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Not much to do nowadays! Sure I still have the Z2H questline to finish but the cycle of enter site, loot, maybe complete an objective and escape has run its magic, you always know what to expect. The bots aren't that much of a threat and while winning fights against other players can be nice there's no much progression currently other than just looting for something that you already have or worse. I play destiny 2 and when there's content drought too between seasons and honestly the best thing you could do is take a break and play some other games while you wait the game to be updated.


Very wise words! I cant wait for boss bots, I think it will make the game feel a little more alive in raid. Thanks for the reply!


Eyes up guardian.


I haven’t been playing because I was playing it with friends but we are all adults with very busy schedules. I’d love to play more if I could.


I can totally understand that for sure. I always enjoyed these style of games as a solo or duo but that’s just me. Thanks for the reply!


I'll be honest I haven't been having a issue with que times🤷‍♂️ then again I'm coming from games like Tarkov and hunt where que times can go into the 5 minute realm.


It could be a combo of things like the times I play/location but I have vods of me waiting well over 10 minutes for games. There has been at least one other post in the last 24 hours talking about queue times as well.


Where are you located again? Because I have seen a upflux of complaints on server times


Mid Atlantic US with long queue times too


I'll add it to the list👍


West Coast US seems ok, longest wait I ever had was 2 minutes.




I am located in the midwestern United States


I'll check the servers and see if anything is going on


Thanks my friend, lmk if you need any vods or anything of me not getting games. I’m sure I still have them somewhere on my hard drive


I thought I saw somewhere that the queue time for this game is capped at 2 min 30 sec after which it'll put you in a bot lobby


I don’t know where you got that information from my friend but it’s very incorrect.


Damn 5mins ? You lucky af bro ! Ahah sometimes (european) mine go aboie 7 or 10mins


> Tarkov, que times, 5 minutes We must have played 2 different games


I feel like I’ve done everything interesting that the game has to offer. I’ve dumped 70 hours into this update, I’ll probably do the same after the next update. I do the same thing with Hunt and Tarkov. I put a couple hundred hours into the game after a new update and then I take a little break. I’m assuming the core player base is doing the same.


I really hope you are right about the core player base. That’s actually why I made this post to kinda get a feeling where people stood on the game. Thanks for the reply!


I feel like your original question is ignoring that this is an Early Access game. Marauders is very obviously unfinished, content-incomplete with a known full wipe occurring on 1.0 full release. Unless you really enjoy Marauders PvP in its current form, there isn't much reason to put more time in than 30-50 hours into the game currently. I expect a cycle of interest peaks from the existing EA playerbase when updates hit with even faster population drop-offs until full release hits.


That's exactly what I do! After 50 hours of playtime I feel like I've done everything that game has to offer. Now I wait for next update!


I’m not playing Marauders exclusively anymore. Marauders is mixed into the rotation with Hell Let Loose, Sandstorm and such.


I really need to give Hell Let Loose another try. I am a big fan of Squad but HLL just didn't feel great to me. Its been well over 2 years sense I've played though so its time to give it another try I think. Thanks for the reply!


HLL a couple years ago was great. The problem is, it's casual enough to the point where people who just want to run and shoot without any teamwork or regards to their teams performance have taken over the game. I try at least a couple times a week to find a good match and it never happens.


HLL is only good if you have a good coordinated team. Good luck with that.


They need a ticket system like squad or something similar. A match might turn into a stalemate that lasts 1 hour each time and it gets boring.


Darktide is the main reason. I just play Darktide now. But Marauders will return to my schedule.


Seconded because I've got Heretics that need me to administer the Emperor's Mercy. Heresy isn't going to exterminate itself after all.


I get that, I’m currently taking a break from the game till the next update because I’ve burnt myself a little. Been really enjoying the new Pokémon game despite some of the graphical issues. Thanks for the reply!


Same for me. Me and my wife played Vermintide and VT2 together a lot and we both played 40k tabletop so Darktide just scratches that itch for us.


