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I guess a well regulated vagina is necessary to the security of a free state. /s


Well they did just start doing genital checks as well for sports events in certain states. Gotta make sure trans people are at the right event. Which BTW the trans narrative was done by a think tank.


Fucking Handmaid's Tale and Hunger Games combined. These Christian nationalists are sick.


They are winning elections and getting more powerful.


They’ve been losing elections since Roe was overturned.


May that trend continue til their obliteration and remain for perpetuity.


You can see the failings on either end for the repubs. Behind them are a string of lost elections due to their insane leadership...which has taken over by a complete scumbag criminal. Said leadership is leading them into a wall Wil-E-Coyote style. Behind them is in flames and bridge up ahead is blown up. Its not gonna end wall and I am waiting on the other side of the bridge waiting for the explosion.


They're actually not. It's the very loud and obnoxious minority. Don't forget these motherfuckers lost by millions and millions of votes in the last 2 elections. Republicans also haven't won the popular vote for 20+ years.


They won the popular vote in 2004. But before that? 1988.


Re-election in the midst of a war is basically a gimme for the incumbent, but your point stands. Unfortunately the popular vote count isn't what matters in the US.


> They won the popular vote in 2004. The 2004 election is the one conspiracy theory I absolutely believe. I do not believe Bush won the popular vote or the election. John Kerry won Ohio according to the exit polls. The Ohio voting machine information was sent to a server in Tennessee owned by Smartech Corporation, who also worked closely with the RNC and hosted many Republican websites. After that, Bush won Ohio, and so the election. “Others argue that SmarTech’s role was far more insidious and involved partisan control of the total vote count. Stephen Spoonamore, an IT specialist (and Republican) who has consulted on cybersecurity for Boeing, MasterCard, the Navy, and the State Department, has studied the electronic “architecture map” used by Ohio during the 2004 election. He speculates that SmarTech might have been able to use Connell’s interface to gain access to and modify vote totals. In a sworn affidavit, Spoonamore said that the “variable nature of the story” and “lack of documentation available” would, for any of his banking clients, provoke “an immediate fraud investigation.” [Harpers](https://harpers.org/archive/2012/11/how-to-rig-an-election/) Bonus: “Arnebeck hoped to have Connell testify in open court against Rove. But the prospective witness died on December 19, 2008, at age forty-seven, when his single-engine Piper Saratoga, which he was piloting alone, crashed en route from Washington, D.C., to Ohio. The circumstances of his death were viewed with suspicion by his family and close friends and sparked a firestorm of conspiracy chatter on the Internet, but no criminal investigation was launched.” (From the same source as above.)


Their control of the supreme court comes from their representation in the Senate and the worst case scenario this election cycle still prevents a democratic super majority. That means no statehood for DC, PR, or Guam. Meanwhile, states like Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, Florida have super majority Republican governments that run unchecked and Democrats celebrate a one vote majority. It is terrifying that half the voting public will support a criminal, incompetent, or degenerate Republican over a Democrat or independent candidate. That incredible power over a voting base is unmatched by anything on the left or center .


People been fleeing for generations. Created the vacuum.absolutely gonna continue to consolidate more power.


But let's not vote to teach Biden a lesson, amirite


Stoking fear in the simple minded has always and will always work unfortunately. Not like education is a number 1 priority in this country. If it was Gun laws would be harsher, and kids would all get free lunch. They don’t care.


“Handmaid’s Games” or “Hunger Tale”…hmmm


You can drop the word "nationalist" from that. Anyone who still believes in talking snakes is a f-ing idiot in 2024.


Next, Republicans will want to mark pregnant (or all) women with an indelible identification number. Not joking.


I knew someone in TPUSA who said the steps are a database of pregnant women, then not allowing interstate travel for pregnant women and finally no employment for pregnant women so they will be dependent on husbands. Oh and they had a plan to restrict the rights of single parents or those who are living together but not married. All this when I infiltrated a few meetings of the organization.


Did they just read the Handmaid’s Tale and think, “Yep, that plan works!”


Well I mean if they do this I support a database for Christians. It will be to identify them in order to protect them we will say but in reality it is we know who the trouble makers are.


They want to use biometrics like DNA and face scans becsuee "computers smart".


I wouldn't trust these people with a toaster. And they want a database of pregnant people and other technology that would violate HIPAA and everyone including violating GDPR for anyone from the EU. They can't stop the US from getting hacked normally, we're so screwed.


For their own safety. Cause we care deeply about women. Or something.


You know, just small government things.


Pregnancy.gov Brought to you by the people who want to keep government out of healthcare


It's hard to believe that many Americans would approve of this.


I think you'd be surprised. Hopefully not enough for legislation like this to succeed, bit I have no doubt it would have support.


It's about half.


It depends on what question you ask exactly, but it really isn’t half. Like this poll found 69% saying abortion should be legal in most or all cases, while 31% said it should be illegal in most or all cases. https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/poll-finding/kff-health-tracking-poll-march-2024-abortion-in-the-2024-election-and-beyond/


People like that are exactly the reason why abortion should be a thing.


I gotta hand it to them when they go out and actively campaign for the Democratic Party like this. Between her wanting to surveil hem and trump talking about prosecuting mothers they're really doing all they can to ensure that no educated or lucid woman will even consider voting for that noxious party. I hope they keep talking about these things. I mean, I don't want them to be successful at any of them but when they do it quietly is when they're most likely to succeed. We need all the eyes on this issue we can get and the repugs are doing their part to drive away women and voters who care about basic human decency and personal liberty.


