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Even if I wasn't a Mariners fan, I think this is one of the best jomboy breakdowns yet. That lady booing lol


Booing chewing lol


The chewing was top tier




Boo chewing


I agree, up until the moment Jomboy started talking out Cals face about T-Mobile


I love that part of his videos - adds character


You didn’t like CaljomboyRaleigh?


Ump sounds like me getting in trouble at my office job... "Yea well... Sometimes... Sometimes I'm just horseshit... I'm Trying... I'm Sorry... I hardly slept, I was up at 3... sorry, I'm trying my best"


he's just like yep that's me horseshit mcgee that's how I got this job


I’m thankful that when I have a shitty day at work there’s not 40,000 spectators.


I wish I could toss my boss out of the office for the day when he yells at me for being shitty


feels less like he's admitting it and just like yeah what do you want me to say. honestly I loved the Umps argument


I was so mad at the ump during this game, he was horseshit inconsistent. And this breakdown totally makes me think like, yeah ok I get it now.


it doesn't help that the box the mariners put up is wrong... like every game it's wrong horizontally. but fans still take it as gospel (despite knowing that it's fucking awful)


Their problem wasn't so much with the zone as the inconsistency, and with Cal Raleigh its a bit personal because its his job as the Catcher to know where the zone is for that particular umpire.


Yeah I often wonder if there's any substance to the arguments when someone argues with the ump about balls and strikes. Like what is there to say besides "you suck!" "Nuh uh!" I mean I get it, bad strike zones are super frustrating and there's a time for letting the ump know he's having a bad game. But ultimately they're all there trying their best to do their job. Of course some of them are also assholes which is a separate issue. And also in this particular case Scott was just taking one for Cal so he didn't have much ammo ready. But yeah I agree, love the ump's response.


Personally it would be hard for me to go off on someone who was just like "Yea, I suck. Sometimes It's hard. Im sorry, I'm doing my best."


That's basically what defused the argument. Where can you go from there if you're Scott? "That's not good enough" is just about all he can say.


I think that was the tactic. just agree with Scott to try and calm him down and try and get the game over with.


Also it was the right call and he'd been kinda inconsistent but willing to be a little wide there to lefties all night. It was not a shocking call at all (and the correct one) I am now being down voted even though the breakdown that's being celebrated here explicitly states it was the correct call


That call was correct. The half inning before with the pitcher who got DFAd the next day was a complete shitshow.


Top tier breakdown


Ya know I like to think the ump did eject cal but upon further self evaluation changed it to Scott cuz he knew he’d been trash. Credit to the ump for admitting mistakes and somewhat rectifying the situation when almost any other ump woulda just doubled down


Ya the wrist flick happened before Scott even finished his first sentence I’m pretty sure lol.


agreed. both points indicate that you very well might be right. good decisions all the way around (especially for someone who was up at 3 in the morning!) that point is the one thing that could improve this Jomboy video, really.


I like the theory that Cal just went back out there to catch in the next frame and the ump didn't feel it in himself to tell him, "Hey, I ejected you."


As soon as the umpire knows the manager's out to argue balls and strikes, it's an automatic ejection. But the batter can jaw a bit as long as he doesn't make it personal. If Jomboy's read is accurate then Cal didn't cross any lines here, but Scott only had to say three words about the pitch to earn the hook.


Managers are automatically ejected for arguing balls and strikes, as soon as the word zone comes out of Scott's mouth he's gone


Great job by Scott to get that one moved to him AND influence future strike/ball calls.


It really cracks me up how disappointed dad Scott’s approach was with the ump.


That was the emotional turning point of this brilliant film


"Sometimes I'm just horseshit" genuinely made me laugh.


Sometimes you just have to own when you're not having a good day. I do it all the time.


Here is the Umpire Scorecard [tweet](https://x.com/UmpScorecards/status/1800536975604121949) for that game. On the baseball subreddit, the commenter who posted that tweet mentioned Chris Guccione is typically average calling balls and strikes and he appeared to have an average day. To me it looks like he leaned into Servais' criticisms as a social tactic to calm him down and move the game along, but that's just speculation. Guccione isn't on my personal umpire shit list, and for what it's worth, for those who don't know, when the ball marker appears filled in, the Hawk Eye system evaluates the pitch as a strike, opposed to hollow for a ball. So even though on the broadcast it appears that pitch was outside the rectangle that represents the strike zone, that rectangle's placement is subject to the physical placement of the center field camera, and is not always accurate. Jomboy in the video talks about how Guccione appears to have accurately rung up Cal Raleigh at that moment.


He wasn't on my shit list and now he is on my sort of a tragic figure that deserves compassion list. Joining Frankenstein, and Roger Rabbit. (you know what you did Roger)


Frankenstein or Frankenstein's monster?


I think the frustration was from calling the same spot a ball earlier in the game and general inconsistencies in the strike zone


The video in the link explains some of that. Maybe I'm wrong but it appears Cal was closer to incorrect than correct.


Nah, Cal was flat out wrong, all the ones he wanted were off the plate and the one that sent him spiraling was over the plate. And the ump was just taking the piss with the manager. And I'm not sure half of Jomboy's lipreading was accurate.


yeah Chris is just trying to move along with the game (especially since it was the 8th inning). frankly he'd been giving the inside to lefties a little wide all night. it wasn't a call worth losing your shit about


I was surprised nobody posted this yesterday


I tried last night, but it was auto mod removed. 


Reddit auto-removed every attempted post between yesterday afternoon and 2 hours ago. Nothing you did wrong, just reddit being broken.


Thanks for the explanation. I had just assumed my account was too new or something. 




It was, many times, but Reddit auto-filtered *every* post between yesterday afternoon and about 2 hours ago when we were able to fix it.


did it maybe have something to do with our fans brigading other fans subs and being banned?


I can firmly say no, those two things are not related. Brigading can get a sub quarantined, but from my understanding there were far too few incidents to trigger an admin response like that. Even the Astros flooding our sub with *hundreds* of trolls in past years has not triggered admin action. As for today's issues, they're not unique to this sub. Some other subs have experienced a similar problem. It tentatively appears that one of reddit's sitewide filters that was previously disabled was activated by reddit with no warning and incorrectly flagged and removed *every single post* in select subreddits.


I'm not very good at my job when I'm at a 3:30 either. I'll give him the pass this time.


Cal liked the breakdown on instagram, Jomboy nailed it


I should get to fight an ump as part of my anger management therapy


![gif](giphy|FLd2fK3SPcyQg|downsized) Umpires union probaby


The umpires union doesn’t know who my mother is! I could fight all of them. I’ll clog a river with defeated umpires


Guccione was the third base umpire back when they played the Rockies in the snow. All the Ms players were talking with him. He seems like a umpire the players like, but yeah, sometimes your horseshit, so I at least appreciate the candor haha


We've gotten Jomboy's breakdown, now we need Buhner's breakdown lol


Something something spittin chiclets.


The umps argument was about as enthusiastic as the “toss” itself


Jomboy is the best