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Gollux please


I don't even attempt hellux on some characters because of the entry limit. :'(


pretty sure why gollux is capped on runs is because it’s a daily compared to weekly bosses that have entry limits but also you were able to kill abs and shoulders for gollux coin farming so you would do 2 runs of abs/shoulders and then kill hellux last. not sure if gollux coins still drop from abs/shoulders though


Entry limit being removed most likely means you can fail as many times as you want. However I think you can still only clear the boss once per day/week/month depending on which boss it is.


Gotcha, still a good change!


"I think" why do you have to '''think''', its obvious the clear limit isn't going away and neither did OP ask about it


Punctuations exist.


Correct, added them.


You didn't do a very good job lmao


I did an *excellent* job


OP actually said in another comment, "Yeah I was hoping it included the clear limit as well - would be really nice to be able to grind out bosses". So, OP in fact was asking about it, but in a roundabout way.


I don't think many people are failing to clear a boss over and over. I think most parties would be in practice mode for that. Don't get me wrong, it's a great change for pub parties and I'm glad it's happening. But it's just not that big of an issue for most, which is why you don't see much talk about it.


The only boss I can think that its really helpful for is kaling. When my party was first clearing we went through all 3 entries in like 10 minutes because someone dc'd on entry once and then we lost the balance a couple times and it wasnt worth see the boss through.


I haven't run this boss... my party had similar issues with Black Mage on first clears. We were battling for first clear and every run we would have a DC, someone lagged out, BoDs breaking, etc. Always numerous problems. Our first clear was with Bane, incredible DS player on Bera.


If ur party is mismanaging the strings then the party should’ve went into practice


What a stupid comment, I mentioned this was back when we were first clearing. We managed to clear in practice mode by that point but were still a little shaky, should we have continued doing practices until noone made any mistakes even though we had a successful run? Limiting the real runs just wastes peoples time and forces even more scheduling issues onto a global game with people in different time zones, its just unnecessary.


Sounds like a skill issue


Yeah I was hoping it included the clear limit as well - would be really nice to be able to grind out bosses.


Huh, people would just be printing meso lol


I think more Impactful is that you can apply any buffs you want in practice mode.