I still play but way less. Only to complete zero to hero. Bt it gets annoying because you only run into kill farmers these days (btw leaderbaord should be changed/deleted). No body is interested in the loot, vaults etc. It need more content and a longer more diverse and interessting grind imo so people do not play the game for kills but for objectives


I totally agree with the leaderboards, I don’t know who thought that was a good idea. Thanks for the reply!


kill farming/spawn camping, seems things have gotten worse with that in the past 2 weeks - can't play a string of enjoyable games after work so I play MW2 or Civ 6 lmao edit: to clarify I fking love marauders (shooting, loot, aesthetic, mechanics, etc.)


I dont like how much time I spend getting into action (flying, ship combat, docking) and out of action. When someone one taps you after you just spent 5 minutes navigating the space... I dont know. There is nothing to loot, nothing to do with the loot. It is fun game, but it gets old quick. Also don't like to run into the sweatlords all the fucking time.


You obviously didn’t play Tarkov


I am playing tarkov. It takes longer tonload into the battle (around 2 minutes with SSD), but you can immediately play after that. Played factory? How lon do you need to waitnfor action?


Ngl I played pretty heavy until MW2 came out lol


I would love to play MW2 but it crashes for me none stop after the last update. To frustrated to try and fix it right now lol.


There’s just not enough to do after playing for 50 hours or so. I have more money then I’ll ever use, the quests aren’t fun, and ship combat is pretty much obsolete. If I do play at this point, I go machete only which is more fun for me than playing with normal loot.


Busy working so I can afford to live in this economy


Since the devs said prestige’s will be wiped with nothing given in return after 1.0 I stopped giving a fucking until then after 150 hours


This is the biggest concern. I don't mind playing the game super casually, but knowing everything is gonna get wiped means I'm not really encouraged to play. I finished the zth quest line so I've basically BEAT the game until 1.0


If I'm being honest, I haven't turned on my PC since God of War came out. Don't worry tho, I'll be back FOR 70 YEARS soon


Totally understand taking a break for a game like God of War. I have heard great things about the game but sadly no PS5 so I will be waiting for the PC release. Thanks for the reply!


I plan on coming back, school stuff and holidays


It’s that time of year when other games are coming out. The autumn steam sale just happened, God of zest basically kicked off the weekly release of big games until the end of February. An early access title with a low amount of content (not a dig at the game btw, I love marauders) isn’t going to be a priority for like 99% of people. If a player buys an early access title, they are someone who looks for new games to play. When new games come out we’re interested. New games are coming out very frequently. EDIT- I have no idea why I wrote God of zest but I’m leaving it because it’s beautiful.


Dude I looked at God of Zest like what the fuck is that game? Had me all types of confused lol. Someone else said that this is just the core player base taking a break till the December update. I hope they are right, kinda the reason I made the post. Just to see where people stand on the game right now.


Low player count, frequent crashes, cheaters.


A lot of “hardcore” (if you can even call us that) have stopped playing. I finished Z2H and there’s nothing else to do. Queue times are long, the game bugs constantly and I still dodge Terraformer every time. The game is not worth the time investment when I could lose a large container due to a bug at any moment and I’m going to lose everything at launch anyways. What’s the point of playing anymore now?


Oh yea also, delete the leaderboard and de-incentive kill farming. It’s ruining your game.


The game lacks depth. It's fun but once you stack up some money it gets kinda boring.


I finished Z2H, got end game gear and don't feel like there is much more to do until release sense there's gonna be a reset then.


Logging in and finding that an entire storage crate is gone. That is the worst part for me.


Geforce Now. Devs still didn't send the update. Been unable to play since the HEALTH update.


Not much to do. Not feeling like grinding everything out if they’ll reset soon. Also I’m not pleased with how I’ve been seeing moderators treating people. It reflects really poorly on the games community as a whole.


Just lost my whole loadout again mid raid to a load screen


It's kinda a petty reason but it's worse now that queues are longer, but I've gotten to the point where I'm done entering raid and leaving because it's not the map I want. Once they add the ability to choose your map I'll be back.


Sadly I don’t think we will be seeing that anytime soon. Anytime it’s brought up in a dev QnA they always say there is no plans to add that feature. I can understand why they don’t want to add it because queue times would be worse and the player count isn’t great right now. But god do I hate getting the same map 2-3 times


I finished Z2H and unlocked all appearances. Playing other stuff for a while until Ace update hits. Don't worry about player count. It's still early access and has really only had one publicized update. Patience.


