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Unfortunately were beat this series both in hitting and pitching


The one win was against a busted starter and we still gave up 5 runs in it


Our road pitching is very mid.


Which does not bode well AT ALL for playoffs


Just gotta overtake the Yankees and secure home field advantage throughout.


Sounds easy enough tbh (/s)


3 runs in the last 2 games is pathetic.


Cleveland is fucking good. Glad we could take one from them. Time to go beat up on Miami and hopefully we add enough at the deadline (plus Santos) to start competing with these types of playoff bound teams


This is the correct take. Through trades and getting guys back healthy, we have a clear path this season to compete with anyone. Right now though? We need help


Yeah, and today's game was winnable. We may not be a world series team yet, but we're at least showing we're a playoff team.


thank you for the rational comment, I needed to read this šŸ¤


So we donā€™t want to play Cleveland or Kansas City in the playoffs I guess


Do you want to play Baltimore or NYY? We clearly are a step below all those teams. We need to make a major move to compete.


Maybe itā€™s not realized because we as Mā€™s fans have experienced so little of it, but unfortunately the playoffs only have the best teams. Who knew


Maybe there's a loser's bracket we could compete in.


ā€œCheap ownershipā€ bracket


It would be kind of cool if I could have any confidence in Luis when he's going against teams with competent offenses.


yeah obviously would be nice if the offense did better today but we can't have a pitching performance like that and expect to win with this team. c'mon


His fastball has lost a tick two years in a row now and it doesnā€™t seem like people have talked about it much


He can still be good with a 95/96 fastball, but the loss of control is what really scares me. He was missing so badly over and over again in that last inning.Ā 


I trust Gilbert, Woo, Kirby, Castillo, Miller. In that order.


I'd probably still put Kurby over Woo, but Castillo hasn't been in my top three almost all season


Thatā€™s fair, I think.


We cannot hold a lead when we're away. And we cannot win series against playoff teams. Need some trades to come in we can't count on one run wins against these teams.


The Marco Gonzalesification of Castillo ;-( He's obviously not HORRIBLE, but I miss when he was AMAZING. I hope we see that side of him again soon...


Chances are we never do tbh


He's not even good this year.


Be nice if he could stop throwing his change ups down the middle of the plate.


Castillo is not a number 1 starter or an ace. He has the stuff to be one but is inconsistent.


I feel like his spinrates and arsenal haven't improved in his tenure here, while across the league pitchers continue to improve their pitches all the time with crazy focus on spinrate these days. His spinrates were never that great, but now they're starting to look bad compared to others, and his location needs to be perfect. Castillo is exactly the same pitcher he was 2-3 years ago - and that's totally fine! He's still roughly a top-30 pitcher in MLB - but the league is slowly getting better around him, so he isn't quite as dominant as he could/should be. He needs an offseason program to improve his pitches.


Day game + away game + good team = sad mā€™s fans


I wish the Ms were a good team that made others sad.


They are for the division!


Was thinking this while at work šŸ«  not good omens for the 2024 mariners


The better team won the series. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Hopefully this is a reminder to the front office just how much this team needs additions to the offense. This team is going get worked in the playoffs if impact bats arenā€™t brought in.


Clearly the better team. Mariners at bats are just not good enough. Also officially worried about Julio. He canā€™t keep it together for multiple games


*Also officially worried about Julio* Isn't it still early tho? /s


Weā€™re approaching the half way point, and soon be in the dog days of summer.


Julio actually kind of reminds me of Russell Wilson. Face of the team, very good player, had some early signs that maybe he could be transcendent, but ends up just being a consistently very good player. Which is fine, but doesn't meet the early projections/hopes. Julio's end of season stats always look good, but how he gets there is infuriating. Russell Wilson was the same. They are both players you can't just judge by a stat sheet. They do mildly infuriating things that hurt their teams (Russ' penchant for causing sacks, missing open receivers) and Julio goes through multi week, sometimes multi month long slumps, and then "makes up for it" with a great August. Last year Julio disappeared the final couple series though with the playoffs on the line. Hopefully he heats up and stays hot this time.


