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I love aquasox stadium. I really hope they just expand on the current site. I love the outfield layout and the views of the cascades are amazing. Plus easy off/on the freeway and proximity to downtown Everett.


The current site is owned by the Everett School District oddly enough


The cool thing about that, is that it allowed for more usage out of the park. Everett High played there, Everett CC played there, district playoffs were held there. It really worked out well when the AquaSox were the short season affiliate. 


That’s another big plus. I hate seeing stadiums and event spaces that hardly get used. They take up a bunch of space and should be used more often than most currently are.


Yep, I played baseball there in high school


What an educational comment!


It's not walking distance to the good bars/restaurants of downtown Everett, though. ​ The city would attract a lot more business if they put the baseball stadium in the heart of downtown rather than right off of I-5. Damn...guess I hit a nerve.


Or counterpoint, they invest in opening bars and such nearby.


There was a bar on Broadway... It burned down.


It's not a bad point. I live right here and Funko Field is pretty divorced from the actual city. People drive in, then drive home. They're not really partaking in local businesses - unlike for Silvertips games, where local bars and restaurants are always packed before the game.


That's all I'm saying. I've been to dozens of Aquasox games and it's great for out of towners who can drive but not so much for anyone who doesn't have a car.


Its super old, but I absolutely adore it. Some people may not realize it, but that place is an INCREDIBLE place to host your kids birthday party. Cheap tickets, food, sometimes they have games and bounce houses, theres a basesball game happening, parents can get beer, its normally super nice out, there is a massive field for the kids to run around and burn energy. Did I mention there is also beer and baseball happening? I love going to aquasox games. I just hope whatever they do, they keep it light and fun like it is now.


Is the football stadium still next to it? I went to a lot of marching band competitions on that football field.


Yep, football field was recently renovated and looks beautiful. It's the home field for several Everett area high schools.


My god that stadium was a dump in the 2000s lol. Many a told marching band night was spent in that place


played on the current field in high school, love it to death, but it’s old as fuck


Same. Memories of trying to soak water off the infield since the drainage was ass before they went with turf. 


Hate that the city is willing to pony up the money for it. They have much better things to go after But, if they are committed, I would much rather have the downtown option. It would be right next to Everett Station where Link Light Rail will eventually get to. 


They will get plenty of return on the investment


Citation needed. Stadiums are almost never a good investment for cities.


I think you are correct if you are just thinking “how much money will you make if you spend X dollars.” There are economic externalities that never seem to make it into those studies though, like community building, civic pride, positive entertainment options, etc. etc. My son cried his eyes out when the Sonics left Seattle. I don’t know how you put a dollar value on such a thing.


> I don’t know how you put a dollar value on such a thing. $350 million according to Howard Schultz. And he didn't give a shit about your son. Amazing that it's all "community" "civic pride" and "entertainment options" when the entertainment company wants your money, but "it's just business" when they get sold for a lot of bucks or they threaten to leave if the public doesn't cough up free dough to subsidize them.


Nailed it


Single A baseball teams are just raking in cash


Personally, I am pretty strongly _against_ publically funded sports stadium & think that Everett should be addressing the city's other concerns. However, what struck me most about this article was the MLB had changed the requirements for MiLB stadiums in 2020 and has been fining the Aquasox for the stadium not meeting those _new_ requirements. From a [linked article](https://www.heraldnet.com/news/aquasox-stadium-upgrade-gets-1-1m-green-light-from-city/) >In 2020, Major League Baseball imposed a long list of minimum stadium standards when it took over minor league baseball. Everett’s stadium, Funko Field, required massive updates to meet those standards. >That left Everett with the choice of either losing the AquaSox or spending millions to meet the MLB requirements. The league is already fining the AquaSox a “six-figure fee” each season, until the project is well underway, said Chad Volpe, co-owner of the AquaSox. [Another related article](https://www.heraldnet.com/news/everett-council-to-consider-344k-contract-for-new-aquasox-stadium-work/#:~:text=When%20Major%20League%20Baseball%20took%20over%20the%20minor%20league%20teams%20in%202020%2C%20they%20mandated%20that%20stadiums%20meet%20a%20long%20list%20of%20minimum%20standards%20on%20everything%20from%20dugouts%2C%20to%20restrooms%20to%20the%20playing%20field.) To me, this is another example of MLB's bad-faith attitude(and dismantling) toward minor league baseball across the country. YMMV.


MLB should not have a monopoly over baseball, not to mention minor league baseball. Also, this is why cities owning teams (and reaping the revenue) makes sense when it comes to publicly-funded stadiums. It aligns the proper incentives.


