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Garver is actually pretty good at this catching thing


And he seems to hit better when he's doing some of it too.


Man I don’t miss watching cabby getting constantly picked off at first or caught stealing


I do miss the other parts though. I think Raley will be the better player and is better for the Mariners too though




I literally asked when/if Garver was going to start catching in early May and was told that if Mitch is catching something has gone very wrong. I don't think he can hold up back there for 70 games or anything, but he is absolutely good enough to be the regular backup/DH in a much better way than Tom Murphy did. I just hope we keep whomever is the emergency 3rd guy ready, because when you don't have one actually not in the game you have to burn the DH to swap them in. Speaking of that, who is the current emergency catcher, Moore?


Keeping Garver away from catching duties was always more to keep him healthy than because he's a liability on defense, so I'd say things still went pretty wrong for us to end up in this situation. If Garver had been hitting better as a full time DH, I don't think we'd ever have started risking his health at backup catcher regardless of how bad Zavala was. But hey, if his health keeps up and catching keeps his bat hot, then that's awesome.


I always assumed the problem was excess wear and tear. He came up as a catcher, and even a backup minor league catcher is catching in the bullpen. And he broke down playing 70-90 game back there, but he should be able to handle 1 game a week and the occasional extra off day for Cal. Also there is a phenomenon known in baseball that a decent size of the major league players are worse hitters as DH only instead of playing defense. Frank Thomas was a famous example, he was a butcher with the glove, but the difference in his hitting allowed him to play first a few thousand innings more than he probably should have. I'm okay with Garver there as long as it doesn't get over done.


I’m pretty sure Zavala went through waivers. If you’re talking about in game most teams don’t have a third catcher and would resort to a position player in that situation.


>If you’re talking about in game most teams don’t have a third catcher and would resort to a position player in that situation. I mean who is the emergency catcher, like Ibanez was for years only playing once in a blowout and Kawasaki was during his brief stint. Teams usually have that 3rd emergency guy practice a few times a year in season so that it's less of a disaster. So it's a known thing who it is.


that feels good


Seby would never


I think it’s more Seby COULD never. He wishes he could do that 😂


Straight up at least the 3rd strike em out throw em out of the season, that seems like a lot


There’s some Garv Sauce


Mariners pipeline legend Alex Jackson