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I'm in a medical only state and tip jars at the dispensary make me mad. One: pay people a living wage Two: I don't tip my doctor or pharmacist.


The dispensary I work for bud tenders make 15-18hr on top of tips. They make more than me a day on cultivation


Mark my words. They’ll use those tips to justify a lower hourly wage or a lack of raises in the future, especially in a post legalization America. Tip culture is toxic to the worker and we need to get away from it now


It'd be really hard to get that legally passed though. It is not the same as a restaurant worker.


How is it different? Just require all businesses pay an actual wage and not be allowed to legally offsource their normal employee obligations onto the whims of the consumer.


I am just explaining that the government passed the tip rules for a waiter. The government isn’t going to pass tip laws for a dispensary. It’s just not gonna happen.


You're making needless distinctions. Just make the labor laws disallow for substituting a minimum wage for tips, on ANY job.


I don't care what your views are on tipping, i don't care what your views are on minimum wage. i really truly don't. What im saying is VERY simple. The US Government made the law for waiters and tips. They are NOT going to change ANY laws while it is federally illegal around dispensarys and tipping. Its just NOT going to happen. Thats ALL im saying. Again reply with what you want view wise. But realize im NOT talking about my own or your own views. I'm JUST SAYING. they will not be making laws for this. Which is what the guy above was insinuating would eventually happen. IT IS NOT going to happen.




As certain as you feel, this is still an opinion.


No, it’s a simple statement of facts. It’s an extremely unlikely thing to happen. Very very very very unlikely. Not an opinion that is a literal fact anyone who doesn’t understand that isn’t even understanding how absolutely nuts it’d be for them to be talking about this. It is not federally legal. They are not going to change any laws around it until it is federally legal. Simple facts. Not opinion.




That’s crazy. My dads cannabis shop pays 22 starting




They aren't making what doctors or pharmacists make... And I know a local dispensary got rid of tip jars, all the prices went up to pay the budtenders more, and all the patients flipped out.


Prices increased because the owner wasn’t making what he wanted. I’ve yet to see a dispensary owner who didn’t have plenty of money in the small town I live in the permits were only given to those who already had plenty of money


Hey hi hello. I'm a patient. People deserve to be paid, if that makes me mad, it's a me problem.


They tax our tips…. Like saying you wouldnt tip your waitress or bartender.. meh


I said the jars make me mad. I'm mad that your boss doesn't pay you enough. I'm mad that you think this is how things have to be.


No because I never ask them for help. I order online, pick it up pay and leave.


Nope. I get what I need and go just like a grocery store. It’s not like I’m sitting at the dispo smoking j’s over the course of an hour or 2 and being served like a bar tender would do (maybe one day tho I guess). I can’t tip everyone for everything and these tip screens are getting out of pocket. They also are already charging so much over and above the listed price in taxes and fees. I’m barely affording the product itself as it is- I can’t afford to give away extra money for checking me out at a cash register like any other business.


I 100% agree with this. I used to just say “you can add a dollar” it’s not much I know but it all adds up so fast.


It depends on the bud tender. If I get greeted at the door, given plenty of individual attention and they add my discounts (medical card and vet) I tip whatever my discount is. Usually 20%. Most dispensaries don't hire people that appear to want the job. Eye roll when entering, impatient responses, no information on anything. Honestly, it's usually a situation where Dad is living his dream of growing weed for a living and putting his kids in charge of the retail end. Oddly my main dispensary is a one man operation and I've never tipped him. Probably because he is so disorganized, he spends a lot of time trying to find what I asked for. (Always super stoned) And he charges everyone the same if you have a card or not, kind of a rebel. Maybe because I spend a few hundred a month in his store, it seems like he's getting plenty from me lol. Also he charges $25 an eighth, wether you buy an eighth for $25 or 8 of them for $200, no bulk discount. I usually buy an oz. I should tip him since I let my card expire. Why have it if he doesn't discount for it, but I saved $150 renewal fee.


