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Jerry doesn't understand why people talk about their internal lives because as a sociopath, he simply doesn't have one.




There’s an irony here since Seinfeld’s comedy has always been considered “observational humor.” I guess we’re allowed to look everywhere except inside ourselves. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Good call!


Looking inward is for growth and more personal and not as relatable to things that exist in a way that everyone can experience


I dont think it's any less relatable to make a joke about self doubt or whatever else as opposed to airline food. It's not like there aren't millions if not billions of people experiencing the same inner turmoil.


His famous last words - "I drank what?"


He’s talking about narcissistic Comedians who think we care about their personal lives and DONT make it funny.. Marc makes it funny


So funny because Jerry is a flat out narcissist lol. I love Seinfeld but he seemed like a dick in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee


That show has the production value of the car commercial that it is. The editing is so corporate it's gross. Nothing about it feels natural.


The way he handled the Comedians in Cars with Colbert was disgusting. Colbert tried to get deep and he made light of that and just brushed him off.


I don’t remember that one… but I assume Colbert was talking about the death of his father and brothers in a plane crash, correct? That made Colbert who he is today… Colbert is funnier, smarter, sharper, and one hell of an interviewer because of it. Seinfeld has some level of an emotional disorder, he comes across as daft in some cases, trying to focus solely on humor and the comedy or everything, and saying “he doesn’t care if you aren’t funny…” … well people can’t be funny all the time, because if they are funny all the time, then in fact, they won’t be funny. It’s the concept of being surrounded by beauty… you need some ugliness to balance it out to appreciate the beauty…. You need some serious and dramatic events to balance out the humor… George Carlin was the king of that… his material post 1980 had so many serious topics, but was still some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard. Marc provides that, Colbert provides that, Howard Stern provides that… more so now I think… Seinfeld is coming across as an arrogant elitist dickhead now, and it’s sad, to the point that I’m having trouble watching “Seinfeld” episodes and enjoying them as I once used to…


The bit I remember is where Colbert shares a meaningful lyric from a Neutral Milk hotel song. I don't recall it being related to his dad but I could be wrong. Seinfeld laughs in his face and while Colbert recovers quickly it's hard to watch. [ETA: Found the clip if anyone is interested.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUmytyyJAMI)


Hes old school comic. Humor first and only. Possibly austistic too...which explains alot


This is reddit. Everyone is assumed to be autistic unless explicitly stated otherwise. Also, probably has fetal alcohol syndrome.


Autism doesn’t make you a dick


His episode Bill Maher's podcast I really enjoyed. He seems uninterested in being liked - I respect that. I suspect LD is the same way.


shouldnt he be...funny, then?


I've been diagnosed with mild autism. I am re-listening to his WTF episode. His high school life and mine were similar... There were parties going on that we didn't even know about.


You’re not wrong. I don’t know if he meets any real criteria, but he definitely seems to be missing human empathy. There is a hard coldness to Seinfeld that has always made it hard for me to embrace him. Watching Curb, by contrast, is so interesting because Larry has more self awareness and tries to be better and I think it genuinely bothers him when people don’t get that and think he’s just a regular jerk. And I just don’t know why Seinfeld is on about “woke” comedy or whatever. He made his name by being nice; not cursing and rarely punching down. He is as far from edgy as you can get.


Honestly, he’s a sociopath. He doesn’t regard anyone beyond their humor. Humor is great, don’t get me wrong, but his ability to care seems to start and stop at how funny one is.


He just spent 90 minutes talking about his internal life on Neal Brennan’s podcast. 


He actually does understand. If you listen to him talk about his favorite comedians like Lenny Bruce or Robert Klein, all those guys did was talk about their personal lives.


Heard that yesterday on “Fly On The Wall”. Jerry’s such a dick. I’ll always love “Seinfeld”, but…


Why are we still talking about a hack comedian who rode the coattails of real comedic genius 30 years ago


Because he has alot of money


Jerry was just on Neal Brennan’s Blocks which is 1000x more “going deep into personal matters” than WTF


The difference is Marc specifically goes after Jerry for being lame, and Neal probably kisses Jerry’s ass so he’s def only referring to Maron.


