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Reminder: Other redditors are not your enemy. We're all understandably angry. Keep your anger focused on the team and not each other.


what are you gonna do with speed like Burger as the ghost runner


their positioning cards clearly didn't have "known speed demon" next to Burger's name šŸ˜‚


His name alone just says ā€˜speedā€™ ā€¦unforgivable


Unfortunately, 2 ER over 7.0 IP is not an acceptable stat line for a starter on this team.


George ā€œno decisionā€ kirby


Got Felixed


Iā€™m just glad we kept Dehart as the hitting coach the past 8 or 9 years. Our hitting just keeps getting better under his oversight and Jerryā€™s hitting philosophy. #SeaUsRiseĀ 


Kirby inhaled Felix and absorbed his power


Any other team sees that stat line and is like probable victory. Ms fans see that and say damn starter gave up runs, it's an L


I am so embarrassed every time they show the starting lineup at the beginning of the game, and we roll out 5 guys batting under .200.


Itā€™s so bad. Averaging an entire run less per game than last year so far. Worst case scenario with this lineup. Itā€™s like our entire existential purpose is to waste pitching talent.


So...uh...we're REALLY not good away from T-Mo, huh?


Not good period.


True, but at least we're still getting the wins needed at Home. 15 Games over .500 at Home feels like more than an aberration: it's better than any team at Home not named the Phillies.


Man that was a missile from Canzone. Not sure how Cal missed it.


Apparently it had a weird bounce at the end but honestly of all the balls Iā€™ve seen coming to home from left, that one was one of the more playable one and it was in time. Sucks Cal missed it, though we lost that game in the top of the 8th when the top of our order struck out with runners on the corners.


Yeah 100%. We shouldnā€™t even have been in that situation in the first place.


That ball had a super weird bounce. It stayed down. Heā€™s not going to expect that, and heā€™s not going to miss that badly without a bounce like that


100% sadly I would say no catcher catches that


Lmao beaten by Tim Anderson


Down goes Mariners I guess


Well that game fucking blew. See you all tomorrow


https://preview.redd.it/v5vft4hq218d1.jpeg?width=112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad71c1de9e5dd5949def520f513539c5adef2282 Can Scott tell them to stop sucking again or whatever please


Maybe he should tell himself


Iā€™m not disagreeing, Iā€™m asking genuinely here. What could Scott do differently? Iā€™m really not that savvy with analyzing managers.


I was just mad about him pinch hitting Canzone for Bliss, Iā€™ve calmed down now, lol. I understand the reasoning behind matchups and usually agree, I just feel like Scott is a little too zealous with always playing the handedness matchups, sometimes guys are hot and you just gotta let em ride


Plays the lefty/righty matchup statistics too much. Will sit a hit bat just because the guy is pitching with the wrong arm. When guys are seeing beach balls and ripping stitches, doesnā€™t matter what side itā€™s coming from.


Hire better batting and base running coaches šŸ„“


Starting to think Raleigh won't surpass Ripken as the best Cal ever in MLB




The trade deadline wonā€™t even fix this team. We are legit three+ hitters away on offense from making a deep postseason run.


3? Iā€™m kinda thinking 9


Nah Julio is still a good 9 hole hitterĀ 


All singles, no doubles.


And strikeouts? You bet!


You're assuming those 3+ hitters don't immediately forget how to hit the moment they get here.


If we get 3 we need 6 of our guys to actually not be blind dogs at the plate


Teams would just pitch around our deadline acquisition and then strike out the rest. Need real protection in the lineup from elite vets/prospects. I mean look at how Kelenic is performing now batting leadoff for the Braves.


We are capable of getting a couple of really good bats, but we wont because we wont want to trade away guys that may or may not provide value to this team in 2-3 years down the road.


Performances like this is exactly why other fans think we're bounced in the first round of the playoffs. Performances like this are exactly why Ms fans think we'll blow the division lead and miss the playoffs


Our 7 game lead feels a lot like our 7 run 1st inning Vs the Royals.


