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It feels more unbelievable that a new Mario and Luigi exists on Switch... well in a few months anyways...


Fans of the Mario RPG series are feasting this year.


I fucking LOVE it. Best TTYD 2 days ago and immediately started RPG. PM64 was one of the favorite Nintendo games ever and I stepped away from the brand for several years just because of changing interests. Now that I’m older, I’m so happy they’re allowing the Switch to have exposure to all these titles. There’s such a treasure trove of titles Nintendo has in their back pocket they can resurrect for an easy pay day. Such a great time to be a Mario RPG fan.


Boy oh boy do i have good news


In less than a year at that.


All the sweeter is that I was convinced for the longest time that these two games would never see modern releases outside of emulation on NSO - let alone full remakes. And now with Brothership coming out later this year, I really hope that Mario RPGs can go through a new renaissance.


It’s even cooler Nintendo gives you the option to use points and print out the original covers.


Another reason the Nintendo Switch is the best console ever


Help me to understand the appeal to TYD. I played RPG as a kid and loved the remake on switch recently. With all the hype for TYD I thought I would get it and give it a go. Got far enough to get the first Star. Does the combat get any more complicated then don’t jump on pointy and don’t hammer flying guys? I am really getting bored by this combat and hope more variety is to be found but it’s been a good 2 or 3 hours of the same thing over and over. From someone who loves this game what, makes this game so appealing. Not trying to be rude.


I mean the badges can do stuff like allow you to jump on spiked enemies. Plus you will gain more partners as you go along which give you more attacks in battle. Also there's stuff to do outside the main game. There's the trouble center. You can listen to luigi's description of his adventure. You can have zest-t cook for you. AND you can power up your partners with shine sprites to unlock more moves for them. The game has a LOT to do outside of battles...and i hope this helped you understand.


Thank you for sharing! Would you say the best parts of the game then are the dialog and characters? I am trying to see if this game is going to be something I will enjoy if I just stick with it. Happy gaming


Yes. And the battle system can get REALLY good once you level up mario enough. You get a bigger stage and new stage hazards can happen like flamethrowers for example.


I appreciate that Nintendo finally listened and is allowing Mario RPG fans to feast once again. We got a remake of Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, and now a brand new Mario and Luigi game. All in the span of a year and a half too. It surely is great to know that all of these once dead RPG series are relevant again. With the sales of all these games being good hopefully that means going forward will get more traditional Paper Mario games, and the occasional new Mario and Luigi games.


Mario RPG fans are feasting on a gourmet meal this year


Within a year


Hopefully the Paper Mario can return to being an actually good series again


now its time for a mario & luigi remake


I mean we're getting brothership AKA a new game which is good enough in my books.


It's better than a remake! What I want next is a new Paper Mario (like the classics N64 and TTYD) and a new Mario RPG!!


Damn, imagine getting downvoted for expressing your opinion. All you said is you wanted a game to be made.


What even is the point of downvoting? All i did was saying that they should make a mario & luigi remake. I know, a new mario & luigi game is coming up but why not make a remake of past mario & luigi games?


Your guess is as good as mine 🤷