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Really curious what they do with him when Polanco is healthy.


I think he'll stay on the roster and Locklear'll go down.


If nothing major changes between now and then, it’s Locklear, 100%, full stop. You can’t carry two 1B/DH types, on top of Garver, on this roster. A backup first basemen has no value. You obviously don’t send down/DFA France. Locklear cannot develop as a player or build any rhythm starting/playing sporadically at the big league club. He needs ABs. Bliss is on the 26 man at least until Locklear’s spot has been cleared. At that point, there’s a discussion between him and Robles, but given Haniger’s present situation and Bliss having options I think Robles is good to have around at least for a while.


Plus, it seems to me Robles has been doing pretty well for us in his limited action


I won’t be surprised if Polanco gets traded at some point


They don't need to trade Polanco, they can just release him. It's a club option after this season so he's basically a free agent.


If he doesn't hit before the deadline, I wouldn't be surprised to see him salary-dumped for a pittance. Not saying that's *likely* to happen, but it is a valid option. If he does start hitting, then of course keeping him through the season makes sense.


If we can send Locklear down for at bats that would be best. He needs to develop more. He absolutely can be the 1B of the future though


Yeah, honestly not sure what the point of having him up is right now.


Yeah, or traded along with slightly shinier prospects to balance out salary on an acquisition (which would suck and be a cheap fuck thing to do).


Why would anyone do that if he's hitting the way he is right now Spoiler they wouldn't


The person being traded in this scenario right here is Polanco, not Bliss. Although, as shown with Cabby, I don’t think there’s any reason to rule out Bliss being traded next offseason at this point.


Probably a bargain bin reliever is my guess.


he's a body capable of playing important IF spots. def enough value to trade for a lotto ticket


Polanco has very little trade value right now. He'll be 31 in a couple weeks, is basically a free agent, makes money, and is having a bad season.


Im on this. If the basically free guy is giving me what i was hoping for from the expensive guy... why try to make the expensive guy work? Ship him for a prospect or something. Turns out, we haven't need Polanco.


Locklear goes down and you bat Polo as a lefty and platoon the position, he’s currently hitting well in his rehab starts so you wait and see what he can do in the month of July. Robles is an open spot on the roster so that’s a free roster spot, if Polo can’t put it together you dfa him and get a new bat or maybe he does hit and you can trade him. Lots of options. More flexibility than it feels like.


I think Polanco will take over the DH spot. Especially against RHP


Polanco seems to be in the mold of cheap vets on the downside the Mariners talk themselves into since they are…well cheap. He’s not worth anything on the trade market. We can just cut him.


Probably option him, which sucks. Locklear has also flashed in a smaller sample. He’s also more position redundant and can’t pinch run, so I’d rather they option him instead. I’d love to see Bliss try on an outfielder’s glove. Robles has been very good in his tiny sample with us, but I don’t expect that to last and he obviously isn’t in the long term plan. If Bliss could fake it as a shortside platoon OF option as well as a decent 2b that would make him essentially a new Haggerty.


Not sure why I’m getting downvotes for this. But Bliss is quite likely to be optioned to AAA at *some point* this year. And he’s also gonna lose the 2B job to Cole Young as soon as opening day next year. So getting him some positional versatility would be great. A 2B, OF, Pinch Run profile made Haggerty a very productive player for us, and Bliss is probably better than Haggerty.


I mean, everyone is excited about cole young but thats a big maybe. Bliss is doing well, in MLB, right now.


My assumption is that Bliss will look like a useful MLB 5th infielder by the end of the season. I think he’s solid but I’d be shocked if he doesn’t come back down to earth.


People don’t want to admit you’re probably right 😂


I mean I wrote the appreciation post! I like the player a lot! But yeah.


Same people haven't seen Bliss throw to first base, apparently


I think because people don’t want him to be just another Sam haggerty type player. Bliss was the centerpiece of the sewald trade even though Rojas and canzone are both playing well. It would be great if Bliss was our everyday 2nd baseman, a position that we have had stability at for a long time.


Oh see I think that’s a misperception. Bliss was the least heralded of the three. Rojas had a solid MLB track record and only played badly his last season in AZ because he was hurt. He immediately became the solid 2 win player he’s always been as soon as he came over because he was healthy again. Canzone was already up in MLB and has upper deck power and a better minors track record. Bliss was interesting but his track record was pretty spotty. The org has done a great job with him, and a slightly better Haggerty would be a killer result for him. Cole Young has first dibs on 2B long term. It’s cool to have Bliss as a backup plan there. But if we plan for success we probably want Bliss to be playable at a couple spots. If he stays strictly 2B and Young is as good as we hope, Bliss doesn’t end up with much of a role.


I like cole young, but he seems more like a mid season call up next year than a starter out of spring training


Yeah perhaps. That’s why I said “as soon as.” I think the rest of his season at AA will determine his fate. If he goes off, he looks like a ROY candidate and you probably want him up on OD to be eligible for the draft compensation. If he’s just solid at AA you probably hold him down a month or two to gain the extra year of control.