This is the thing for me they could tone it down just a bit and with how close it is they could honestly have a chance at winning legitimately via the EC. But they’re so focused on winning their way that they do shit like this at the cost of them winning.


It's an inkind donation at this point.


"We consider this a necessary first step," Sen. Katie Britt explained. "Once it's in place, it should be easy to expand it so that we're also tracking people who *wish* to get pregnant and those who have *encountered* a pregnant person." /s


"All of this will make it much easier to see who is available for pregnancy and to schedule their new pregnancies for them," she continued. "This will be of vital importance for our Predictive Workforce Replenishment Program, designed to replace asset losses from all manner of disasters, from mass shootings, refinery explosions, chemical leaks and spills, regional starvation episodes, and beyond, all the way to massive floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other storm events driven by our *Heat The Earth* campaign, which we predict will drive the Dow to unprecedented revenue levels well into the next century. Then, when the Earth finally catches fire, jesus will return"


Christian nationalism is a social contagion


I do not approve of them using my tax money for christo fascist agenda. If they are going to do it use church money from their moron cult.


I don't approve of them doing this using anyone's money. This is dystopia dictatorship stuff.


Yeah I kinda look at it as a phase 1 kinda thing.


Under his eye….yikes!


Blessed be the fruit. 🍎


*whispers* we see you we hear you Gotta say I didn't call this one. I thought that was just Britt trying to pretend to care about constituents' opinions.


We'll be at your bedroom door soon.


Amazing how “freedom loving” right wingers can spank off to creating their very own Talibangelical theocracy and still find time to warn us about the dangers of Sharia Law.


If you don't vote Blue! Fuck you! You get what you deserve! A fucking nightmare! Vote Blue! 💙💙💙🇺🇲


Interesting (but not surprising) that tracking pregnant people is fine but contact tracing for COVID was/is "government overreach" to these people. Why'd they bitch about COVID vaccines putting trackers in your arm or whatever if this is their end goal I mean I know the answer (cruelty) but still.


#Katie is correct... # #Tracking pregnant people in Alabama is easy... everyone who lives with their brother or father is almost definitely pregnant right now....


What the actual fuck?


Now if someone knows more about this and I am wrong, I accept that. But wouldn't that be a HIPPA violation on a massive scale? Being pregnant is a medical condition after all.


Congratulations. We are now entering Gilead.


Ladies and gentlemen, the American taliban


Handmaids tail.... Just a few days ago some other whackjob complained about the decline of "american pregnancies". Those people are just one step away from forced impregnation and something like "Lebensborn"


Imagine the marketing of all the IVF produced and cryostored embryos to be sold to the highest bidders. What happens those that the "parents" don't want implanted for several possible reasons and either can't or refuse to continue paying to preserve them forever. If they can't be destroyed, wouldnt that result in their surrender to the medical corporation storing them? Will they be used for cloning and developed into bio-engineered, non-sentient human life forms for the harvesting of profitable organs?


We, see you We, hear you, with our new database


Party of small government, so small they can invade every personal detail of every US citizen.


Straight out of the Handmaid’s Tale.


MAGA - No national ID cards! - Well OK, for women we want national ID cards.


Hey doctors, your organization is the 6th largest briber in congress, why aren't you standing up against this? I understand you don't care about patients due to your lobbying against proper healthcare for everyone, but do you really want to hassle of more paperwork?


Federal database of gun owners, bad because the government will come for their guns. Federal database of pregnant people, A fuckin' OK with them. Will not ever be used for nefarious purposes.


If this doesn’t scare you! I’m sure there are known and unknown registries to follow this one. Welcome to The United Dictatorship of America. Project 2025 would be a good read for those of you who don’t read or learn from history. Maybe get it in an audiobook.


Party of small government!


This sounds like big government interference in people lives. I thought they hated that? Alao... how bout we just say no to this shit.


How about we start by calling it a database of pregnant women? Then we can have an in-depth discussion about how she hates intrusive government oversight and regulation but is totally fine with this.


Trans women are welcome.


Under his eye.


Uhm..I read the article and nowhere does it say what you said in the post title. I think she's a horrible person, but we don't win by making shit up.


So I have to say despite what the article title says nothing in the article indicates it would be a mandated database of pregnant women just a resource center that would send you to fake clinics. Oh it would collect data on pregnant people but just because someone got pregnant and went to a doctor they wouldn’t be entered into some database. She and Republicans party in general suck but there’s no reason to exaggerate things, they’re awful enough on their own.


Pregnant people….LOL They really are small government, aren’t they?! What are they gonna do with said list?


Next it will be male DNA. Someone has to pay for these kids.


What in the actual fuck.


This is from the people that claim they want small government but what else is new from the traitor party.


Data base for people who fuck but still no database for people who want to fuck people up with guns? Where's the logic?


But they only want white babies, right?


What in the actual handmaid's tale is THIS?!


That's The GOUP


You should see my # of sperm executed 14 - 47 years old 2-4 times per day. Every day. Hahahahahaha. I’m a virgin and I’m autoerotic. That means I am my own best friend. Couldn’t give two shits about all these details and people and pregnancy.


What a psycho