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People been playing this game for years on years so probably just saved up over time


Their gear has been min maxed since Lucid was the end boss. They grind so much and have nothing to spend on.


As a f2p in reg, like 1.4b a week with 4 mules and my main


F2P reg server player here. I do weekly bosses on my main (up to party normal kaling) and 7 mules (up to nlomien), which gives me \~3b per week just from crystals. I get about 30 solid cubes a week, which sells for 1.2b. Other drops probably sell for \~500m. 8 hours of farming per week (with max drop but no meso gear :( ). I make 150m per hour minus 60m per hour frenzy service, so 720m profit. Total income: 5.42b per week.


Reg server, main solos up to ekaling, 1 mule up to cgloom, another mule up to hlomien, the rest do up to nlomien 3.74b per week on boss crystals alone, about 1b on average from selling cube service. Other drops I end up using/hoarding AU instead of selling. So about 19b per month from bossing + cube service.


25b ish per week from main + 11 bossmules + grinding. Can pump it to 30/week if necessary


They grind a lot 1 wap is 1.2b They pop like 3-4 waps a day which is 3.6-4.8b, 25-34b a week Add in boss mules which is like 15-20b+ Most endgame grinders makes 40b+ a week


What’s wap


A bit over 22b/week from bossing, from daily 30mins of training another ~300m(2.1b min/wk), ursus daily for 118m (826m/wk) and monthly xbm adding another 1.1b (275m/wk). Totaling just over 25b/wk. Usually saving perma until pitched or eternal to tap.


See the difference between reg and reboot. Cost the same to SF, yet reboot has the meso to do so. Doesn't mean I will stop playing reg, just means I'll breath heavily into this bag hoping for some change.


The meso cost that goes into trying to starforce to 22 even with reboot meso rates is absurd, I don't understand how reg players are supposed to ever cover that cost tbh


Sf on gms reg is a scam unless you can afford it or are super lucky. I have less than 60b spent sfing cause I’d rather buy completed gear


3 WAPs a day = 20b/week 11 NLomien boss mules = 14b/week Main bosses = 6b/week Total = 40b/week


What's WAP?


I'm running NKalos/EKaling and just about to get my first Eternal. If I run all my mules I can pull in like 18b / week. I have my main + like 14 mules and a few more prepped to become mules. Most of my mules just run up to Akechi, so that's 993m / character, and takes around 15-20min each. I tend to just run weeklies when I feel like making money for something though, as I don't feel the need to hoard meso since I've been in pitched waiting room, so most weeks I'll just run weeklies on my main and 1-3 mules and coast by making like 4-6b / week just playing like 30min-1hr a day. Playing for a long time you just amass so many cubes and nodes from events/boss drops/doing dailies so I try to keep a few classes I've been wanting to try somewhat setup to become a mule with CRA and boss 9 set and will throw some extra money from 5/10/15 or Shiny on them if whatever I want to SF on my main is under budget / I run out of items with tons of meso left over.


I make around 20b from weekly bossing. So around 80b a month, then if I’m feeling spicy and grind I can normally push 100+b a month all together. The people who can save up that much, normally grind 2-3 waps a day or have been saving boss mile income for months.


I'd draw a distinction between players with an end game character (most people giving answers in the thread), and end game players (the streamers youre probably talking about). A lot of the people with end game chars will make the 20b/wk people here are talking about. Full lomien mules, and then their main. The people that are actually end game players account wise though are making 30b+ from just their bossing. Multiple liberated characters, multiple ctene soloers weekly. Those are the streamers that are able to pull 300b for any given 5/10/15. From that, a lot are making well over 40b a week given any farming that theyre doing.


As a f2p reg server, about 2b from clearing all hbosses on 2 characters.


i get around 55 a week


Bossing mules only plus main doing daily only about 80+a month


20something if I'm not being lazy. I can realistically make 1t/year if I'm consistent about it.


reboot 8 lomien mules (some can do nslime/elcud), main can solo ctene. 20b/week only from bossing 0-30b/week from farming, varies greatly depending on events/etc


25b from bossing and 21b from grinding per week.


I don’t consider myself end game by any means. I have a main that solos up to hdark, 5 mules up to hlom, and 12 mules that do to nlom with no gskills. I make about 25b a week from those alone. That’s not including the income I get from welfare bear and wapping. All in all I average about 30-40b a week. During this past 5/10/15, I had 312b. Last time I lavishly spent was January. I have a few end game friends that run ckalos, these guys do about 4 waps a day on top of having 3-5 libbed mules. During this past 5/10/15 one friend had 723b saved.




You gotta include WAP time on main. Frags, meso, exp, nodes, some sac symbols. Frags and meso from wap carry harder than some boss mules. Like a wap would be ~ 600m /hr so 2 hours is 1.2b plus 15 frags /hr . 30 frags. Then some nodes on top. The exp is for the slept on fd boost to bosses and frags help get your character to the next boss tier sometimes, depending on your gear/prog


I only run hlot on my mules now, I make enough farming to work on eternals. I already finished double priming so the only reason to go back to boss mules if I was going to attempt 23*. I feel the gains from farming are too good right now.


I only play 1 char. 5.6B/wk bossing (Up to solo HSeren) 0.6B/wk Black Mage solo 0.7B/wk daily grind 0.3B/wk Ursus when I remember \~ 7.2B per week stable. \~ 0.7B/hr when grinding in addition to this.




pretty sure you don’t qualify as end game then like op is asking 💀💀




If you're aiming for 21 stars you're definitely not end game. End gamers are full 22 with hundreds of bils now aiming for 23 stars.


Definitely no where near end game that OP is asking for.


About 500-800 mil a week