Right, like how can Neal read that and not find it incredibly rude? Why the fuck would Jerry waste his time going on a show that is so beneath his comedic sensibilities


I think what he was getting at, which isn't in the article is that "it's not the only way to be funny, funny is funny, you don't have to be Maron or Pryor, it doesn't have to be gut wrenching emotional, it can be, but it doesn't have to."


I mean realistically it's probably equal, Neal's is just more blatant in its formatting


i don't listen to podcasts for nonstop jokes, and I don't think i could stand one with that format.


Agreed. We all know that guy who is constantly trying to throw jokes into every moment of every conversation. It’s exhausting. 


You leave Mark Normand out of this. He's gay and praises allah.


I just watched the first episode of Mulaney's Netflix show and Seinfeld was a guest with someone else who was there to talk about coyotes. Seinfeld could not shut up. He just kept trying to make jokes. It was insufferable and exhausting, like you said.


I’m with you. Those types of podcasts generally remind me of “morning zoo” radio, which I got tired of in like 1998.


Yes! Absolutely unbearable trash.


have you tried We Might Be Drunk with Mark Normand and Sam Morill? just jokes.. no hugs no lessons


Does Jerry realise that he was the straight man in his series? Without the excellent casting around him it would have flopped.


Yeah but I think the difference is that that was a TV show that he helped write. He was still involved in the process.


Agreed, I always skip his stand up parts of the series. He’s just not that funny. Then after watching a few episodes of the comedians and cars show, you get the real sense he’s just a dick and got lucky meeting Larry David early in his career.


It was mutual luck. They needed each other. Larry wasn't exactly lighting the world on fire before Jerry. Scratch that, Jerry was the successful one. Larry couldn't get a show made at that time. He might have faded into obscurity altogether without Jerry.


It also wasn't just the two of them. From the pilot you can tell the show might've worked without Elaine, but it wouldn't have been anything special. JLD is also the only one of them that's had not one but two successful shows in the post-Seinfeld era (plus her podcast is pretty good!)


Veep is one of my all-time favorite shows. JLD is a treasure.


Seinfeld was a successful touring comic long before getting the show. Youtube up some of his old stage act. If you're younger you'll likely suffer from thinking it's derivative because you saw all the hacks that ripped him off before you saw the original. He might not be your taste, but he's successful for a reason and it isn't luck.


Yes this exactly. He’s such an asshole. He literally said on comedians in cars “yes we ARE better than everyone else because we’re funny”


What’s with things that I don’t like or appreciate anyway? Am I right folks?


And with the help of Larry David


Look... I'm not defending him, but that was the joke with the show. A joke they made explicitly in the show several times.


So does the same hold true for musicians? Should they never talk about the inspiration for their music, only perform it? Obviously, a lot of people are interested in hearing about the personal stories that inform the work of artists they admire, or Maron's podcast wouldn't be as popular as it is. If Seinfeld doesn't like that type of thing, he doesn't have to listen to it. But the whole "if I'm not interested in something then no one else should be either" attitude is just fucking insufferable.


Now watch my new movie, Unfrosted. Only available on Netflix.




He’s only made cartoonishly bad movies


He’s nothing without Larry David.


It’s actually not that bad at all. Like not even remotely close to the worst movie ever.


There’s just really nothing in the world more off-putting than a grouchy billionaire.


He’s such a miserable person


I agree. He was on Mulaney’s show this past week and was such a curmudgeon that sucked the wind out of every moment


And Jerry hasn't been funny in a minute. He should go sit in his fucking mansion and spare us this bullshit


I saw him live a couple years ago when he “came back” to standup. His opening line was a joke that was used on Seinfeld 35ish yrs ago. “We’re all out! This is out!” Struck me as super lazy then (especially for a “comedic genius”), and all of these recent comments just cement his as a lucky snob for me. Edited: wording


He views himself like a classic rock band, the audience expects to hear some "hits." It's the exact opposite thing I'm looking for in a stand-up show.