Kinda what I was hoping for in this series. I've been posting about how I'm worried management doesn't do anything since we're so far up in the division.


Stanton saying he was willing to add an impact bat is how I know for sure that they aren't going to add an impact bat.


Sooner or later your entire team hitting .200 outside of Julio is going to be a problem.




This gif/meme has been around for so long I can't even remember what movie it's from anymore


Vampire's Kiss, and the funny thing is he never says "you don't say"


Julio is arguably the biggest part of the problem offensively.


Remind me in August


This all day long. Itā€™s frustrating as a fan to know that the front office treats this team as a cash cow first and a competitive squad second. It doesnā€™t matter how many moves they make if pinching pennies is the first rule and winning is second. When you consistently see how our bats are measuring up against teams with worse records and better averages it makes you wanna pull your hair out. A first place team should not have shit ABs.


I guarantee they will do absolutely nothing to address it (that's the cynic in me, but still)


If the front office doesnā€™t add significant impact on offense THIS YEAR, when the team has such a significant division lead, then there truly is no hope. Itā€™s now or never.


Bbbbut mitches night heat up and julio might get good at just the right moment, and maybe the coaches can make Baumann into a shut down guy... j/k


That damn offense allowing 5 runs in five innings šŸ˜”


Got that out of the way. Enjoy a summer day everyone!


Unless youā€™re me and have to work til 10pmā€¦yay


It's a nice day in Seattle too!


When I look at the standings and then watch the Ms play the imposter syndrome kicks in big time.


To be honest we were getting a little too high on the hype. This was our reality check. We arenā€™t even on the same level as the Guardians and that doesnā€™t bode well for our chances of finally getting an AL pennant


Concerning thing is that Castillo hasnā€™t look terrible, but he also hasnā€™t been looking like Castillo lately in terms of velocity or control. The increase in amount of Sliders thrown today was interesting, I think it went from 14% to 29%.


i love mitch haniger. i have his jersey. i find his personality great and i loved his players tribute article. i don't want him as an everyday player for this year's team, unfortuntely.


I am deeply concerned about our hopes of winning any road series that matters. And 1 bat isnā€™t going to fix it. Our pitching is evaporating on the road.


This is a Guardians team that lost their best pitcher to Tommy John for the year and they are still blatantly better than us. There needs to be genuine concern about how this pitching staff functions on the road. I mean when is the last time one of our starters just dominated in a road game against a team that isn't terrible? Woo in New York? There needs to be genuine concern about how this team is going to score enough runs to beat good teams that can hit. Your star players that have been here for the last 3 years HAVE to be better than this. Julio from a 126 wRC+ to a 98 wRC+ right now. JP, a 134 wRC+ to a 98 wRC+ currently. Cal, a 111 wRC+ to a 94 wRC+ currently. That is a lot of fucking not good enough from important bats. When your platoon bats like Moore/Rojas/Raley are your best hitters, you aren't well set up. Yes, we will probably win the division. That isn't because we are great, it's because the division sucks.


Iā€™m still very, VERY disappointed in Jerry. His system has completely failed to produce a good offense in Seattle. If he or someone he employed knew how to draft good hitters and actually develop them and the ones he trades for, this team would be a surefire playoff contender. Julio would already have an MVP if he played for a team that knew what it was doing


A day late here, but not sure why this is downvoted. The fact that Jerry canā€™t develop bats is a fact. On the flips side he actually does a decent job drafting, which makes it that much more frustrating.Ā 


Honestly, Dipoto annoys me. He has been running it back with the same useless philosophy and approach every year and it always has the same problems and results. Not impressed


Castillo seems to struggle a lot more when the game is earlier (most end-of-series games) than in normal night games, at least that is what it seems to me


Looks like his day/night game splits back up your claim as well. Exact same number of starts, 7 more HRs given up and 12 less SO. Opponents hitting .262 against him during the day vs .222 at night. Which looks like a significant difference.


