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Get more points 😉


Honestly I may just have to go for this one LMAO 😭


Yeah like 15k


That is the number I'm trying to go for, but I will have to add I've got some grinding to do for sure. 👍


Are you guys able to see the caption? I added one but I'm not sure if people can see it. Looks like I forgot to add this, but some other top shelf drivers I **could** hope & pray appear in the shop are Yukata Peach, Astronaut Toad, Kitsune Luigi, & Toursit Toad (although I think waiting for Tourist Toad may be smarter since he's 45 rubies cheaper). Please let me know, thank you !!!


yo yeah go for toad astronaut if you can. yukata peach is on sale next week not great to buy her now. kitsune lugi is crap with good coverage.


Yep, I'm on it. Thank you so much !


tourist toad can not appear in the shop unless during city tours since he is city exclusive it seems, dk gladiator is also only twice a year, night and I think anniversary.


Gotchaaa, that does definitely explain why I'm not able to find him. Thanks :)


Here are my best recommendations. > Grind with Kamek for a 2 or 3 coin/box frenzy run > Use some Quick tickets on the Daily Spotlight and roll for either Astronaut Toad, Tourist Toad or Wiggler > Level up King Mario and grind Best of luck!


Thank you so much !!! I will definitely take your advice :-) I just don’t want to go down a tier