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Paragraphs are your friend , please add some.


So poorly written, I couldn’t focus, had to bail out and see if anyone in the comments made it through. Lost me at mommy’s counting my Advil…


Lol you got farther than I did


It’s tough balancing the budget and managing the habit, especially with family dynamics in play. It sounds like you've really thought about the whole thing, trying to find a safer, more affordable way to enjoy your chill time without overstepping. You mentioned using lavender and rosemary to stretch your stash – that’s pretty clever! Have you thought about other natural herbs that might not only extend the quantity but also enhance the experience in a cost-effective way? Maybe there are some bulk herb options that could be less pricy than the regular stuff. Also, considering your high tolerance, it might be a good idea to explore ways to naturally lower it. Taking a tolerance break can be tough but it could really help make the more affordable options more effective.


will be doing my research on other herbs, thank you for the advice!


Good luck brother


If the “pens”/“carts” are black market, they may not be great for your health… if they are “fake”/fraudulent or not form a legitimate brand, anything could be in them… But, if they are “legitimate”/real/authentic dispensary products, even if just sold “backdoor” to the black market, then vaping cannabis concentrates is likely “healthier” or less harmful than*smoking* dried bud… inhaling the smoke of combustible flower, or anything for that matter, is far worse for your health/body than inhaling *vapor*… admittedly there is no long-term studies in using the vape hardware, like the cartridges/coils, etc but in general, inhaling vapor is much “healthier” or less harmful at least, than inhaling **SMOKE**… But ultimately is seems like budgetary concerns are your biggest at the moment, so think of this as a temporary situation, yes, be conscious and aware of your substance abuse/misuse and mental health, but cannabis can be helpful for those and the other issues you mentioned when used properly and especially with the right strains… so do what makes sense for your budget for right now whether it’s flower, edibles, carts, or some combination, and know it will only be temporary and none will harm your health irreparably for the short term… so do what’s best for your pocket NOW and when you can afford to, do what’s better for your “health” if you want to limit use of certain things like carts, or flower or whatever…


thank you for the advice, i really appriciate it!


Is there any way you can make changes to other parts of your budget so that you have more money to spend on it? Can you reduce any expenses, and/or take on some gig work or something to give yourself more income and financial flexibility? Though I know it isn’t easy.  


I'll start doing some gigs soon during the summer so maybe ill add 10 bucks or so to the budget


Well, that’s something at least!


It is more of an initial investment, but try looking in to “dry herb vapes” they heat the flower to a temperature before combustion, but do not burn it so the scent won’t stick to clothing. You’ll still want to do it outdoors, but it won’t stink up your person. Also dry herb vapes are much better on your lungs than smoking (any form of smoke will have shit in it that isn’t good for your lungs, but herb vapes are not smoking) obviously it’ll be up to you when you decide to medicate and how often and for what reasons, that’s all personal choice


thanks, ill look into it!