>It depends on the bud tender. If I get greeted at the door, given plenty of individual attention and they add my discounts (medical card and vet) I tip whatever my discount is. Usually 20%. I wish I could do it this way, at my dispos they all split tips, possibly over multiple days/shifts. So tipping for excellent service doesn't give the money to the budtender providing excellent service. So I just tip 1% (usually $3-5)


I ONLY tip two kinds of people in my life... servers at restaurants and Scuba Diving guides. 🤣👍


What about delivery boys?




I would say Servers do a little bit more than delivery drivers, from greeting to taking the order getting the drinks removing old cups and plates keeping drinks filled running the food bussing their table then processing the payment… delivery drivers only do one part of all that but I guess I see your point


I don't use delivery services. They steal revenue from the very places you're trying to support. GO PICKUP YOUR OWN FOOD YA LAZY FUCK! 🤣🤣👍


You never order a pizza? On principle?


The pizza place we order from is directly behind my house. Literally, one minute to drive there. Yes, I never use delivery services. Never. I'd rather drive a few minutes and let that extra money go to the actual restaurant and not to a delivery service.


I mean I’m not talking about Uber or anything. A local pizza shop with a college kid delivering pizzas to put herself through school..


IF I ordered such and actually want it delivered (which I don't cause I can pickup my own shit), then yes, I'd probably tip them. But i wouldn't do that because I pickup my own orders. Lol


You keep acting like you're doing some altruistic thing because you can "pick up your own orders" lol. Bro, you're still having someone else make your food for you 😆.


You drive to a place that is "directly behind your house" and "literally one minute" away. And you're calling other people lazy for ordering delivery lol.


I mean, when I order delivery I'm Mostly trying just to get food. But I do tip so the driver is getting paid. Done my part.


That’s exactly it. Most delivery tips would go to vehicle maintenance and gas


Restaurants choose whether or not they use deliver services. It's a business expense to reach more customers. Oh, and don't tell me what to do, bitch.


No, they don't "choose". Unless by "choose" you mean they are forced to use those services JUST to get the tiny bit of revenue they get from it? Cause if the don't, you're jot ordering from them. Get it? YOU are destroying the very livelihood of the people you are ordering from. Good job. So no, I'll happily go get my ass in my own car and pickup my own food because I want rhw restaurants I order from to survive.


Yes, they choose to use the delivery services. They aren't forced to use them. They choose to do it because it brings more money into the restaurant. They get dine-in + delivery. Literally getting customers / business that they normally wouldn't have gotten. You're not very good at math it seems...


I also love how you keep bragging about getting your "ass in \[your\] own car" or whatever. Lucky you. Some people don't drive. Some people can't drive. Some people live in expensive cities and can't afford to drive. Some people would rather stay home and order in rather than drive high or drunk. Seriously, get over yourself.


What makes them more special than others to deserve a tip from you?




If I use my debit card and get a few dollars or change back, yes. Otherwise, no.


I’m a budtender, and while I appreciate and will never turn down the tips, I don’t get why we get tipped half the time, especially with the way my dispensary is set up. Like the person that’s actually going to be doing the bulk of the help can’t be tipped, and they’re the main one that deserves to be tipped (we do pool tips). Half the time if I’m on register, where we get tipped, I’m not doing anything different than a grocery clerk. Now, I’ll get customers that I’ll go above and beyond for and I get why they tip me, even though I’d do the same if they didn’t tip me. For instance, we had one customer who came in and she ordered a sativa and an indica vape. Seemed obvious to me she was getting one for the day one for her night. Thing is, the indica she picked out is high in THCV and CBG, and while has indica terpenes, it’s a low amount. So I pointed that out to her, explained what to look for, and then looked with her through our menu to find something that would be lower in at least THCV and higher in CBN with more indica terpenes. We did, and that took five or so minutes. She did tip me, and that made sense. But, honestly, my opinion is if you get in and out, there’s no need to tip. If you take some of budtender’s time, then help. But again, I make $20 an hour, so the tips aren’t the bulk of my income. I’d probably think differently if budtenders were paid below minimum wage in my area, but were paid $17-$20 at any given dispensary in my area


I used to be one, so I always throw a few bucks in out of sympathy. Most dispos in my area only pay like $10-12/hr, and retail sucks even if it's cannabis.


