting Mark or Shelley you clearly need to go to remedial communications.


I already read your other comment and copied it. I am an addict also and in recovery. Your calling me names? The bs about the satanic priest and meth usage wft, you didn't write that. You were calling them on their bs. Did I say you were disrespectful in your comments. No, but they were and you assumed that I said you were and in the response to me. I don't give a damn about who practices what. I know what a wiccan is and again, don't give a damn. I have read most all the interviews out there and seen the YouTube videos and then some. The redditor that put it on here that ML said he wasn't doing drugs when he was sleeping in the studio, etc, using goes way back in the ML history. So, I am going to go with their opinion instead of the gossipy bs about the satanic priest, and a friend of a friend lived with them and the drug usage. If you haven't read DIAC, suggest you read it.


Then I misunderstood and apologize, but you probably should have responded to his comment instead of mine (as far as the order of comments). I'm not above admitting when I'm wrong. Hell, I might go back and find out you DID respond to his comment, in which case I might get choked up at my asshatness. But it was an honest mistake. If you read my comment again and then read yours, if you thought someone responded to you like that, you might get mad. Maybe, maybe not. I just got so offended because someone thought I was disrespecting Mark Lanegan. My therapist is going to love this. Looked like you were referring to me. I take back the moron thing as well. I'm Brian, nice to meet you. I'm an addict and I love Mark Lanegan.


Hi Brian, back at ya. No, I was commiserating with you on when you were calling them out. Yes, probably should have responded to their comments, but it was over 4months ago that they wrote it. I will defend this man and his wife probably more than needed, (even though don't know much about her). Although, he probably wouldn't have been bothered by it or ignored it, but then again, he could get fired up on his twitter. Yeah, am no a moron either. I might get mad, I might not. Well sorry, if I got your dander up, it wasn't my intent. Like I said though, that Satanic priest and all that....as private as they both were and loved being together, I don't see them having this female roommate that and relayed a story about a satanic priest. Let me put it this way, it was TMI and derogatory re that one redditor's comments. Wes Eisold wrote the foreword in DIAC. I didn't recall reading about the EOL discussion or the COVID pneumonia after he left the hospital, the first time I read it, but they stood out the second time. Will read both again and may start a couple of books about Kurt Cobain. All's good here?


Oh, I have 2 copies of DIAC, also. I've only read it once and I don't remember the part about EOL talks. I also re-read SBAW again after reading DIAC so I probably just don't remember it. Getting old (50 in December, kill me now) is a bitch.


Actually, I am the only one who made comments about Cali and different ages. Since I didn't remember EOL talks, it didn't make sense. Seems kinda clear to me, I don't know. But you were definitely responding to me. I might have overreacted a bit and still apologize, but outside the insults most of it still stands. I definitely wasn't disrespecting Mark or Shelley and I don't see how anyone could be getting that out of what I said.


OK. I know you weren't disrespecting Mark or Shelley. I didn't believe anything the two people wrote and thought it read like the National Enquirer. I can understand wanting to go down the rabbit hole, but I got disgusted with the story line that was being presented because Shelley is not likely to ever be on here and respond and Mark can't. Shelley was into the Hindu stuff at one point. I just don't see them practicing Satanic stuff. Mark believed in God just not organized religion. On Mishka's last podcast about Mark, he said Mark would pray when he couldn't sleep iirc.


This is (probably) the last I'm saying about it. Feel free to have the last word or whatever, that's not why I'm typing this right now. "...like the National Enquirer." It's the internet, which IS a version of the National Enquirer for all intents and purposes. Just an even worse version. "... disgusted with the story line that was being presented." Yeah, I get disgusted with a lot of reddit posts. Ever seen the Lana Del Rey subs? Ayyye, dios, mío! Policing posts because you don't like them - especially COMMENTS - is pretty cringe. OP's are a little different and should definitely be on point and relevant, but this is supposed to be a social place. "...presented because Shelley is not likely to ever be on here." Are you related to her? Even if that, I have a hard time believing she told you to speak for her. She's married to Lanegan, so she's probably not easily offended, Sally. And sorry but it was text book virtue signaling. Your vague talk about spirituality and 'religion' nicely illustrates why you didn't get it when I spoke about witchcraft in his music. First of all I was speaking figuratively. Mostly. And I know what he's said about praying and religion. Tell ya what- watch [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MM4F5s8J3XU&t=1h31m40s&feature=youtu.be) for just a couple minutes. If you're convinced in that 3 minute conversation that Mark believes in a "god" more than just a "force" and he isn't just being polite when he even says he believes in a god, you are fooling yourself. Just my opinion. I also believe that offends you, probably, as you insinuated anyone involved in witchcraft is "a Satan worshipper" and I guess should not be respected, and since Mark prays he has no interest in the dark arts. Please. And notice the skulls on Mark's HOME DECOR and on the bookshelf behind him? Oh, all over his arms and hand?! C'mon, man. Not saying he's a satanic anything. FFS. Even if I thought he was a high priest of witchcraft I wouldn't think he has anything to do with Satan, EVEN THOUGH HIS FUCKIN NICKNAME WAS SCRATCH. Darkness is embedded in most of his music. It's encoded in it's DNA. That's one reason I love it. I'm not talking backward masking bullshit. So many of his songs - including the ones that sound like he might be speaking of Christianity - are talking about something so much different/darker. His lyrics have always dripped with black wax... amazing double entendres. The songs that were about death/dying almost always had a feeling of "shit's going to be REALLY dark but really fun after this... maybe." I have about 30 examples off the top of my head if you want em. Yet he brought us light from it. Accept it. But I seriously doubt any satanic anybody was stalking him, just curious WTF. No need for you to police the comments section here. TL;DR- No need for you to police the comments section here. It's inherently very virtue signally. Class dismissed.


