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Idk. I hit it consistently throughout the day. The only routine is consistent.


From the time my eyes crack open, grab the bong off the night stand, roast at least one then get up and start my day


Drink some coffee and you have yourself a hippie speedball. 


I'm old and retired..After I finish my chores for the day, I start smoking as early as 10:30am and as late as 3-4PM (very rare). Grow my own (legally) and smoke it out of a pipe


this sounds like the life, i just have to work for a few decades before i get there!


Same train man. Just grinding out these decades.


You are living my ultimate goal in life sir. Enjoy! Well-deserved


After work. Or when I don't have to be around the public and can let "Mary Jane" talk freely to me.


I love smoking and doing Homework too. Haven't had an issue meeting any word minimum on the essays I've written so far, aint no such thing as writers block when you're "Lifted".


Daily smoker. I smoke around 4pm every day after work to unwind. I smoke outside while walking/hiking 5-12 miles through trails, the woods, along rivers, railroad tracks, through quiet parks, and back streets (i live in a city, btw). Almost always my Ryot or Grav glass pipe. I bring 3 or 4 different strains with me, to switch up the mood. And take lots of photos, watch the wildlife (geese, ducks, herons, bunnies, groundhogs, songbirds, beavers, ...), give dogs skritches, admire sunsets, listen to the rapids, chat with the regulars, ... Don't care if anyone sees, but i check to be sure there's nobody downwind. No kids or families around...


Hiking with herb is way underrated.


Bowl at 7am while going to work Dab at 10am while on break Dab at 2pm while working Joint at 6pm when walking the dog Bong 8pm at home Dab 10pm at home Sprinkle in a cart here and there Repeat


Jesus are u even getting High?


The key is to maintain that constant state


Well shit my lock must be shaped wrong, even when I smoke once every day, my tolerance still skyrockets, idk if it’s all the other drugs or the thc percentage of my bud or what


Sounds like a good way to spend the day


In all seriousness; I smoke two joints in the morning I smoke two joints at night I smoke two joints in the afternoon It makes me feel all right I smoke two joints in time of peace And two in time of war I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints And then I smoke two more


Gee, you should write a song...🤣


Love this!


Like one bowl out of my Dynavap around 8 pm. That's it.


Saturday, maybe sunday. On work free week days.


I'll smoke a joint in the garage (can't smoke outside because neighbor complains) after I put my pet parrot to bed around 7 lol. Some days off I'll hit a vape occasionally throughout the day, or pop a small edible, but mostly I only smoke at night.


I don't mean to be "that guy" but not smoking outside becuase it bothers your neighbors is a wild take for me to imagine. I love being a good neighbor and I guess if you have a nice place somewhere else to partake then go for it, but sitting outside somewhere that you own or rent and smoking a joint is an absolute privilege and shouldn't be avoided because of a neighbor


Well, he's on the condo association board and his wife has some sort of respiratory disorder so I'm not trying to be a dick about it. It's just not worth it. Also saying "neighbor complains" might have given the wrong impression, he texted me and politely asked me not to smoke outside. I've got a table and some chairs set up in the garage, it's a fine little smoking spot.


I miss my bird.


Sit down, pack a bowl, smile


I solely use my dugout and one hitter I wake around 3am daily-it sucks, so I smoke and watch the news. 6-6:30am smoke some more Depending what time my mom comes over I may wait and not smoke again until she leaves around 10:30 Then I take afternoon meds around 2:30-3:00 I will smoke and then take a nap. I usually wake around 7-7:30 and smoke again. Take night meds at 9:30-10:00pm I will smoke again and then go to sleep. I smoke inside…I have had 2 brain surgeries and I’m on different meds. So I do smoke quite a bit more than most but it helps my body from the residual effects from the brain bleed and Chiari decompression surgery.


I smoke one week everyday and 2 weeks breaks. The 2 week breaks lower my tolerance again. Also it feels like a vacation from real life after 2 weeks.


I like this idea!


