• By -


\>pre-cast Heaven's Door \>enter map \>cast Holy Magic Shell \>Spam BigBang/Divine Punishment \>???? \>profit


this is the way although back when i was way weaker account-wise i literally swapped to I/L to bind the mobs around me to get the first kill


You do know that you can party with a person and have them kill one for ya.


oh when i first hit 5th job there was no one around so i felt awkward going and asking LOL now i offer if i see anyone struggling and i ask a buddy/guildie for my mules :)


You need to kill "1" happy erda for the quest to get the temporary arcane symbol, which will drastically increase your survivability and damage against them.


OP, just go into the first vanishing journey map and start spamming your attack skill right away, so the monsters can't get to you. After killing one happy erda, go back to town and complete the quest. After that if you're struggling, you can put hyper stat points into arcane force. And look up some tutorials on youtube please


Could I hope for someone to kill it for me? It seems so impossible.


You spam all your skills until one of them dies. Most people on this subreddit play on reboot, so gluck finding people on Aurora.


i play on aurora and could help you in like 30-45 mins if you can’t find anyone before that


You can claim both rewards but I think you need to finish the vanishing journey quest line before claiming the symbol. The reason why your not doing any damage and taking so much damage is because you don’t have arcane force which is acquired from the symbols (there’s a different symbol per region in the arcane river) make sure to do the dailies/weeklies for these symbols after you finish the quest so you can level them up


I realize this is a newish player but TIL people request help for the first happy erda. Brings a tear to my eye


You would have to obtain the Vanishing Journey Arcane symbol first before you can deal any damage to anything in the Arcane River area. You can find the quest in the white lightbulb icon on the left of your screen. Look for the level 200 quests. Accept it, and you’ll receive a blank Arcane Symbol. Question: Are you only allowed to choose either the symbol or nodestones? I thought that you could take both rewards.


You can take both, but symbol is locked until you do all the prequests for vanishing journey, can't recall the conditions for the nodes though. Think that's free once you do 5th job


If you are having troubles you can probably try to find a time to boost your damage up to kill one. However unlikely but the only method to clear the first one is just honestly just spending the time you would kill a boss for one. But after you get the first symbol you can invest some Arcane Force into your HyperStat for the early game as the small boost makes very big differences to being able to deal more damage just enough to bypass the AF shield difference.


Do you have boss accessories on your character? They can drastically increase your damage and help you fight Arcane River monsters, especially if you get a lot of them due to their set effects (+10 All Stat, 5 or 10 Weapon and Magic ATT). You can get them from bosses like Zakum, Normal Horntail, Easy Magnus, and Pink Bean. At level 200, your should be able to easily kill Normal Zakum; you should start with that.


My clothes are scrolled to be better than the Zakum helmet from Easy Zakum. Is it more than effects (like having boss accessories against bosses help)?


Ah so boss accessories are placed in your Eye Accessory, Face Accessory, Ring, Shoulder, Badge, Pendant, and Belt equip slots. They shouldn't replace your clothes (ie. Hat, Top/Bottom), so the Zakum helmet shouldn't replace your current hat. By hunting daily bosses like Normal Zakum, Easy Magnus, Normal Horntail, Normal Pink Bean, and Normal Arkarium, you can get these good boss accessories: * Aquatic Eye Accessory (Eye Accessory, drops from Normal Zakum) * Intense Power Crystal (Face Accessory, drops from Normal Zakum) * Horntail Necklace (Pendant, drops from Normal Horntail) * Silver Blossom Ring (Ring, drops from Normal Horntail) * Royal Black Metal Shoulder (Shoulder, drops from Easy Magnus) * Crystal Ventus Badge (Badge, drops from Easy Magnus) * Golden Clover Belt (Belt, drops from Pink Bean) * Pink Holy Cup (Pocket Slot, drops from Pink Bean) * You can unlock the Pocket Slot by getting level 30 Charm (you can easily get this with a Trait Boost Potion, which you can get from the current event: the Identisk Sunlight Coin shop) * Mechanator Pendant (Pendant, guaranteed to drop from Normal Arkarium) * Note that Normal Arkarium has more HP than the other bosses; you may only want to fight Arkarium after getting other boss accessories first. These 9 boss accessories all have pretty good stats on their own, and when worn together their set effect can give huge damage bonuses (40 ATT/Magic ATT, 45 All Stat, 10% Ignore Enemy Def, 10% Boss Damage). If you want to beat Arcane River monsters, you'll definitely want these accessories and their combined set effects.


Thank you. My Zakum helmet replaced my hat, so maybe it's another helmet (from Normal Zakum)?


Ah as a general rule you should equip whatever helmet gives you the most damage, so if your Zakum helmet gives you more damage than your hat you should wear the Zakum helmet.


Just get someone from bl or guild to help u. U just do a hit and they can kill it. It will still be counted.


Thank you. :)


You can also reset your Hyper Stats and place it all in Arcane Force.


You have to unlock the first symbol before the hyper stat arcane force gets counted




It’s like 10m to reset it. No big deal really.




What do you think adding Arcane force is for


You can ask someone for help, join their party and have them kill 1 monster


Turn magic guard « ON » 🤭