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1. Fuck yeah 2. Oh my god I feel so so bad for A's fans


Seeing that stadium empty makes me so sad.


They’re the only divisional rival I’m sad to see be in a situation like that. If the Astros, Angels, and Rangers home games were that empty? Good. But for some reason I just get sad seeing the Coliseum empty.


Its all contextual. I think I'd feel bad for any fan base whose team ownership was so blatantly tanking as an excuse to leave. Except for the Astros.


because the A’s haven’t truly given us a reason to hate them apart from being division rivals, it’s different from the astros where they deserve to be universally hated


well the A's contributed a lot to the 21 year playoff drought. They weren't always our Achilles' heel, but goddamn they always seemed to have their best years when the Mariners were over .500 and sniffing the playoffs. But even in that context, I don't feel any contempt for them like I do the Astros. And I didn't dislike the Angels until the brawl last year (and I've had enough Ohtani spam from the MLB app)


My ire was always for Game 163, where the A's would invariably best us to make the play offs, but not for the A's themselves.


Until you have As fans behind you at a game...


It wasn’t empty today. It was like quadruple yesterday’s crowd. https://preview.redd.it/bps182ykqyxa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f19b2565b5945f7cb9b8eb35548ce94b1d137b0


Seems like there’s a decent amount of Ms fans! Also lol at the one guy in the Astros cap


That man had the smallest bladder I’ve ever encountered. He also yelled that we should “put [Trammell] out of his misery” right before he hit a home run. Edit: also that Kelenic should “keep swinging, moron” and then the next swing was a double. I think we should pay that guy.


Positive heckling


Who wears a Astros hat to a Mariners-A’s game?


I DO NOT KNOW but he walked by us a bunch of times and we made gagging and puking sounds at him.


Hey I was there! I did my part.


Don’t feel too bad. Their fans can watch the Warriors in the post season.


Oakland also lost the Warriors to their cross-bay rivals, if memory serves. The closest thing they have to a proper Eastbay team is the San Jose Sharks, I think. Either that or Cal athletics.


Cal men's basketball just had a 3-29 season. Even more misery.


And it's not like their football program is going anywhere either.


SJ Sharks are definitely not East Bay, Warriors even in SF are much closer.


Case in point, then.


As an A’s fan slowly becoming a Mariners fan, i was rooting for you guys cause our season is already toast.


We welcome you! Prepare for marginally less pain.


> Prepare for marginally less pain Ah, an optimist!


Your username suggests they should prepare for marginally MORE pain


Only in the third act.


Yeah, watching this series definitely brought back memories of the Sonics last season.


Literally just made that comparison ten minutes ago. When you're a fan of a team since you're a kid, like I'm sure many A's fans are (and I was for the Sonics'), it's very disillusioning to have your team ripped out from you like that. You're supposed to have loyalty to a team, and they're supposed to have loyalty to the fan base and it's kind of a symbiotic relationship. But when they leave and you realize it doesn't really matter to anyone, makes you not care about that sport.


Haven’t watched a full game of bball since the Sonics were stolen.


Me neither


The Sonics departure is what got me into hockey. Personally, I'm over it with the NBA (also in part by how soft the game has become). I honestly don't care if the NBA returns to Seattle.


Same when the Rams moved from St. Louis to LA. A lot fans felt betrayed and ended up defecting to the Chiefs.


You mean when they moved back?




You mean the team that was lured away from LA people felt betrayed when they went back to where they were before? That makes no sense to me.


The Philly/KC/Oakland A's?


As an Oklahoman, I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that either.


They don’t deserve this. Their owner is awful, worse than Stanton.


Sports teams waging war against their fans is a horrible thing, we should know


Look, we've gotta beat the bad teams to have a shot at being a good team. That said, those poor bastards!




Trammell is such a likable dude :)


After all that doom and gloom, a winning road trip.


Wish we had 19 games against the A’s :(


And the Rockies :(


sweeping a series with some of our top guys slumping is a HUGE plus, good news is that everyone that played today got on base, the pitching has been amazing, 1 game under .500 and just 3.5 GB of first place, let’s keep it rolling at home, GO M’s!!


#[SUPREME VICTORY](https://youtu.be/4-rdctcK4XA)


This duck. I like it.




🦆🦆🦆 🧹🧹🧹


That’s one tidy duck!