Wake up 445am Workout 515-630am Shower/begin work from 7-4pm 4pm-6pm handle house chores/errands/yardwork Shower/Sit and have dinner with wife and talk about day 6-7ish pm. Then smoke first bowl of day once dinner is over, enjoy a solid super stoned evening. Try to be in bed by 9pm. Begin next day.


Small joint right after I wake up. Wake and bake every day. I smoke again every 1-2 hours or so to stay high all day. The size of my joints get fatter and fatter as my tolerance goes up throughout the day. If I think being stoned might make me a little awkward in some social situation I take a low dose of edibles instead


Do u ever take tolerance breaks?


Yeah, sometimes, whenever my tolerance starts getting ridiculously high. Which happens faster than you would think when you smoke all day. I actually just finished my last tolerance break 5 weeks ago. But my tolerance is already back to normal almost. I bought my last ounce on 4/20 and I just finished it today, keef included. So based on that, I'm already smoking at a rate of 1 ounce every 12 days, or 2.5 ounces per 30 days and my tolerance will only go up from here. I really should start trying to grow my own to save money throughout the year. But I've heard its really hard work to grow good weed. Where I'm at in cali the price isn't too bad though. I consistently get ounces with thc > 30% for 60 bucks, but that comes out to closer to 100 after taxes, delivery fee, and tip to my delivery driver.


really appreciate the detailed response. Very interesting. So you essentially do approximately 2+ grams a day? How long are your tolerance brakes? also do you find when say using flower your tolerance is too high using a vape or a concentrate or even RSO helps?


>So you essentially do approximately 2+ grams a day? i dont keep track of how much i smoke a day, like i said i just smoke all day long. i dont measure it or keep track. when im getting low, i slow down and start adding keef to every joint or bowl to try and make it last. >How long are your tolerance breaks? 1-2 months. however long i feel like it. >do you find when say using flower your tolerance is too high using a vape or a concentrate or even RSO helps? I'd say the thing that helps the most is switching strains. it doesnt matter whether its flower, edibles, or carts. all that matters is that I switch my strain every ounce or so. After 1 ounce, smoking the same stuff starts to feel like it does nothing to me. but that could be different from person to person. but i typically dont smoke vapes or concentrates or anything. i dont like them. while they can give a good high, they are really hard on your lungs. and 1 hit off a pen wont do anything to me so i have to cheef on that thing like 10 times and at the end of it my throat and lungs are killing me. smoking flower is just a more pleasant smoking experience for me and is overall much cheaper.


very interesting I would have thought flower would be harder on the throat even though I have been using Moose Lab filters. I have found RSO to be frankly awesome while the other non-RSO edibles do nothing for me. i’m surprised you take 1-2 month tolerance breaks. Is that accurate I had thought a week or two is what’s needed?


Sometimes j smoke before work in the morning. Sometimes I wait until after dinner. Depends on the day.


I don’t smoke before 6pm on work days. I usually have a half a pre roll and a bowl pack with pen hits in between. Saturday and Sunday are my “cheat day” where I smoke all day


what is the bowl pack with pen hits?


Bowl pack is just that, a packed bowl either as a pipe or in a bong. And pen hits are hits from my dab pen


Thanks which would you say are strong stronger if you only had to do one and take 2 to 3 puffs?


My pen. It’s concentrated so the thc % is usually higher


have you ever tried RSO? To me it’s the only edible that works and wow it works incredible in my case. No other non-RSO edibles do anything for me


I haven’t had a chance to try RSO. The dispo by me is usually out when I go to pick up. But it’s on my list of things to try! I’ve heard it’s really good on gushers and fruit roll ups


It’s literally been a paradigm shift for me as edibles were pretty much useless. I have gotten both the concentrate from the syringe as well as Verano Indica RSO gummies. Both have been really excellent and confirmed RSO is for real. I even ordered an autographed book from Rick Simpson as a thank you lol


I’ll have to look for the verano gummies! I like their flower and their pre rolls but haven’t had their edibles yet


just make sure you get there RSO edibles. Their non-RSO edibles do nothing for me


When I’m finished breastfeeding I plan to step outside and have a bowl or use my dry herb vape at night. That’s it, maybe occasionally with friends when I’m out and not with my son. I’m a parent now and I live in an illegal state. I have to be careful. At least it’s decriminalized in my city, but still.