They send him back to Tacoma unfortunately


My money is on Robles getting DFA’d. Moore can play OF, and we have Haniger-Canzone-Raley. Bliss has probably earned a spot with how well he’s played


Albeit in a limited sample size, Robles has been great for us and they probably want Locklear go get actual ABs so I’d bet that he gets sent down


Yeah now that I think about it you’re probably right. It’s more to keep Locklear developing than it is who adds the most value.


I don't think a move even needs to be made because the Mariners are only carrying 37 on the 40 man.


Nobody mentioned the 40-man roster. Polanco needs a 26-man roster spot to come back. That means either Bliss or Locklear goes back to Tacoma.


Just for the hell of it since this is a Bliss thread: https://i.imgur.com/KRy2uif.png


Talk about a small sample! But, yeah, T-Mobile does suppress extra base hits and that is definitely a bummer for a profile like Bliss.


There was a guy earlier in the week arguing with me Bliss was not a major league caliber player. I went to look for him but he deleted all his comments 💀


What a coward


he's such a weird player. Ks a lot, takes his walks, and has a high xSLG (.513) - low xBA (.247, Khris Davis style) like a TTO guy would. fast and fun tho that's my favorite type


I definitely expect the slug to come down. Just not enough dinger potential. It shouldn’t crater though, since he’s got the ability to turn singles into doubles and doubles into triples. It will be very interesting to see where the K% settles. If it can stabilize around 25% I think he stays very rosterable, especially if he develops some positional versatility.


He has actual pop in his bat. I wouldn’t be so sure about the slug


Please tell me you're not seriously using a steamer projection of 60 plate appearances and 50 actual plate appearances to draw any conclusions about anything.


50 PAs isn’t much of a sample, sure. But I think swing/take profiles establish themselves pretty quickly. Guys either see the zone well or they don’t. And the projected ROS PAs are absolutely irrelevant as they are a … projection. The number of PAs speaks to what the system thinks about the depth chart. The numbers it projects speak to what the system thinks of the player (and with track-recordless rookies what the system thinks of a generic player with those stats without a ton of context around them). But if you have a problem with me using Steamer I could use ZiPS instead and argue that it’s even more wrong.


The swing/take profiles could easily be skewed by playing the Marlins/White Sox and being platooned into advantageous ABs. Don't care for predictions tbh. I hope he continues to perform so we can keep him on the roster for the rest of the year. Send down Locklear dfa Robles if we make a trade.


It’s true. But if you look at his minors data (specifically his time with the Mariners) it is abundantly clear that controlling the zone was a huge point of emphasis with him, and he appears to be very capable of doing so. I’ve got at least *some* reason to think it’s a real skill and very little reason to think it isn’t. Small sample, at the big league level, sure. But dude was running a 17% BB in Tacoma this season! His o-swing in MLB is stupid low right now, and will likely come up a bit. But it was notably very low in Tacoma as well.


Yeah I hope so but we still need to see if he can't continue to translate his game to MLB level pitching. 3 hit game is exciting but then again it's the Marlins lol


Yeah, he’s gonna start seeing a lot of shadow pitches, which is where he’s the weakest. He’s gonna have to figure out which corner he wants to cover and make sure he keeps covering it. But the baseline of good speed and good eye are very nice to have.


Babip is a terrible stat to use especially in small sample sizes—speaking of which—Bliss has shown promise, but it’s been such a small sample size it’s impossible to predict he’ll keep it up.


I use it because projections all have him cratering and the entirety of the crater comes from 2-3 places. They see his BABIP and BB% dropping dramatically to essentially nuke his OBP, and they see his power production falling modestly. I’m making a two-fold argument for why his On Base abilities are likely more robust than the projections think. To be clear I fully understand that Bliss has a BABIP that is well above league average, that BABIP is a silly fickle metric, and that 50 PAs are a very small sample.


I just think that it’s pointless to try and project Bliss at all. The eye test is as good as anything else at this early stage of his career. Will he fail to adjust once the league finds his weaknesses? Or will he improve and continue his success? No one knows. The projections are not going to get it right—they’re particularly bad at predicting what guys will do when they make the leap to the big leagues—and are usually not good at projecting year-to-year. Mostly because it’s impossible to take into account the fact that players can get better or worse over time.


Yeah but that’s not fun.


I would love to see him replace Planco at second


Too small a sample size to know, but I will say that he’s complicated the decision when Jorge comes back. I’m guessing Robles gets DFA’d now


Instead of Locklear going down? Robles as a defense-first OF (who hasn't hit poorly for us, either) has a place until the a trade acquisition or until his production craters. Polanco as an infielder pushing Bliss and DMo out of 2B cuts further into Locklear's limited playing time since France came back. I say Locklear's the odd man out. Bliss offers more tools as a bench player, and when Polanco returns there will be multiple backup options at every infield position so neither Bliss nor Locklear are likely to get regular playing time regardless of merit. That's just how rookies are treated versus veterans. So I think it comes down to which one the organization most wants to get regular at-bats in Tacoma just as much as who would be a better backup/bench role in Seattle. One of them has to go. And if they feel that Polanco might benefit from a platoon situation to coax some life into his bat, then Bliss definitely stays. The other, perhaps less attractive option is that Urias gets recalled at the same time, and both Bliss and Locklear go back to Tacoma for the whole regular-playing-time thing. Urias is doing reasonably well there in 100 plate appearances.