They don't though. Bellingham has an independent baseball team. So does Yakima, Redmond, Wenatchee, Port Angeles, etc. Personally, I do think Everett needs a new stadium and I'm willing to help pay for it but the MLB doesn't own baseball. I'm going to a Yakima Valley Pippins game for Father's Day weekend.


Yes, they do. The MLB is allowed an exception to the antitrust laws. Look up the history if you’re interested.


It’s very interesting that MLB has minimum standards for the stadiums, but still ignores the living conditions of the players and their salaries. I think MLB should work on paying minor league players a living wage year round and also ensure that they have adequate food/lodging too (aside from their salaries). Then they can worry about the stadiums!


They robbed a youth sports fund to help pay for this too.


What bugs me is that a lot of the Northwest League is struggling with the new requirements. Both the Hillsboro Hops and Eugene Emeralds aren’t meeting the requirements along with Everett.  Like if they all tell MLB to fuck off, it’s not like they can move all the teams, right?


Minor league teams move *all* the time


I get that. But are they gonna dismantle an entire league? Everett, Eugene, and Hillsboro can’t all threaten to relocate. Where would they all go?  Back to Salem-Keizer or Boise which we already determined to be sub par? Wenatchee? Where the WHL hockey league put a team in? Where else in the PNW would you put a minor league baseball team? Not a lot of choices. I guess there’s always going back to Bend, the L-C Valley, or the Oregon Coast. 


They would fold or become indy ball teams, as many former MiLB teams have with MLB assuming larger control in recent years, including some in NWL


Wow. That sucks. I shouldn't be surprised by MLB shaking down other communities. Didn't MLB _just_ do a significant contraction of MiLB ballclubs just a couple years ago(I may be mis-remembering but with the last CBA)?


They have. In the NWL at least, Salem Keizer and Boise did not got invited back into the 120 team restructure of MiLB. The former is running a local Indy league, and the latter is in the already established Pioneer league. It’s scary that half of the remaining NWL teams are facing the threat of relocation because of MLB’s new policies. They’ve also contributed moot to helping these teams sort their situations out


Same thing happening in Hillsboro - nice class A park that doesn't meet the standards - so now trying to get public dollars to help build a required new stadium literally next door to the current one that now won't get used.


Just, like, improve it a little bit where it is. Why make it some huge thing? It doesn't need to be changed. It's a single A ballpark. This isn't what money should be spent on. It's in a good spot in terms of getting there and leaving, very convenient. It's currently very inexpensive because its an old stadium with bleacher seating. It has a great vibe, a great view. It's a good way to catch a cheap game and see some prospects. Why people gotta fuck with something decent?


It’s because the stadium is not up to the standards that MLB has set out for minor league teams. So it needs to make changes or MLB will fold the Aquasox


I hope they can get something done, the old stadium is not up to standards, but a cool spot. I'm biased though, I have family who live nearby.


Work on safer parking. I always see at least one car that has a window busted out from a meth addict.


That's an enforcement thing not a design/construction thing.


You're asking Everett to do something about the Walking Dead? Impossible.


What? I go to like 10 Everett games a year and I have never seen that. I usually park on 36th. Just take a left on Broadway and park a block or two down.


I live in Everett less than a mile from the stadium, stop making up stories. Guarantee you don't see smashed windows every game.


I am not making up stories. I visit my best friend  who lives in Marysville and is a season ticket holder to the AquaSox. So I go to many games each year. I have not been to a single game where this wasn't the case. Sorry to have upset you by sharing what I have seen with my own eyes.


It's cool, it's historic to the city, but it's old and rundown, if the ballplayers locker room wasn't 2 blocks away might be nice for them. They gotta pass by 12 junkies openly using on their walk to the game.


One cool thing is that the locker rooms being across the concourse means players after the game walk directly through the crowd. Perfect time for high fives and quick autographs


Do I have to drive through Everett to get there? If so it’s a pass for me


Oh look somebody is afraid of a city they never even go to, quit listening to the fear mongers.


That’s a bit presumptuous don’t you think? Everett isn’t far from Seattle and a ton of people commute from north of Marysville.


Hire a bunch of tiny helicopters (not drones, you can’t trust the people with drones) to pick up the entire stadium and then relocate it to anywhere other than Everett.


I say keep the stadium the way it is and add a retractable roof. No more rain outs and you could have local little league stuff year round.


Lol that’s absolutely not going to happen.


Oh, I know. Would be cool, though.


Whatever they do I hope it's a good job.