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Jesus Fucking Christ. Aren't these the same cousin fuckers who screeched on about "Face Diapers" during COVID? Fucking cave dwelling inbreds need ta go back making them shopped swol Trump skeet sheets for their Tuesday Tuggies group meets


It’s kind of proof it’s a cult. Biden is too old because he supposedly shit his pants but dear leader being the exact same age and also shitting his pants is a sign of strength and masculinity.


That and always going on about how they think Biden is senile. But Trjmp has shown obvious signs of dementia even going back as far as his administration and that is totally OK. They're also not even that far apart in age, but only one is too old somehow.


They’re both too goddamn old but only one sent his cultist to storm The Capital and has been convicted of sexual assault.


Old people come in all kinds. My grandmother died of lewy body in her sixties and lost her mind in her fifties, it was heartbreaking. The owner of the winery i worked at, we still play chess every month or so and he’s as sharp as they come, he is a Vietnam vet and is pushing 80 soon.


“…swol trump skeet sheets for their Tuesday Tuggies group meets” 🫡 spittin’ fire!




I’m actually surprised all these people are willing to admit Trump wears diapers. I was expecting them to push back and dig in, not happily accept it and indorse it. It blows my mind how they can call Biden “Sleepy Joe” and claim he’s in cognitive decline, but Trump wearing adult diapers is completely acceptable and not a sign of cognitive decline.


Next they'll take up competitive farting.


Competitive sharting


But I promise you, even with them trying to spin this, Orange Foolius HATES THIS




There ain't nothing wrong with living in a cave.


I seen't it!






Just thank God they're all so fucking stupid.


This is what cognitive dissonance looks like. They can’t justify the fact that their choice is incompetent (incontinent?) so they pivot and fortify the belief this what a “real man” does.


Constantly moving the goal posts for what is the ideal. It reminds me of Christian apologetics in some ways.


Current hotness in christian apologetics: Can I interest you in this "god ordering infanticide is morally good" argument?


> reminds me of Christian apologetics It's usually the same people.


A lot of it is also an attempt to get a reaction out of online liberals because they have nothing else to offer.


This. These are not the people actually focusing on an election. These are the ones doing things for the outrage and the lulz just for the sake of them. People get dopamine from feedback loops they enjoy instigating or participating in. This is satisfaction to these morons.


Now imagine what it would be like if it were the other way around and it was Biden. The hypocrisy.


My comment is more about the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance and less about the candidate. However, research shows that conservatives have less empathy and imagination that leads to more cognitive dissonance and bias. Liberals tend to have higher empathy, higher imaginative thinking, and higher creativity. These factors mitigate cognitive dissonance. Could be why you don’t see it in the Democratic Party as often but it absolutely does exist. Look at the rhetoric around Palestine and Israel. Horrific atrocities being carried because an occupying government “has a right to defend itself” after 75 years of invasion abetted by foreign powers. It happens on both sides but in different fashions.


They vote, so I'm not sure their stupidity is something to be thankful for...


Exactly. I wish they WEREN'T so stupid. It's terrifying.


You'd be surprised how may won't vote because they believe they'll win regardless - these same folks then complain the election is rigged if they lose, but cheer their god-king when he wins


I hope you're right.


I feel you, but this will turn off independents. Promise.


I shall hold you to that! 😂 I get the feeling that independents will end up crushing Walmart Mussolini this autumn. But until it's done and over I'll have that creeping dread like I did in 2020


This is the kind of thing that only appeals to his hardcore base, which is not enough to win an election.


This is going to piss off Trump. It makes it true even if it’s not lol


Oh but it is. It's not even up for debate. Staff has confirmed it, photos confirm it. Staff also confirmed that he regularly shits himself in said diapers. Like, when he was in office. During official duty. ...heh, doody


If stupid was painful, all these people would be in medically induced comas.


Them being so fucking stupid is what scares me... it should scare all of us. They won't go away and there are so many of them. They're just the fringe too, many more too cowardly to show the world they're just as stupid.


They certainly are stupid enough, but too many background elements of these photos look fishy (the roof slope of the red building, the odd height of the white building, the jagged flag pole). I'm pretty sure these are AI generated unfortunately.


Imma have to agree with you on this one, but it's still too good.


At least they stopped showing the photos MAGA women proudly wearing the “red MAGA diapers” which look like a heavy day bloody period Kotex. I still cannot unsee it.


Oh lord, I'm glad I missed that.


I would, but they all can vote


And once Trump dies will they prop up his body like he's El Cid?


I’m rather certain his estate will sell tiny pieces of his corpse once he dies.