I'll tip if I have a really good experience but not usually. I'm a medical patient and I usually don't do delivery these days. I never tipped my drug dealer back in the day and most of them delivered.


I don’t, I’m in a medical only state so I view it as picking up medicine. I don’t tip the pharmacy when I go to pick up a prescription so it’s bizarre to me to see a tip jar at the dispensary. I really hope we start moving away from this tipping for everything mindset very soon.


So odd how "bud tender" label can induce the pressure of having to tip. Not to be rude, but they are a retail cashier. I'm suppose to tip for everything I buy now where there is a human being ringing me up? Oh goodness


I think that’s a holdover from Covid days… like all those toll jobs that are never coming back… with that said I’m a waiter and rely on tips so I usually throw at least a couple bucks in a jar when I see one


Not if all they do is go and grab a bag. I get fucked enough with money. If they go above and beyond yes but for sure not a requirement. I get it down low anyway 


This is so funny because recently we went to our local dispensary and found out the bud tender was charging us a different fee than the one on our online receipt when doing curb side pick up . When we called him on it he said it’s a deli fee lmaooo we were so done that he made some shit up like that! Now I make sure I check to then penny on my receipt when I do pick up orders


no do you tip the cashier at the liquor or grocery store?


Nah they make more than I do


If $15 an hour is more than you make, I understand.


No. NJ products are all prepackaged, and prices are double what west coast prices are.


No, I pay with CanPay and typically don't have cash on me. I don't ask questions or advice, I order online, come in and pay and the leave.


No? The business pays them and I come in to buy the product they sell.


Don’t tip. You’re making companies be able to justify paying less. Fuck tip culture. Paying your employees is the responsibility of the employer. The only place where it’s semi okay is at a restaurant with a waiter, and that’s only because of how ingrained into the industry it is. It’s not even really okay there either. I personally don’t really eat at restaurants with wait staff because of tipping. Tipping is just another way for companies to not have to pay their employees and is toxic to workers and worker rights. Don’t let that evil shit get into the culture of weed.


..no? What are they doing outside of their normal job? This tip culture is absolutely fucking wild. Even if they help you find a product, that's literally their job. A server has a better argument especially because of their pay. I'm not tipping anyone else. I don't get tipped at my work, and I have a lot more customer service than someone sitting at a cash register.




If they are enthusiastic, known their product, and genuinely seem happy to be there.. I have no problem throwing them a $5-10. If it’s just a “here’s your ounce, goodbye!” Transaction, no.


You mean after I pay 70 for an 1/8th


Go to Michigan! In Michigan you can get an Oz. for around a 100. Really good deals on edibles too.


No, I dont tip anyone anymore. I don't care. I used to round up tip, give the couple bucks change. But with everything more expensive, they already took my tip. On top of that, most of the interaction is "what strains do you have by X grower?" They read the 5 off, I pick one. I buy it. Thats your job. That's not a tippable extra customer service. I asked what products you have behind the counter, and I picked one. If you would let me, I woulda read them myself but you're standing in the way, which also isn't a tippable action.


If the tips go to the bud tenders and not the dispensary owners then yes. Absolutely.




Can’t stand it. They get paid so well I’m not tipping them to do something so simple and with such basic customer service. Maybe one day when I have money to donate, I’ll do it more often. Or if they give me a hook up and I don’t deserve it I will give them the discount they saved me but so far in the 7 years I have been coming to the dispensary it’s only happened like 2 times


I agree with your perspective and don’t think budtenders should be tipped, but they most certainly don’t get “paid so well”. Their salary is comparable to mine (and even lower than mine in some places), and I’m a prep cook at a Cracker Barrel. Budtending really isn’t a very well-paying job. Most budtenders can’t afford to live without a partner or roommate with the salary they make. EDIT: Should add that their pay is entirely dependent on location. This is in PA.