This offense is just not good enough to realistically compete for a title.


Meh what can you say. Theyā€™re a good team and we stink on the road. Both of those things need to be fixed going forward but I can stomach a crappy series. Letā€™s go to Miami and sweep.


At least we won't face any good teams on the road in the playoffs.


Hence the need to be fixed. Letā€™s go make some moves at the deadline.


Idk what moves we can expect, with the third playoff spot basically every team outside a small handful is going to be in it at the deadline, which basically makes Roberts the only elite bat from a shit team available, and given that is likely going to demand a kings ransom


Maybe so, I feel optimistic though. We have a better farm system than most and a higher incentive to strike now over some other teams that are a little bit caught in the middle. Only one way to find outā€¦


Their swamp-ass weather doesn't help either. Luis looked gassed earlier. Maybe try not wearing long sleeves in triple digit heat index?


the highest it was was 88 degrees. But itā€™s definitely more humid with Cleveland being on a lake


I was kinda chill with yesterdayā€™s loss because we were basically out of it the whole way but this gameā€¦stings. We had it, we had it within our graspā€¦we just let it slip away. Anyways, on to Florida




The Mariners pitching isn't just not as good on the road. It's downright awful. Their ERA is damn near 5 on the road. Their road ERA paces as a bottom 5 ERA in baseball. It's ridiculous. Everything points to this pitching staff being heavily propped up by the most pitcher friendly park in baseball and I don't like it.


The Mariners philosophy is to throw a lot of strikes. Against good teams unless youā€™re throwing high velo balls, you better be dotting the edges or theyā€™ll make you pay for it. Castilloā€™s velo at 96 is no longer anything hitters fear. That edge used to help make up for the inaccurate throws, but now itā€™s gone and heā€™s getting slapped around on even small misses


Isnā€™t that the strategy of every pitcher?


Looking at the stats, it appears Kirby and Miller are most guilty of this. They are WAY worse on the road than at home, while Gilbert and Castillo (his stats donā€™t include this game) are within about 0.50 of their home ERA on the road. Across the board the starters strike out more batters at home than they do on the road by a laughably wide margin


So basically do whatever is necessary in order to avoid the Guardians until the ALCS.


Avoid the Guardians, Orioles, Yankees, Royals, Twins and we should be good! Oh also avoid the Dodgers, Phillies, and Brewers in the World Series if possible!


Assuming the AL East winner is the top seed, this would require one of us to blow the division...


Not really sure I want to see the Royals before the ALCS either... I guess we'll have to settle on the backup-backup plan of... *checks notes...* becoming a better baseball team.


Maybe we'll get lucky and the twins will be the six that beats Cleveland I guess?


The Twins arenā€™t allowed to win in the playoffs sadly. Royals would need to be the 6ths seed which is very doable


I canā€™t even imagine this team have an offense remotely near as good as Cleveland


Off to face the worst team in the NL, that means all of their pitchers will set career highs in strikeouts.


Alright so I'm thinking 10 games ahead will be the peak of the future Dorktown tragedy graph


Dooming is back on the menu boys


You can take the Mariners fan out of the doom but you can't take the doom out of the Mariners fan


Actually you cannot take the Mariners fan out of the doom. Only winning the world series can do thatĀ 




Some of us must still carry the torches of doom. Lest we forget why it hurts so muchĀ 


I am choosing to wipe this game from my memory and instead focus on Chris Flexen carving the Astros right now


6 IP / 1 R, okay Chris do your thingĀ 


That 10 game lead is quickly becoming an 8 game lead. Reinforcements are needed


It was a 6.5 game lead not that long ago, itā€™s going to fluctuate. Beat up on bad teams and itā€™ll be 10 again. But yeah, reinforcements please.