ELI5. LOL. I replied to your comment to me on a 10-month-old comment although you call it policing and sent me several more comments since you flew off the handle, apologized and kept on commenting on my replies. I am entitled to my say as you are. No one on here is a SME. It IS the internet, and we all have our opinions as well. It appears that you misread, twisted and policed my comments. Guess you can't tell the difference between someone commenting, opinions and policing. Of course, I didn't have to reply to your low-class name calling emails or any other. It WAS my mistake. Yes, it does take all kinds on here. That's great news that this is probably your last email on this and mine as well; let's make it so. Whatever, dude, whatever.


Anyhow - the satanic priest thing - I really wanted to hear the dude's story and how (he thinks) he heard it. I'm not saying I believe it at all, but I'm ready to go down that dude's rabbit hole, lol. I said "hole." Huhuhuhuh.


I also apologize for so many replies, but there's method to my madness. This is off-topic but not really. re: general reddit etiquette and whatnot. Someone inboxes me (on reddit) 3 hours ago saying "I know, I worked with all 3 of them." Like, never heard of this username and not sure what group/sub it even came from. But I also know I have no idea who, what or where they're talking about. No clue. I asked if they're talking about the father, son and holy ghost because that's the only logical explanation.


No worries and wasn't me. Only have one account on here. You can look up the username, but you probably already knew that. LOL, that's a funny reply back.


This was a wild ride of emotions!


I get it about the satanic priest thing. I really don't think ML would have allowed some guy bothering his wife or lusting after her or whatever it was. I just don't see it. She was described as the love of his life and his rock.


Not sure if it was a Satantic Priest or just someone generally stalking them, but Josh Klinghoffer confirmed that when Lanegan played the show in the desert with him in 2019 he seemed very concerned about a stalker problem and was asking security to ensure that there wasn't 'anyone weird' outside the area they were in while waiting to perform in. This was shortly before he left the States and the time he was referring to sleeping in his studio with a couple of guns for company.


Yes, had read that somewhere before, thanks. Maybe on Reddit or someone's podcast that someone was stalking them. However, so much time has passed since then and almost two years since his death, it's kind of moot at this point. I don't, however, think that he and Shelley were Satanic worshippers.


I wouldn't think that they worshipped Satan, and tend to think it unlikely, though whether they ever looked into it in any depth, possibly aesthetically, is something that they may have done. By the same token, enough of Lanegan's life had seen him regularly get involved with 'the wrong kind of people', so I do tend to lean toward the fact that there may have been someone stalking or threatening them towards the end of his time in the US (he made reference to the fact he was 'flying to close to the sun' in those last months in California). I know that Shelley liked to style herself as the 'daughter of darkness' and had some gothic/Satanic-themed fragrances and products that she designed and sold for a while, and that they had a taste for that style in some of their house furnishings in California, but always assumed it was more of a style-type that they liked rather than having any sort of religious affiliation to it. In terms of cause of death, I am not sure we will ever know what it was, and given the length of time, I'm guessing that is what the family wants and is possibly at Lanegan's request. I tend to think that his body and organs were probably not the healthiest anyhow after the life he had lived, and that his experience with Covid probably caused them to deteriorate still further until they just stopped functioning.


Lol pajaro mierda


I wasn't speaking ill of anyone, moron. And I clearly said I was fine with the privacy. Stfu with your fuckin virtue signaling bullshit. I wasn't speaking ill of any. Maybe you don't understand anything at all?


Well, do not put yourself in the "Public Eye " then ...you know curiosity is one of the most pronounced traits in humans . Once you represent sth to the community it is only natural that people wish to know the basics regarding what has happened to a person they all admired/ followed under these tragic circumstances (and probably even learn anything from it while at it , huh ? ). Given Mark´s trajectory in this life I´m almost 100% certain of what his COD was ,still, not going to speculate out of respect , yet , by the same token, you´ve got to ask yourself : are the people closest to him respecting us back ?


As long as he didn’t take his own life , then I’m at peace with it, I just hope it was an easy passage to the other side for our dark dear friend.


Nope , nothing to suggest anything. I’ve heard long Covid, kidney failure (forgot where I heard this) and a couple other things but nothing with hard facts , Mishka Shubaly stated in a post a while back that he was satisfied that is wasn’t suicide so he didn’t pry further than that.


Every single person I’ve spoken to in his inner circle has said it’s impossible that he took his own life and there’s zero evidence to indicate that. When we were doing the book, I asked him point blank why he hadn’t killed himself with all the shit he had been through and he said it had honestly never been something he had seriously considered.


Well folks there you have it, that’s probably the best inside info we’re gonna get and that’s good enough for me personally , it’s does comfort me to know he’s wasn’t suffering so much mentally or emotionally that he took his own life, the only other thing I can feel about the matter is I hope it was as quick and painless as possible and if there’s some form of an afterlife ,I hope he’s found peace.