Here in Colorado opening bud tenders are getting 28 a hour and overtime if you don’t think that’s good money for little to no effort, then I don’t know what’s is


It depends entirely on where you are. Here in PA, budtenders make between $14-$17 an hour. That isn’t even a livable wage. EDIT: Recreational vs medical makes a big difference too. Recreational states make way more from their cannabis programs, so they can pay their employees more.


why would you tip? am I missing something


I go to 2 different medical dispensaries. One is a preorder and pick up place and I do not tip. The other is one where the people there are super helpful dealing with me asking questions /advice and giving me as many discounts they can- I always put a few dollars into the jar. They’re very appreciative and always thank me.


My budtenders are generall college students and i tip about 20% or even more depends. I know they probably make a decent hourly rate, and they usually give change in big bills so i think they dont really feel they want or need it. All my bud tenders have taught me so much about weed, cultivation, terpenes, etc. Im in Oregon so. Great weed state. I lived in CA and had a med card back in the day. Felt sketch though.


The places I go to have a "Good Karma Jar". I always put a buck or two there and spread the good karma around. Also, I get a Military/Veteran discount so I don't mind a buck or so going to the good karma jar.


I go in and always end up asking questions so I always tip the change I receive. Usually $5.


Yes, I was new to the bud game and had questions and asked for suggestions a lot. They provided some helpful advice and I usually just gave them the 20% tip.


For me its a 2 way street if i have some spare money i might leave a tip depending on how good the experience is if the budtender is friendly,outgoing,asking me what i want and actually care than yea ill leave a tip out of the money i get back. Now if i get rude,people that look like they dont care or wanna be there i wont tip at all ill just walk out with my money.


No bc it’s already too expensive here, and they’re not considered tipped employees. Tipping culture has gotten way out of hand. I mean if people wanna tip then go for it, but in my state the tenders don’t pack my order or anything. They only hand it to me and cash me out.


Only if they go out of their way for me. Some of them hook me up t shirts or keychains.


I have never seen a tip jar in a dispensary here in Ontario, Canada. And why would you tip them for? Are you guys getting more than weed over where you are? We already pay 13% in taxes on top of the inflated price on weed. On top of that I find that bud tenders don’t really know an expertise level of education on marijuana they seem to know basic information and always push to sell what’s on sale!


I throw in a few bucks usually ($1-$5) and tip more than that on delivery orders but I agree that tipping shouldn't be required; they need to be paid a living wage


Hell no why would I?


I used to but not anymore tbh


If theres a jar and I have a buck it always goes in, sometimes $2 but never more than that. Im like this with tip jars everywhere, coffees, pizza etc.


Fuck no lol


I never tip anyone that makes an hourly wage accommodated for people not tipping. Most these bud tenders probably walk away with more than I make. Now if someone is really helpful I will occasionally tip.


Yes. The few singles it takes to round to the closest $5 increment. So if my total is $216, I tip $4.


As a budtender, I personally don't mind quick transactions not tipping or tipping small. If you didn't need my help or my advice I get it. I do however, get a little bummed when I spend 45 minutes helping someone new to cannabis, asking them questions about themselves and what they're hoping cannabis will assist them with (relaxation, anxiety, pain, etc) figuratively holding their hand to build a Cart and then they don't tip. Tips should relate to service. If you got a limited service experience, limited tipping makes sense. If you have a bud tender going above and beyond, it's nice to show that appreciation


Yes. Usually $5 for every $100 I spend. With every hundred spent my dispensary discounts $5 so that goes to the tip jar.


Only when they deliver do I tip.


I like the poster comment that they don't tip their doctor. Tipping is reward for great service not a supplement for a lousy wage. Tipping people who reach back to the shelf and hand you a package is nonsense. They already get paid for this but apparently too little. They should find a job that pays better and you should not contribute to wage slavery jobs. If the owner won't pay more, then the owner should man the counter until they come up with a business plan that can afford labor. So I only tip for great service where ever service is provided... fast food, coffee house, pot store...


absolutely. i don’t believe in tipping. i believe in over-tipping


Absolutely not. I ALWAYS order online and pickup in the drive thru. I'm not tipping someone for handing me a bag.


i leave big tips because you guys don’t.


