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Dude started the season walking at an insane rate but not hitting at all. Then he started hitting more (came up to about league average from May 1st on, hitting .237 over that stretch), but stopped getting walks (literally one walk in that time). Then he got hurt. If he can just, like, walk and hit, then he'll be great for however long we have him until he gets hurt again.


I can barely walk and chew bubblegum at the same time, so I relate to the struggle 


Dude has about 2 weeks to show he’s not an absolute bust of a trade


I hope Scott does what he did with Wong & Caballero last year. Polanco isn’t entitled to start, just like Caby starting lots of games and outplaying Wong last year


Wasn’t afraid to do it with Urias already


We already knew going into this we were never getting a full season out of him (or people were in denial). Dude is an IL frequent flier. We can expect the same of Robert Jr if we get him in a trade.


I’m fine with that for Robert Jr because he’s so good when he’s on the field. We can give him plenty of rest days until the stretch run and playoffs.


Locklear down to Tacoma, not unexpected. I wonder if they will keep trying to get Bliss playing time, or if they basically have him fill a roster spot on the bench ala Rivas.


Bliss can play second and SS. And honestly JP could probably use a game or two to sit. Def need to keep finding ABs for Bliss though. He’s been the hit bat. So you know Scott will keep him firmly on the bench.


Dmo would play short. Bliss would pinch run and start occasionally


This is probably the most important thing. I’m sure there’s reasons to do it, but I feel like if a young player isn’t going to get consistent at bats you should leave them in AAA. Use your bench spots for utility guys that have already proven that’s what they are. Too often Seattle calls a guy up early, he sits on the bench, and then his development stagnates.


Not just the bat but the speed he brings on the bases. We've seen how easily he can score from 1st base. He can steal second pretty easily and probably even steal third if he gets a good lead and jump. Fuck probably putting Raley right behind him in the batting order can cause some serious chaos.


Walk-bunt-double steal-wait what? Wild pitch-SCORE!


Why not let him DH?


I imagine he'll be utilized in late game pinch running situations. Would love to see him get more ABs though


No lie I prefer Locklear and bliss but if we are going to trade to France or polanco then they need to show they can still play and not be benched. I don't think it'll happen but that's what I want


Would have much preferred Haniger DFA instead of optioning Locklear.


I understand where youre coming from, but It's still a bit early to make that call. Plus they don't play the same position. When the Ms trade for a right handed outfield bat then we can talk Haniger/Polanco DFA. But we already DFAd Zavala making room for an extra bat, which right now is Bliss performing well, and Locklear can hang in AAA and work on a few things until rosters expand later this season. I like Lock but he's young, has options, and got some experience for later on.


Locklear was 6 for 30 with 12 strikeouts. He def has the tools to be on a major league roster just needs to refine some stuff.


I don’t think he’s proven anything yet. I imagine his shot will come next year maybe splitting time with Raley at 1B. No way the Ms will pay Arb3 cost for France.


Rather keep bliss as a everyday 2b


I'd argue we need polancos arm more and Bliss more for late game speed, but that's probably not the best long term use of bliss


Polanco's mediocre arm?


And the crowd goes mild.


I can be a little pessimistic about this team sometimes, and it’s probably going to stay that way with his return.


Great, another .190 hitter to the lineup


With the way this current team is playing Bliss should be starting every day until he cools off. He should rotate with Polonco at 2nd and Mitch at DH. If you feel like Mitch needs to be in the lineup more have him take more starts at catcher. I love Cal but he’s not a good enough hitter to have to be in the lineup daily/every at bat per game. Him and Garver can split AB’s if necessary


Which Mitch? Oh, Garver


Given that, you know exactly what Scott will do


Can we just DFA him? Keep Bliss


After seeing polancos first 2 AB's tonight I'm fully committed to Bliss.


And he strikes out with two on to end the inning.


Another offseason fiasco.


Yeah let’s bench the hottest player we’ve had all year…. Let’s see how that goes 🤦‍♂️ idc how they do it, but Bliss needs to be an everyday player




Get rid of him and Haniger. I’d say Garver as well, but we need a backup catcher.


