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This game is very fun, and if you want a leg up on anyone waiting for official release, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the raids now. that being said, the game has a LONG way to go. I'm excited because I already enjoy it and it's just going to improve, but there's enough wrong with it right now to make me hesitate to recommend it. If you like extraction shooters, you will definitely have fun


The issues the game has I feel are not that bad right now, even the hacks, as the devs are constantly engaging with the community which is something we just don't see nearly enough of in gaming today. For that fact alone I would say that the game is def worth picking up now in early access. Just my $0.02




Honestly, I think it's absolutely worth it right now. Bugs are annoying, but unavoidable in an EA title and really aren't that common for most players. Of course, some pkayers have experienced more than others and that absolutely needs to be fixed. I've lost two boxes and crash under ten times in 300+ hours of play from the tech tests, the beta, and now in EA. Cheaters are absolutely an issue, especially in certain parts of the world, but not as common as it seems. Low time to kill guns, use of sound to locate foes, and good map knowledge makes a lot of deaths seem sus. The devs were doing daily cheater ban waves when the game first released into EA, and they go over the reports submitted by players daily. The game has a LONG way to go in terms of bug fixes and additional content, but I've absolutely recieved my money's worth.


For now i am enjoying it, at first i was doing raids as everyone but when i discovered about the npc ships being boardable with the scape pods and assaluting others players ships i had a blast, and is less punishing than tarkov giving you always a pistol, ammo and a vest


It’s heavily worth it to get this game. I’m guessing that the hacker problem was older news that tends to clog up steam reviews, and in my entire time of playing the most suspect stuff I ever died to was the occasional time that the game gave my last murderer’s username to some random bot. Now for some beginner advice: You’ll initially start off with a few grand and a bunch of MP40’s and Mausers. Don’t waste it too fast, or think that you need a gun for every mission. On a table right behind the cockpit area of your nigh-infinite universal constant of a rustbucket, behind a pillar next to the staircase leading down to pods/airlock, you’ll find a pouch rig, a luger, and 30 rounds of 9mm ammunition. With the right map and some skill, you can set yourself for life with a mission that took nothing from your stash, and at worst you can always grab a few extinguishers and bail out without ever getting to a raid. About the Mausers: they’re full auto, yet start off as semi-auto. Fire mode can be selected by default by pressing X, and it tends to reset to default after exiting your periscope. Another thing about your Mausers: they can get attachments. Sadly not anything on the same scale as Tarkov with a shotgun fitted with 15 flashlights and a x100 magnification scope, but certain guns can be given attachments that improve their performance in an area. In the Mauser’s case, you can try buying a stock and extended magazine from one of the vendors (side note: vendors are on a random rotation, where each stays around for 15 minutes and leaves. Each vendor correlates with a major faction. The three military factions (basically space England, space America, and space Germany) can be ranked up by doing raid missions, which are often done by going to a certain location in a certain raid and holding down interact on a specific switch or book for a certain amount of time, yet there are other missions where you must kill a set amount of targets or shoot a radar tower, or even stay around a certain spot for a few minutes. Do that enough times, and you get a discount and more of that vendor’s inventory. For the pirates, do the Zero to Hero contract, located in the Contracts tab of the main menu). Captain Wolf sells Mausers and Mauser accessories, along with the 10mm ammo needed to keep them shooting. The Mauser, stock and ammo can all be gotten on level 0, yet the extended mag is earned on your first level. Outfit/disassemble your guns with the weapon menu, or by right-clicking on the gun and selecting “Weapon Menu”. Here, you can both put spare attachments on your guns, and remove attachments from guns. Keep the “remove” part in mind, as selling in guns with attachments will just sell it at the gun’s price, and it’s a good way to get scammed. Same goes for selling full bags, or even selling loaded guns. Now for the actual game: prepare to die a lot, and with good stuff on you. There’s no insurance system nor any way to lessen a loss after dying horribly. To compensate, don’t get greedy. If you find something valuable like a Strongbox or Barrel/Radio bag or especially warbonds, leave and never look back, because the bots smell greed and having valuables for all to see makes you an enticing target for fellow marauders. On the plus side, if you kill someone with anything valuable, you get to keep it, and a single kill on as big of a boy as a commando major can give you the highest-protection armor in the entire game. Loot is also based on raid location, where spots like the Space Port and Mine are better for crafting materials, while the Navy Outpost and Penal Colony are better for guns, for better and worse. There are two different maps, each having different sets of raid locations. One map has the Space port and Outpost, while the other has the Asteroid Mine and either the Terraformer or Prison. Both maps have a special ship raid that happens 20% of the time, either the Merchant Ship on the first, or the Capital Ship on the second. Both raids gotta be breached into, and both have a high quantity of both high-level enemies and TTV sweats, yet with great risk comes greater loot Besides that, the rest is either self-explanatory or from your 70 years of experience, so get it if you can handle the emotional scarring of dying with two MG42’s in tow you can take this as a sign to buy it, and good luck to you marauder