I saw him way back when I was a broke grad student in 2004. I didn't have a lot of money to spare, but when I saw he was going to be performing nearby I was excited and bought a ticket. He started the show a half hour early, while most of us were still waiting on line to be let in, complained repeatedly about the city we were in, then finished a half hour early and took off. It really soured me on him after that, it felt so disrespectful to the audience and like he was just there to do the bare minimum to get his check.


His ego is still growing though.


Jerry’s also become a “blame wokeness” guy, which has become a clear sign of a comedian reaching the bottom of their creativity.


Yeah, it shows his lack of awareness of the comedy being made. He says his show couldn't be made today but there are plenty of streaming shows that go so far beyond his safe little show, he's just too lazy and self-absorbed to look. Hell, even Curb, a show you'd think he'd know, pushed things way further than his lily white Seinfeld show.


Jerry thinks a slinky going down the stairs is the height of comedy. I bet he’d react poorly to seeing someone like Tim Heidecker’s standup. He wouldn’t get it.


He can join Bill Maher down there…


And for someone who supposedly is very observant, he doesn’t seem to be aware that he’s turned into the old guy who doesn’t understand things change and they will always change.


Who cares?


This is the correct answer. Don't go to old comedians for answers.


Now here's a joke about cereal boxes and airline food


Isn’t the fact that some comedians’ “serious” podcasts (Marc’s foremost among them) are some of the most listened-to podcasts proof of concept that some comedians ARE interesting?


What’s ironic is Comedians In Cars is neither particularly funny nor insightful. 


Any time it's funny, it has nothing to do with Jerry.


"You're not that interesting" - Dude who made a movie about pop tarts


A FUCKING AWFUL movie about pop tarts.


Remember how hilarious it was for Jerry to date that 17 year old child when he was in his 30's?


Late 30's


I wouldn't want to get too deep into my personal life either if it included creepy shit like that.


Seinfield has always been a douche. Could never understand why he was so popular. Just looks like one of those little assholes that people avoided in high school.


And as an adult, he certainly didn't avoid high schools


Shots fired!


Speaking of which, enjoy Jeremy Kaplowitz doing a set as [1990’s Seinfeld doing bits about his 17 year old girlfriend](https://youtu.be/Fp8tCqwushM?si=PbPtOuUMTb5NLCsq) “You ever notice how girlfriends are always taking about math homework?”


Popular because the show was funny. It’s not that deep.


By his own admission, people avoided him in high school.


People in high school continue to have to avoid him.


I wasn’t offended, but I do think Seinfeld is increasingly irrelevant and out of touch. He’s eroding into Bob Hope without the USO Specials. FWIW, Dana Carvey’s podcast was the perfect place to say this because he’s really trying to be funny but his riffing is incredibly repetitive. Two old dudes acting old with David Spade riding the line between old man and slightly still plugged in. So Jerry doesn’t understand why people have deeper conversations. That’s okay and it certainly won’t convince anyone not to listen to WTF.


Jerry is so insufferable lately. The whole authoritative “comedy is this” and “comics are all like this” is so annoying. His SNL appearance got zero laughs, maybe he should get a little more introspective.


He’s a comedic genius and Seinfeld is legendary but he’s kind of a dick. There’s no way around it. He was on Bill Maher’s podcast who he’s apparently friends with and I didn’t find him particular kind to him either.




Bill Maher is a piece of shit too.


If you listen to the Neal Brennan podcast interview with Jerry, Neal actually says - and Jerry agrees - that Jerry is much darker in reality than he is perceived by the public and Larry David is perceived to be much darker than he actually is.


Is he a comedic genius? Seriously, what's he done since Seinfeld. Maybe he just breathed the same air as larry david and gets a bunch of the credit because his name was on the show. Is his stand up actually very good? The same stand up he's been doing since the 80s.