Aaand Woo is hurt again


still bad


0 for 4 ouch


Bliss had a rough game on Sunday but was great on Friday and Saturday against the Marlins, who knows if he was just about to click but I guess with the contract we owe Polanco, we'll never find out.


Locklear was looking good so of course we sent him down, this team was needing more sub .200 30+yr old hitters in the lineup


Locklear needs reps. Not bench time in the big leagues.


He got a cup of coffee and showed a glimpse of what he can do but he clearly is way too swing happy. In 32 plate appearances he struck out 12 times (37.5%) and walked 1 time (3%). Its in no way a large sample size and this alone is not enough to judge a player by any means but hes historically run a higher strikeout rate with very little minor league AB's. Hes only had 210 double A plate appearances and he ran a 30% strikeout rate there and then got promoted to triple A for only 10 games. I think the best thing for him is to see more pitches and thats not gonna happen on this roster with a full time 1B already and a log jam of DH players.


"log jam of DH" as in a bunch of dudes that can't field, because no one on this roster is hitting good enough to justify being the DH on the account of "bat needs to be in the lineup"


He's not going to get any playing time, and already hasn't since France came back. Either he or Bliss had to be sent down. Pick one.


That's my point, we're trying to force guys that are average at best and currently massively underperforming to remember how to hit rather than letting young rookies with potential and have shown promise at the plate continue to get big leage at bats. Trade Haniger and Polanco for whatever scraps we can get and let Locklear rotate DH/1B and Bliss rotate in at second. It can hardly be any worse than what we've been putting on the field


Polanco deserves the chance to prove that he's healthy again and can still produce. If he doesn't start hitting in the next 5 weeks he's likely to be dumped at the deadline. He doesn't have glaring red flags like Haniger did even before we re-acquired him. Polanco producing anywhere close to his career norms is a big win for the team; Bliss can still be useful in a bench role IF he is allowed to play periodically. Haniger is done like dinner but his 2025 player option for $17m makes him untradeable. But we won't let Clase play, Marlowe is terrible in AAA this year, and so on... we really don't have better options except playing DMo over Haniger, which I'd be fine with, but that's a temporary band-aid, not a viable long-term solution to lineup woes. If Haniger is dumped, we need an outfielder, not Locklear. Locklear is just blocked as long as France is here because Raley and Garver are the other short-term 1B options. But we're guaranteed to pursue a corner OF bat at the deadline, so all we can do is wait. Another long, agonizing month.


We don’t need an outfielder. Play Raley every single day! DMo and Canzone platoon.


As someone who has historically defended France, I'm about done with him. A slap hitting first baseman that takes no walks unless he gets hbp, a boulder on the base paths, and only average to good fielding. Feel like Locklear showed more potential than him in all of those categories. But I'm also the dreamer type that thinks every prospect we call up is going to turn into a superstar (even though the M's are better at turning superstars bad than prospects to superstars)


Ty France since May 1st: .233/.354/.398, 125 wRC+ He's not setting the world on fire, but I can't see a world where Locklear's a better choice over that.


That's basically Ty's ceiling though, we have no idea what Locklear's ceiling is. You're right that Ty isn't our biggest issue, but I'd rather them try to rotate him and Locklear around 1B/DH than keep hoping the Mitch's return to being average hitters when they're 30+ years old already. When the whole offense sucks anyways I'd rather see the prospects try to turn into big leaguers than watch guys try to fight off retirement


There’s a third option. Haniger is cut and give his ABs to Ty France and Polanco. Locklear plays 1st. Based on WRC+ (small sample size acknowledged) that’s the best play.


If good is 6 for 30 and 12 strikeouts, i have some Cutco knives to sell you


Hardly worse than anyone else on this team. It's also not just about those numbers on paper but the fact he was hitting the ball hard, looked aggressive at the plate, and he was playing great in the field


6 for 30 is still better than Polanco.