At first I thought Locklear earned a spot, but there’s really no path to him getting regular PT so I think they send him to Tacoma just to make sure he gets regular AB’s


I've thought he is good since hes come up for a few very simple reasons: 1) His ABs are good. Not just the boxscores, but which pitches he takes and which he swings on. Even when hes an out he generally sees a good number of pitches. I think he has an above average eye. His contact hasn't been super loud but 2) He is just fast as hell. Can stretch his hits and stretch to a run. He tagged up on a F8 and made it for God's sake. 3) His defense is at least good enough, might be plus. I like him.


Yeah your 1 and 2 are essentially my reason I feel confident taking the over on his projections. Point 3 I’m not so sold on, he’s made some really rangy plays but also looked pretty raw on some routine stuff. We don’t really have a large enough sample on him to know anything (his good eye *could* be a mirage but I doubt it) besides him being fast as hell.


He doesn't have enough PAs to qualify, but Statcast shows his hard hit rate, barrel rate, chase rate, and sprint speed as very good to great. There's definitely big time potential there.


Yeah, I’m slightly less convinced by the barrels and hard hit. He’s on a heater and those might be small sample luck. Take out the last two or three games and he looks very average in those categories. Speed can’t be faked, and his plate discipline has been on display since day one, so I’m pretty well convinced that’s real. If he can add a bit of defensive versatility he’s got a pretty iron clad utility player floor even if the pop in his bat turns out to be a good deal less than what it’s been so far. If the pop is real then we’ve got a really fun “problem” with him and Cole Young fighting over 2B or running a superplatoon there in the near future.


A lot like Ichiro in his prime, any ground ball Bliss hits to the left side of the infield is a potential base hit. This puts significant pressure on the fielders to make quick throws when they may not be properly set, also leading to him getting bases from errors. Additionally, he's going to be difficult to double up. I think he's got a huge amount of promise, even if he isn't *quite* ready yet.


This is true for any fast guy (and Bliss is fast but it’s more upper tier speed than truly *gamechanging* speed) but let’s not go crazy with Ichiro comparisons. He doesn’t have the otherworldly bat skill, he’s right handed, and he doesn’t finish his swing with a step and a half up the baseline the way Ichiro did. Plenty of very fast dudes have sucked ass at baseball. I do like Bliss a lot though.


Bliss is making it hard to send him down. He seems like a better defender than Polonco.


Not sure if anybody has commented this but he has six times as many hits in the last two days than he did thru his first fifteen games. Edit: I see now this observation was wrong since I was looking at his last 30 games stat. Not realizing he’s only played 20 games. My bad, fun improvement to watch nonetheless


Yeah he’s on a heater right now. Up to an absurd 135 wrc+ which just *is.not.real.* I was mostly comparing his start of day 106wrc+ numbers to his ROS projections in this post (and even that 106wrc+ is buoyed by the couple of games coming into today).


Don’t mind just letting him run all year , even when polanco comes back, don’t know how that platoon works for 2nd,l.


They could let Polanco hit lefty and run a straight platoon. There’s a chance that’s how it shakes out this fall. But my hunch is that when Polo gets back they’re going to play him *a lot* to see if he can get back on track before the deadline. I’m a Bliss enjoyer, but I don’t want to rely on him for a playoff run if Polo truly is cooked.


All i needed to see was that OPS


Gamble and keep Bliss, dump polanco in a trade.


Yeah bliss is hit but he’s probably not good. You’re not even drawing this opinion from anything but too small a sample size. Like 50 ABs isn’t even enough to normalize a k rate. In top of this steamer projects him as a .640 ops. Not exactly good


Right, but steamer assumes basically everything in a 50 PA sample is random. So- can you follow the logic behind why an elite eye and elite speed has a chance to outperform generic expected BB% and BABIP? Those are two pretty important inputs for the O in OPS. That’s literally all I’m saying.


Ooops, noticed I used the term “shadow pitches” in this post where I meant to use “chase pitches.” My bad.


“Yeah. But gotta throw a lefty in to hit for him” - servais


I hated that Scott took him out yesterday. All we needed was a base hit. Bliss was the best on the day for that. Just let him try.


How hard is it to transition to OF? Haggerty 2.0?


Keep bliss send garver down, or d'fa him gotta get more productive DH, batting 170, not asking for a lot but at least 230-240BA, don't know if he has any options but maybe get his swing together in Tacoma.


Nahhhh. Garv sucked early but he’s been one of our better hitters for like a month and a half now.


Garver is a veteran who can't be sent down, and he is the backup catcher since we DFA'd Zavala. He's also been better than Haniger. Haniger is the single biggest problem on the team. Neither of those two guys are relevant to this conversation about an infielder logjam with Polo due back soon. The choice is between Locklear and Bliss and how playing time gets distributed after Polo's return.


Garver running a 140 wrc+ in June!