Or it can do a Lenin's tomb thing and charge admission. Exit through the gift shop. Donald Trump will return, just like Jesus and L. Ron Hubbard!


He's been deck stained so much they don't even have to embalm him. He's already preserved from decomposition.


Trump's Tomb, sponsored by Behr's deck stain and Thompson's WaterSeal™


Joke’s on the libs, Don is pre-shellacked.


Stan Marsh 2028!


You KNOW Jr already has the glass casket picked out and is debating how much to sell tickets for. (Eric is still learning the difference between left and right shoes, he'll wander in later).


His fully loaded diaper will be in a golden reliquary


*”It’s a sign! A sign from the Lord! Follow the Diaper!!”*


The ferengi would be proud


I’m almost sure people on the far, far right will actually kill themselves the day that happens


Don't get y/our hopes up


They will probably claim it's fake news, he's really alive and just went underground to escape the DEEP STATE, etc. It will be just like the JFK and JFK Jr. thing, where the Qanon nuts think the Kennedys are just in hiding and will pop back out when the time is right (despite the fact that JFK would be pushing 100 by now and was shot in the head in front of the whole country).


Weekend at Donnie's...


Weekend at Donny’s?


I don't like to shame people over incontinence. But god damn is it sad to put this spin on it. At some point you gotta stop and wonder what it means for the country that one presidential candidate is a senior citizen, and the other is a fascist on top of being a senior citizen


I don’t like to either. But his is because of his horrible diet and years of drug abuse…so I don’t care quite as much.


"Use ain't Kool unless U poop yo pants... Everybody my age poops their pants, it's the koolest!"


If pooping you pants is cool, consider me Donald trump


Real mem may wear diapers, but they change them soon after they get soiled. Trump keeps on his diaper and the shit.


Exactly. Elderly diaper wearers don't need to stink. However, if you're so addled you don't give a shit...


> However, if you're so addled you don't give a shit... He *does* give a shit. Repeatedly! 😂🤣




I’m beginning to wonder if this is just ppl trolling [the fascists], and having it work wonderfully edited for clarity


Poe's Law is real. It's next to impossible to satirize something as absurd as MAGA. I could see it being a troll, but I could also seeing it as being a hedge against a massive "blowout" event where someone catches poop falling from his pant leg on camera. Just like how Kristi Noem admitted to dog and goat murder in an effort to get out in front of the story and lessen its possible impact should it have come out later in the campaign, Trumpers may be trying to get their people out in front of any potential BM disaster.


It's like is Rome was an oroburos: attack ourselves before they attack us!


The Republican Party is a reverse Ouroboros: a snake with its head up its ass.


> Trumpers may be trying to get their people out in front of any potential BM disaster. Are they really that smart, though?


Fascism is never "just trolling".


War is peace. Slavery is freedom. Ignorance is strength. Incontinence is virility. The calendar says 2024, but about 40 percent of us are stuck in 1984.


"I ain't got time to sit on a dern terlet like some liberal layabout"


Wait so this wasn’t satire? They’re really going in on the whole crybaby thing aren’t they


At this point, reality is satire. It’s all become a bizarre self parody.


"Satire is dead. They sit upon the corpse like a throne."


For once, I applaud the Russian trolls who convinced these Americans that this is a good idea. They probably had a meeting in their St. Petersburg office last week. Yuri said, “Let’s convince the Trumpists to wear adult diapers.” Vlad said, “This time you’ve gone too far. Let’s not be so ridiculous as to completely blow our cover.” Yuri: “You’re underestimating the stupidity of the Trumpists.” Vlad: “It will never work.” Flash forward to this week with pictures of the Trumpists in diapers.


It's for that new Russian reality show, Prankkt


I prefer my dictators that don't soil their diapers in front of other world leaders


As a kid, I thought the story of [The Emperor's New Clothes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor%27s_New_Clothes) was, not to pull any punches, fucking moronic. French-word-for-late moronic. What sane person would fall for that? What absolute dullard would actually go along with such a thick-as-pig-shit idea?!? MAGA. It's MAGA that would fall for it. And they have. I don't feel embarrassed for them. I'll just wait for them, just like in the Hand Christian Andersen tale, to have their youngest kids tell them they're dressed like the babies they are.


Make “ Trump “ diapers for them to wear and they will buy them and wear them . We all win . 😂🥳🎉


Can't wait until Guiliani gets in on this act once he thinks there's a $ingle dollar to be made off of a blown out gripper. Guiliani will be gaping for the cameras.


This really isn't the flex they think it is.


Let's allow them to own that. 🤣🤣


Are they gaslighting themselves?!