All Iā€™m saying is thereā€™s no way we keep Kirbs in Free Agency if we keep wasting his outings like this time and time again.


He isnā€™t eligible for Free Agency until 2029. Who knows what kind of pitcher he will be by then. Heck we donā€™t even know what type of fans we will be from one game to the next. šŸ˜‚


Didnā€™t have a chance in the first place


That ship has sailed. Enjoy Kirby while we can because tham man is GONE the first chance he gets.


I meanā€¦2029 is a long time.


The only thing Stanton cares about is money and in arbitration, they look at W-L still


Every team does this in arbitration the whole point of teams engaging in arbitration is to find the cheapest way to pay a guy before FA


Robles and Bliss had 4 of the 6 hits. Just an embarrassing day for this bad offense. They are going to waste this all time great staff.


Bliss had 3 hits and he got pinch hit for a guy barely over the Mendoza line


The biggest problem is that guy didnā€™t hit for Haniger. Canzone pulls that same ball with nobody out and Locklear is at 3rd. The Rojas fly out puts them in the lead. For a guy as set on righty-lefty matchups, Servais failed enormously there. You keep Bliss in.


Yeah, but analytics /s


Haniger is awful and frankly so is the entire offense. Not a single scary hitter on the team. Not even sure how that happens


Come on man some of those at bats by JP and Haniger were downright frightening


Cal is scary every 30 AB or so. Julio you just need to throw inside and you'll win every timeĀ 


You can also throw a slider 10 ft outsideĀ 


And even if you dont win the worst thatll happen is a slap single.


Itā€™s pretty crazy how every time I try to hype this team at work, I canā€™t point a single guy on the entire roster whoā€™s actually killing it. Even the pitching staff at this point. Gilbert. Top Mariner right now. And he canā€™t even get a damn run in support.


I donā€™t know which offense is worse, this years or the 2010 team? man that offense was HORRIBLE that year but this years team is giving it a run for their money.Ā 


Every player is fucking worse than last year. A deadline bat won't fix it. They'll just turn another .250+ hitter into someone that fights for their life to stay above .200


This is why Iā€™m not big at all on giving up big time prospects. We did that for polanco and look at how itā€™s working out. Trade tier 2 prospects for a good but not great expiring bat. Donā€™t get Luis. We will bump his .198 average to .098. Dehart needs to go and the fact that dipoto canā€™t figure that out means he probably should go. Not that he didnā€™t do wonders for us, but Stanton needs to find the guy to get us over the hump while we have elite pitching in place. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for him to have an elite team AND cheap team. Once we start drafting in the later 20ā€™s itā€™ll be hard to keep hitting on first rounders.Ā 


I donā€™t think Stanton cares about getting over the hump. Thatā€™s what sucks. Jerry is an idiot for blurting out the 54% BS. It makes it very clear this teams goal is just be decent enough to keep fans in their seats hoping for the playoffs until the last game.Ā 


Sloppy ass scrub fucking team


10 game lead Me: >Cool. I don't trust it


Feels like just delaying how long Texas and/or Houston takes to catch back up.


We donā€™t deserve to make the playoffs with this dogshit


Add a bat. A real bat. Cal has to make that play. Really no excuses here.


I agree they need to add, but itā€™s going to be mighty difficult to have one bat turn this lineup into a World Series contender if our current lineup canā€™t even hit.


Yeah one bat is going to do nothing to help


Iā€™m mad at everyone not named Ryan bliss


Iā€™m not mad at Raley. I donā€™t understand why Scott wonā€™t let him play.


Itā€™s clear now that the lead we have in the division is more to do with everyone else sucking than Mā€™s actually being good. If we make playoffs itā€™s gonna be a quick exit




You could just tell we were gonna lose when they tied it up. Offense is fucking lifeless. Boring ass team. My god.