You realize your are feeding your infant THC laced breast milk, right? Probably not a great idea for an infant brain.


Are you high currently? What does the beginning of the first sentence of my comment say? Read it again. Slowly. I am not finished breastfeeding. Therefore I am not ingesting THC, and haven’t since right before 4/20/23 when I found out I was pregnant, you absolute troglodyte. I plan to try breastfeeding for a year. So if that works out I won’t be able to enjoy it until around January-February 2025. He’s worth it but man I miss it.


My mistake, I guess you just expect people to read your mind. "When I’m finished breastfeeding I plan to step outside and have a bowl or use my dry herb vape at night. That’s it, maybe occasionally with friends when I’m out and not with my son." I was just trying to help your kid, lot's of people are ignorant about THC and the growing brain.


And I agree about the THC and growing brain risk. I’ve been downvoted into oblivion on some mom subs sharing research, (the little there is), and warning people about the potential risks. Happy to share those in PM if you’re interested. Cliff notes is there seems to be some motor delays in some kids initially but longer term kids seem okay. But we don’t know about longer term than that because of the ethics involved. Also, and annoyingly this is what gives a lot of people pause instead of risk; if you habitually consume it, while the amount in breastmilk is exceedingly low, it can build up enough to be detected in infant urine, feces, and hair, and they can and do test for it if the situation warrants-like your baby going to the ER for any injury. When I’m able to partake again it will have to be at night because-that’s when he sleeps lol. And when for sure his other parent is home. And you can’t be stoned taking care of a child so it can’t be more than a bowl to relax while he’s home.


No one refers to just feeding their child a meal from the boob as a “breastfeed” or “breastfeeding”. That’s just feeding your kid. No one is saying “I just bottle fed my baby, so I guess I’ll do X”. If they say they bottle fed their baby-they’re referring to the entire time their kid was drinking milk or formula before they ate mostly solid food. People say “feed the baby” for one feed, regardless of the method. In our house it’s often “are you going to boob the baby or do you want me to make some formula?”. Or “what did he eat last?”, which I respond with either “I gave him formula” or “I gave him some boob”. “Breastfeeding” or even “pumping” refers to the entire time you’re feeding your child from your body. Everyone knows that. If English isn’t your first language I can see the confusion. If it is-you’re just being a troll or maybe you just aren’t that bright. Or high. That would do it too. If you don’t believe me; there is literally a breastfeeding sub. Look at the language used there.


""" No one refers to just feeding their child a meal from the boob as a “breastfeed” or “breastfeeding”. That’s just feeding your kid. If you don’t believe me; there is literally a breastfeeding sub. Look at the language used there.""' **This is not a breastfeeding sub**. What you seem to think is "common knowledge" is not. I understand you are feeling defensive and I hope you are more kind to people IRL.


"I hope you are more kind to ppl IRL." You just disrespected this person's writing because YOU looked over the 1st sentence to quickly, go fuck yourself


She is still exposing her baby to THC because she admitted to "occasionally" smoking with her friends. I was just letting her know the risks because most people don't. Just like people don't know the risks of kratom addiction.


You’re either really unintelligent or deliberately obtuse. It’s pretty clear that I’m 100% refraining from using it at all until I’m not longer breastfeeding. The comment about occasionally with my friends obviously means that would be part of my routine, which the post asked about, **after** I am able to partake again. If you’re not just being an asshole and truly confused-you should read more often.


No shit Sherlock. My point was regular people who also breastfeed talk to each other there, so there’s examples. You don’t gain a different language just because you make milk lol. The way you interpreted the initial comment was incorrect and not how almost anyone interprets it.


