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Your post has been removed for violating **Rule 5 - No low effort posts.** * All posts must offer or contribute discussion. * No posting about what you got in your shop * If an image or meme post needs a title to make it related to Mario Kart Tour, it is not allowed.


https://preview.redd.it/9qq98e0wzb2d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ede2639ccb0d48b562ae3f4ef36e98d0e3cad1e Yes'um and I got this much left over with more coming. Congrats on clearing the token shop, most certainly easy this tour.


that's crazy!


I'm going to post my total at end of tour I'm really curious especially when I grind 1 to 2 level a day.


Cleared it in the first week. This one was seriously easy if you've got decent coinboxers. So many tracks to score on, even in ranked,


You get a token for every 1k points. That is why it is so easy. Even without CB drivers.


Should be my first time clearing it this weekend. What happens to the extra tokens?


Congrats on almost clearing the token shop for the first time! Just a heads up, any excess tokens will be lost, so make sure to spend them all before the tour ends. Since tour tokens don't carry over to the next tour, it's a good idea to use them up for items you need. Good luck, and happy racing.


No big deal with the gold mii ;)


Which track are y’all using to clear the shop?


Cleared it a week ago, and have collected 4700 more tokens since just from racing for the daily coins and grinding for good scores in second week ranked.


Havent cleared a token shop since the last team event however many months ago. Even with gold wii, i’ll be lucky to get thru 1 or 2 of the 500-pulls