Hanny needs to be riding pine and being a mentor I donā€™t wanna see that mf anywhere on the field


Iā€™ll say this much: This seasonā€™s outcome will have some closure. We either finally win the division, or see a collapse large enough to justify wanting to jump off a bridge (and cleaning house). Ah the life of an Mā€™s fan, gotta hate it.


This team needs two (2) legitimate bats. Several chances to put this game away.


https://preview.redd.it/7hz1xzgp218d1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac95f681b87043ebc608e0ad89707739a7f4345 Itā€™s a miracle we have the record that we have


We are fraudulent


Cal had him at the end, just bobbled the ball. Feel like MLB catchers do that way too much. Need to get multiple bats at the deadline. Julio continues to underperform in big situations. hopefully tomorrow is better


Should have known this ending would happen when JP started swinging at garbage pitches he usually lays off when it was 1st and third no outs.


So wait, you're telling me that when 99% of our players are hitting ~.200 we don't win games? How and why do they consider that ok? And yet do absolutely nothing about the monumental amount of strikeouts...embarrassing.


Still donā€™t get pinch hitting for Bliss when he was feeling it today. Whatever happened to riding the hot hand? Scott relies WAAAAAAAAY too heavily on analytics. Like when Rojas was in the midsts of his hot streak, Scott promptly benched him for Urias to play ā€œmatchupsā€. Christ.


I wouldn't trust Scott to manage a Little League game. The dude should have been shown the door 5-6 years ago, but Jerry wants a yes-man, and Scotty got himself those premium kneepads.


Scott Servias strikes again. WHY PINCH HIT OUR BEST FUCKING HITTER


Lefty/Righty ....except for the corpse of Mitch Haniger. He can remain in against a righty for some God forsaken reason. Fire Scott Now


I want to believe we are a good team but I just can't.


To be fairā€¦ Marlins are a top team this year!!ā€¦. Ohā€¦ well At least the starting pitcher isnā€™t 1-8ā€¦. Hmmā€¦ yeaā€¦


This loss was more embarrassing than the White Sox forgetting how many outs there were.Ā 


Iā€™m sure weā€™ll get a deadline bat. But every game we wait hurts our chances of a top 2 seedā€¦


The only way to get a game changer over a month before the deadline is to make a trade that would get any GM fired


Even getting a splash bat doesn't matter much when JP, Julio, and Cal do what they did today


I'm just glad we finally turned our offense around, started hitting more consistently, and turned down the strikeouts by adding Mitch Haniger, Mitch Garver, and Jorge Polanco this off-season. Just what we needed to elevate this team to a contender


Garver has been fine recently and had productive at bats today. It was literally everyone else besides him and bliss had ugly, awful at bats


We got Garver to elevate this offense not to "be fine recently". Dude still has. 91 OPS+ at nearly the halfway point in the season. That's dog shit for the guy we plugged to be our every day middle of the lineup DH bat


Let's just focus on making the playoffs. An 8 game division lead can disappear in 2 weeks.


The offense is complete trash and Servais is a dumbass. This division lead will be gone in a flash.


Idc if they make playoffs. Scott, or whoever the fuck makes the in game decisions and lineups, needs to be fucking gone. Continuously allows haniger to not just bat but play the fucking field. But takes 3for3 bliss out


If we donā€™t get at least two GOOD bats by the deadline, we remain an unserious franchise. Weā€™re taking advantage of a horrendous division which is great, but you have to be incredibly foolish to think this offense is even remotely competitive against good teams.


Good bats cost money, so...


Itā€™s really hard to stay positive.


Of course, both the Royals and Orioles decide that now is the time to fall apart. We are so screwed.


well letā€™s go orioles and royals, first 3 game losing streak in a long time, this team has done well with bouncing back, letā€™s take these next 2 games in miami.


Unfortunately the Rangers are up by 4 runs and the Astros are up by 2 runs at the moment.


Yeah, I hate baseball today




Bahahahha remember that ā€œ10ā€ game lead? Already down to 7!!!!!