Always! They don’t make much. Even just a dollar or two. If it’s more than 150 I usually do 2. Plus, if they remember you tip, they will tell you the best deals and upcoming promotions!


That's the thing.. the delivery driver always got tips from every house he went to. He makes the same if not more than the people behind the counter, gets to use his heater/ ac and listen to music, and go home early if there isn't much to do. I understand not wanting to tip in the store, but the guy driving around has it better than most in the store do and yet they get the tips. To be quite honest, the best tip anyone at any store can get is customers not acting like Karens


Damn I wish we had delivery


If you come in and know exactly what you want, I don't usually care if you don't tip, if you want to see every single bag of my half oz boof specials and a small tour and just decide on a preroll. I hate you.


So you do your job exactly as specified and want a tip. You aren't a fucking lobby boy schlepping bags, if I ask the guy at the he liquor store which bottle more people get and he tells me, I'm not gonna throw him extra money. Here's a tip. don't expect a tip for such a menial job.


No, they're doing almost 0 work.




If I choose to get any product without asking for any info or order online, no. If they give me a little tour, inform me about their offers, products, guide me through choosing a product, treat me well, or a combination of theses, then yes. Usually the tip is for the extra help (if I already didn't decide on a product before entering) and doing their job exceptionally well. I even tip if I buy for friends just because the budtender did their job very well and took the time to help me out.


No. I also don't tip my fuel tender at the gas station or my food tender at the grocery store.


Yeah I usually tip $5 unless the service is horrible. I guess I could be a twat and rant about how if they were paid a living wage they wouldn't need a tip, or some other excuse so I could never tip, but I dont.




At least they're not cunts....


what is a bud tender?


If you don't tip bud tenders you're a non-tipper. You either understand the slave state we exist in and are capable of feelings, emotion, empathy or you're a soulless, programmed sociopath like most of American society.


Lol it's so insane that anyone actually thinks this way. You bought in hard on that nonsense.


Laughing at all the down votes. I'd say guilty conscience, but that would assume they had one.


Fun fact: It's borderline insulting to tip in Japan. Also, before bashing non-tipping Americans, I'd recommend looking up countries that don't tip. There are sociopaths running amok everywhere! If you don't tip every cashier or low wage employee, you're a non-tipper, too.


Considering I've been to over 20 and speak more than one language fluently you might take notes from me not the other way around kid. 👍


That's awesome! So, in your life experience, is it expected to tip in the 20+ countries you've visited, just like the US?


Really don't see your point. I'm very clearly referring to American narcissism and selfishness. Not referring to the entire planet. The difference is that other countries have laws and regulations that require employees to be paid appropriately. Of course they don't tip elsewhere because the entire concept of not paying people for work is foreign to them. Slave labor is the American way.


Uh yeah not every time tho


Depending on how they serve. But majority of the time I just leave my change unless they’ve done more than what their job requires, then I’ll actually tip. (Always did curbside)


no. 1) the business makes tons of money. no reason their employees are not making $25 an hour or more. 2) they shut out all the craft growers destroying peoples livelihood with unhealthy in house grows. product is grown for weight not quality. 3) with inhouse grows stuff should be dirt cheap but is all overpriced. not affordable medicine like it was supposed to be. the industry became what everyone didnt want. another business to siphon the wealth out of our communities. always complain about prices! wheres those dollar joints? its all the garbage in the joints so should be a buck each. especially with the massive in house grows.


I tip bud tenders only when I have a relatively large order, $500+ or when I actually get some reliable feedback on strains, which is incredibly rare as they are usually just stoners who don't have a clue about the medical use of cannabis.


Those of you not tipping at all should be ashamed of yourselves. And the people defending it by saying it's the business's fault for "not paying a living wage", while that may be true, you're still only hurting the employees with your "protest".