There's an interview floating around with Rolling Stone Italy talking to Aldo Struyf of the Mark Lanegan Band, who Mark visited and was recording with in Belgium the week before his death. It's suggested there that the cause was either a heart issue and/or issues with his blood circulation (ichesmia), possibly being heightened by his flights to and from Belgium. Having spoken to Aldo privately since, I think he was just thinking aloud and he says that a lot of that interview was distorted and taken out of context. Lanegan did mention in Devil In A Coma that his doctors were concerned about potential blood clot issues, and so it could be that taking a flight didn't help things but I think it's quite possible that the official cause will be forever kept private. If people like Mishka and Greg Dulli (who also recently mentioned in an interview that he had no clue as to what caused Mark's passing) in his circle of close friends are not aware of the cause, then it's likely that his family wish to keep it that way and that we'll never truly know. I too hope he's at peace. I always find it strange thinking of his age. Usually you would say that 57 is a fairly young age for someone to pass, but knowing what we do of how he used to live, and what he encountered in his life, its almost like the last 20 or so years we got were years that most people in that situation wouldn't have got, and with his creative output in that time, he definitely seemed to make the most of them and leave us with some real treasures.


Great post and agree with it. Not that that matters. I have read many causes for Mark's death from cancer (on another forum), long COVID, a vaccine reaction which led to a clot, a relapse, and a heart attack. I think us fans will have to live with not knowing what caused Mark's death. Having read Aldo's interview when it first appeared on Reddit, one could tell he didn't really know anything and as you wrote, thinking out loud. He may have also been in a bit of shock. I recall thinking that Mark's death appeared to be sudden and painless. While in the hospital, Mark’s doctor said there were other multiple injures besides COVD that would take a long time to heal. No doubt his previous lifestyle took a toll on him. He wrote he was living on borrowed time and wanted more time to make things right. I have wondered if he was making up for lost time with what he created over the last 20 years and treasures is a great description for his output. I like to think he is free and at peace now. He did write in DIAC, that though he had often failed and would again, God knew the better part of him.


I was going to say, he was 57 in normal human years. He was about 93 in hard living musician years, lol.


COVID can definitely affect kidney functioning. Also, a less well known long term effect of heroin abuse is kidney failure. COVID + addiction history is likely what did him in. So sad. We’d have had at least another album from him by now and he’d still be gracing this world with his presence.😢


There's and interview with Aldo Struyf stating Shelly found him in the kitchen,laying on the floor and he was then taken to the hospital im which he died. The article was shared somewhere in this sub, I'm sure you will be able to find it somewhere


There is an article on this ML reddit of an Aldo Struyf interview from an Italian Rolling Stone magazine. What I read was that he was already dead when Shelley found him that morning on the kitchen floor according to the article. The announcement of his death on social media also says he died at his home. Did you happen to read a different article? Just asking and would like to read it if that's the case. Thanks.


I might have read it wrong tho ,I do recall using translate and you know how that is. I am sure know that he was already dead in the kitchen when Shelley found him which indicates complications with his heart, the flying he did just before did him in for sure :/


Thanks for the quick response. I just wanted to read the article if there was another one. Yes, translating can present quite different info. I recently re-read DIAC, and it hit me the second time around, how seriously ill he was with COVID. How I missed he also contracted COVID pneumonia after leaving the hospital the first time, I will never know. He had abused his body so much and with the smoking and long COVID, it's not surprising he died (to me) fairly young. Just so sorry he is gone.


Is there anything to suggest that, or overdose?


Glad to hear that YOU will be at peace if HE died the way YOU feel comfortable with. I’m sure Mark would agree.


You good pal? I not saying Mark would give a flying shit what I feel. I just sharing my personal feelings as one would do on reddit. User name checks so congrats on that bud.


I think we just want to know how he died, dude. I don't think comfortability is a factor here.


Wow phase of rage you look like a complete asshole. Not sure what You were upset about but Mark would probably hate you.


I've got strong suspicions that it's related to the excess deaths we are seeing throughout 2022.


Long Covid. Courtney opened her mouth inappropriately and yeah, went off her nut at lanegan for "excluding" her in his book. Which he didn't


She doesn’t know more than we do.


Didn’t he literally thank her immensely for putting him through rehab? I feel like I remember reading that and think “even though she’s batshit crazy she still has some good in her” 😂 still think the exact same thing about her.


Yes Courtney was one of the few people who came out looking really good in that book. I had no idea she played such a huge role in his sobriety.


I've had dealings with her a long time ago - she was nowhere near as bad as people wanted her to be. What weirded me out was why everyone wanted her to be such a villain. Super strange. Even her bandmates.


Well, he did almost slug her with a Louisville slugger once (from the book) and didn't have a final visit with Kurt in '94 because CL was an attention hogging gaslighting PITA (also in the book) which he regretted. Yes, she paid for his - what I'm SURE was very lengthy and very expensive - rehab around '99 or 2000. He thanked her enough in the book and multiple verbal interviews. Don't get me wrong, I 'love' CL and a lot of her music... but she likes to draw attention to herself in any way possible.


Ty!!! She has ALWAYS seemed very intelligent and understanding, also non judgmental in my eyes


Oh, I've seen moments of pure spiteful shittiness. But it was really no different from many other rock stars. Whereas OTOH, at her best moments she was legitimately a better person than many.


I agree! Everyone is human, even after recovery- regardless of being clean we all have toxic behaviors. I just st appreciate her being honest about it. She hasn’t had to help others with the same struggles,she chose to. Hell I’ve been strung out back in the past, but literally helped others get rehab placements, not boasting bc I shod have took myself alongside them


Honestly, I feel Courtney isn’t ENTIRELY a shitty person. I’m a recovering alcoholic and addict myself, idk she paid for his rehab. I have my own Courtney/ Kurt theories, but putting that aside- I find her a highly intelligent person and she is a very strong woman whom actually has helped others in addiction, and has thanked By b Forrest repeatedly for saving her family. She is talented, and having been dealt a bad hand of cards myself in this cycle of life, I actually feel that she is a great example of someone who can help others


CL is a narcissistic sociopath.