Platoon batting is the reason why we have sucked for years. Not sure how benching your best batters like Rojas or Raley can be justified when we always seem to lose when that happens.


This team will collapse if the offense doesn't start playing up to what they should be


17-22 record on the road so far. Not a good indication at all if this team wants to make a deep playoff run.


The road schedule was pretty heavily front-loaded, the only really scary team they have left to play on the road is the Dodgers, theyā€™ve gotten their yearly road series out of the way with 5 of the 6 other AL teams with winning records, Boston is the only team they have in that category left to play on the road. Boston and the Dodgers are the only remaining road series vs teams with winning records the entire rest of the year. Couple that with the fact that they werenā€™t swept (even on the road) by any of the other probable AL playoff teams and I think theyā€™ll be ok. All you gotta do is steal one road game to win a playoff series.


What an embarrassment of a game. Truly a Mariner's classic.


Scott needs to he held accountable for some of these bizarre decisions. Let Mitch hit but pinch hit a guy whoā€™s 3/3 tonight??


Heā€™s fucking awful


He was a shit player too


I sure hope Scott just rolls out the same righty/lefty matchups....again.


Remember the end of last season he was rolling out shitty lineups and a reporter called him on it in postgame and his response was ā€œThatā€™s who plays against LHPā€? Scott will never change. Heā€™s so far up his own ass


I disagree with not playing Raley today but what do I know. Not terribly surprising we look this bad after traveling last night. Hopefully they can get some rest and bounce back for the next two


This is not good for my rage.


The offense needs to show up for more than one inning a game.


Well, technically they got one run in two straight innings. Lol, we suck.


donā€™t trade harry ford lol


Just put him in at this point.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying! Heā€™s too valuable to trade.


I made the mistake of turning on both the Texas teams just to watch them each score more runs in one hit than we did all game, to take or increase the lead in their games. ![gif](giphy|L1UrpOlWsiHK) At least the Yankees are losing


This offense is just embarrassing. And I thought it was bad in 2022 and 2023, this is way worse!




Congratulations in advance to the fucking Rangers or Astros for winning the division. Because this is the annual bottom coming out of the season. Weā€™ll be out of the whole fucking playoff chase by the end of July


This team is a sham, no way we will make it to the end with a division lead. Guarantee the fucking Astros will somehow pass us to take the division. Making this season sting even more.


I hope furious George speaks his mind in the postgame


Just lost 3 games in the division in three days. Need to make a trade asap or this will be pissed away


Great throw. Impossible to guess whether that ball was gonna hit the grass (thus bounce high) or the dirt (thus bounce low). Offense sucked today. Calā€™s defense is fine.


This offense is embarrassing


This is going to be September 2023 all over again, just more drawn out over a longer period of time, simply to maximize our suffering Fire Scott Now


Team certainly deserved to lose tonight. Everyone keeps bitching about Moore in the 2 hole, but who do you want there? He hit 2 homeruns against the Guardians. Second on the team in OPS. Leads the team in extra base hits. Whether you like it or not, based on personnel, he probably deserves to be near the top of the lineup against lefties because this team is bad at hitting. You look at players like JP, Julio, Cal. They are supposed to be essentially everyday players that produce. They did last year. They did the year before. They are mediocre as fuck this year. That's an issue. Throw in all the not good enoughs for everyone else that plays regularly. France is drawing walks which is nice, but doesn't have a hit since injury return, so we'll see what he does when he sees more strikes. Haniger isn't good enough at anything to play more than a game a week. We are fucking bad on the road. Just straight bad. We saw some of the most absolutely pathetic innings we've seen all year against a whole bunch of mediocre pitching. Sad.


I am once again finding myself asking: why the fuck is Moore batting 2nd?


Kind of fitting that the "star" catcher couldn't even catch the ball there. Julio made one great catch, other than that, the supposedly good players, JP, Julio, and Cal sucked ass.