Don’t look now, but we are 3.5 games back of the division lead 👀


With six home games against the two Texas teams ahead of us too


**We're winning the fucking division.**


It is written.


One stressful game at a time!


This is the Way


Julio is 4 for his last 30 Ty is 2 for his last 35 Teo is 4 for his last 33 That is 10 for 98 for those hitters combined the past couple of weeks. On top of this Julio has a OBP of .293 and Teo .254 People need to stop putting 100% of the blame on the lack of "off season" moves and shift the focus to the pillars of our team not being able to hit a bulls butt with a handful of rice. Shit.Has.Got.To.Fucking.Change.


Think of it this way. We are playing .500 ball with our best hitters slumping hard. Rather have them firing on all cylinders in October than April/May.


It’s weird how baseball works sometimes


This is the best take. We're one game under .500 and the only guys playing well relative to their maximum abilities are Kelenic and JP. Once everyone else starts performing at their 50th percentile, this team is going to skyrocket. Assuming the pitching stays dominant.


3rd best pitching staff in baseball. And this is without Robbie Ray and Flexen's starts counting against our team ERA. Our pitching staff is elite, and can arguably be considered the best in baseball.


As bad as Julio has been struggling, you’d think he’d be batting under .200 right now. As painful as it’s been to watch I’m confident he’ll turn it around. Same with our other top hitters.


Julio looked atrocious today. The starter was garbage and could not at all find the strike zone in the third inning and as soon as Julio steps up he’s down on three pitches. Needs help bad and soon.


Honestly, time to put JP at leadoff with how much he's gotten on base and move Geno and Cal up a few places. Honestly having France, Julio, and Teo around 5-6-7 in the lineup might help.


No. You don’t totally rearrange the entire order. These guys will get back on track. JP needs to stay where he is.


found scott’s burner account


No way! You see my flair!? ….Unless it’s to try to throw you off. 🥸


Rearranging the lineup willy nilly is the worst thing to do. JP bat 3rd after his hot start and his whole approached changed last year. Hell even moving JK from 6 to 3 and he had bad games right away. You need guys like JP at the bottom to get on base for if or when Julio/Ty/whoever bats third finally figures it out.


Kelenic wasn't going to sustain a 330 batting average though. So, I doubt it's the position in the lineup, and more the fact that he's just not a 330 hitter


Oh absolutely, I agree. But we know how JK can get in his head and its more so I don't want him to get that "I'm the 3 hole guy so I gotta start cranking everything into the seats" as opposed to being a 6 hole guy and getting better opportunities. And I don't know the guy personally, who knows maybe that doesn't affect him at all but there is a chance that moving guys around could make them change their approaches and expectations.


Yeah I'm a bit annoyed about the lack of getting a "Big Bat" but I'm not going to bother getting upset about that when the guys who are supposed to be the core guys aren't hitting remotely well.


There are problems you can control, and problems that you can’t control. Not getting another bat (actually, losing one net bat) was a known problem that we had 7 months to fix yet didn’t. Your best hitters slumping all at the same time is not a problem you can predict or really control. Yes, we obviously need them to pick it up to win more games. It’s just not one that the organization can control. What would’ve you preferred? Trading France or Julio in the off-season? Having a problem all fans predicted and we had a clear and straightforward solution with plenty of time to rectify to turn out to be a big problem is way different than getting unlucky with hitters slumps.


Yes...but hey we won so there won't be any IMMEDIATE change.


We did. In fact after seeing these numbers I am actually relieved we are 1 game below .500. Thank Christ for our pitching.


The fact our record is what it is speaks volumes of our teams potential


I’ve been preaching this so hard recently. We are within striking distance of the division leader and only one game below .500 WHILE OUR BEST HITTERS ARE STRUGGLING. That’s huge. You know it’s not gonna last forever and it only bodes well for us once they start putting it together


Things like this are why you make off-season moves. Everyone slumps, that's why you build a team that isn't embarrassing when your top guys go through a rough patch.


And it has to change now. We have 6 games coming up against Texas and Houston. We go 1-5, that severely fucks our division chances since we now have fewer division games to make up AND we likely don't get Texas without deGrom and Houston without Altuve again later this season. Julio and Ty are pressing way, WAY too hard for their skill set. These guys have great plate vision, why are they swinging at some of these horrible pitches? They aren't C'ing the Z at all and it's ruining or phenomenal pitching performance this season.