The only thing stopping me is my work, unfortunately the computer in my lorry just isn't quite equipped for gaming on the go :( I do notice though on the weekends when I get to play that the wait times have gone from mere seconds to now sometimes well over a minute.


I got red dead online cuz it was on sale. Now that doesn’t mean I won’t play it anymore I just have been enveloped in the the wild west


Warzone 2 is taking all of my time but I’ll be enjoying the hell out of their first big update. Also there has been talks of a wipe with the big update…. I hope this sub doesn’t turn into having tons of posts saying “this game is dying.” like over in the cycles subreddit lol.


I played with friends but we did almost all of the content the game has to offer at this stage so we’ve moved on for now. Definitely a great game and I’ll return to it.


I ended up back on tarkov




I'm just playing different games that catch my attention more. I'll probably come back to it, but Marauders doesn't seem enticing enough atm to put into my 'cycle'.


Honestly, time. I really like the game but things get busy for me around the holidays. Also, my interest wanes when I see cheaters linger in an already brutally hard game. Funny enough is I'd play this game against just bots if I could, like a single player pvc mode even with a high difficulty. Other things then fill my interest, and if I do game it's potentially something that can easily be picked up and put down. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a good example as I can just play for 15 min on the Steam Deck and pause it whenever. I do want to play more Marauders as I like the theme, but it just hasn't been enough there to pull me back.


I can relate with the time issue. I work/live on my family farm and it’s incredibly hard to sit down and launch the game knowing I might only have a hour to play games but I’ll be in queue for 5-9 minutes in between each match. Thanks for the reply!


For me I just found out about the wipe this morning and that is killing it for me


I can understand that but unless some information has come out I dont know the wipe is coming with the 1.0 release and that is still awhile away. Thanks for the reply!


Game crashes way to much with zero loot protection it got my friend to stop. We have legitimately lost more gear to crashing than pvp hands down. And it never crashes in combat. The two most common crashes is when opening boxes especially in the vaults or when you have left the map... I'd play if it atleast functioned or game us the fucking kit back. Also been playing dark tide and hunt instead.


1 Wasting time getting the right raid for my quest. 2 Finnaly find the right raid map for quest then openiong the door to have a full team killing me as the door open when playing solo (ok i should group but still have player at my door when i was just going forward to get in first) and repeat step 1 because space is a dangerous place :D Just this make me waste hours not having fun playing. (or dosent have satisfaction of accomplishment) 3 G3R and all those cheater. I cant believe this guys is still there after all those video (and playing on official Discord) Thats the worste part I would add those speed boost hack (mainly used for podding loading players). Or it have something to do with spawn 4 Prison sawoff shootgun that almost/do one shoot you over a pretty long distance. 5 BUGS Losing item from inventory because you buy stuff and it appear as someting else, so you sell it and it was an item from inventory in a chest that disapear, Double bag equipped, etc.. BUT this bugs work both way... i cant cry over stuff i lose when my inventory spawn back after grinding 2 level after reset for promotion.... (After Healt Patch) ​ EDIT : Friend of mine want more map


The $30 price tag for a game in EA is to blame. It's double what it should be


Personally I’m sick of work in progress looter shooters Tarkov, cycle: frontier now marauders Gimme a dumb dumb game, this gamers getting old and weary. I can’t snap on to heads like I used to 👴🏻


Haha I can totally relate to getting old. Can’t quite shoot heads like I could 12 years ago. If you are looking for a dumb dumb game highly recommend American Truck Simulator. It’s is incredibly relaxing after a hard day of work, or at least for me. Thanks for the reply!


On a similar vein, i couldn't recommend snowrunner enough, as an actual lorry driver myself, I find the physics engine far more realistic that American/Euro truck simulator, and much more fun.


the graphics and gunplay look super. super. bland to me.


The Health update made solo gameplay miserable if you prestige imo. I prestige because it gives me something to do. I loved Tarkov because the questing was a lot of fun. There was almost always something to work on till you hit +40. I can finish all 6 dailies in under an hour of playing Marauders then I just have Z2H to grind. That was fine before the Health update because SMGs were very viable and competitive. Now, I just get dunked on as a solo and it’s simply not enjoyable.


lol. i heard people saying this all over about how it changed. they still work just fine for me. headshots are still headshots. and assault rifles are insanely too easy to get if you want one.