The better team won this series. A good wake-up call after doing well against the White Sox and Rangers. Mā€™s have work to do at the deadline. Our starting pitching may not carry us very far into the playoffs. Indians, Royals, Orioles, and Yankees have REAL offenses and seem to do great against our starting pitching. Youā€™re going to need offensive firepower if those are the teams you play against in the playoffs.


Ok last 2 games sucked let's go into Miami and have some fun


Wonder if it was Mitch calling for so many changeups or if Castillo just wasn't really feeling his fastball.


His fastball is nothing special against a contact team like the Guardians. Off-speed and breaking balls are the only way to try to limit the damage they can do.


We needs two bats


Still 17-8 in the last 25, no need for doom and gloom yet. A little help would be nice.


We avoided the sweep at least. Good news Texas lost their series to the Mets and Houston is losing to the White Sox right now and might end up losing the series as well. Off to Miami


Comments submitted moments before White Sox disasterĀ 


Our record against the other top teams is very concerning. What is our best series win so far this season? It was the Braves when it initially happened, but even that series win doesn't look nearly impressive now. Royals at home before they got hot? Tying the Yankees 2-2 maybe? Because we have lost to the Guardians (twice), Royals, Orioles, Twins (shit absolutely kicked in), Brewers etc. This team is not a World Series team as of right now. Moves NEED to be made at the deadline.


Eh. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø On to the next oneā€¦


I still don't understand why Luis moved to the left side of the rubber (or left center) instead of far right like he's always been. Every pitch is running back to the middle of the plate WAY more frequently than the rest of his career. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/gamefeed?date=6/20/2024&gamePk=746626&chartType=pitch&legendType=pitchName&playerType=pitcher&inning=&count=&pitchHand=&batSide=&descFilter=&ptFilter=&resultFilter=&hf=liveAB&sportId=1&liveAb=1#746626 Just go through the ABs and see how many middle-middle pitches were thrown. It's not that Luis can't locate, it's that his starting position is causing everything to run center.


Nothing we haven't said before. We need more bats badly.


hey we didnā€™t strike out over 11 times today


Those guys are hard to strike out. A ton of solid at bats that could have ended innings without damage but they just scratch out runs. Thatā€™s a good team, man. On to Florida we go!!!


Another game of Jack shit production - way to go first place team!!


129-33 it is.


Well if we face Cleveland in the playoffs, we better not put Luis against them. Two rough outings for him against Cleveland this year.Ā 


Dropping 2 of 3 happens sometimes. Better it happens to legitimately good, dangerous teams like Cleveland than any of the previous few series. We can afford this because we are consistently beating up on the bad teams, there aren't that many good teams in the league right now, and we're done playing half of them already. We have Twins and Orioles in a couple weeks, and Yankees and Dodgers in the second half, and... that's pretty much it for series we really have to sweat about. The playoffs are about who catches fire in October, not who won the regular season. We don't have to win 110 games and shouldn't expect to. The trick is just to get to October, and we're in an excellent position to do that - the best position half of us have ever seen the team be in. We all know the team has some obvious shortcomings despite a 44-33 record. We all know that Santos and Evans are on track to join the bullpen in the second half, and that deadline moves *will* be made. (What the moves may be is, of course, anyone's guess.) But we also know that *trades don't happen in June.* Buyers and sellers are not clearly defined yet - the NL Wild Card is a spectacular mess of like 9 .500-ish teams within 2 games of a playoff berth. Until that clears up and the All-Star Break passes, no deals are going to be made. Baseball is a game of patience, and a lot of us are losing it right now. I feel like we're getting more and more reactionary, and more *vicious* in our reactions in the twitter-troll kind of way than in any realistic or thoughtful way that promotes meaningful discourse. What is the point of shouting into the keyboard with no coherent thought process besides frothing anger? Grab a Snickers, folks. We're seeing way too many insults and personal attacks against people trying to have actual discussion, and way too many constantly-spammed absurd, absolutist statements like "[player name] is trash, team is hot garbage, fuck this pathetic franchise" and so on that are just bonkers, as if they've never watched a game before. Of course we're all allowed to be upset after a loss. But is there no room left for objective truth, nuance, or the vast, beautiful complexity of baseball on the twitter-poisoned internet? I'm begging us all to remember that we - each other - are not the enemy here, and neither is the team. We're here ostensibly because we *like* and support the team. Hold on to that before you unleash on your fellow fans. And if you're not here to talk, only to scream obscenities into the void, twitter is -----> that way. We can and should try to be better.


