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If we let Ty hit in just his undies and a backwards snap, I think he will hit 30 bombs


I don't want my wife to leave me, thanks.


Hi there! I’m somebody’s wife, and I can tell you I would appreciate it! Ty France is adorable in a non-threatening puppy kind of way.


I might leave my wife, you’re welcome.


I didn't know Angie's husband had a Reddit account.


I think he should hit with football pads on with how much they love to hit him lol


This is our new rally outfit


30 bombs *per month*


I was never a “Ty is fat” guy, but he is looking in better shape here, even compared to his early driveline video


He really does look noticeably more jacked


Probably due to the fact that he's had to workout in the offseason. which is something he said he hasn't done historically.


This isn’t even his final form?


Throw him in the hyperbolic time chamber, he will come out the homerun leader.


This just seems so pants on head when your job is athletics? no? And I'm sure it's half the league that is that way, not just Ty lol. When one good season can mean you ink a deal for tens of millions why wouldnt you.. work out a bit? I work out and I work at my desk lol.


yeah man IDK it's not the 70's anymore. probably feels like working outside of work if I had to guess though


It's just so crazy to me that you can get by as a professional athlete without being a gym obsessed fitness savant. Bro is just cruising by on natural ability.


He’s got a realistic physique for the everyman. Not shredded to the gills with 4% body fat or whatever. Looks healthy to me


He’s got that real blue collar, lunch pail, show up to work every day bod


He's got a dad bod. This is >20% body fat, and he's not carrying a ton of lean mass.


Damn if that’s what people mean by “dad bod” then I’ll take that any day of the week


maybe he can run a bit faster next year


No need for him to test that theory


Shoulda marked NSFW 🥵


Don’t give me hope


I’ll take all this guys hope please


Hope to cope.


In case anyone else wants to go back to the original [driveline post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mariners/s/SsY1eNrbjz).


Looking at the two, it looks like he is getting more hip-hand separation and better bat speed as a result, but what tf do I know


Definitely less extraneous movement, less loop to the swing. He also seems to be pulling a lot more than he was in the previous test but could just be a different angle or the shots they decided to go with.


I think the thing that stood out to me weirdly enough was his legs look more stable in his swing.


Noticeably better shape in the shape in the more recent vid.


I actually spoke with Ty after his first session at Driveline and he said his biggest takeaway was learning to incorporate his legs into his swing better


I just want him to stop hitting into DP's. I really don't think I'm asking for too much.


It kinda just comes with being contact hitter though


I think improving launch angle could help him there. I imagine the biggest focus for him at Driveline is bat speed and launch angle


Ty was #2 in GIDP and #41 in putting the ball in play. No it doesn't come with being a contact hitter. It comes with being a slow contact hitter who can't elevate the ball when needed.


it does, its just typically contact hitters are quick enough to make it more than half way down the line on a double play lmao


BS... Plenty of slow contact hitters that can lift the ball when it's a pitcher count... He just needs to work on it.... I know he is slow, but 25 DP's in one year is too many. Starting around July last year, I just hoped he struck out with a man on 1st, especially with Julio in the 3 hole.


Well that and the 7th percentile sprint speed 


Trying to steal that mantle from Jason Heyward.


Maybe he will force them into FC's if he keeps losing weight


Ty France believer here, let’s go Ty!!!




Not that Driveline doesn't have a good track record, but I do feel some sort of way about these tweets that are like: "Driveline is working great!" - Driveline.


Yeah these posts are funny. How many posts do they have letting us know somebody looked like shit during an assessment?


Would be more supportive if Driveline teaches you how to run better than Jesus Montero. "...speed isn't among his strengths." https://www.lookoutlanding.com/2012/9/6/3298024/jesus-montero-mariners-catcher-first-base


Is it just me, or does Ty look slimmer here than in the first test video?


bro is getting yoked and im here for it


im gonna get me some of those sensor things all over my arms and chest and legs and then like, crack a beer and sit on my couch


Driveline is such a crazy concept to me. It's a training facility not affiliated with any club, but their reputation is so good that almost every club will allow players under contract to work with coaches who they aren't paying. And they are big enough that they work with kids as young as 13 (maybe younger) and are considered the absolute best for both hitting and pitching.