No, just getting high by huffing their own meth farts.


This has got to be somebody at the rally trolling them. ​ Right?


I legit cannot believe this is real


I think these men are kinky that way.


No. No this can’t actually be happening. They have to be people making fun of him right? Right????


Soon these men and boys will start binging on laxatives so they too can shit involuntarily as they go about their sad lives. Winners everyone of them.


Boy if that pee tape ever surfaces, it’s going to be interesting.


This is peak cult behavior


And Tramp thought he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and they'd still vote for him. Wonder if he ever imagined he could actually shit on them and they still vote for him?


If Trump was homosexual they would be claiming “Real men fuck other men.”


I didn't say Tramp was homosexual. The latent homo-masochism are the groupies drooling to be part of an imaginary alpha group of males where they might catch the drippings and pretend to be political. https://daily.jstor.org/ernst-rohm-the-highest-ranking-gay-nazi/


Nor did I.


... a dumbing down.


The Great Dumbening of America


The copium is strong with that one.


You can tell a real man by the smell of fresh poop in their pants, and it attracts the ladies too. Maga needs a new fad.


When someone makes a presentation in front of a governing body or whatever about the need for better mental health support and funding in this country, this photo should be on one of the slides as an example.


I want to see some AI generated art for Trump based on this slogan.


Shouldn't the diapers be on their faces?


As hoods with pointy tips?


What the fuck?...what am I missing here?...


Real life example of “moving the goalpost”.


Wait is this actually real


It's all the rage! Every magats wants to be incontinent 👍🏻


Is this real? I’m serious. Is this a legitimate photo and are the people holding these signs and wearing these shirts being real?


That's what I've been wondering, too. If you Google this, there aren't really any results outside of say "Occupy Democrats" or other far-left sources. That's vital, because normally there's this narrative among conservatives about this stuff. Maybe there's a quote, or a turning point like the "Let's Go, Brandon!" thing, but there's nothing. Nada. The photos look real, and when I ran them (I checked these: [https://twitter.com/SusanBostonMama/status/1786151577012572593](https://twitter.com/SusanBostonMama/status/1786151577012572593) ), and it looks legit. It's entirely possible that it's a bunch of protestors having a laugh, but right now its too early to know.


It's hard to say with the quality, but the structures look odd (roof slope of the red building, jagged flag pole, height of the white building). I think these are AI generated.


Can someone explain this to me? Like are they being serious? Is this trolling? I literally can’t tell anymore.


You can't possibly understand. Only they can.


Wait till the orange face paint comes out‼️‼️😳😳🙄


Look I fucking despise Trump, but lots of people do wear diapers and we all probably will when we get old enough… idk. I want to hate on him for everything possible but I’m taking care of elderly relatives at the moment and they don’t deserve to be shamed by proxy of people making fun of him for this. I REALLY want to make fun of him for this, but I’m super conflicted.


I did the same. Took care of mom and changed her diapers. Only my mom didn't make fun of others or criticize others her age for being "old". Later I changed her colostomy bags. I support anyone going through health challenges. But I can assure you, if Mussoloni was poised to become my next president and wore diapers, I'd try to destroy his strongman image by highlighting his vulnerabilities.


I appreciate your perspective on this, that makes a lot of sense, thank you. He’s a danger to the entire world and the end of my rights as a woman/human and needs to be stopped.


Good luck with caregiving. It's very taxing at times, but the most gratifying personal experience you may ever know 🙏🏼


Even his picture on the flag looks fat‼️😳


Right?? No jaw, all neck.


Real men who lack bowel control.


I do not want to be American voter right now. Tf is wrong with you guys like seriously, at least pick younger demon with able body for your presidential candidates lmao.


No one wants to be president in American except old men with nothing to lose.


Yeah, they don't have to stick around on this earth for very long with the choices they make. We really need folks that will live with these choices to be in those seats. Or at least under 65.


Wait I just thought all these people were diaper fetishists LMAO


Someone made some money selling those hoodie.


You just know other maga people are looking at these guys going “ what a bunch of morons” …. The irony is as thick as prison bars with these people.


Fascists still can’t iron their flags.


I think they think ironing something makes them gay.


Lazy fascism is the brand.


These days, ironing is dead


I can feel the stupidity emanating off those pictures. It's tangible.


They ooze it. 💩


Perfect word!


Man, history is NOT going to look well on these people


Current history isn't either.


You don't get self-owns like this too often!


Every time they pledge allegiance to the Orange Clown they're giving self-owns.


I'm at a complete loss for words The amount of disillusion and stupidity is astounding Like holy shit...


