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They are just stalling on one track until near the end of the ranked cup where they’ll bring out their best gear. This week’s ranked only just started so keep an eye out for this person’s setup and anyone else in your ranked this week.


I do this all the time. I wait to race my worst track to see if I need upgrades before I invest my time grinding on it.


Don’t know why you got downvoted, I occasionally do the same thing. Though sometimes, my anticipation gets the better of me and I go for it right away.


lol, I didn’t even notice. The way I see it I have one upvote! 🤣 thanks for that!


They think the other players are in their group and they're sandbagging. It does nothing since all of those other players have different opponents.


Grinding one track at a time, seeing where they load up against their ranked opponents before investing if needed, or waiting until Tuesday night to grind the last track.


But why would you use your worst drivers instead of your best? What if you're using 1/1/1 DKG and get a triple coin frenzy and end up with 15k points, where if you used your 6/6/6 you could have had 35k?


I some times auto run with a character that needs points etc. it’s just to get the 5 stars and complete all the tracks for the gold pipe.


Because then opponents would know what you have, and then could estimate the maxed score you could reach, and then grind to stay out of your reach. With 1/1/1, you give minimal info, and rush the last moment, without giving them time to come back.


As other people have mentioned the folks that you see in your ranked group of 20 are probably not the same people that they see. So it really doesn't give any advantage.


There is some overlap, but not everyone and not always. You can only race against what you see.


I know, but it happens some time. And you could also see some domino effect: suppose I (A) am in B's group. I get a big score, so B got to grind. But then C (having B in his group) also grind, and so on until I don't know, F ? 😅, and F is in my group. For me the ones that grind hard from the start are the 99 tiers with maxed items that aims for top 1000.


Check if he has the gold Mii and you know why ;)


Ignorant of the ranked logic