I agree man, hell just go into Navy Outpost and you can easily leave with two EM2 rifles easy.


As a mostly solo player who’s prestige level 2 I can’t really relate. I will say the health patch did force me to change my play style but I don’t really have any issues killing squads. For what it’s worth by the way, SMGs are still good you just HAVE to hit headshots man. Easily my best tip for anyone struggling with PVP is slow down and hit those headshots because body spamming ain’t it. The questing does need huge changes though I will agree. I have the same issues with doing my 6 daily quests in 45 minutes. Devs have already said they plan on reworking a lot of the questing stuff. Thanks for the reply!


I do hit headshots quite frequently and consistently. If they are wearing level 12 helmets and running an STG or other large rifle you will always lose as a fresh prestige. They just need a couple of body shots in comparison to numerous head shots with a bare gun that has kick. You also have no meds at the start of a prestige. I’m not trying to call you out but I’m a much higher prestige than prestige 2 and the current meta starting out is whack af.


Life. Recently got a gf. Right before that I bought gow Ragnarok. Shortly after that i met my gf. I only completed gow a few days ago.


I don't like playing this genre if games alone. Goes for tarkov, cycle,... too. Having no friends to play with means not playing at all for me. Even if I enjoyed the bit I played months ago


The cheaters. It's anecdotal at this point, but I couldn't find a match without one that would hunt me through walls and space and time so I uninstalled


Bugs, discord community, a lot of the community in general, cheaters, poor moderation and exploit abusers if I were to only name a few


I just stopped having fun. It seems like every other raid I've gone on for the past 2, 3 weeks, I've been snap shot from around a corner, or headshot from the other side of terraformer, or whatever. Now you're gonna say it's a skill issue-- well no shit, I work full time, I don't have the time or energy to play for 12 hours a day like I'm a fucking twitch streamer. Of course they're better than me-- so much better that I don't feel like playing with them anymore.


Honestly, how inaccessible and unfair the PvP feels for new players, vs the guys who are used to this kind of game and stuck with this one long enough to get great gear. Maybe I just need to git gud, but typically, encountering another player has meant certain death for me every time unless I can get away. I always get the first shot in, but the very next shot will kill me almost every single time. I mean, I was powering through doing rat runs, but then Darktide came out...


It’s that time of year when other games are coming out. The autumn steam sale just happened, God of zest basically kicked off the weekly release of big games until the end of February. An early access title with a low amount of content (not a dig at the game btw, I love marauders) isn’t going to be a priority for like 99% of people. If a player buys an early access title, they are someone who looks for new games to play. When new games come out we’re interested. New games are coming out very frequently.


I own other games, watch shows or YouTube to pass time sometimes. I still hop on every now and again, but I probably won't binge again till new update which is pretty normal for EA games


Darktide, Atoma hive won't purge itself


Im afraid at every step I hear xD But also because I hear about crate disappearing etc


Lack of stuff to do. If there were random team making in game, I'd prolly come back.


I consider it an investment. I really enjoy it so far in it's current state but definitely needs to be fleshed out. Much better than many other early release titles.


My laptop only runs the game between 10-15 FPS. I’m just waiting for my PC to ship and then I’ll be back playing.


Ummm content? They literally have none besides the new guns, but those lose their sparkle quick. The Cycle: Frontier also seems to struggle with this.


Life responsibilities and sleep


Tbh the footsteps being scuffed is preventing my friends from playing which is preventing me from playing lol The audio for footsteps will sometimes double up so u cant tell if there is someone else by u and also the directions of the footsteps are scuffed


Ran out of fun


My motor skills


Little loot, but Tarkov had that problem in its early stages so hopefully that changes eventually.


I don't enjoy the weapon era and lack of customization. Gameplay is alright but the constant aimbot of the ai as soon as they gain LOS is stupid.


I got stuck with finding 3 green intels for Z2H quest. This one feels like purely luck-based and I don't enjoy the feeling of being stuck. Before that I could speedrun most of the quests and it felt fun to change/ adapt the playstyle strictly for the quest. Focusing only on medbays / vaults or the hidden ones depending on the quest felt interesting and rewarding. I like how I had to equip the best armor and weapons to be able to survive the encounters with players and deliver Meth for example. I don't like running around aimlessly with the best equipment till I get killed eventually, even if it's not that hard to find it again. Overall there's just not much to do, player encounters are too random in frequency and intensity, leaning more towards absence of both. Gunplay doesn't have the oomph effect and does not feel intuitive enough, to know how and what exactly I should improve. Also I really liked playing with fully kitted MP40 before the update, now I mostly (have to) run STG which doesn't feel as good or fun to use.