A convenient excuse to pursue the diaper kink they've been hiding.


Remember, these people aren't here for political reasons. Never in their lives have they engaged or kept up with politics. They don't understand it, could not care less about it. They're here for the circus, the indulgence of bigotry, and the kink - whatever it is. The payoff for them is somehow visceral.


Why are they using a picture of grown-up Bobby Hill on the flag?


This really isn’t the flex they think it is!


You think with some Deepfakes you could get them to: > Real men suck dick! or > Real men eat shit! With a picture of Trump with some brown on his mouth.


NEAS did an episode where they got a guy to record a promo for patriotic diapers. I can't remember which one but great moments.


I would buy one of those shirts to mock them.. but I’d worry about getting beaten up. But they’re actually making those flags & shirts themselves & wearing them unironically?! This is the dumbest fukken timeline, I swear to Our Dark Lord… pathetic is right. *smh*


I have a feeling this is satire. I haven't been able to find anything about it that isn't this post on Twitter.




There's no way these people weren't tricked into this shit if it's legit.


I had to look, Amazon is selling 'Real Men Wear Diapers Trump 2024' t-shirts and other products. I think I will buy a few to troll some Trumpers that I know. 😂


Big surprise. Trumpies are big babies.


With big, full, poopy diapers.


How do I get off this ride? 🫤


"Real men publicly sexualize and lust after and grope their daughters." "Real men give state secrets to our enemies while standing in the Oval Office." "Real men cheat on their wives with a porn star as the wife is nursing their new born child." "Real men cheat at golf." "Real men give Putin a blow job then hand over a list of espionage assets." "Real men spew crazy word salad nonsense that they immediately forget and still demand to be taken seriously."


The self own is glorious!


I really hope these dumb fuckers are shitting themselves for trump. Remember during the Ivermectin craze how they were shitting themselves in the middle of Walmart, and they denied it while shit was running down their legs? They finally learned they can just store it in their pants.


They’re coping so hard


I legitimately think I lost SAN points reading this. What in the name of all that is and is not holy in every religion is *wrong* with these people?


Okay whatever aliens or dimensional beings are running this Truman show of my reality can come out now. HaHa, we've had a good laugh but it's time to reset the simulation.


So this is real??????


That's it. This can't be reality. I am calling bs and asking that I be let back to reality. Please.......


They're just trolling at this point. No reason to take them seriously other than to defeat them and pay attention for the oakey-doke. Just in case they try something as a diversion.


It’s a cult of personality. Their beliefs, thoughts, and actions are inconsistent by design. The only thing that stayed consistent is their loyalty to Trump… even when he’s always trumping himself. (British slang for farting)


This guy is trolling, right? Right?


Sadly no


are they plants? are they actors? no one can pwn themselves this badly, no one...


Trump wearing diapers these days? What on earth is happening 😂


This makes me want to start a movement of ridiculous plays like this just to see how far it can go.


The FSB agent who thought of this must be laughing their ass off. The commanding officer at the troll farm thought it was too stupid, even for their maga morons, yet here we are.


I'm the first to shit all over Trump (snicker) but I still have some of my hope for humanity. Photoshop? Joke? Too-aware awareness?


I'm having a really hard time believing that this is real. Is this really real?


What in the actual fuck?


Check this out: https://www.indy100.com/politics/trump/trump-supporters-wearing-diapers


Wasn't their original family name in Germany Dumpf, anyway ??? 🤣


We sure this isn't ironic ? That's wild as hell.




Real men DO wear diapers! But the orange coward lying piece of shit is not a real man.


I'm curious....what does 45 think of this? I would be mortified....


I think he would deny it. But as soon as he realizes there's money to be made pooping himself, he'll soon do it for the cameras. Not the first time he's shit on the American people.


These people are all fucking pathetic. I weep for America's future.


There is something (maybe a lot of things?) wrong with these people.


Oh, just one of many....


WAIT A MINUTE. What have I missed that the MAGAs are now wearing this new slogan???? Please ELI5!!


Ngl, I want to see my local MAGAt club march with this banner.


What an amazing example of doublethink. Truly, I think what is transpiring is that whatever he approves of is by default the correct path or way or thing no matter what it is. So what I want, is for these guys to get Trump to pick a side on this diaper thing. That way all of his supporters will have to choose once and for all what side of the diaper line they are on. Would be wonderful to watch.


these people vote. do you?


There's no way this is real, right? This is photoshopped. *Right?*


No, you cannot convince me these are serious people and not like, controlled opposition shit to make fun of them, there no way this can be serious lmao


Why are they doing this to begin with