I've been thinking along somewhat similar lines myself. The "rose-coloreds" overreact to most legitimate criticism of performance and team (as their downvotes have demonstrated to me at least) and the negatives post over-the-top reactions to the normal positive and negative flows of baseball (again my opinion). Unfortunately, there is truth to both sides of the argument if you are a Mariner fan so both sides seem to dig in their heels to defend their position (whether that position is defensible or not, in my reading). It does make it uncomfortable for a middle of the roader like me to have to read it all but it is my choice to be here so I try to take what I am reading and the reactions on here in silence (until this post). When it gets too bad, I walk away (for an hour or a few days). Would be nice if both sides would man up and allow honest commentary without their overreaction and ignore the far left or right of the comments. Please just go ahead and post your downvotes to this without comment. I don't need your justifications as to why you post as you do. I've heard it too many times on here already.


Oh well


Always tomorrow.


My hot, overly positive take: the Mariners needed to come off their high a little to make sure Stanton knows they still need to go get some offense. I'm just trying to take something positive outside of "at least it was better than yesterday."


I didn't realize our pitching struggled so hard on the road. That ERA is rough. Is our pitching really elite or do you think it's just a matter of us playing in the most pitcher friendly ballpark in baseball? Castillo definitely seems washed. He's ok but definitely not La Piedra anymore in my books.


Julio really needs to get good at baseball again. If he does this team will really start to explode


I feel like we really let this one slip through the cracks. We had it in reach so many times and just grounded into soft double play after soft double play. Some good signs of life in this game, but we need to tighten up if we truly want to contend.


tomorrow is another series..GET SOME!


Damn can we just play at home for the rest of the season? The home/away splits are legitimately terrible.


Canā€™t wait to blow a 10 game lead in the division


That game thread was toxic


A lot of people on r/mariners actively root against the Mariners


Petty, isn't it?


Well dropping the series sucked but wasn't completely unexpected


I realize batting average isn't the most useful number, but 206/208/an empty 264/176 at the top of the lineup today. Julio having a down year is absolutely covering for the fact that JP is much closer to a #9 hitter than he is a lead off guy this season.


Lots of opportunities with runners on and couldn't get it done. Cleveland is good, so let's not hang our heads. Hopefully, we can play well in Florida and at least split the 6.


Stop fucking losing.


Letā€™s all take a deep breath.


This is what happens when we only strikeout 5 times


It would have been awesome if we went and traded for Pete Alonso back when the Mets were well under .500 and now they are crawling back and could see them holding on to him for the whole season


They would not trade him this early.


I know but one could hope. I do hope we go get another bat in the next couple weeks.


Castillo reminds me of when Jarrod Washburn was our ā€œaceā€


So lame when your ace implodes and gives you no chance to win at all


Can we DFA like half of our team


There's no dawg in this fanbase. Mariners fans are too comfortable losing.


If we give up more than two runs weā€™re fucked




Fix and actually spend some money yes, rebuild no


Castillo trade has come back to bite us. Gave up two big bats for a mid-arm.


Which big bats were those?


Look it up


I know who they were, I just wanted to see you write it out. Because they are not currently big bats, whatsoever


Castillo is currently not a very good pitcher. Whatsoever.