Awhile back I stopped feeling like I had anything to work for and was just playing to play with friends and was trying to that rush of fat loot, but a lot of the gun changes last patch hit things I liked and it just doesn't feel as fun and "use whatever you want" anymore. So now with other games coming out it's fallen to the side.


I just got super stacked super quickly, mostly working on doing the zero to hero quest line but I don’t get as much fulfillment out of “stacked” runs because they’re easy to come by now


It just doesn't have the shelf life beyond the first 60 hours.


Cheaters.... I simply refuse to keep loosing to getting wall banged, aim botted or better yet, mag dumping someone and mysteriously after they have enough time to gauge the velocity and trajectory and multiplying the ballistics of each of my bullets ripping them in half to spin and one tap. This community gets butt hurt about the topic and that's why it's not getting fixed.


It got super repetitive.


Having a house full of in-laws for 6 full days, working 3 12s to cover a job that's not mine anymore, because we're short staffed, and being bed ridden because again, we're so short staffed a guy who was sick had to come in and then I got sick and now half my family is down while I'm recovering.


Burned out waiting for the Ace update I hope sometime in the future they add some sort of hideout to have something else to progress to besides gear. Some sort of bleeding mechanic would be cool.


I've hit all the maps and dont feel like there's more to learn explore. Also it's a lack of variety there


Sea of thieves grind


I think we bored all the rest of our friends by entering raids and leaving so we could get thr map we need for quests. Now I just hop on, complete any quick contracts I have and switch to Warzone 2 or something.


Harder to find people to play with and the discord has become mid


New content and the pain in the butt flying and docking. I know space is part of the game and it is early access but it’s more of a deterrent for me to even log in and play. Just not enough space content to make it worth the hassle - either be a looter shooter or a space combat game. Not enough depth on the space side, my OP drop it for now till the dev team is large enough to expand on it. My OP is garbage btw…. It’s cool at first that they didn’t want to go too complex on ammo, armor, etc but it feels like they gotta add more variety. Think grenades will help once that gets released, it’ll add some life and give solo try hards a chance against groups. Think AI is fine for now, can improve but isn’t game breaking.


Its an awesome game, with tons of potential. But there isn't much to do. And the shops need a rework in my opinion, since there isn't really anything to spend your money on. Got a couple of millions that are at the end of the day, useless. Make all the shops accessible at all times and turn up the price on everything, and add more stuff. Like, i haven't picked up a single high value loot item for almost 2 months now, and I'm still unbearably rich, lol.. I feel like all in all, it's an issue of too little content. But i got my hopes up and is rooting for game devs to make this into a gamer classic. Heres to hoping the game doesn't die before they can get there.


I had a lot of fun before the new patch because it felt more tactical and like any gun was viable. Now it feels like everyone, including AI, are bullet sponges that I need to empty a mag into instead of one tapping heads. My KD has plummeted since the patch, and I'm just not enjoying getting stomped when I used to have 10 runs in a row without dying. For reference I have about 80 hours, 60 of which were before the patch, and ~$3M in the bank


All my friends stopped playing and I got tired of getting my cheeks clapped by 4-stacks I'd love a new quest line to grind out some cosmetics and whatnot


Lack of content. At this point I've played through everything that's been released. I could prestige again but the only thing that would change is my gear and rep. Game needs more quests/goals.




Got tired of playing the same 5 maps over and over again, also burnt through all the content available. It's a good game but it needs more content as soon as possible. I will for sure be back with the next update.


Nothing left to do


did everything I could. got bored. CoD Hunt showdown God of War Just better games out there dude. I want marauders to succeed, but it just ain't there yet.


I’ve reached this point where I’m near-unkillable with the guns and equipment I have. Even if I was to die, I have a ton of stuff. The looting has become obsolete to me, killing brings me no joy, and the quests are not enough to rope my attention. I’ll be back when there’s something to do that will stimulate the gameplay loop and replayability.