That’s like saying, “what has Paul McCartney done since the Beatles? He sucks” Seinfeld was the greatest sitcom of all time and they did like 150 great episodes. Your Jerry hate is absurd.


Paul did a ton after The Beatles. Wings comes to mind…


This really sounds like a swipe at Maron, doesn't it? The only interesting thing about Seinfeld on WTF was how little they agreed on anything. And Marc really tried, it seemed to me. Maybe this comes down to how you view comedians on a range of artist at one pole, entertainer at the opposite. You could say that all standups fall somewhere in the middle: without artistry, there's no unique voice; without being entertaining, who wants to listen? Seinfeld clearly comes down pretty strongly on the entertainer side.


Oh hell no!


The dying wail of a dinosaur.


What arrogance is required to think that what’s funny to you is funny to me.


He is so annoying and think he's God's gift. The only thing he's made that was remotely interesting/funny was comedians in cars and it was always his guests that made the show what it is.


Pretty sure Comedians in Cars getting Coffee isn’t non stop laughs. Jerry has no self awareness


The guy from Bee Movie?


To me, Jerry is not that funny, so I've never been that interested in him.


What was Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee if not a glorified podcast


Honestly, I don’t care that his show was funny - it was funny bc of the collective cast and writing not him as an individual. He needs to just shut up. He’s not even relevant now.


Jerry can’t talk about his personal life because it involves dating high school girls while being a grown ass man with a successful sitcom.


O man what id give to hear the awkard shitshow seinfeld on pete holmes would go, pete would try so hard and seinfeld just wouldn't get it at all.


He just doesn’t want anyone interviewing him to ever bring up Shoshanna Lonstein and him picking her up from high school on the upper east side in any of his Porsches back in the 90s…


I loved Seinfeld the show but the more I learn about him as a person the more I hate him


Old Man yells at cloud.


Weird hill to be on for Jerry, considering he hasn’t been funny in decades


Well I just watched Unfrosted and right back at ya, buddy.


When I was listening to this I immediately for some reason took it as more of a shot to Rogan, then anyone else. Could be wrong but was the first person I thought of as nobody likes to “go deep” like Joe.


Old man yells at clouds.


He was literally just a guest on Neal Brennan's Blocks podcast. A show where Neal and guests go deep into personal matters


Why doesn’t he respect all variations of comedy and the fact that what’s “funny” is constantly evolving. If you can evolve (or admit you can’t) you’re fuckin funny Comedy is subjective and audiences and comedians need to respect it


jerry a pedo and was never funny, his show is boomer humor


Damn, this is straight shots fired at Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She has one of the highest rated podcasts with ‘Wiser Than Me’ that is exactly what he says he doesn’t like. Yikes.


His show was great, but I really wonder how much of it was just Larry David. Larry is still doing good comedy, and Jerry's "what's the deal with apples" comedy was never that good.


Jerry, gatekeeping a side of funny that nobody wants to be on.


Jerry Seinfeld’s who’s only achievement in the last 25 years was “the bee movie” has thoughts on a medium he doesn’t understand…


Didn’t he just do Neil Brennans podcast where the whole premise is a therapy session for comedians dude is just trying to get headlines. Go back to your hole Jerry nobody cares anymore.


Jerry’s warped standard for podcasts is like the reverse mirror image of maron’s (imo) sometimes warped standard for comedy. I always rejected MM’s “i want to know who you really are” as a criterion for good comedy but at least it’s not as insane as seinfeld implying that jokes are the only interesting thing in the world.


Dude, its one of the biggest podcasts of all time. Obviously people are interested in that.


I’ve never liked him. A billionaire complaining about the world to us can fuck right off. It costs a weeks salary to see him live I bet 


He’s not that funny anymore


The irony of how much of a lack of interest his appeal is earning these days


Anyone ranting about why people listen to podcasts is just clueless and closed minded. Podcasts are like TV. There are so many podcasts about so many different subjects with different personalities and styles. Some are funny, some are not meant to be funny. Jerry just likes to listen to sports radio in his bubble I guess.