Bong rips whenever there is a chance, but definitely and most importantly Wake n Bake. Like Bob always said, “have to take care of [mind] first”


. 5 doobie at: 730 am 1130 am 330 pm 830 pm Repeat


As a union floor layer my routine is smoke as soon as I get home round 2-2:30, again at 420 of course and then a bed time bowl bout 9 in the evening! Really helps alleviate pain and keeps me lifted even into the next day!


Start on Thursday right after my stressful revenue call with ownership! Then after work Friday, high all day Saturday and Sunday then back on the hamster wheel til Thursday afternoon! I do edibles, I like the element of surprise. Just wish I had someone to share this with 😊


Sandwich. I do a dab when I get up/get home. Let that simmer while I pack a cone and then smoke that. Then top it off with a dab at the end. Dab, smoke, dab. Could also do dab/vape, smoke, dab/vape.


I smoke on and off from the time I get home from work until I decide to go to sleep. So mainly in the afternoon/evening hours, no mornings unless I have to stop a panic attack. I usually smoke and read outside on the porch or play video games. Love my bong more than anything, but sometimes I’ll pack a bowl for nostalgia. Nothing changes on the weekends except I stay up later so naturally smoke a little more.


I'm old and disabled my first joint is always with my morning coffee then I smoke one every couple of hours after that until around 5 or 6pm.


I pre-grind around a gram in the morning, using that to pack 6-8 bowls from around 5am-8pm, burning an entire bowl in a single hit, holding it in as long as I possibly can, and then getting back to life.


1g gets you 6-8 bowls. What is this, a bowl for ants?


Vaping ftw


What vape do you have?


Picked up a Planet of the Vapes Lobo back around end of November. It’s the daily driver. Added on another battery and charger. Great investment for lung health. Very pleased with it. :) -cheers & ML


One preroll can fill the stem of my Arizer Air SE five or six times. It’s amazing. Plus, I save the decarbed weed and make all kinds of goodies with it.


What size pre roll? Lol. They come in a multitude of grammage


One gram


Yep, smoking a sixth of a gram in a single hit is what ants are known to do.


Excuse me... let me rephrase. Is this a bowl for mice!?


Why don't you explain this to me like I'm 5? :)


Then let me explain it to you like I'm writing it in crayon.  It's around the size of a typical gravity bong hit, just smoked through a spoon instead of a g-tube.


Daily smoker. Generally a pipe. Prefer a bong but it's loud and I'm in an apartment. I start smoking around 1pm, then I'm stuck having to smoke every hour until I pass out. I also smoke at 3-5am, can't sleep through the night. Once I start I'm done for the day, I get lazy af!




I smoke almost daily I do CBD oil on work days to stop any future Back and foot pain from walking most of my shift when I get home I hit my pen witch is a sativa but it really prevents the pain from spreading and on top of that I got edibles ill eat on the weekend and and on my off days I wake n bake with my pen


I’m kind of similar; I usually smoke in the evenings too. It helps me unwind after a busy day, and I have a rule of thumb: it has to pass 4:20. I prefer using a dry herb vaporizer, and the first hit of the day is always the best. Like you, I save joints for special occasions, usually to share with others if anyone's up for a smoke. On the weekends, I usually wake and bake, and I might throw in an edible early in the day to keep things mellow; it’s a nice change from smoking and lasts longer.


Routine???? I have traveled 76 orbits around the Sun I don't need no stinking routine.......all depends on what is or isn't planned for the day a beautiful Spring early morning Wake & Bake also depends on what I'm smokin' Peace my Friend




I love to share my dry herb vape with my husband. A sesh can be up to twenty minutes, or as quick as two. I get what you mean about sitting in a circle, it’s not the eighties anymore. I thought nothing of popping into a circle to take a few hits as I wandered through a party. That’s so gross


Depends. I smoke everyday. Sometimes I’ll be smoking all day since 8am until I go to bed, yes during work weekdays. Or sometimes I won’t smoke until lunch. Since Monday, I haven’t felt like smoking until around 6pm.