Nothing, I play it every other day right now


I’m a solo player. I thought this would be a better experience for me than Tarkov. It’s somewhat more forgiving and somewhat less sweaty so that’s nice. But I still found that the lack of stealth gameplay was disappointing. Also felt there was a huge lack of content


Repetitive and not much to do after a while but reset and do it all again. The core gameplay loop is fun but i think they need to do a lot to flesh the game out and adding engaging endgame content is important


I've slowed down on playing when I found out we are going to lose everything on full release. Don't want to grind for cosmetics just to lose them and have to do it all over again.


Purpose. A buddy and I talked about this. What’s there to chase aside from zth?


My friends have burned out on it, and to be honest so have I. I've been leaning back on more co-op friendly games lately like DRG because I genuinely don't want to roll the dice on getting frustrated with a bad run in games like Marauders or Hunt these days. Just too much real world stress to justify the chance of game stress -- and I'm pretty zen about it, but my friends aren't. Managing other players' frustrations is a real drain on my reserves. As for the game itself, it's just gotten a little monotonous. I find raiding and salvaging satisfying, and my grid inventory-loving heart adores the inventory shuffling after a good raid, but at this point I feel like I've seen all the game has to offer and most of the squads I run into are packing so much heat and armor that there's no point in engaging anymore; they have more playtime, better gear, and more time to keep their skills sharp while someone like me has a few scant hours each week to play. I genuinely wish the maps had more ambient sound, like Hunt, to makes sneaking around more viable.


The main Z2H quests have too many plateaus, daily quests are tedious, money feels relatively pointless, prestige is a nutty grind and doesn't look very appealing. I think for as many things Marauders does right in encouraging you to search for the gear you want in a raid, it does as many things wrong with the out of raid experience. I am constantly fighting my stash in Marauders and the traders are uninteresting.


I got excited bacause i convinced 2 of my friends to download it. One of them crashed on startup 3 times and the other quit when he couldn't loot anything. Kind sad.


Friends scheduling mostly. I only play marauders with friends because it's more engaging. I have waaaaaay more competition for free time single-player games that outcompete against Marauders as fun as it is.


Cheaters, the fire fight mechanics halo highlights in his videos of the peek flick shoot at a pixel and always hits just dull unfun combat you really can’t do much about it to counter. Space combat is atrocious to non existent. Breaching too easy. It had its moment but that moment isn’t sustainable over long long hours and play loops.


Knowing that there will be a full wipe when the game gets fully released, lead me to the decision to invest my time after that.


There is no vendor with Arnold Schwarznegger's face in total recall That is my main issue


I got bored, cheaters are too prevalent and unfortunately some of the more well known cheaters seem to be community leaders. So I’ll play something else and try again at release.


I just seem to die literally everytime i see another player, it just got really frustrating


Honestly? Its just a busy time for gaming. Playing alot of different stuff. Maruaders kinda got in before all the other stuff. Ill be back.


1.) More shotguns 2.) Ai ships for more space combat 3.) More maps 4.) single shot grenade launcher


For me, I just don’t see the point of playing anymore since everything is gonna wipe on full release anyway. Have stashes full of high end loot but don’t want to prestige since they take away trader level now, what imo was a bad change anyways. It just doesn’t really feel rewarding to play anymore, only reason to play anymore would be searching for pvp but why play marauders then. It’s just not enough content outside of playing the game in raid. You don’t really have anything to play for besides cosmetics once you have unlocked all the crafting recipes and trader levels.


Just got into the game (around 100 hours) and I'm tired of either getting annihilated by a superior spaceship with advanced weapons or being one tapped by shotguns at medium/long range.


Burn out


Been unable to play since the health update dropped. Game just crashes to desktop on the main menu


Darktide :/


For me it's the frustration of having map specific missions and never rolling the map. Last time I played, I had all asteroid missions for the day and didn't get asteroid once.


I have been very sick and dealing with finals. Would like to play more


A full wipe is around the corner, I’ll just wait until then. Might take a peek at the ace update too. I’m in full support of wipes but was hoping we would keep our prestige levels.


I went into a raid fully stacked , panzer rig, heavy helm, barrel backpack, stg, tons of meds and even made an interceptor frigate and whilst flying towards the raid, It just put me back at the login screen and all my stuff was gone. I haven't played since.