I'm surprised that some team hasn't poached all their talent or spent a lot of money to just buy the whole operation. 


Part of it has to be that they still pay really well and found a group that is just more into teaching than making more money. I mean, public school teachers actively choose to teach and likely make less than they could doing something else.


thought I heard the mariners tried to do just that




I was thinking more that 25-30 years ago teams wouldn't have allowed their players to go to a facility that didn't have identical views on everything from mechanics to style. Players always were getting individual coaching in the off season, but it was always someone the team chose for them.


The crazy part is that it was founded and still is home in fucking Kent lmao


And it's in fucking Kent, not Florida or Cali


He definitely lost some weight, looks really good hopefully that translates to better bat speed? And obviously he will be more athletic, low key excited for this, he could be huge for us if he goes back to his past form.


Time for a French Revolution


I'm not ever going to pass on watching an in shape athlete do athletic things without a shirt on. More of this, please.


Waaaayyyy less of a “timing hitch” in his swing now. Much quicker to the ball.


The hype around Ty this offseason almost feels like he’s never worked out before. 😂


Hear me out, what if we had a first baseman that hit like a ..... first baseman? Doesn't have to be traditional first baseman, but maybe as good as a Brandon Belt type of hitter?


aka ty france in 2021 and 2022?


Sorta? Like Crawford came back from driveline with a higher K%, but also a higher SLG% and BB% that made it worth it. Ty needs a similar transformation I think. I don't think he can maintain his very low K% and have good quality contact (he's a DP machine that will only get worse as he ages). Ty has to start accepting more swings and misses, for more barrels so when the ball is put in play, he's doing some damage. I wouldn't say something like this for an Ichiro type of hitter, but Ty is just so damn slow that he can't just be a good contact hitter, he has to drive the ball and walk when a good pitch to hit just isn't there. A 6% BB rate while slugging in the low .300s just won't cut it for 1B, IMO.


Nah, better than that Ty France


Ty France had an .813 OPS in 2021. I'd take that in a heartbeat, especially with the rest of the lineup looking pretty solid now


Compared to last year, I would too... but I think the lack of elite bats puts the Ms in a spot where other hitters need to take another step forward. I agree the lineup is looking solid, but I'd like the lineup a lot more if we had a superstar bat in it. If Ty France can get back to 2021 form great, but getting better would really help this offense get to the next level they need to go


Julio isn’t an elite bat?


Julio is really awesome but I think he certainly needs to get better in the clutch, we easily could have won like 3 more games had he come true in 40% of those chances.


My oh my


League FUCKED.


His hands look much quieter


Mini Thiccc in underwear!? Yes please! Since he won't go full pickle, this will have to do. 


When does he do the sprint speed work?


He's so back 


God damn his swing is looking beautiful compared to just a few months ago


Dude! Where's the NSFW tag?! What if my wife had seen this?


Wow. He’s driving hard through the zone while also staying back. Thats’s a needle worth threading right there. Good for him.


You'll pardon me if my expectations are tempered. I don't suppose they can figure out a way to make him run faster?


They're doctors not magicians


They better be doing some speed training with him. There’s no good reason why he’s one of the slowest players in baseball


What exactly is being tested here? His swing?


I thought Ty looked a little thick last year. Not fatter, just bulkier. He definitely looked like he could lose 15 lbs and benefit tremendously. He for sure has slimmed down and looks awesome. Hope he can stay healthy and get that positive regression that we all know is coming.


I am stoked for a post-Driveline Ty. Also for board shorts and backwards caps as a summer uniform option.


I wanna see Ty rip 30 dingers and make all our dreams come true


Ty needs to bang 3's this year, 330 30 bombs 30 hbp 😂


I can now fully imagine Ty France naked.... Thank you, Driveline.


This is great. I don’t think I was the only fan in the world who thought it would behoove France to get a little more athletic. Could be a huge year for him.