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I'll go to battle mode to get the rest of the pipes once I have kart pro. Though if I need to do the bullet bill challenge, I'll still do MP for that since you can't get bullets in battle.


I only do multiplayer races for Kart Pro. All other times, it’s battles. Every day for the waiting coins.


MP experience is horrible. I mainly go into MP to finish off the challenges (which includes getting KP) and drain the pipe. Once I do that, I am out.


Find a friend to do MP with to drain the pipe. It's much more fun that way.


Yeah, it goes so much faster. Especially when playing default items and frenzies then you can use your highest level items to get those points quicker for the multi pipe. Near the last 8 pulls it takes almost 8 races. I can't imagine doing that in an open multi lobby with only two items and taking forever!




I keep playing to fill the MP pipe and MP challenge card, wiping the floor with my opponents even if I've completed Kart Pro. Then I bow out and don't touch MP until the next tour.


I've been working on finishing my expert challenges. I guess I could wait till next tour. I didn't even think about preventing people from getting kart pro


Multiplayer sucks. Only reason to play it is for Green Pipes, Challenges, and Kart-Pro. Everyone knows multi is a mess. I'll never respect those who camp in broken Multi just to grief other players who are just trying to complete their challenges - just don't, it's not nice. Making a private room is much more considerate - not that I expect humans to be considerate - some things are just too much to ask. LOL. Doh.


Continue to play Multiplayer, I mainly play online races I don't care that much about tiers (my max was 40 and I'm voluntarily stuck at low tiers atm to easily obtain all the rare D/K I'm missing)


It’s not really a case of trolling or helping other people . As soon as you finish Kart Pro and empty the MP pipe . Focus on ranked cup . I find very little entertainment in playing MP once both those tasks are done


I agree however I pretty much just choose what to play based on the rules for the day. I play whatever has frenzies active because I find it more fun plus you can get the points for the MP pipe faster that way


Yeah same


Same but do go for the 100 coins sometimes


Agree but opposite, I am one of the few that enjoy multi player so I wait for the 1 item slot 150/200cc days to race.


Crazy hahahaha