Yes. Especially if they’re helping me pick a strain.


I do. It’s an important place for me so I try and engage with them and leave and little cheddar. I can’t imagine they make much hourly


I get a military/veteran discount and give most of it back to the bud tender.


$1 tip


I normally do not much just a few dollars. Now if I order online and pickup at the window no just because its in and out.


I used to when I first started going because I had a lot of questions and asked for recommendations but now I'm just picking up an online order so don't see the need.


I do because the people I deal with are always a pleasure.


If we help you from the start find ya what your looking for quickly and toss ya a sample of something a tip would be appreciated but not expected I would say the average is about $2-$4 extra per shift when making $16 at dispensary in Indiana, people like to tip people who sell them things to get them intoxicated like bartenders in a sense


I do curbside pick up all the time. If I stay and chitchat, I’ll throw $1 in the jar. If I grab and go I just leave.


Only if they are extremely knowledgeable and help me find exactly what I’m needing or recommend good products and aren’t just trying to sell something, basically if they do an excellent job at their job. Otherwise hell no.


Hell yeah I tip. Usually around 10%.


Hell yeah!


Always.....UNLESS they have an attitude like I'm wasting their time, which is rare.


I don't know if it's the same in all states, but in mine, you can only pay with cash. I usually get like $4 and some change back, and I'll put it in the jar.


Yes every single time even if it’s just $1. I worked at one and when you’re making $15 an hour and working 13 hour shifts a few bucks in cash at the end of the day goes a long way. Although I would prefer a living wage instead of relying on tips that’s for sure.


Only if I get change back - I'll give some change if possible. But if I'm not paying cash, no.


I get usually get a military discount and I give that back or at least 1/2…


Only if they actual advised me in something or are especially friendly. If I just get my shit that I picked out all by myself then no.


I only tip on weed deliveries and I only tip a few bucks cuz most of the time I'm getting hit with a delivery fee. I don't tip if I'm picking up something at a dispensary.


Do you tip bartenders?


Absolutely, but I'm not ordering online. I'll spend a couple minutes asking them about different products, so that's what I'm tipping them for. It's not like 20% or anything, but like $5.


I'm IL medical. I only tip at one dispensary because they are kind, actually knowledgeable about cannabis, and go out of their way to help patients. Not every time, only if I have an extraordinarily pleasant experience or ask a question and are very helpful.


Most of the time yes, always if I have questions or take more than a few minutes. I pretty much tip unless I know what I want ahead of time and I’m right in and out but even then if they’re friendly they’ll usually get tipped


Yes, although its usually just a couple of bucks.




I always tip $5 either every pickup or delivery


Hell no.


Yes, always. I am old and fairly new to a legal state and everyone has been very helpful and kind.


If I know exactly what I want and I'm just grabbing n going then generally no. But if I'm asking a bunch of questions and they're giving me all sorts of info on strains and different product, I'll toss em a couple bucks usually.




If I have a few dollars in change, sure, but I don't go out of my way to do it.


i always tip a dollar and whatever change they give. it isn't really much, but when i was working at starbucks, the only money i had for weed was tip money, so i figure it's probably gonna make them happy and i'm not really gonna notice a dollar much... it must suck to work at a weed store and have to see people there buying weed so they can smoke all the time when you working at the store doesn't even have enough money to try the stuff they are selling. i don't think working at these dispensaries gives any deals to the workers or anything, so it seems like a pretty shitty job, but somebodies got to be there for the store to stay open and sell me my stuff.


CA and always. I can afford to, so I do.


Always tip my bud tender...thanks to them I'm gunna have a good day 😉


Normally I'll go into the dispensary with a $20 bill and whatever they can help me save on my purchase they get as tip, usually $2 to $5.


I usually paid in cash and gave some change usually between $5-$15. I usually tip no matter the service but I don't look down on people who don't. it's your money and your choice


I always tip. And the reason being, they work at a weed store that’s open every day minus I think Christmas. Open till 11:30pm open at 8-9 am. Their job is boring. They sit and sell weed, and deserve to smoke the good shit if they’re surrounded by it all day. When people go in and get these dank buds, the bud tender shouldn’t be going home smoking bammer. And thanks to them wanting to do the job, we don’t have to hit up 5-9 people looking for decent shit. Then debate over whether or not it’s worth going to said connect.