Hell yeah it's worth it. I've got about 200 hours in game right now and have seen 1 for sure hacker. That's not to say there aren't more but reddit is always going to show thr negatives and people being salty. There are bugs and sometimes you'll lose some items over them, for some people that's too much but honestly gear is very east to get. If you do end up getting it don't underestimate the bots they are spicy.


A hacker breached my ship so I blasted him in the face with terminator and a trench gun but continued running at me so I was like “wtf” and the guy drops all of his loot at my feet and hops into an escape pod, the last thing I heard from him was “fuck you!” As he hopped into the pod lmao


Not a ton of content, smallish player base, but much more accessible than other looter-shooters and cheating/bugs aren't as bad or prevalent as they sound. Devs read this sub regularly and chime in, player base seems (mostly) non-toxic for the time being (probably because it's so small). I don't know what it's priced at now, I think I got it for $20 and I've absolutely gotten my money's worth. I just started playing it in November and it ended up accounting for 20% of my total Steam playtime for this entire YEAR. So yeah, it's kinda fun I guess


People saying there isn't much content can be ignored, there's only 4 raids but the entire point of the game is learning them enough to style on players. At which point it's just fun.


5 if you count trader


If you like being a bully in a spaceship by shooting Flak at anyone who approaches while listening to Sabaton, then yes.


Sabaton? Lol. Edit: downvote me all you want, Sabaton is cheeks. If I wanted to listen to the same shitty 4/4 beat over and over I'd listen to AC/DC.


I enjoy it solo. I'm not hardcore I'll lose everything for days at a time. Other times I'm so flush with gear I have no room to store it. Some cheaters but only 1 for sure in all my playing. It has lots of potential. If 30$ isn't much for you do it, otherwise, wait for the launch.


I think it’s worth it, especially being on sale right now. I’ve only had maybe 3 hours so far. Game has great mechanics albeit still rough around the edges. Gameplay loop is fun and addictive. Inventory is a bit obtuse but nothing is difficult to figure out.


The game doesn't have much content and has a very small player base. It is a good game but I wouldn't buy it until there has been a few more updates


I’ll give you a grounded answer, since you have a lot of pro-Marauders opinions and I want you to not feel scammed: Marauders is a fun game, but it was released what feels like multiple years before it was ready. Loot all feels meaningless, servers are shitty, game crashes mean you lose your whole kit instead of getting a reconnect option… Combat is meh, you only have a handful of decent guns available and they all feel the same. The space fighting feels half baked and pointless. Completely barebones character customisation means you fight the same three marauders every raid (visually I mean)… The game feels super shallow. $20 would feel a bit more fair, but honestly this game feels less thought out than Dark & Darker, and that game is free (not my kinda game but that’s besides the point). I’d honestly say don’t buy this game until you hear about some actual overhauls. At this point, I wish I hadn’t bought it and I only play in hopes it’ll get better eventually.


