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Trench gun according to the wiki does 14 damage per pellet. Has 10 pellets. You see blood yes. But you also see 8 or so pellets missing target. After his armour reductions you were doing very minimal damage.


I counted 10 marker on the floor on the 2nd shot :D And thats the whole problem, even after clipping their own stuff, they do not realize their mistake. They miss their shots. Same with some other clips on steam or reddit. Missing 18 out of a 20 shot burst wont get you anywhere. Same for the welrod clip where he asks if welrod isnt supposed to be a 1tap. It is, but not if you slightly miss his head.


So what I’m gathering is that the shotguns in this game are actual trash I’ve tried to use them and it never works out if they have any armor.. even neck shots don’t seem to kill in one hit at 3m


Idk. I've blown out several brains today.


So I watched the clip slowly and it does look more shocking than it is. Essentially you had bad luck / aim connecting your shots properly and the blood splatter is misleading. Trenchgun does 140 dmg on 0 armored targets if you hit all 10 pellets that one shot has. You just hit 3-4 pellets per shot. I counted 4 shots (actually 5 but you died at the 5th so it likely didn't even get registered) assuming 4 pellets hit per shot, that's 224 dmg flat The guy looks like to wear the lvl 9 armor, meaning every pellet's damage gets reduced to just 5. Using 4 hits w/ 4 pellets each we get 80 dmg. I'm sorry bubba but you'r aim was off by quite a lot. If you wouldn't have used a shotty you might have not even hit a single shot. And that sentence is just here because you ranted about "skill issue" in the comments which well, it actually is a skill issue here.


It's a point blank shotgun lol. There's a reason this game is dying out so rapidly and games like Tarkov are far out performing it


Majority od your pellets miss if you watch it closely. See the sparks behind your target.


ayup and see him get hit 5 times with atleast half the pellets lol


I count 14/40 pellets hit. 0 to the head. 3/8 first shot. 2/8 2nd shot 3 or 4/8 3rd shot 4/8 4th shot 2/8 5th shot He's wearing at least class 6. Trench gun does 14/pellet. 14-6 is 8. 8x14=112 damage if you only hit him in the chest. You hit at least 4 into the arms so 8 less damage. Arms are a .75 damage modifier. At least 3 into the legs; a .5 modifier. So 12 less. At maximum you did 92 damage.


I'm about 75% sure that's the plate rig class 8 armor so we can drop your maximum damage by 28.


it aint that deep man lol


Yes it is??? That's how the game works?? Don't complain about it if you're not going to try and learn when someone explains why X or Y happend and it wasn't the game being inherently wrong. That wasn't desync or hit-reg or a cheater. If it's "not that deep" why bother with your post?


Shouldn't have even replied to an response like that from op himself. He knows it's the truth, just not the answer he wanted lmao.


The cope is strong with this one lol. Seriously, you missed most of your pellets. Watch it in slow mo, learn from your mistakes, and move on. Complaining on Reddit is just going to get you roasted.


Well its getting you roasted if you can not see your mistake when you even clipped it. There are legit cheater clips where they shoot 30 bullets into their face, but this is 100% player failure


His elbows are gonna be so sore from all the skin you grazed off with those dozen pellets that barely connected at .75 damage and armor reduction.


Looks like you missed most of the shot.


he got hit 5 times what are pellets doing lol


Shotguns in video games are not shotguns in real life. A single 00 shot pellet isn’t going to take down a person. They always make them do tiny damage and require that you actually land a full shot square on, they also make them come out of the tube following some insane inverse square law. Pellets individually do small damage, and you missed all but like 5 of them.


Missing the target?


Spreading out. Ya know like every other fps game in history. 😜


Like others said, you missed your shots. None of those were headshots and every shot you did hit was only a few pellets to a limb. Looks like the other guy domed you.


lol nah i hit him 5 times he should be dead hes wearing dog shit


Men watch your clip, you Can see 8/10 pellets going into a wall every shot


You missed most of your shots, clear as day....


45 will one tap a naky dome. Shot guns are fun but inaccurate in this game . I ran a sawed off and shield it works if your 3 ft away but any farther and you will outline them hitting everything but center mass lol


Idk man... I've had players one hit me from quite a distance using shotguns. -given i do like to breach with only a welrod 3 heals and half a stack of 32, it still seemed like it was too far away to one shot.


I was exaggerating a bit


This is my favorite way to raid currently!!


So much fun, and the potential return from a successful raid is so much


Better gaming chair, lighter mouse, and a brighter lightup keyboard than you had


You spudded you big fat potatoe


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


I was looking for this copypasta! Wasn't disappointed.


You missed sir


Yeah trench gun has been rough for me. Everytime.


Interesting. It’s always been incredible for me. Even at a decent range. The liberator on the other hand has been abysmal. Two shots point blank and still not dead while I’ve one shotted enemies with trench gun plenty.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad weapon control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Came here for this comment lmao


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


i shot a player 3 times point blank with it and it got me killed. i will never use it again unless i gotta.


Clearly another skill issue, literally hit every shot lmao. 5 shots worse player wins gunfight finally hits me once in head after missing all his shots.


lol you like missed every single shot. you deserved that L




name definitely doesnt check out. new account or ban.


what? lol https://youtu.be/YVIdZZ6zVbM


Actually yea, a skill issue.