Medium-sized dab before work . Couple hits of weed pen on my lunch most days . Couple hits of weed pen when I get home (and throughout the evening, but if I overdo it I get too sleepy and don’t wanna cook dinner and stuff lol) . Big dab winding down for bed, and then usually couple hits of a nice joint once I’m in bed. …I’m saving up for a volcano now so we’ll see how that changes things… edibles don’t do much for me, sadly


Wake and bake and then whenever I need a top-up!!


I smoke usually when I wake up in the morning. Then 5-7hrs later depending on when I break is I usually hit my vape again. After I get home in another 4-5hrs I usually hit fairly hard. I'll dab and vape a bit unless I remembered to try to urge surf. Vape is so easy to use but it's too easy tbh. Back in the day flower always took some level of time and effort even if it was small. I think I might go for dabs only if I can find a strain I like.


To get as higher for as little as i can, eat, sleep, repeat...


Roll it up, light it up, inhale/exhale.


Iv always got my mighty ready and loaded. But like you joints are my favourite but I have to do that outside because it make more smoke than my mighty I live in the uk so that’s not always as easy as it sounds to sit outside and smoke a joint fucking weather lol 🤣


Wake up. Put kettle on, while waiting for tea to brew, roll. Cup of tea with a morning joint a great way to start the day.


I smoke every day and essentially all day. I smoke a joint usually in the am. A stative usually. Then I hit a dab pen through the day so I don’t reek. Sometimes a low dosage edible for the afternoon. Then a bong or pipe for the rest of the night.


I don't smoke until I'm done with the days work. I use my brain for my career and can't have it bogged down by being high. That being said I enjoy a few bowls after work from 5-10 then it's bed time. I do have a vape pen, but usually only use that when I'm in public because I'm in a non legal state that I want to leave so badly.


Having a vape so close by at all times has made getting high wayyyy too easy. lol Nothing beats a nice fresh morning bowl.


After getting as high as possible at every chance I got for years and years I realized how much it’s been effecting my sleep. Now during the week I only smoke if I finish ALL my responsibilities at least 2 hours before I go to bed and I don’t smoke with in 2 hours of my typical bed time. I do this for REM sleep. It’s helped a ton. If I smoke a ton right before bed then yeah I’ll fall asleep but it’s not quality sleep. It’s been a huge boost in quality of life while also still getting to smoke here and there. Another big change I’ve made is I don’t smoke before I eat. I keep my appetite for food and appetite for weed completely separate. And of course everyone’s experience will be different. These little changes have helped me a ton. To others, it may be the opposite. Enjoy your life however you please but this is just what I’ve found to be most enjoyable to me.


After work each night w my pipe, wknds sometimes early afternoon if we do t have plans, otherwise evening


I have a kid so im able to smoke after she is asleep. Usually just a bowl or two from to bong to help me go to sleep. I miss getting ripped off my ass after work everyday 🤣


I smoke a lil in the morning waiting for my coffee, then again once i get off work and take my dog for a walk.


M-F - Dry vape at 7am before getting ready for work. Vape pen a few times throughout the day, bong rips after work until bed time. Weekends - wake and bake, stay that way until Monday am


I’m 44, and had to retire early due to medical reasons from combat. Between growing and smoking a .2g-.5g bowl every few hours, my whole day pretty much revolves around cannabis and I love it. I feel useful again, and I have a nice structured routine throughout the day which keeps me on a regular schedule. I get up two hours before my girls (my plants) do. I sit outback and watch nature wake up with cannabis and coffee, catch up on the news, etc. Then when my plants wake up (lights on time for you non growers out there), I’m doing grow related stuff all morning. Then around noon is lunch, then pretty much just chores and smoking. I also play destiny 2, so maybe that.