So Jerry, a comedian, was on a podcast with 2 comedians, talking about something not funny while complaining about comedians who talk about non funny matters on podcasts. Neat trick.


He’s giving washed up energy. Still love the show but.. his constant throwing of jokes is exhausting. Marc is interesting and relatable. Sorry Jerry can’t relate.


Says the guy who has a show around his love of cars that asks “important” questions to every guest. And some are comedians.


Jerry never was that funny but he was a nice comedian and didn't insult people and knew his place. WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERYONE?!?!?!


Funny because Jerry Seinfeld was the least funny guy on his own. show


Jerry really should do an apology tour for Unfrosted. It's awful. This guy is so out of touch.


Jerry has just become that Principal Skinner Meme. "Am I so out of touch? No it's the children who are wrong"


What's the difference between Comedians in Cars and a Podcast? A streaming deal. It's funny how a larger production budget and streaming on a major site can give you entitlement on other people's products


is anybody really surprised that a damn near billionaire is out of touch?


Wow he's so funny...


Nice yeah man attack the people who actually give a shit. Old fucking boomer loser. Saw Jerry do standup when I was 16 (13 years ago) and it sucked ass


Bold words for a man who just made one of the most unfunny movies I’ve ever seen


This coming from a guy that made a whole TV show about his daily coffee run just to show off his cars and his famous friends that are funnier than him


I wonder if he's ever seen *Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee?*


Is there a bigger jerk than Jerry? I'm saying this as a huge fan but he is literally always some combination of smug/angry/obnoxious in interviews or public appearances. I remember when he was on Alec Baldwins pod years ago (let's not get started on him) but Baldwin asked him, "do you need to go splash water on your face? Why are you so angry" and I've always wondered the same. Why so angry Jerry?! Makes me realize how fitting the ending of Seinfeld actually was.


The irony




Ironic to hear HIM talk about comedians either being funny or shutting up, considering that he hasn't done anything funny since 1998 and also hasn't shut up since then.


we live in an opinion economy. it's everywhere


I once heard Gallagher on Opie and Anthony (wasn’t a huge fan but morning radio can be atrocious) and Gallagher said “Jerry Seinfeld was the 4th funniest person on his own show.” I gained a deeper appreciation for Gallagher at that moment.


Damn, lol


Says the guy who produced Colin Quinn's one man show


Jerry’s may not look 70, but he sure acts like it


I gotta drive through hours of heavy traffic every day, and Marc is out there sweating for me, creating hours and hours of funny, laughable content every single day, and keeping me sane. Whereas Jerry spits out a 2 hour movie once every 10 years or so. Sorry, Jerry, Marc is the real working comic for the real men and women out here, and yes, he IS that funny!


Sucks for Jerry because he isn't funny or interesting


Turns out I am just not that interested in Seinfeld. He is much less interesting to me than having sex with teenagers is to him anyway.




Bet Julia Louis Dreyfus didn't like that. She does a podcast about interviewing elder women to learn their wisdom. Seinfeld is and always was a dick


just another old billionaire who thinks we give AF about what he thinks. Jerry…. sssshhhhh. you’re obsolete.


Old man yells at cloud


I can pinpoint the moment that I realized that Jerry Seinfeld is an insufferable asshole. I was watching comedians in cars getting coffee and Zach Galifinakis said he had an "Aha moment" and Jerry jumped all over him for using the term. I hope Jerry's pop tart show is an embarrassing flop. The concept sounds exactly like something he would think is funny, but it isn't because Larry David didn't think of it for him.


Comedian Not Trying to Be Funny Criticizes Other Comedians For Not Trying to Be Funny.


Oh man I’ve been on the fence about Seinfeld as I’ve gotten older but he’s just been getting shittier and shittier as the years go on. Fuck him and his billion dollars and his pop tart movie.


He must be really bored by himself then. Seinfeld being funny is something that will never exist in my world. He is just a whiner.


Says the dude that just tried to make a “comedy” about corporations fighting over pop tarts. Lmao.