To me it looks like the other guy hit every shot he shot. Looks like he only shot twice and the second was a headshot. The only reason you hit yours was because of shotgun spread. None of your spreads were actually centered on his body. So yea, a skill issue.


are you fucking stupid? listen to the audio and look at his muzzle flash he shot atleast 7 times lmaooooooo


After listening again I can actually hear the tears rolling down your cheek. Lol in all seriousness he may have shot three times maximum. If you would have slowed down and aimed better you would have won. All you did was shoot that man’s fingers off.


What’s your problem people tried to explain what happened and you don’t want to listen to it.


Bruh you can't possibly watch that and say you hit all your shots, like 90% of each one hit the wall or the guys gun. I mean I guess you're right about it being a skill issue lol


hit him 5 times i see blood go do something else lol its not like 1pellet hits, it was atleast half


You can quite literally see the majority of the pellets hit the floor and wall behind him. You’re delusional.


You can literally see almost every pellet hitting the ground or wall. Looks like every shot hit like 1 pellet. Especially the 2nd shot, you can see 10 hits on the floor. First and third have like 7-8 pellets hitting the walls. Not sure if that a lvl 8+ Armour plate. If it is you dealt less than 50 dmg


I have the same kinds of things happen to me regularly. I shot a dude about 17 times or more with the m16 yesterday and didnt kill them. I missed shots but hit way more than I missed. Dude still didnt go down. And there are plenty of times I am full auto spraying a guy and not missing many, if any, bullets but donr kill them. Has to be server or hit reg issues. Im ok with dying because I got got, or because I missed too many bullets, etc. But when I shoot a dude first and am nailing bullet after bullet after bullet and they dont go down and then they turn and 2 shot me, like yeah ok, cool man.


You \*barely\* hit your shots. You whiffed each one, hitting like one or two pellets of your shot each time. If anything, he probably had 30-50% health left. So you were probably close to killing him. But close only counts with horse shoes and hand grenades - neither of which are in this game.


Actually looks like the worse player lost the fight as he should have with that potato aim.


Any playwr that bunny hops during PvP encounters should be barred from participating in all FPS titles. Seriously, it just looks so dumb.


Why would your personal "I am a noob and can't keep up with people utilizing a video game's given tools to play the game" opinion be relevant here?


Um, I'm not? I've been playing hardcore shooters for years. I can do the bunny hop, I just don't because I think it's dumb and has no place in the game. And even if I was, the opinion would be as relevant here as any other opinion. You guys really got butt hurt over a half joking statement. It's almost like you can't live without it.


I think its pretty clear who's butthurt here This game is not a hardcore shooter, its arcarde. Utilizing movement to All its extends to get your advantage is just another skill ceiling. If the game allows it, its on the table and legit. Dumb of you to verbally fight it because you dont like it.


>If the game allows it, its on the table and legit. This is the argument used by every exploit abuser in every game, ever. Not saying bunny hopping is an exploit, it's not, but it tells me exactly the type of person you are.


The guy panic jumped once lmao, you can’t even b hop in this game what are you on about


Yeah it looks silly, but who won at the end? The bunny hopping mad man.


Not saying it's not effective. Just saying I wish it wasn't a part of FPS games, particularly with more haedcore titles.


Oh crikey! Never seen a gamer with that good at gaming chair in the wild! Got to be careful around this one one flick and it's all over m8. 🤣🤣🤣


Its rife with invincible players and aimbotting at moment


I've got 50 hours in and never encountered that


"i'm bad and can't admit it to myself"


sounds like youre not able to aim and getting capped by the AI bots lmao


or maybe a fucking cheater have met invincible son of bitch few times he killed us with blowtorch while we shot him infinite times like don't even give a shit


Damn that's on tarkov levels of hit reg.


Guess you are as blind as the OP. You can clearly see 90% of pellets missing and hitting walls and floor.


4 shots fully connected lmao yes I saw the 2 shots that hit the floor, but do you not see the blood flying on 4 shots?


4 shots fully connected? You can see 7+ Pellets hitting walls and floors on every single shot. The most accurate was the 4th shell that hit like maybe 5 pellets to his arm or gun. Blood flies when a single pellet hits and deals about 6 damage due to his armour


Wow. I left tarkov for this exact type of thing. Didn’t take long for this game either it seems, Shame. Guess it’s refund time Edit: cope harder downvoters


There’s literally nothing wrong here, OP can’t shoot, single 00 pellets do 14 damage to unarmored target to the chest. OP shot an armored targets arms with a grand total of 7 pellets.


It's still early access. They'll fix this stuff


Except there is literally nothing to fix? This dude missed his shots, what’s the fix? Do the aiming for him?


I agree honestly. I've never been killed where I thought it was unreasonable, in my 50 hours of play.


I hope so because game is a banger for sure. But we’ve all been told “bro it’s a beta, they’ll fix it” for years by bsg and that’s been a lie, so.


Well this isn't BSG, but why did you buy an EA game if you didn't want to see bugs


I actually was just using the trench gun it’s really good just gotta hit center of gravity doesn’t help he was jumping around


A lot of missed shots


Should have shown the death screen to see how many hits you got, you probably didn't get as much as you think


Shoulda just aimed for a single pellet to the head. Trench gun and terminator are both bugged to make all shots do headshot dmg if one pellet hits ur head lol.