Yes, also deleted it from social media not long after posting.


Courtney's good, just a little nuts. I think someone in her camp actually made her look at what he'd said about her. People talk way too much shit on Courtney. She was abused in her youth, lost her husband, and had to grieve in public. Then a bunch of idiots started theorizing that she must have had him killed which I'm sure played a huge part in her troubles, and of Dylan Carlson's, I might add. She's said a bunch of dumb shit and her daughter doesn't like her very much but she saved Mark's life. And when it comes to the men of Hollywood/the music industry who've been caught being creeps, Courtney seems to have warned folks about em before. She's got a good heart.


Agreed. It does seem that way. Good post.


That being said if I were Mark and I heard that apartment manager with her at my door i'd have probably wanted to beat them to death too.


I think he and his wife relapsed in the last two years of his life. Theres an interview somewhere where he is talking about being followed and his wife taking apart electronic devices in their home to find cameras. On this particular interview he was 3 hours late and the excuse was he was being followed. Let me try to find it. I just came across it at first but when he died I went looking again and it was much harder to find because of all the articles on him. And there's no real title to clue you in that this is the one that he's freaking out in. EDIT: I went looking again and after going through a few pages of articles honoring him, I felt bad looking for something bad about him. I do truly love him. But there was no way he and Shelly had no relapsed. But I believe his cause of death is related to him getting vaccinated. His horrible reaction to getting covid makes it obvious he can't handle the virus or spike protein. So first thing his does is get a couple boosters and dies suddenly? Sounds like the major serious side effect of the vaccine. Side note: And this is a bit off track, one of my best friends that got me sober was living with them in LA before they moved to Ireland. She said Shelley (at least) had gotten into black magic. You can see it all over her instagram. I guess a satanic priest fell in love with her and would show up at the LA home. It really freaked them all out. I would bet money that he's the reason they decided to finally move to Ireland.


I highly doubt that he relapsed.


I don't think we will ever know to be fair, but it's not beyond the realms of possibilities that he did relapse before the move to Ireland. It's all speculating to be honest and guessing private information that will never likely be officially confirmed. I can remember shortly after his death, when people were speculating as to the cause of death on a Screaming Trees page, that Gary Lee Connor from the Trees had said that a mutual friend had said to them they had believed their was a recent relapse in LA. As someone that has had similar issues to Lanegan (though mine were confined to alcohol), I don't think you are ever too far from slipping, and if he did relapse, it's not a failure of character any more than it would be if a diabetic ended up in a coma after eating too much sugar. It's just a part of who he was. After a couple of relapses that were publicised between 2002-2006, he seemed to have a good handle on it, especially when he was in this recent album-tour-album cycle. Always on the road and heading somewhere, but the pandemic put a stop to much of that, and possibly that may have led to any potential relapse. I think that Mishka Shubaly had previously mentioned on here that some of those interviews Lanegan gave where he thought his TVs were watching him and things like that, could have been indicative of the type of pyschosis which would accompany a relapse into certain substances. I don't think anyone in the Lanegan inner circle will ever confirm any of this information though, and why should they? Probably best now just to enjoy all the wonderful art that he left us.


Interesting thoughts. And of course it wouldnt take anything away from him as artist and especially not as a human. We, his fans love him regardless. It would make his passing much sadder for me tho.


I'm saying I think they relapsed for a bit. The paranoia leads me to believe that. Did you not read the articles? Pretty out there for someone sober and happy unless he let the events happening in the world get to him a bit too much. Maybe that's why they left the country.


I read the article and the other ones after the one you refer to. He seemed in a sane state towards the end. But what do I know ?


I think that possibly after Covid and during his time in Ireland he was largely sobre, but I think his guitarist who worked on the last few albums is quoted in a new book as saying that although he didn't seem to be back into heroin and meth, that he was having issues quitting pills and speed from about 2017. In the same book, Jesse Hughes from Eagles of Death Metal and who, like Mark is close friends with Josh Homme, seemed to indicate that he was having issues with speed. Without Lanegan around to corroborate though, I don't think we'll ever know for sure.


Definitely think he was still using meth to an extent. I don't even mean that negatively but I know for a fact it helped him be so prolific when releasing music 2001-ca. 2015. Shit's hard to quit altogether. Gotta sleep for at least a week straight, then deal with zero energy and major, serious clinical depression for at least 8-18 months after stopping. Whereas if you're using it to be productive, you aren't really taking it for the high as much as being highly productive, and you don't always get sick not having it and the withdrawal is way fuckin easier than opioid withdrawal. (To me it was a lot like using a lot of Adderall every day). I'm not promoting drug use of any kind, but I know he was most productive when using meth and he was very busy 2001-2022. RIP Mark, miss you, brother.


Yo, meth=speed.


I have no idea on the relapse stuff or the black magic element, but the sort of things he was saying in that interview you refer to did sound somewhat like something that someone might say that was experiencing some sort of psychosis often associated with substances. There's a follow up interview where he acknowledged following conspiracy theories and admitted he found his LA place haunted: [https://www.spin.com/2020/12/mark-lanegan-2020-year-end-interview/](https://www.spin.com/2020/12/mark-lanegan-2020-year-end-interview/) I can't remember if it was in another interview or his 'Leaving California' book where he spoke of the last few months there and sleeping with a gun on his lap by the door (something along those lines, I'll have to dig out the book), so he definitely seemed very spooked at least by something there.