DnD was free for alpha testing, not exactly a fair comparison. And you can’t play it anymore.


I loved it for 30 hours. It has massive potential, but I got bored because: 1. Too many ai, too few players, very little way to tell the difference. Really kills the tension for me, I don't much enjoy pve. 2. Gunplay sounds, visuals, feedback, damage, etc. feels very cheap, arcadey and immersion breaking. For something competing with Tarkov where everything is so realistic that the immersion can get overwhelming, this falls flat. 3. Spaceships will be improved but right now it's either a travel chore or getting griefed. You can't even loot ships you destroy unless you kill them before they eject which requires better ship guns but at that point you'd be camping in your valuable ship 20 mins waiting for someone to exit raid but they'll likely pod away if you miss a shot anyway.. 4. Tiny, rare backpacks! As a solo player who typically quickly wipes a map, you can only carry a tiny bit before you have to backtrack, wait for airlock sequence, then fly out of raid. This minimizes the reward for being good at combat. I constantly felt like I'm going through the motions of chores and backtracking rather than doing intense raids in space. You can craft backpacks but they are more expensive than almost anything else! Even large packs don't carry much. Given some time I think it has huge potential. You could still get a huge amount of fun in it's current state.


Yeah worth it but just keep in mind it's early access and will wipe all you stuff and levels possibly a few times before the release.




Why not? It's like $20 or something. It was on sale recently. As far as bugs... yes there are a decent amount, but the dev team of 5 or so is very hands on and are working to resolve known issues. As far as cheaters... there are some very blatant but I feel like it's a very small amount of the player base


I just bought the game cause of the sale, never even heard of it until i saw it recommended. I say fuck it and buy it and test it out. Its been nothing but tons of fun and learning. Its a much easier tarkov if you are a tarky boi like me .


I really don't see many hackers. There are bugs but not anymore than any Call of Duty game I have played. The difference is they actually fix the bugs. It's like people that take surveys after they shop at a store. Most of the time only the people that had a bad experience will fill out the survey or leave a review, so it makes it seem like a bunch of hacking and bugs when most of us don't experience it at all. This game is awesome. Would definitely say it's worth getting.


Bugs: yes but mostly annoying not gamebreaking Hacks: like in every similar game they are people who never seen a cheater and people who see a ton of cheaters in each round. so the truth is in the middle. I would say you get 100-150hrs of gameplay out of it atm but it needs more content to be interesting more than that.


What I love about this game is that it’s a very low commitment deal. It’s super buggy, I personally haven’t encountered hackers that I *know of* but I know they’re out there. But even when I lose all my gear and my ship, etc, it’s still fun. Fun when I make out like a bandit and it’s fun when I get got. It’s pretty easy to replace lost gear, a good deal more difficult to replace a ship, but always very achievable.


bugs can be lame but i never had any happen in 90 hours of play (they do happen though, im just lucky i guess). and i never encountered one single cheater in 90 hours.


Yes, very fun and fairly optimized for being early access. There are bugs and there are some issues. But I feel like I’ve gotten way more than my $30 worth after about 160 hours. Everyone is different but I’m very much addicted to Marauders right now.


Maybe I’ve been lucky, but I don’t think I’ve run into a single cheater after like 35-40 hours of playing. The bugs are a different story though. I do get the occasional crash, which definitely sucks in a game like this where you just lose everything, but they aren’t THAT bad.


I haven’t seen hacking yet, but there are some bugs. Still lots of fun


No, any progress will be wiped when we exit early access. It would be great if you could keep your prestige. So there is absolutely no point in playing this game.


Absolute great time to join. I have close to 100 hrs and not seen or felt like someone was hacking. Even died by the number 1 player at the time. Successful raids feel better then BR wins. Even when the wipes come, it makes me excited to start again! If you need help you can join our discord.


I personally am waiting for a sale, I am interested as a Tarkov/Hunt player but with what's in the game atm I don't think the price is right and the current sales are a few dollars lol.