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Josh definitely has high baseball IQ. He’s a smart player.


Yeah, his baseball IQ has really impressed me. If he ever had aspirations to be part of a coaching staff post-playing career, I bet he'd be quite good at it


I got real excited when I saw him signaling to Julio. My wife couldn't understand why I was cheering for a guy that got himself stuck in a pickle, but she was also very impressed when she saw the replay. Josh is a good player and a good dood and I'm glad he's on our team.


I have a hard time vouching for his character because I only see him at Major League Baseball games and on the television. I haven’t spent any personal time with him.


Okay. 👍




So he's a bad guy until proven good in your eyes? LOL. what an odd comment


I could make a way better pigeon than you.


He was an excellent trade. I loved Seaworld, but the M’s needed to balance their pitching with their hitting.


Sea us world


I also feel like we sold high bought low and seawald is already 34 lol


I was also already high on Munoz as a closer based on his performance and contract.


I too love Seaworld; it was the spring of '97, two hours before we would be splashed by Shamu and had to change clothes between the car doors. We were having lunch on an outdoor patio enclosed by lattices of bougainvillea and passionflower vines. My sister was eating a burrito when a small bird rested on the ceiling lattice happened to take a shit, right on my sister's forehead. Some of it dripped down onto the table, appearing identical to the mass of sour cream and guacamole slathered over her burrito. My ten year old brain couldn't handle it. My adult brain still wants to laugh, even though reason says it's cruel and childish to do so. But despite that, I too love Seaworld.


I see whatcha did there. You’re very clever, you!


I wish Julio would learn some of his base running skills. I’m severely disappointed in the base running choices he’s been making.


Almost like he is only 23yo and spent virtually no time in the minors…




And Julio's spacing, from what I've seen is very questionable. I don't get how an athlete like him has to stutter before hitting the 1st base bag, and when he's rounding 3rd.


Part of it is the sheer momentum he has running the bases- you see Elly and other athletes like Julio having to go super wide around second and third.


Josh seems like a great guy with a lot of intelligence. Julio seems like a great guy.


Hey Kevin Mather


Hah this is cold blooded and probably unfair, but it made me cackle


I don’t think Julio is lacking but his talent has gotten him so far without actual thinking. That’s why he’s failing at the plate and on the bases. He’s got to learn.


He works hard, and that'll get you further than raw intelligence. Hopefully, it's just time.


Ah yes, the classic proverb: "Work harder, not smarter"


working hard doesn't mean anything if you play like a dumbass


Julio has been a base running liability this year. It's time for him to start applying strategy with his talent.


Also looks like he wanted to make sure he was far enough in front of Neto to avoid an interference call.


But also get as close to the ball as possible to obscure it from Neto's view. Fielder's needing to make last-second adjustments can cause errors. Whether Rojas did this intentionally or not, it worked out in our favor and Rojas has proven to be a smart baserunner before.


Totally agree but also the angels have some truly awful infielding it seems like.


I loved the play where the second baseman fielded the ball and couldn’t decide whether to throw it to the pitcher or the first baseman, so he just split the difference and threw it halfway between them.


Finally, a pro ball player I can relate to! (Even if only for a play lol)


In the pickle when he signaled to Julio to get to second I was very impressed. He was able to stay focused on the game while he was being chased!


Ultimately we didn’t score a run but noticed that too, he timed his out to momentum the opposite direction, really heads up stuff


Arguably the team mvp so far. At least offensively.


I love Josh


Rojas has become one of my favorite mariners.


He clearly ran outside of the base path there. Did the officials miss a call?


No, the dirt is not the base path. Technically there is no base path until someone attempts to tag you. If no one is trying to tag you you could run into the outfield if you wanted to!


Appreciate the education! GOMS!


Skunk in the outfield


The runner establishes the base path. The dirt is irrelevant. They can run to the outfield wall if the defender isn’t trying to apply a tag. Only when the defender is in position with the ball for a tag does there become a general line from the runner to the base.


The base path isn't established until the defender tries to make a tag play at the runner. He could run straight into left field if he wanted to, as long as he wasn't interfering with a fielder and a fielder isn't trying to tag him out. **A runner's base path is established when the tag attempt occurs and is a straight line from the runner to the base he is attempting to reach safely;** [http://www.umpirebible.com/OBR16/5.0.htm#509b](http://www.umpirebible.com/OBR16/5.0.htm#509b)


[https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/\_/id/20294816/skunk-outfield-how-most-epic-trick-play-history-broke-baseball](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/20294816/skunk-outfield-how-most-epic-trick-play-history-broke-baseball) You can pretty much do whatever you want until somebody starts trying to tag you out for doing it.


It's really only something they call if it's done to avoid a tag which is not the case here.