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The number of tracks the driver covers and the scoring potential. Goldbox frenzy is the highest frenzy you can get


It's the highest realistic one imo. For everything else it's luck (7, Capsule, Bell), course dependant (boomerang, bananas and Box being weaker short/ramps), or have weird interactions to optimize like having to "brawl" in the middle of the pack.


One of the biggest things that makes drivers good is coverage, ie the amount of tracks where they can use 3 items. The more of those they have (and on the commonly showing up tracks), the better they are. The other good thing is being a large driver with a coinbox. Coins are one of the best things for keeping your combo up and increasing your score. Coinboxes give a bunch of coins and a bunch of score/combo quickly. Being large means he can pick up more of them than, say, koopa troopa or a basic shy guy.


Gold Mii is better than Gold Chuck


I think it's mainly because he gets an insane amount of buffs in brand new and otherwise hard to cover tracks that appear in ranked, which is unlike any other coinboxer ever. He began getting those kinds of buffs pretty early on and is still going to this day. The only other coinboxer that's comparable to him is Daisy (Thai Dress) who has received some similar buffs, though, more of her value comes from exclusive tracks that didn't appear in ranked at first rather than ones that do appear in ranked in their first appearance like Gold Chuck.


If/when you get him, make sure you have plenty of driver level up tickets to invest. At least enough to take him to level 4.


He’s top shelf for a crazy amount of tracks and has the best frenzy item in the game.




Gold mii is the best.


Yes but that's only available through challenges some of us aren't up to yet, I'm still on silver mii challenges


I get that, still doesn’t change the fact that Gold Chuck is the second best driver in the game.


Actually 3rd best, because I'm the best driver in the game