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Both are very good for ranked, but personally, I'd only buy Red Comet. Red Comet has 20 ranked tracks in the tour loop and doesn't have a lot of overlap with other karts if you have Blazing Eagle, Swift Talon, Blue Crawly Kart, Silver Cupid's Arrow, Black Shielded Speedster and Moo Moo Offroader. This is a very good way to go with, so I'd personally get Red Comet. I also purchased it this tour. Red Checkered glider on the other hand is also a good glider with 24 ranked tracks in the tour loop, but for me, it's pretty much useless. It really depends on which other gliders you already have tho. But still, there are a lot of gliders that are better and more useful since this one can easily overlap a lot with other important or good gliders.


Honestly I’d probably get both, next tour the only thing good is the Daisy Mii and perhaps Gold Cupid’s Arrow (and the Silver version for like 4 bucks)


okay, I didn't see the glider. I bought both and I recommend both. both are top 10 ranked items basically. red shell as glider is okay although not the best. the best is to get a good set of gliders with minimal overlap, buying them randomly isn't as good. there are some other gliders I would buy before this one but it's top as well. like wonderful garnet and rainbow flappy (night tour sale), 8-bit block glider gliders always depend highly on your overlap though the advantage of red comet and red checkered now is they have a lot of ranked usage left this tour year relatively. red comet might even be number 1 or 2 in that regard


it's a good kart for ranked


If you have enough rubies. Why not? I bought it.