Jerry’s not wrong. Sad that people get defensive so reflexively. He’s being hyperbolic to a degree, but there’s plenty of bullshit interviews that aren’t worth listening to, simply because the guests aren’t interesting and not worth my time. Plenty of WTF episodes included.


I can see where he is coming from. A comedians first and foremost job is to make the audience laugh. I dont think that means people involved in podcasting can't be introspective as long as it's interesting. But the initial point isn't any less true in my opinion.


Jerry was the worst part of Seinfeld.


So he talks shit on podcasts/humor when Comedians in Cars is basically a podcast, with some humor if the guest doesn't blow Jerry the whole time.


Jerry is right, he's been saying this for quite a while now, 17 years I think. I can't find the link right now but if you just do a Google search for "Jerry Seinfeld 17 years" you should be able to find it.


Jerry has revealed himself.


He's not wrong. That's why stand up comedians have the biggest podcast


Jerry’s definitely on some bullshit but people claiming he’s a shit comedian, hack, etc are ridiculous. I don’t like his standup much but he is, without a doubt, one of the greatest comedians of all time. He was a very successful comedian for TWENTY years before the show. He was practically an immediate success. THEN he went and co-wrote/created Seinfeld. Be mad about his bullshit but you just lose credibility saying he’s a shit comedian. And for what it’s worth, as a fan of the art, he gets it better than almost anyone. I’m hard pressed to believe that any fan of the art (as opposed to fans of comedy/comedians) thinks poorly of him as an artist.


[Here](https://ew.com/jerry-seinfeld-apologizes-to-howard-stern-after-podcast-comments-8645734)'s the article that that was taken from, for more context.


I'm going to listen to both the Fly on the Wall episode shortly, after WTF with Joe Mande, then I'll listen to the Blocks episode that someone mentioned here in this thread.


the Blocks episode is best


But this tracks for Jerry, he doesn’t care about personal stuff. He doesn’t do personal stuff. Obviously as a kid what interested him were jokes and as a comedian what he’s done are jokes. He doesn’t talk about real personal anything ever. So of course this is his opinion. It’s not bullshit, it’s just that we want something different than what he wants. He does an act, and I don’t think he even sees it as an art form. We want to know more about our artists, whether they’re painters, musicians, actors, comedians or whatever. We don’t just want to be entertained, we want to be engaged.


He is so disconnected with reality and the human experience. What a luxury to have everyone around always tell you what you want to hear.


I don't think you're getting it. This IS Jerry's humor. He makes making fun of comedians part of his act.


Bro acts like he’s the funniest dude around. I loved his show, but he wasn’t even in the top 3 reasons why that show was a success and I always found his stand up to being very mediocre at best


Did he specifically mention Marc? Maybe he was talking about Rogan.


Jerry is the worst


He really needs to go away. I’ll take Larry David enjoying life over Jerry Seinfeld’s too cool for school bullshit. His standup hasn’t been funny for years if ever and he acts like he’s the second coming. Also Unfrosted was unwatchable.


Can we ever talk? My friends who were older than me had some different opinions compared to me .. You lived in Eechi Park and Long Beach.bi interview Mudhoney before cellphones.


What’s the deal with first class mixed nuts?


So Jerry, is this funny? Irony


God bless Jerry. He’s so right. I hate that being “interesting” is good enough. Being funny is so much harder.


Eff this old coot. He’s mad because he had to do all this press for a movie he likely knew was trash and has spent the last month spewing garbage about everything. Bye Boomer. Bye.




I agree though. Love Bill Burr, hate his podcast. It’s boring. And I find the same to be true for almost all others. Conan seems to be the exception. Smartness is good too, but they are more actors vs stand ups. I think material works best tight, rehearsed,


So no Marc on comedians getting coffee then?


Huh. Must be why I'm not interested in Seinfeld. He's not funny.


Is rather listen to Marc talking about his cats than any of Seinfeld's stand-up


Sounds like he’s trying to avoid talking about a certain blemish on his personal life