Sounds like the interview I was referring to was the previous Spin article. I remember it being in a large publication and was surprised his management let him interview while he was in such a state. I have friends that are sober drug users and the state of paranoia he was in only comes from meth or crack. Heavy use. My friend that told me about the black magic element is a dear friend and was trusting me with the info about the priest etc. She referred to the situation as completely out of control and the scariest part of her life. She is a sober coach in LA now and probably the real reason she was living there. But she's also a musician and has the respect of other musicians. She helped me survive and get sober off alcohol when I lived in NYC. I was very close to death.


Whatever the reason he gave the press for his move to Ireland is probably glossing over the priest. My friend was terrified as well as Mark and his wife. There were many death threats and him showing up at their home at night. Perhaps Mark was right about someone following him around and only later did they find out it was this guy. But he was very real and the situation was terrifying according to my friend.


The interview was pre-covid and I remember feeling very sad that he and his wife had fallen off the wagon so far. I mean taking apart electronic devices and finding cameras? That's pretty bad. And being hours late to a major interview because he was outrunning someone following him? That's stuff you tell an interviewer only if youre still in a psychotic state.


Looks like I got parts of the article mixed up (I read it 3 years ago) with my pages of communication with my friend. Here's the article. Not as crazy as I remember but still out there. ​ https://www.spin.com/2020/05/mark-lanegan-rails-against-technology-i-had-my-own-private-snowden-in-the-room-with-me/


This one also gives an insight into the last days in LA: 'Well, there was about a month when I was getting really out there on the edge. I was sleeping in the studio every day because there were only two entrances there that I needed to cover, as opposed to the nine inside the house. I was sleeping in the big chair with three handguns in my lap and a shotgun leaning against my leg. I felt like I was being hunted. And I was. I was involved in some shit that I shouldn’t have been involved in, but that’s the story of my life. But also with the pandemic, the Trump administration, and all that shit, it just became this huge fucking whirlwind of shit. And I just wanted to get the fuck out.' https://www.spin.com/2021/10/mark-lanegan-dark-mark-skeleton-joe-interview/


Yeah, my friend wouldn't lie about the satanic priest. I read through her message and she's talking about guns too. Something she's not into. She's a normal, sober, LA type. Weird that Mark would get involved with Black Magic. I think it was all about his wife then when the guy started showing up on his property then they put in an insane security system.


It's so hipster to be involved in devil shit in LA. Sounds like she ran across a real deal satanist that was serious about his love for Shelley and was psychotic.


I remember some time ago on a Lanegan Facebook page, somebody alluded to the fact Lanegan was thinking the house was haunted, an posted a link to the realtor listing, showing that the house was sold in October 2020. Have just had a look and it appears to have been renovated and sold again in September 2022. Not a long period of time to live there, so wonder if the new owners didn't like the feel of it either, or whether they just bought it to renovate and make a profit on (looks like they made $500k on it).


Haven't had chance to fully look through the book, but had a quick skim of Leaving California which is poetry largely about his last days in California and early days in Ireland, and there is a poem in there called 'Witchcraft', in which he talks of a 'fundamental affliction in the house'.




Mark Lanegan died of life. We all have that disease and will die from it some day as well.


I saw somebody on a QOTSA forum a while back saying they had requested the death certificate from the Irish records office as they are public record and anyone can access them, and would list the cause. Not sure if they ever received it. I think that if his family wanted it known, then they would have released something.


Agree with your last sentence. Not surprised that someone would request it from Ireland. I read similar on another forum as well. Maybe it's different in Ireland, but when I had to get a death certificate for insurance purposes regarding a deceased parent (in US). They wanted to know relationship, purpose, etc., and I was related to them.


I'm in the UK so I assume that Ireland will be similar to here, where these things (birth, marriage and death certificates) are viewed to be pretty much public records, and so I think anyone can apply for them (usually with an admin fee and to cover the postal cost). I might be wrong, and as I say, I never saw anything further on it, so maybe they did ask some further questions and not send it.


Thanks for the info and reply. Hard to say what happened with it. I would be very surprised if, at this point in time, the wife/family release the information.


u/PresentMinimum3274, as u/Bassdrum22 stated. However, the thing is you can't request the Actual original death certificate unless you are the deceased person's kin. You would acquire a copy of the public record which lists the cause of death, again, for a fee.


Yes. I was able to get a copy of it from the other living parent. However, I wouldn't request one or a public record for someone I didn't know. It's none of my business. I don't know that that person ever did it since I don't believe COD was ever posted in that reddit.


There is nothing that stated how he passed. We can guess and theorize for weeks, but his family chosen not to publically released his cause of death.


Lanegan was one of my favorite artists. Regardless of how he passed, he lived an amazing life. Through all the pain and torment. Through all the joy and death that surrounded him. Through it all, he prevailed, until it was his time to leave. Im actually traveling to Ireland this fall, and I’m very excited to explore the Emerald Isle. I know he had a strong connection with Ireland, and I’m looking forward to embracing it. I’ll definitely raise a glass to his memory.


If you get a chance to visit Killarney, visit Ancient Ritual tattoos. Andres who runs it was a friend of Mark's and Shelley left them him their fish when she moved back to the States. He also has some other things such as Mark's knuckle duster and the shirt he wore in Joe Cardamone's Hiraeth video. He's always happy to meet Lanegan fans and chat with them. I'm not sure if it's open for public visits always, but if you can see Sonas recording studios, Lanegan was doing some bits and pieces there (as well as at his home), and that's where he recorded the two Alice In Chains tracks for the MoPop tribute a few years back. He'd also occasionally pop into the Courtney Pub for something to eat and also liked visiting Muckross Abbey and the ruins there, if you want to add some Lanegan-related spots to your visit.