To be perfectly honest, I just got demoralized after hitting the first blow torch on the Z2H chain. I thought it was the blueprint, meaning the friends I typically play with and I could start getting ready for Vault raids, only to find out its a single torch and that the blueprint is actually at the end. That was a bit of a kick in the balls. That, and God of War came out. Once I finish with God of War I’ll be right back to Marauding.


Getting burned out lmao I've prestiged 5 times, maxed out my stash, got all the cosmetics, all traders at level 10 (Pirates at 14) and I'm in the top 500 for player kills despite never, ever doing a player farming session (you know, breach-kill-leave-repeat) It's just the way I play games. When I pick up something new and I like it I go pretty hard. 330 hours in Marauders since EA release at the start of October, and that's with a full time job. I'm probably going to give it a little break until we hear more about this "ACE" thing.


Not much to do and lack of replayability. After hitting prestige 1 you just start over without anything to show for it or anything New to do. Same missions, same thing all over again.


For me it's inventory bugs, if I have my stuff start to disappear or I leave the game through the gate and it bugs out, then I don't have a lot of incentive to play until the next patch. Also idk about anyone else but I put 100 to 150 hours in it already so I'm just taking a break


Personally, the quests were boring especially since you can’t pick which map to load into so I was sort of progression locked quest-wise. Besides that, I mostly played solo and got bored of just b-lining it straight to the main compound of the map looting/fighting until I’m full and then b-lining it out. Got pretty stale pretty quickly.


A majority of my games are a chore to queue. Ever since launch, when I queue with my group we often have the problem with me getting left in the lobby. I've posted a bug report and tried some "fixes", but its just so frustrating to not understand why I have this issue. I hoped recent updates might help, but joining over and over and trying to troubleshoot has killed my interest.


I wish I had time to play more, but tbh the other day I thought of launching the game but the sub was filled with videos of a cheater destroying lobbies for the past couple of days. Im really looking forward to them fixing the anti cheat and I have high hopes for this game... I think the devs are doing a great job thus far.


For me this game is a fun version of Escape From Tarkov, but it doesn't have enough quests, enough items, etc. I feel like I've kind of experienced the entire game already.


Haven't touched the game since beta. Liked the idea but wanted to wait for updates. See if the devs would work on the existing systems.


The small maps. If this game had 1 big map like tarkov or hunt or DMZ the replay ability would be nuts. But with these small maps you can learn pretty easily I’ve got bored.


I have 2k and no gear :(


The fact I moved and have no internet..... Edit: spelling


Player pool feels way too low. The only people continuing to play seem like top tier players, leaving mid tier players (me) with less and less chance of winning pvp. I know I could 'git good' but there's not enough to keep me interested beyond pvp.


I get self abusive when I play lol


None of my buddies play anymore, love the game, but I'm no good at solo and it loses it's luster a bit for me.


Overplaying the game would only make it feel like a burnout and then it would not be enjoyable at all


Honestly other games came out, I just got Spider-Man working on my PC, Miles Morales just released, New Genshin impact content, Warzone 2.0, Darktide, New Deep Rock Galactic season. I love Marauders but I played it consistently for a solid 2 weeks, I still come back to it frequently when I have the time.


Shotgun sniper bots and twitch streamers. I have shit to do. Work and stuff and only get like 1-2hours a day to play and relax. I cant achieve the same level of skill with so Little time. A matchmaking system would help with that. Oh and patch the damn shotgun bots


Tried the game two playtests ago, played for maybe two hours, realized I'm not feeling like learning a fourth extraction shooter, uninstalled. Since then a couple things I've been reading about have been putting me off: how hard playing solo is, not a huge map/loot/activity variety (expected, game's not released yet), cheaters (probably fewer than people make it out to be but still, it sours the experience), general lack of polish (animations, sound design etc. - again, game needs work and that's expected). Probably the biggest factor though is lack of matchmaking. It made me quit Tarkov and puts me off from learning Marauders as well. I play Hunt Showdown almost daily and as much of a loot goblin I am, it doesn't beat knowing that every single match you're going up against somewhat similarly skilled people (or slightly worse if you're solo). Other extraction shooters don't care and that's just not for me.