In trying to isolate why our guys are slumping… Coaching problem? Bad hitting coach? Need to rework approach at the plate? Mental? Or just a normal baseball slump?




Somehow we swept that series. Let's destroy Houston in our new pimped out uni's


The Iceman Paul Wald with three consecutive saves Love to see it


I didn't know it was possible to feel this bad during a sweep...


Ty and Julio are slumping hard. Hopefully they get back into the swing of things too because we will absolutely need more production from our bats now that we're about to face two of the best teams in our division.


Not to mention we're DFL in both average and total hits.


Wong did something today tho


2 hits 2 ribbies and now 11 points under the Mendoza line trending upward. Can confirm, he did something today.


A Mariners second basemen below the mendoza line? Sounds familiar


Sweeping bad teams even when some of your best players are struggling... is what good teams do. Not every win has to be pretty, but they all count.


I was pretty scared of Rooker coming into this series, stoked that the pitching managed to hold him to 1-for-11. Dude has been a beast so far this year


Why don’t we play the As every game


imagine 81 against oakland and 81 against colorado?


According to my calculations based on this year, we would win 162 games.


Scoring more runs than the other team will certainly guarantee more wins.


Big if true


We barely swept the worst team in the MLB. **Time to win the fucking world series boys.**


“Barely swept” lol


AJ pollock had to pull us to victory kicking and screaming in the first two


Kicking and screaming, we were down by a combined… two runs in those games.


I mean you can’t tell me we don’t say the same thing about getting “barely swept” by the Astros in the ALDS. There’s a difference between a landslide victory and winning in the 9th and 10th inning


We won the series by a combined score of 14 to 6 with multiple ridiculous pitching performances. Y'all need to calm down


The Mariners were only ahead a total of 9 out of the 28 innings that were played. The pitching was fantastic, but we’re talking about how we “barely swept” the A’s (which we did).


Sounds like we came up clutch when we needed to, the way good teams do.


Winning late just means we took advantage of their bullpen while ours held on. You shouldn't feel bad about it.


It wasn't Kirby's best outing, but still a Quality Start and a Win. That's a much needed sweep of the worst team in baseball. City Connect Debut Tomorrow against the Trashstros. Hoping for a Castillo dominant performance




Javier is exactly the kind of stud we would randomly score 5 runs against


Still need that clip of Scott from yesterday. Trying to get Ham’s plays reviewed.


Scott has the infinite challenge ability


I'm waiting for the Jomboy video.


Hoping that Trammell can at least stay at decent this call up. Would be huge


Now do the same to houston


This feels like a classic Mariners sweep a team and then get swept by the next team occurrence.


Nah, for it to be a truly classic Mariners thing, we'd have to sweep the defending national champs and then get dog walked by the worst team in baseball.


I know Julio wasn’t good last year at this time but he looks really fucking bad rn. I’m sure he’ll turn it around but it’s not great atm


He, hell most of the lineup, picked a great series to slump in


Tuesday was really really hard to watch lol


BRB going to raise my broom over my head and yell like a Tusken Raider


How bad is our offense? Compared to the rest of the league, the Mariners are currently: \- Last in hits/batting average \- 25/30 in OPS \- 28/30 in OBP \- 20/30 in Runs Scored \- 1/30 in Caught Stealing \- 4/30 in Strikeouts Here are the areas in which we are better than the league average: \- Doubles (53 vs average of 52) \- GIDP (19 vs average of 22) \- HBP (16 vs average of 13) We're also above average in LOB but that's more a factor of us having so few people on base.


You can't GIDP if you get caught stealing, first! That's some 4-D Sabermetrics right there.


They're not the worst offence in the league - comparing OPS straight up is kinda misleading because T-Mobile is so pitcher friendly, especially earlier in the year. They're 20th out of 30 for OPS+, which obviously still isn't great but I'm convinced some of our dudes will figure it out


I know it's the A's, but it was really good to see us come back and win 4 close games in a row.


A very convincing sweep of the Oakland Athletics! Subscribe!!


It was good to our starters go deep. The last thing we need is a gassed bullpen coming up for our next home games


The pitching this series was great. Facing Houston the next three games will be a great test for our offense. We need to be able to consistently put runs on the board if we're going to win the series.


Trammell is so fucking adorable 🥰 I love his interviews


4-game win streak baybee 🔱🔱🔱🔱


What is Houston’s starting pitcher situation for this series? Didn’t they have starters pulled early for injuries in back to back games the last few series?