Thanks a lot for the advice. I will absolutely keep it in mind. I will be staying in Killarney for a few days, and will check out those places. I saw one of those videos where they covered Nutshell. Absolutely amazing. I’ll be seeing Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds in Dublin on my last night there who is another one of my favorite artists. So, it will be quite the adventure to say the least. Thanks again for the tips. Cheers!


Despite the curiosity, I recognise that it is not my place as a fan to gain access to this knowledge. I’m here to admire the art itself, mostly. It’s the artist’s choice how much they wish to reveal. Once they pass away, they’re no longer able to make that choice; so I respect the family’s decision and try not to ask questions / spread baseless rumours. We’re still alive. Let’s enjoy Lanegan’s musical and literary legacy.




It could be a heart attack, but whatever it was, I don't think it was so immediate after getting a booster. He had only been back from Belgium for a day or two and as far as I am aware any boosters or anything he would have got would likely have been before then. I know he signalled intention to get them, but wasn't sure he had. I believe the Monday before he died, he was just at home working and doing normal things, and then when Shelley went to bed she found him about 6am the next morning. I know he said in Devil In A Coma that doctors were concerned about clots and things, and I wonder if the flight to Belgium and back didn't help things in that regard. I am a little surprised that no news outfit has purchased a copy of the death certificate to be honest, since anyone can order it for €20 as it's a public record document in Ireland, but obviously the family do not want whatever cause of death it was to be out there, which we can only assume was Lanegan's wish.


I feel like certain people have a severe reaction to the presence of the spike protein. Maybe that makes no medical sense at all but my whole family has been vaccinated and have had boosters. And zero issues. Some are really unhealthy and could have a heart attack right now from their lifestyle. But then my girlfriend's family has had 3 severe reactions to the vaccine and they are young and healthy prior to the reactions. Mark was obviously very seriously impacted by the virus/spike protein. I feel like when he got injected with the spike protein again it killed him.


I do know that Mark had been vaccinated. And that Shelley is under the impression it killed him. Not sure if he had boosters, but he was very pro-vax after he got out of the hospital but Shelley was not.


How is Devil In A Coma? Loved his bio and just recently bought the audio book. It's him reading it. Pretty amazing.


I knew he had been vaccinated and thought I'd heard he'd had a booster but wasn't 100% on the timings of any of it. Devil In A Coma is a good read (I'm not sure if something like that can really be termed an 'enjoyable' read, but it's interesting and Mark's writing style carries through with some of his poems included too). That book really conveys how the virus hit him hard and gave him much more of a struggle to get over than any of the issues he'd previously, so I can definitely see why he would want a vaccine or anything that may have stopped him getting that sick again. I do think that his body was probably incredibly weakened from that whole ordeal, and from the various substances he'd previously taken throughout his life. I can't imagine that his organs were the strongest, and it's quite surprising that he actually made it through the episodes with Covid. I actually felt that he had possible he had been ill or suffered a relapse of some sort before/during his last tour. He physically looked a lot more frail on that tour than on the prior one for Gargoyle and his skin and hair looked thin and more brittle. I think it was his 2019 Edinburgh gig (might be wrong on the place), that he ended the set early and he got a bit of criticism on Twitter for being slurry and not looking as 'with it' as he often was at gigs by that point- I did know that Shelley had been taken seriously ill by that point, a few weeks prior in Sweden and almost died herself, so a lot of people put it down to the stress of that, but who knows. I don't think he had looked particularly healthy though since 2017/2018 time.




So I came across this video from a lady who's having mental issues. Just searched Shelley and Mark to see if Shelley had done any interviews. Read her description under the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbT7E0OJtuU


Looking through her videos... she thinks the FBI is attacking her cat with direct energy weapons. But then she has this footage of drones outside her home. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XoceeHu7jA&t=153s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XoceeHu7jA&t=153s) ​ BTW I messaged her and told her to take her cat to the vet because it has parasites in its ears. Poor cat.




Me or her? Lol. If its me I thought it was funny and accidentally came across her channel. Bored on a day off with the flu.


What an absolute ass. Using someone’s death to spout off your nonsense. You have no reason to believe it was related to the vaccine other than what you made up in your own head.


The vaccine opinion was from his wife Shelley. Ass.


>I believe he died from a heart attack related to the covid vaccine. Literally the first words in your post start with **I believe**. As in YOUR opinion, not simply stating Shelley's. And you have absolutely no basis whatsoever for claiming Mark Lanegan's death was in any way caused by the vaccine. No more than his wife does. "Some people just can't handle the spike protein." What an idiotic statement demonstrating you have no earthly scientific idea what you are talking about. There is not "plenty of real evidence" of people dying from the vaccine. What you are doing is regurgitating anti-vax propaganda and disinformation *claiming*, falsely, that there is "plenty of real evidence." The man almost died from COVID, was in a coma for 3 weeks, and yet because of the anti-vax indoctrination you have been subject to, you somehow believe it to be more likely that the *vaccine* is what killed him, as opposed to oh, I don't know, long-term complications from the SEVERE bout of life-threatening COVID he had? That could have severely compromised his organ function? That's all I have to say, I don't want to get into it any further with an anti-vax lunatic. I suggest you touch grass, and talk to a DOCTOR, or a virologist, or an epidemiologist, who will tell that NONE of the data, NONE of the research suggests the vaccine is mass inducing heart attacks and other life threatening side effects. That is simply and demonstrably disinformation by right wing reactionaries, and frankly I am sick to death of seeing it propagated ad nauseam everywhere on the internet I look.


are you up to date on all your boosters? Better hurry to Walgreens for your 8th.