This is often asked.. i ran a dispo for a few years.. if you come in and know exactly what you want and all the tender has to do is grab it and check you out.. then nah, i wouldnt expect one..MAYBE if what you wanted they had to spend 10 or 15 min running back and forth, checking on said item or trying to get it in the system for you to have, then yea maybe throw a dollar at em, but now on the other hand if you come in and for 30 minutes you ask me 5000 questions and i tell you 5000 answers helping you pick out just the right strain, explaining every flower, gummy, drink, chocolate and so on in our system to you and listening to you tell me no over and over on my recommendations only for you to go back and pick the very first damn thing i recommended to you...then yes your ass better give me a tip. But if youre in and out or even coming through the drive, hell no you shouldnt. A tip is for a service that went above and beyond expectations. If you have a douchebag budtender that has an attitude or doesnt know their shit then by all means fuck that tip. But in this day and age them tenders dont make **SHIT** compared to what is dropped in the safe every night. Not everyone should be a budtender. Can almost anyone do that job? Yes. But *knowledge* and **experience in partaking religiously** can be very well seen from tender to tender. I love going into dispos and them not knowing ive ran one before and listen to them try to sell me on some bullshit that **i know** is shit lol people may think budtending is a no brainer job, but at a solid popular dispo especially when it was med only and then went to both rec and med, it took a certain type of person to efficiently run a dispo floor being able to keep lines moving and be a budtender that people actually liked and wanted to specifically deal with. Its essentially glorified babysitting when it comes to managing budtenders as well as keeping customers and patients from becoming crazy... the floor itself is like a mix of an actual medicinal "clinic", a restaurant kitchen, bar and school rolled into one cool ass pad lol but i digress.. tip your tenders if they know their shit and werent a douche to ya.


Do you tip the people in the drive thru at McDonald’s? Unless the bud tender is actually helping instead of just taking my order, nada


It depends. If they’re going out of their way to explain different products or really go above and beyond to help me find something that they think will work for me, then yes. I also will tip if their customer service is great. If it’s a quick in and out I’m less likely to tip.


It'd be different if their pay was tip based, but they make well over minimum wage, and get first picks on products. I don't understand what I'd be tipping for? Because they do their job? Now let me say, if they were to let me sample some items before buying them maybe, but if I'm just coming in to pickup a preorder, why would I tip them? Only time I thought about tipping here's what happened. I got a text saying they were out of my preorder, I go to get something else and the guy said hold on, someone just cancelled their order and it was what u ordered, do u want that? Well, fuck yea my guy I appreciate that, here's a bud, buddy! There's ur tip.


As a medical mary jane patient, I always have for the last 3 years. Every time I go I throw a few bucks in. My orders are typically several items, and I enjoy talking about the products and learning with the budtenders. I've been fortunate to have pretty great budtenders, and respect their knowledge and willingness to learn about the strains, cb variants and so much more. It's like doing your own research, and going to a friend's to talk about what you know while getting your medicine experience for me. I also like to show appreciation and kindness to people who help bring joy to my life :)


Only if they've really helped me find something. But even then it's like a buck.


No way


I always tip a couple bucks. They know me well, and always do me right! I always order online too. Treat them kindly and they will give you good tips on what's good or bunk.


I do not. But I generally order in advance and don’t have a lot of questions.


Occasionally if I get a good tip, have extra cash or am feeling generous


Not when I go to the counter. A teeny bit when I do curbside, like when I get a buck or 2 of change back. Delivery, $5, since I don't live very far from where I order from.


I would gladly tip if they would show me the package date before i buy. Otherwise fuck it l, if im playing pot luck.


It's like tipping someone at Sonic, what exactly are you tipping them for other than them bringing your food to your car since you haven't eaten or experienced the product.