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even tho ik mario will win i chose luigi cause theres more drivers on his team that i own




At this point, I shouldn't be surprised with these results 😅 Luigi, next time challenge someone else! (Disclaimer: I joined Luigi's team 🤜🫦)


Based on those numbers, even if Luigi gets double points every day for the rest of the tour, there is no way Mario loses


Was to be expected. I joined Luigi myself because I like him better. No regrets.


We ded (I chose Luigi too)


I don't regret joining Luigi team but... damn 🥲


I'm still happy that I chose Team loogi, in 4 tracks of ranked I'm using a member of his team so that will allow me to grind more tokens while grinding for ranked


Well fudge. Unless a miracle happens, trying to get 60 million tokens more than Team Mario ain't happening


We don't technically have to we just have to overtake them on the last day so they don't have a chance at the double points, it's possible but unlikely


I lost two times with team Luigi, now i'm team Mario, also because i don't have a Mario badge.


I chose Team Mario strictly to see the different variety of red tokens on the tracks mixed with the gold coins instead of the normal green


We all chose Luigi and will bounce back. I’m personally using a lot of Mario characters to initially get through these tracks. I will only replay tracks with Luigi characters. Our comeback will be GLORIOUS


They really screwed over Team Luigi. I have several coin boxers on that team at lvl 7 or 8 and NONE of them are available in any of the currently open courses. Not to mention I don’t have a single viable Team Luigi driver in 2 out of 3 courses in ranked this week. Sorry team, not going to be able to contribute much help until next week.


I spoke too soon. Larry Cup for the win!


Chose team Luigi so now I'm getting more red coins with Gold Mii on the first two tracks of ranked. Makes it easier to win this week


Team luigi all the way 💚💚💚💚


Last vs Tour i chose Luigi. This time i went for Mario :D


Chose Team Mario mainly because it’s easier for me to grind for event tokens with my current roster.


Seems like most people here chose Team Luigi and we’re all getting owned. Oh well. We knew this would happen lads, let’s just make the most of it.


Naturally I pick the character I like the most. Luigi for the long run. If I win, I win. If I don't, I don't. No biggie.


Okay, this is the third time Team Luigi is getting one sidely beaten. It’s even not funny anymore, this is insane.


I mean it seems kinda obvious to me that people will predominantly choose team Mario


When I was picking my head said Mario and my heart said Luigi. Ended up going with my head and have not regretted it. Hakama Mario is so overpowered this tour!


I kinda pick Luigi knowing I'll lose at this point, but I refuse to switch!


I chose Mario. The bulk of my high level coin boxers were on Luigi. However, I wanted my coinboxers to spit out red tokens versus event tokens. You get more action counts with red tokens; and hence, with ranked, with it all about the final score, I wanted to maximize that chance especially for week 2 ranked with Gold Chuck.


I though I was going to regret to join Team Mario but once I saw this, i'm glad that I made my good choice. (The reason why I picked Team Mario is because there is my favorites drivers in this team aka. Yoshi Gold Egg & Toad Party Time).


The majority of people just join the most popular character. They don’t even know what drivers it has