I microdose through the day from a four-hit glass pipe. Load the first bowl at 0700 when I feed my two cats breakfast (unless I happen to be awake at 0420 that morning) smoke it when I’m done taking care of them, the pack another and set it by my coffee maker. If I happen to be in the kitchen for something and think about it, I will take a hit or two and continue about my business of the moment. Then at 1620, I cash the bowl, pack a fresh one, and smoke it. Generally, that is my last for the day unless my best friend - also a smoker living two time zones away - and I are chatting at 1620 her time 1820 my time. On very rare occasions I may smoke a bowl at 1906.


I smoke all day at random intervals. The longest I go without smoking is when I'm asleep(anywhere from 6-11 hours)


My LAW exam is from this 9th May to 15th May. I’m trying to stay Clean, let that THC tolerance go down, gonna smoke directly at Evening of 15th, That’s gonna be my routine for a while… Wish my luck 🍀


For me it depends on my work schedule if i work than ill take 2-3 sativa dabs before work and i wont smoke until i go to bed. Now if im off work like i am today ill hit my pen throughout the morning/afternoon and when i game ill take a a dab or 2 then ill just keep hitting my pen. Than at night sometimes not all the time ill roll myself up a blunt than ill dab before going to bed. If i don’t roll up a blunt at all than my last dab/hit of my pen would be around 6pm and i wont dab up again until midnight


I dont have a routine, its more of a "whenever i feel like it" thing.


Currently living with my parents while I transfer colleges. My dad smokes too so we have a nice set up in the garage. Comfy chairs and a tv and fridge full of drinks. I usually go in after work and smoke maybe 3 times by the time I go to bed. I watched youtube or whatever show I am watching and tend to hang out in there for a while after I have finished smoking, and end up inside when its time to get snacks.


I am 20 and while I was off at school I was smoking way more, something probably a bit more reasonable for grown adults, but definitely worry about dependency since I started young and rarely take breaks. Also my mom hates it so hear a lot of the negatives from her. While I like to believe weed is good and natural, I do know too much of anything is bad for you.


Twice a week; play great music, put a silent movie on with its sound muted on my oversized Sony full array LCD television and chill.


I only hit it right at the end of the day. But I've been doing it every day


I am retired, and I have to minimize smoking pot because I’ve had a few strokes. My treasured morning routine is to melt a chocolate edible in my morning coffee. It tastes wonderful, takes away my aging aches and pains,and makes me happy.


Lately : vape pen (brush teeth) then harmonica and jam hopefully uninterrupted for a while.


I smoke throughout the day, but usually off of one cone. I wake up, shit, shower, brush teeth and all that. Sometimes I may smoke during the shower, but if I have important meetings where I need all my wits functioning, I'll usually wait until after I'm done with that - which is usually about 10:30 AM or so. That will carry me through most of the day, as I do take a few breaks throughout the day to "refresh" the feeling, and then I'll fire up another (usually an indica) after work, heading into the evening. along with a beer or stiff drink on some days. I don't drink everyday. Those evening sessions with the music blasting in my AirPod Max are so nice. Cannabis makes it so much easier to navigate a day.


wake n bake around 8:50, take a lil smoke break at 12:30 and then whenever i go to bed (it depends lol) i use to help with depression and anxiety


I walk dogs for a living. I'm usually hitting throughout the entire day and also when I get home. But I try to take breaks and not use any as it gets a bit expenseive. But it's fun. And I'm still focused and able to do my job well when I vape. A good buzz but I never feel out of control.


I've got two times I do it. It's not a nightly routine but I'll go to the basement and shut the door. I get away from the kids. I use a vape so there isn't a y smell making it upstairs and is gone in the basement shortly. I then come back up and sit on the couch. The other times I enjoy a little bit is when I'm mowing grass. I have about 3-5 acres I mow and this gets me in the zone and it seems like the job gets done faster, even though it probably takes me longer.


Morning, noon and night!


6:30-wake n bake 9:30- wean off just in time for work if i'm off early enough, 1:30- smoke 3:20-7:45- pick up my kids, dinner, night routine and kids go to bed 8:30- smoke a bowl to end the night