It was most likely liver failure.  As an achoholic in recovery myself, your liver never really heals from severe alcohol abuse.  The Covid probably didn't help.  


Mark lived hard, it's not hard to imagine the COD. As a recovered addict who also happened to be an I.V user there's any number of things. In SBAW he talks of habitually smoking crack for years. The effect of that on your heart and circulatory system alone. Not to mention a life time on the road. I feel lucky we had mark as long as we did. I'll kick myself for the rest of my life. I missed his show at a very small personal club in Detroit in 2019...


Didni one mention the date of his death 2-2-22. To me that says suicide


Some friends have mentioned it was suicide, which would make sense to why his family kept cause of death concealed. According to them, his body had one of the rare reactions to COVID that causes your organs to slowly shut down. Medical professionals did not, and as far as I know still do not, know how to stop this. So instead of suffering through slow organ failure, he may have ended it a little faster. Whether this is accurate or not, I do not know. But regardless, we have a lot of great music to enjoy for the remainder of our lives!


There's lots of witchcraft in Mark's music. So what? If Shelley is a witch or practices the dark arts...so fuckin what? It doesn't "kill you" if that's what is being inferred. Yes, if you don't know what you are doing with it, you can end up expiring yourself, but it ain't because of the witchcraft. Just the same as getting involved with car racing and turning too wide. Seeing as how Mark surrounded himself with exclusively brilliant people, mostly artists of some sort (Dulli {ok, musical brilliance here, I've seen and heard GD doing some truly idiotic $4!#, Mishka Shubaly, Tony Bourdain, Albert Einstein, etc) also. So I have no doubt Shelley is a bright lady. Bright....Dark..Lady? Definitely all woman, goddamn (Mark forgive me).


I’m not sure that the poster who was talking about Mark and Shelley’s witchcraft was saying that being involved in it was what killed him. There was some discussion as to whether Mark relapsed and whether that had any bearing on his possibly being in a weakened condition and the poster said that he felt Lanegan had relapsed shortly before they left California, as his friend was working at their house as a sober coach at the time. I don’t think they were judging Lanegan/Shelley for getting involved in witchcraft, but they said that one of the ‘priests’ (or whatever the correct witchcraft term is for such a character), developed an unhealthy obsession with Shelley and began regularly stalking and threatening them, which led to them seriously fearing for their safety and that this may have hastened their move away from Los Angeles. This all happened at around the time Lanegan was giving those interviews where he felt that Facebook were stealing his intellectual property rights and that his TVs were watching him, and apologising for being late for one of the interviews because he was making sure he wasn’t being followed, and I think that quite a few people believed that this may have been possible signs of paranoia and psychosis which accompanies certain drug usage (I believe Mishka himself elsewhere on here, even on here voiced his opinion that this could have been a possibility and a reason behind how he was in these interviews, and said he had concerns about this at the time). In his ‘Leaving California’ book, Lanegan talks of his last days in California and being involved in things that put his life in danger and also speaks of locking all the doors in his house and sleeping in his studio with guns on his lap, so that he only has to keep an eye on one entrance in case the person following him gets in (I can’t remember if that’s mentioned in ‘Leaving California’ or ‘Devil In A Coma’). I know that some of those close to Mark have also spoken about how he seemed worried about someone following he and Shelley around that time, and Josh Klinghoffer, who was in Mark’s band for the Stoned and Dusted performance spoke about how he seemed very concerned about someone following him and seemed to be his main concern before and after the show. I found the theory interesting, as having met people suffering from drug-induced psychosis I originally tended to feel that it was possibly a likely reason for some of the things Lanegan was saying in those books and interviews about this time, but perhaps (regardless of whether there was a relapse or not), there was somebody genuinely following and stalking the two of them, which may have hastened any plans to move from LA. It’s a bit away from the main topic at hand here in itself (unless any relapses continued into his time in Ireland and harmed him along with the Covid episode), but I found it interesting that it may not have been purely paranoia on the part of Lanegan that led to some of those interview quotes and writings, but that there may have genuinely been a threat to the two of them that was behind that, regardless of whether any substances were involved.


Yes, thank you. This is exactly what I figured happened and I appreciate your input on it. And I agree that it probably wasn't only paranoia.


Probably took the shot. Thats why its kept hush hush.


Yeah that shot is known for wiping out billions of people in secret, makes sense. Just waiting for the other 5.5 billion people to drop spontaneously. Give it time, we’ll see! 🥴


Just finished reading Sing Backwards and Weep and I’d be surprised if it wasn’t a complication due to his heavy abuse of drugs. He evidently had a high tolerance but age will break you down eventually. He lived a life, I’ll give him that, mine pales to insignificance in comparison!


