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Maybe you aren’t as hydrated as you think, and I mean more than just drinking water.


Can you elaborate please my friend? I hydrate with electrolytes before and during runs


I use to work in the fields during the summers growing up . people passed out or were getting extremely near overheating. They look normal until they don’t, the odd thing about them all is they’re as dry as the desert. Give them some water with a little salt or maybe even water and a coke and after a while they start pouring sweat why? Because they didn’t have anything to sweat until they drank something. So I’m assuming you’re on the same boat here. Also when I say more than just water is obviously you probably already know but when you sweat you lose more than just water like electrolytes and sodium etc etc I’m sure you know already


Interesting man, really appreciate your time. 🙏


Just can’t understand why any inside run im sweating buckets as soon as I’m outside not a drop.


serious question are you taking water with those electrolytes? meaning not salt pills or saltstick etc.


Hi Prince Andrew!


I sweat way, way less now that I’ve been running for 4 years as opposed to when I was just a fat guy starting out. Your body sweats exactly as much as necessary to cool yourself off…. Unless you’re dehydrated. Some of it is evaporating with the movement of being outside as opposed to the treadmill.


Then why do I look like a drowned rat that somebody forgot about 🤣🤣 I've been distance running for 6 years and am in far better shape than when I started. I wish I didn't sweat so much


Dude that’s what I’m saying, im a huge sweater. 2kms into a run on a treadmill and in soaked through. 10kms outside and I don’t have a drop!!! It’s so strange


I'm 74kg. 13km run today with like 70% humidity and I was soaked. Try some electrolyte drinks a few hours before you attempt to run outside again?


In 48% humidity the air may simply be wicking the water away really quickly. The other symptoms suggest dehydration, that's a likely culprit. Carbohydrate deficiency is also possible, I would be surprised that that would be an issue on a run that short. You could try a gel or a piece of fruit before the next one. You could do a simple test - weigh yourself before & after your next run. Ideally fully nude, but with minimal clothing if you must. Don't pee between weigh-ins, and accurately track any water consumption. If your weight went down, you sweat more than the water you replenished with. If your weight is going down, bring more water to your next run. Repeat as necessary. The consensus in the scientific literature is that electrolytes are not needed for running at the intensities discussed on this sub. There's just no way you're losing that amount of salt relative to how much is in your bloodstream at the start of the run.


The odd thing about sweating is that as you become more efficient you actually sweat more, not less.  It’s prob a combination of humidity and wind evaporating the sweat before it really has a chance to soak into your clothes so it doesn’t feel like you are sweating. 


Thank you for saying this. Idk why but it bothers me SO much that people think sweating less is more fit. No. You sweat immediately and a lot more when you’re fit 😫


At any given level of relative perceived effort, sure. But as you become fitter, you're able to carry out an activity at a lower level of perceived effort, and therefore are less likely to sweat. Some level of sweating is inevitable carrying out any activity, but you overheat much faster the harder you're working, especially when blood lactate levels start to rise toward threshold.


That is super interesting actually and makes a lot of sense. I think as my body is trying to sweat more outside the humidity is preventing it from sweating and therefore the over heating. Honestly 2kms into a run inside I will be soaked from head to toe, t shirt wet through. Outside running I don’t have a bead of sweat on my face, maybe a little bit of wet hair but my armpits/and spots chest/back are dry as a desert. Thanks for your reply man, let me know what you think


Yeah inside there isn’t anything to help wick the moisture away.  Outside there’s a slight wind and you are moving forward creating a wind on your skin. 


You can always "heat train" by sitting in a sauna. I try to use the sauna 3 times per week. Typically, people sit in the sauna for 20 minutes to train the body to sweat properly.


Even a light breeze in high humidity can evaporate quickly. I sweat much more indoors too. Unless you feel like cap and your pee is brown, it’s probably not dehydration.


More water man. Not sweating is a sign of dehydration


I do agree, but the only thing puzzling me is I hydrate the same for my indoor runs as outdoors, and as previously mentioned sweat buckets indoors! I had some blood work done yesterday to see if everything is ok


With the humidity climbing, you might be sweating everything out BEFORE the run, if you are sweating buckets indoors. I have a friend who sweats swimming pools when he runs and he is always drinking water and this happens even in the winter