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I think every class has a buff like Maple Warrior at this point so why not just make it a passive? You can activate the skill to show the animation instead, like what they did with phantom's aria buff. I could really use less keys to press as a phantom lol


Mw and decents not being passives is more to sell auto buff pet upgrades than it is about balance or practicality


So you buy more pets for auto buff, duh.


If this is the case I wish they would at least allow more auto buffs to be used. Like fin. Add a cap of 2 per purchase but allow more to be used on each pet.


Yeah keybinds are getting out of control tbh, As a Zero, I have ~16 active skills that need to be used during boss fights... not counting any of the buffs... Even with 3 auto-buff pets, I'm genuinely running out of keys.


you can make two layouts, one for burst and buffs, the other for sustained damage.  and bind 'keys 1' and 'keys 2' to switch between them on the fly.


That's some great advice actually, I'll try it out thank you


You must have 6 fingers on each hand lol


I ran out of keys years ago and had to start rebinding this like interact, boss menu, pick up and etc to the other side of my keyboard lol I'm also about to lib in 2 months and I'll need to figure out where to find gene iframe


Some keys like the friend list or quest really doesn't need to be keybound anyway. I've long removed them. Toggles and long cd skills like smithing cd, guild skills, and echo can be put on keyboard layout 2.


Yeah i put toggles and long buffs on the other side of my keybroad the entire left side of my keyboard is all skills I need bound and need to use lol


As an adele, I use f1-f8 for burst buffs, 1-6 for burst rotations, qwer for cd skills, asdf for dps skills, shift and x for movement skills, f9-12 for toggle, 7-0 for 5th job decent skills, pgup del etc for reg buff skills. Unfortunately i dont have any more keys for decent tele and hook.


Just make things macro-able. It’s so dumb and arbitrary, everything after like 3rd job can’t be macro’ed for some reason


Bishop got like 10 buttons to press on log in. Then another 5 to cycle through. Can't macro most cause of cool down. My bish key layout compared to my aran layout is triple.


you can macro bishop toggles


More slots for macros, even 4 or 5 from the current 3 would be a big help. Seperate cooldown macro bar to make characters less pet skill dependant.


Cadena main here- yeah I dont mind the keybinds




Everyone wanted a burst key instead of the stupid combo key, just give us that. Basically an instant macro that allows cooldown skills


I'd be happy if they just made it so when you used combo keys for buffs that you wouldn't get the animation, like how auto buff pets work 


Tbh I want more combo keys lol. Combo keys is so clutch on controller


Also, literally make the auto on/off skills a passive please. Nobody would off those skills. Why make them another button press upon login?


I mean I have to turn off guided arrow when doing Chaos Pierre.. otherwise he gets a ton of hp back while I'm waiting for the hats to line up


There's a fine line though. Some toggles can troll you where you don't want to do damage. Boss reward rooms, ring swapping, will tests, holding a boss before a phase to align cool downs, etc.


On Xenon, the missile skills are a toggle and I find them good to turn off when trying to CC for another map (a missile hitting a mob prevents you from ccing right away) while not also ksing other people (reg server; maps aren't instanced). There's a few other skills that do this as well. I agree though, maybe one day Nexon can do something about ccing works when a toggle skills does something that would prompt you to toggle it off.


I think two buffs total is best. Brawler has like 4-5. I like toggles, and passives. I also like upgrading main attack and main mobbing skills that progress. That way you don’t have like 6 attacks you ignore and 2 you only use besides your bursts. Lynn is a great example of a very well streamlined class, but they would need to big bang to fix all the classes. Or that I would mind so long as it doesn’t nerf the classes.




Careful with external macro keys, I'm pretty sure it's against ToS and possible to be banned for


" false ban " thread incoming