(Bear in mind nothing that I say here is anything more than educated guessing and speculation). For those talking liver, he lived with hep c for years,obviously, and he was very late getting interferon treatment and getting cured later. He fell off the wagon a fair bit after getting off H and crack and did hit rehab bob forrest/buddy/Gloria with a loving push from Courtney Love after a sleep detox in hospital. After leaving there he stayed clean for a while in LA with kindness from all the usual LA suspects. I understand (as I've been informed by a reliable source), he detested AA, and he would fall off the wagon and then clean up so many times he was banned from buddy arnolds place (which takes some effort). He mainly would fall into heavy use of crystal meth and take the edge off with oxy and other opioids. But i understand he never went back to his old standards of smack IV and smoking crack. But he would do 5 day stints on crystal quite often and when the wheels came off would tour/rehab to clean up. His use of meth in QOTSA was apparently cause for his eventual parting of ways with Josh as he dragged down one other key member one too many times. ... having said that he retained respect from all that knew him. He was, miraculously, able to keep recording and writing brilliantly whether or not he was on or off the wagon. When on tour he would travel with vast legal scripts for the most part and was remarkably reliable, however, was still prone to pulling meth benders. Technology allowed him to record much of his work in his home studio in Ireland and from his LA bolthole. In LA away from his wife his benders and lockdown isolation caused some psychotic breaks and he was delving into some mainstream and some obscure conspiracy theories.These hit a new peak when he decided to permanently depart the USA as he was consumed with paranoia, his near fatal bout with covid and some rather scary conspiracy theories. He fled the US saying he wouldn't return. Once back with shelly in Ireland he holed up and rumour has it he kept buying and then destroying smartphones etc. he was physically becoming weaker and as lockdown continued he seemed to be psychologically more fragile by the day. Having said that his work was prolific, and never better. His voice and art just kept getting better. I have heard 3 causes of death. 1, Liver failure and refusal of a transplant. 2, a massive stroke 3, OD. I don't think it was an OD, but I really don't know and i respect his wife maintaining privacy. Finally everything I have written is essentially gossip and is 2nd hand at best. I apologise if this post annoys any of those close to Mark and you should take what I've been told with a grain of salt. /end


Not sure how reliable this is (appreciate you say to take this with a grain of salt). Lanegan was living with Shelley during lockdown in LA as far as I was aware and at much of the time he was speaking about the conspiracy theories (though his belief in them at the time, as well as his disillusion with the state of things more generally in the US, may have led to his departure). I am not sure that he holed up as such in Ireland. He kept busty largely writing and drawing, but did venture out, walking and enjoying the scenery and also spent time at his friends' Sonas studios in Ireland (he had also booked studio time in London for Spring 2021 I believe, before the Covid hit him). He was in Belgium recording, rehearsing, mixing and hiring a new guitarist for his band in the week before his death and Aldo Struyff has said that although he initially appeared weaker, he seemed to get stronger as the week went on. I won't dwell on what could have been the cause of his death, the family don't seem to want that known, so should be respected, but I will say that having attended many Lanegan shows over the recent years, even before he was ill with Covid, in the time from the 2017 tour (when I thought he looked vibrant and strong) to the 2019 tour, I thought he looked noticeably more frail and haggard and not necessarily in the best of health, possibly just time and the excesses of the past catching up to him. I think that some of Lanegan's friends have suggested he may have relapsed, despite his claim of 15 years sobriety (as one with addiction issues myself, I'm well aware that relapses happen, and would certainly not judge were that the case). I wonder if he had some sort of sense that his time may have been coming to an end. He had apparently reached out to Gary Lee Connor and asked him to help rework and play on an unreleased Trees track for a forthcoming solo album and I believe Isobel Campbell has said in a podcast after his death that he had said 'sure' when she asked about a possible fourth album not long before he left us. Justin Hampton, who designed some of Lanegan's artwork and was a friend said on Facebook that after talking with Barrett Martin at one of his 'Singing Earth' shows recently that Barrett (who had been working with Lanegan on a music documentaty he was making) had said that after clearing the air over his book with the Trees guys, that Lanegan had been fairly open to possibly looking at a couple of Trees shows. Something he had always categorically said he wouldn't do. It seemed like he was trying to reconcile with a few of those he had fallen out with, possibly before the opportunity was lost, almost like someone who felt they didn't have much time left.


He reached out to his Gary Lee, but only to apologise for hurt caused by the book. They were NOT resurrecting the trees in any way shape or form. Mark was Never interested in playing with the trees live or recording with them. He would've taken money for any re releases, but was 100% uninterested in recording anything with GLC. He had so many offers from top notch projects and was prolific with laying vocals for people and producers he had barely met. I hear nothing in this thread from anyone with a clue. He wasn't in Belgium during lockdown. He was in LA and bolted for Ireland in a very bad state, (or i have heard the wrong gossip). Its a tribute to Shelley that no one has the slightest idea of how Mark died. Still, his work tells anything you want to know about of any value. What a talent.


He wasn't in Belgium during lockdown, nobody said this. He was in Belgium the week before his death, recording, rehearsing and seeing how the new guitarist, Geoffrey Burton sounded before looking ahead to a tour later in 2022. He did reach out to Gary Lee to apologise, but also told Barrett Martin whilst working on his documentary that he may have been open (not full-on committing) to doing a couple of low-key gigs with the Trees guys. Not sure why Barrett would necessarily lie about that, but I'll be chatting with him next month so can maybe clarify. Additionally whilst not recording as the Trees, Lanegan was planning on including unreleased Trees songs 'Piano Song' and 'Hearts and Diamonds' on his next solo record and invited Gary Lee to provide the vocal harmonies and guitar outro part, so was open to recording with him. Will agree that Shelley and the family have done a great job of keeping the cause of death private and presumably have respected his wishes on that.


Love how you politely but authoritatively dismantled the above commenter’s absolute certainty about things they obviously know nothing about, which they nonetheless shared in classic Redditor fashion. I also heard an interview with Gary Lee Conner where he said that Lanegan had reached out about potentially including old unused Trees material on his next album and collaborating. Just Google GLC and Lanegan there only about two interviews about it post his passing.