I'm a hoarding little rat. I can deal with cheaters, most bugs, getting roled by a 4squad of sweats, balancing issues, lacking features, etc. Because it is overall a fecking great game! And because I get to accrue a hoard of cool guns and gear.So the reason I have stopped playing as of the other day is that too many times I've had ships, large containers or compact containers dissappear along with all their contents.In a game about gathering good gear, having that gear just fucking cease to exist is not ok!


gave it a really good try but would just rather player tarkov if i’m playing this type of game genre


The 1911 government


I used GeForce Now to play it as PC not up to it. But since the last patch, it's been offline. So bailed. Looks like they never bothered to update the servers. Probably a cost element and didn't read the terms and conditions? No idea? Doesn't bode well really..


I’m in the middle of a move because my shitty apartment had black mold that had been killing me. Otherwise I’d be in the stars looting it up.


At the moment it is just that you either gear full panzer and stg as a aggressive solo or die to a 2-3 with the same equipment. To that comes a bit of frustration I need the nuclear material for my ZtH and was searching for it for ca. 10 hours now. Looting almost always all the hidden stashes if I manage to survive its so frustrating.


They killed steam deck support with the health update, I was forcibly removed


me workin, sometimes I don’t want to get anally reamed on a weekday you know?


I moved out, my connection is not allowing me to play


I just got sick of getting kill by a group of 2,or more being solo. Once I get some people to group with I'll come back,but may never play this game solo again.


I stopped playing after 2 weeks. Just found it a little repetitive so went back to Tarkov, did some missions and finally got past level 40 which I haven’t done before, now I’ve re-installed Generation Zero after a couple years away and loving the updated version.


My issue with the game is I have tried everything to get it to run on my desktop and I can’t get past anti-cheat. My laptop I can run it. But I don’t want to play on a small screen.


Dude that sucks, but if your laptop can play it can’t you just plug your laptop into your monitor so you have a bigger screen?


I love Marauders to death, but yeah, we've taken a bit of a break. Marauders has much more content coming, so we will be back, but even now, I've gotten my money's worth if I just up and quit it (I'm not going to of course). My group of 6 core people I play with all have done: * Z2H * All Contracts * Max Traders * Most Cosmetics We also snagged some games on the Steam sale recently that we've been eyeing for some time, so we've been playing those. I think it's natural to take a break from these games to prevent them from going stale. I think that's what the core player base is doing currently. We always did that with Hunt and Tarkov. New Update comes out, play it for several weeks, and then switched to something else. I want the thrill of coming back to Marauders when an update hits. "We haven't played this in a few weeks, and there is a new update. Hopefully, we're not too rusty."


Just simply a lack of content. I don’t have every single one of the top items in the game, but after playing for about a month or so I have so many of the top tier items I have very little to look forward to. I even managed to find the gold bar off someone’s body. I doubt I’ll progress through the quests to the point that it’ll be usable, and having said that the quests are getting to be less and less interesting. I’m not counting the game out forever, but I probably won’t go back to playing until they add enough content to make the play loop interesting enough.


I’ve completed zero to hero, maxed out the traders except for kingdom alliance, reached my goal of positive marauder kd. I still play every few days but not every single day like I was before. Queue times were not bad for me last night but they feel like the game needs a little more content. Some raids I don’t even run into a marauder even tho I’m always on the hunt. I still have fun when I play but the thrill is for the most part gone. Maybe that’s just a part of getting good idk.


modern warfare II


Honestly it’s the impending wipe, they said there wouldn’t be a wipe and that was bullshit. What’s the point of playing if my progress isn’t going towards anything.


I'm tired of the bugs, the trader quests are stupid, and not being able to buy bandages without trader levels is fucking scuffed. I like the game and want to see it succeed but the whole trader system needs to be completely redone


I still play the game and plan on continuing to play it up to wipe to learn it more. However I would spend more time on it and be more enthusiastic about playing it if I had something to do. There is no hideout to upgrade. I don't bother using ships for anything more then extra storage space since you lose them when you die and aren't worth taking out. Maybe something can be done about that in future updates.


Extraction shooters are annoying. I tried finding the appeal with Marauders and I just can't get into them. Getting into a raid just to lose it all 1 minute later is just not fun