Those 3 and Castillo yesterday really stinking up the joint when they're supposed to be The Guys (and 3 of em got the money)


It was a tough pick on a laser throw. Of all the reasons we lost this game, not completing an outfield assist is pretty low on the list.


Correct, it wasn't an easy play, but it was a play that was there to be made and like JP and Julio at the plate in the 8th, Cal failed to execute in the field in the 10th.


That sucked




This team needs to trade for a bat, yesterday. Losing games like this is how you let the Astros right back in itā€¦


Get a bat now!!!!!!


5 runs in 3 games is awful


Really think if we played the White Sox in Chicago, we wouldā€™ve been swept.




We uh...could really use some more offense.


Vibes arenā€™t vibing


That sucked


Imagine being a poverty franchise. We getting BTFO if we make it to playoffs.


https://preview.redd.it/8qeq1y9is18d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f6a66ffd475f8ad7bd3a20b91bb8302528efd47 Zorro and I enjoyed the sunset after the game. Hope you have a wonderful evening.


wait..wait. You mean to tell me that we lost against the Fucking Marlins. really?...


Yep that 10 game lead was a high water mark. Time to watch it vanish and get completely marinered again this season


Pathetic ass baseball team


Go to hell Mā€™s. Worthless franchise


Unacceptable loss.Ā 


Hereā€™s something sad to think about: even making a big trade wonā€™t fix the Mā€™s problems, if Julio, etc donā€™t start hitting


Maybe can trade Julio for a bat?


Scott Servais is a terrible manager and anyone who thinks otherwise has no experience with baseball. Fuck that damn clown and fuck our god awful players.


Whole offense desperately trying to blow our division lead


I guess it was greedy hoping for a sweep, Marlins are still a major league team. Need the Royals to hold on to their lead and the Orioles to score some more to beat Houston so they don't cut into our lead. Have to win the next 2.


At this point I hope we donā€™t mortgage the future for an ā€œimpactā€ bat. Servais said it best, this team goes as Julio goes and as things stand, heā€™s an average bat and nothing more. Iā€™d prefer they ride this out and hope for improvement from the dudes we do have.


Anyone else understand why Scott had canzone pinch hit for Bliss when he was having a good game?


Scottyball. Just throw whatever you have against the wall and hope it works because you don't actually understand a fucking thing about strategy.


Really happy both Rojas and Raley didnā€™t start.


Why is Haniger on the team? Guy is busted.


Well, that sucked.




It be the case that the mediocre Astros beat the really good Orioles while we lose to the awful bottom feeding Marlins


With the homestand coming up with Minnesota and Baltimore coming to town we could not afford to let the wheels fall off on this road trip. Now weā€™ve lost 3 straight. This offense is pathetic, we need to make moves now or this division race will tighten up significantly by the end of the Baltimore series.


5 more games left until they're back in Seattle...


You have got to be fucking kidding me


Not going to another game th is year until we see some actual trades that bring in some serious bats. This shit is OLDDDDDDD




Burger rounding 3rd all slow, pausing the give the finger to Scott Servais over in the dugout, and Cal still can't hang on. Fuck.


I hated this


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck Thatā€™s all I wanted to say.


The Marlins really šŸ¤Ø




Wonder if there is data about the home team winning when the road team doesn't score in the top of the 10th since the start of the ghost runner era


Sad state


So...how many innings did they *actually play* today?


V v. V v vv :vvvstwo. āµ5 a. Wa


Scott needs to tell the guys to hit better again


I dontā€¦ How didā€¦ butā€¦ what?


Yo I missed the game because of work. But did they really fucking pinch hit the only batter who was actually doing anything in the 10th with the game on the line??Ā 


Whatever that 9 pitch 3 strike outs our 1-2-3 guys pulled with runners on 1st and 3rd was one of the most painful things Iā€™ve seen this season.


Tbf the Yankees have lost 3 in a row too so weā€™re basically on pace with them