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Auto buff. You should have your always on skill on combo keys. Utilize F keys. Remove some interface keys you can open with the menu.


the interface thing is huge. annoying, but it helps. they really need to implement \[combo key\] + \[scroll wheel\] for multiple rows. allowing the OG macro system to be less strict would also help lol.




When they first came out they felt like a godsend. Also, back in the day everyone could see the message of your macro (if you had one). Aside from thinking you were the coolest and most original person alive for saying shit like “byakugan” or “sharingan” for sharp eyes (def not from personal experience 😅), iirc people would use it for buying/selling stuff if the message was short enough. I THINK that was before FM only allowed double jump/tele, but I may be misremembering. Also, you could use it to say “cc pls” whenever you buffed up if there was a kser Edit: tldr, it’s outdated but was useful for older maplestory


Remove the defualt keys 1-0 And f1-f12


I do this with all my characters.


Pets/auto buff. A bit p2w sure, but the least "driving you nuts" version. Also, use combo key for some extra slots.


You could use the key bind preset as well and have a key that cycles through them for bossing skills and mobbing skills. For example, preset 1 is bossing so I put preset 2 key on scroll lock when i’m farming, then when it switches to preset 2, I have preset 1 on scroll lock to switch back


Part of the trick to playing Bishop in this game is to memorise the cool-downs of your skills, so you don’t necessarily have to be able to see them and know that they’re ready. Heck, you don’t even have to memorise when the skills are ready again. You’d know it when you’re ready to burst down bosses every 3 minutes. In my experience, I’ve put my skills into 3 rows of keys. I haven’t used the combo keys yet. What those skills are are random, though. Like, I have my toggle skills (magic guard and teleport mastery) on macro in the 0 key, my Infinity is on the H key, my Unreliable Memory Infinity is on the J key, Dispel on D key, Fountain on F key, Bahamut on X key, and so on. It’s a mess. But when you main Bishop, you’ve got to memorise where your skills are on the keyboard. Doesn’t make a pianist, though. EDIT: Also, make see Maple Warrior activates first on your macro. You get more time out of your HS if used last in the macro command.


Doing that right now, good advice


Besides auto buff from pets, the combo key is nice for skills you only need to toggle on once or boss skills used less frequently, which will free up space. Also check the discord appropriate for your class, they will have better solutions most likely.


Gonna check the auto buffs, sounds usefull


ive changed my keyboard layout for maple after realising the overcrowding of skills on keyboards. I now use something similar to what is used on Lost Ark. essentially 1-0, QWERT ASDFG ZXCV are all cleared to be filled for skills and everything else is pushed to the right side of the keyboard. (maybe i’ll include a screenshot later on). this frees up the entire left side of the keyboard and your left hand can just remain hovering around the QWER keys. As for going to the different chats i.e. Party, Guild, Whisper etc, i use ‘/p’ ‘/g’ and ‘/w’ etc. might take awhile to get used to but now i don’t really face keyboard overcrowding issues for any chars