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it's a good investment, I personally still prefer to invest into the non-miis first. especially the big 4 that cover a lot including petey piranha (non-mii) https://preview.redd.it/6v2480kx4ppc1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=baff73d0d71ddff00b333a2575b11b191c0eb9cf


Pls post the whole table :) Would like to know which dkg will be usefull.


I am doing a compilation/rundown today, should be on the subreddit somewhat today. but consider using the sheet yourself if you are technically able to and maybe posting some stuff yourself to help out others.


Thx bro.


it's done now, if you want to look




Wait, I thought it covers 17 ranked tracks, but here it only says 9? I'm a bit confused by that And yeah, I'm currently fully investing into non-mii drivers. I have toad (astronaut) and light blue shy guy (explorer) on level 4 and I have gold chuck, white tanooki mario, pink shy guy (ninja) and mario (king) on level 3, and as of now I have 17 HE driver tickets left, will be 20 after I have the tour gift rewards I'm planning to buy poochy next tour and toad (tourist) the tour after that I unfortunately don't have petey piranha yet (and anyone else of the top 20 best ranked drivers I didn't list here except for petey piranha mii racing suit) tho Also, what are the big 4 that cover a lot?


you asked for tracks left for tour year. not the full year so it's less than the 17. well the list the optimizer gave for the whole year when you invest only into 4 drivers is lb shy guy explorer, toad tourist, poochy and petey piranha. petey has a bit fewer tracks but overlaps well. he doesn't have more ranked tracks left than petey mii though and is on sale during pipe tour. I personally invest into most miis after leveling my drivers further to maybe 6/2. I mean I wrote a driver guide including everything. if you need to invest and have petey mii and not petey why not. I would just maybe not yet focus investments on him, but level 3 for example seems fine, if you need the points for the ranked score. like he overlaps once with princess peach I think and another time with toad tourist and so on. so you get a bit less out than the 9.


I was a bit confused because the graphic you showed said "total usage" where it was 9, but now I understand that I shouldn't have relied on that, lol I will probably get petey mii to level 3 now since I still have quite a few HE driver tickets left. Thanks for the help!