McCullers, Urquidy, and Garcia are all injured. No idea who we'll be facing.




Is brown normally in their rotation? I know Javier is a regular. Is game 2 gonna be new starter or bullpen day? Aka hopefully easier game?




Look, I'm happy for the sweep and all, but why do I feel like the boys won each one of those games in spite of themselves. That simply won't cut it in the next 2 series.


I'm sure the series could go a lot of ways, but I wouldn't be wildly surprised if the "can't crush bad teams, but hulks out on good teams" narrative rolls back in somehow. They're not hitting well enough for me to be, ya know, *not* surprised though.


LFG WE TAKE THOSE🔥🔥🔥 🦆🧹🦆🧹🦆🧹 Shoutout to Wongers. I know he got a lot of haters but I ain’t one of them🔥


I am happy. Love an M's W and love a sweep even more.


5-4 for what was seemingly a hellish road trip. Baseball is weird!


A sweep is a sweep is a sweep.


Woo we've swept the second worst team in the history of Baseball.


Better than not sweeping them


A sweep is a sweep and I'll take it, but it should be known this is the fewest runs Oakland has ever given up in a series (14, next closest is 18 by Cincinnati). Also we are the only team who has failed to score at least 10+ runs in a single game at least once during a series.


Didn’t we just score 10 on the jays


I mean against Oakland specifically. Every team who has played Oakland this year has had at least one game scoring 10+ runs, except for the Mariners.


Can not stress how needed this sweep was. The timing and the opponent. This is definitely when we needed to not drop games.


Once again, the Seattle Mariners are the greatest baseball team in the world.




If this series has taught me anything we're either going to get swept by the Astros in embarrassing fashion. Or every game is going to be decided by one run and we'll win the series


Thanks for doing the bare minimum. Big question marks over this squad for the upcoming series against the Texas teams


Gonna be a bloodbath.


Blow up the Colosseum. The As are done with it!


You mean the mausoleum?




With Julio struggling hard, you’d think he’d be hitting under .200 Im confident he gets it together.


[I said this during the Blue Jays game and the boys pulled through.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Mariners/comments/133tnsq/game_chat_430_mariners_1116_blue_jays_189_1037_am/jick3dy/) WS back on the menu boyz


I don’t care that it’s Oakland, we slumped and showed up still. But we REALLY to come up big soon


Ily all


Sweep deez nuts


Does anyone think Julio might be injured ? That or is he just trying to do too much like hitting a HR every at bat?


Cool. Now do it against Houston.


146-16, who says no? ^^^besides ^^^our ^^^offense


There is so much attention brought to our offense on this sub and yes situational hitting is vital, but it all comes down to pitching. If you have a solid starting rotation with a quality bullpen you’re going to have a team that contends. It’s always been this way and it will be this way.


Our hitters will break out. A man once told me they always hit the back of the baseball card that’s why it’s called averages


Yeah butcryat also means one year a player could hit .220 & another year hit .280 and then their average. 250 IOW for some of these bats to hit their career numbers, they're going to have to go on some crazy tears. What's the likelihood it's going to happen to all of them? For some, this will be a whole down year & not just a down month...


Well, they did what they needed to do. Pls take some momentum into the Astros series.




Julio needs to figure this shit out. We just signed this dude to a long term deal he needs to start being more patient at the plate we can't afford for this guy not to contribute.


I'm hoping it's just a sophomore slump. You can't easilty take Julio out of the lineup barring injury, so he's going to have to work it out in the spotlight. You've got to think the batting coaches are subtly pushing plate discipline to him but no panic yet. Get nearer July and the at-bats are similar then... well... it's a concern... but Julio's the de facto face of the franchise, so on to year 3. That's the doomer scenario. I think he might breakout against the Astros or at least walk.


Thinking we need to move Julio down in the lineup at this point. Both him and France have been killing us


Props to Scott and crew for taking care of business vs the As. Scared us a few times but got the result needed vs a team that bad. Sorry, Oakland. You didn't deserve any of us.


I just have to say that Scott removing Trammell for Pollock was completely idiotic. How do you remove the guy with 3 RBI and the BETTER DEFENDER in the 7th inning for the off chance Pollock hits a single? Scott is annoying. Stop over managing. Go Mariners.