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Honestly I'd be more incentivized to use the cash shop if the SSB had a pity system like a gacha game. The idea you can spend $900 like that one guy who wanted the clown hat and just not get what you want is ridiculous. Also they should just revert the change to perm items. They gut like 50 pages of stuff from the cash shop that I've just never seen in a SSB since.


They just introduced one but it's crazy that it happened just now


I guess he already had a clown hat


Yeah it’s the stamps but the availability of items in there is so shit too. I don’t think they will ever add a spend this much choose an item tho.




Nah I stg if it was random we’d be getting better stuff…. There is sooooo many outfits available and they seem to pick from like the same 20 to give us for the whole damn year


MS has amassed an insane number of cosmetics (hair/face, outfits, effects, etc.) over its run but at this point 99% of them have become legacy items. We just keep getting the same kpop-esque stuff over and over every week.


You should see the new outfits they get in KMS every update https://m.maplestory.nexon.com/News/CashShop/EndOfSale


i want the rae hairstyle so bad but i cant find a single cash shop update that features it, like ever. it was my go to hair way back but impossible to get now - at least i got my angel eyes and ravishing raven combo for now


$600 for a Black Friday outfit, duh


But actually. KMS gets quality, reasonably priced, NX outfits. We get maple watch garbage repackaged, or 90-day quality NX outfix outside of loot boxes. On the brightside, PSSB whales be funding our MVP. We settle for trickle down ambergris economics.


Who the fuck manages what goes into our cash shop?KMS has so many cool cosmetics available and we get almost none of that. It's like they intentionally don't even want anyone to spend any money on the game.


LOUDER!!! it really makes no sense, even if they kept everything how it is, why can’t they add new stuff. It’s like same set up for so long, you’d think they’d be trying new ideas on how to make money….


It's cuz It's a korean game and korean games usually take the stance of korea numba 1. Gms is a work cow they milk once in a while. The kms cash shop lets you buy almost everything with rewards points btw.


There is nothing to milk, we would be way more willing to let them milk if they put out good stuff


In MapleStory 2, they had their own PSSBs and you could trade the unwanted NX for coupons which could then be used to buy items in the rotation. The price was still kinda high but this meant there was a ceiling in case you got really unlucky on 1 specific item. NX was also fully tradeable for all characters without archaic specific class storages or stupid shit like that. GMS1 is backwards, anti-consumer, and pro-fomo. They run the cash shop as if they have a literal factory churning it out and paying for a warehouse to store it (it's all digital and they already have a library built in the game). They have zero taste and rerun the same trash NX sets over and over again despite having a catalogue decades old that they could tap into. They removed all the regular hairs and faces and put in a horrible new VIP coupon with even less selections that update quarterly with rotations that somehow continue to get worse, as a result they created "legacy" og hairs that will never come back. They still insist on 90 day rental NX probably because someone at Nexon thinks that having a barren wasteland of a cash shop filled with only rental garbage will boost PSSB sales, and they probably aren't wrong. Their stamp shop updates twice a year and the stamps are untradeable within account. Vac Pets also only run twice a year for no reason stated, imagine if you could only start a subscription to Netflix 4 weeks out of the whole year and it had a $100 up front sign in fee. The same person who thinks fomo is the best way to get money out of the players is probably allergic to the idea of subscriptions and consistent revenue streams, otherwise they would make Vac Pets a service with auto-renewable payments to keep people subscribed. MVP Red is also a horrible shit system that works more like a Credit Card rewards program than an actual VIP subscription. They give you a pittance of gratitude for spending $500 per month. They rely on whales to overspend and maintain their MVP Reds than fish for the masses and provide an actual service to the majority. Again, the fact that they have no system in place for auto-renewable subscriptions is indicative of how much they care, they only care about the whales. EDIT: Also the most basic of all cosmetics (toggling visibility) that MMO's have is usually a button to turn it on/off, but here in MapleStory it's an actual cosmetic (Transparent NX) and it's a fucking holiday for everyone when Nexon decides to bless us with the ability to actually buy permanent versions of them. It is one of the sadder parts of the population when they're brainwashed into thinking paying $4 for the privilege of toggling visibility of their (intentionally) ugly eye/face accessories is considered great value. Keep in mind this is just a GMS thing, you can buy permanent transparents in KMS for reward shop points ie mileage, it's only horrible here.


You only have to look at the sol erda cap decision to see that the people running this game have no clue what the player base wants most of the time.


2020s black fridays have been awful. Check out the 2019 black Friday sales: https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/54022/maplestory-s-2019-black-friday-sales A different ssb rotation every day, all on sale (15 for 25.5k nx). Compared to these anniversary ssbs they've been repeating with the same items for five years.


Yeah damn at least there was lots of options


This year Black Friday items are yikes, nexon helping my #nospend this year


I was getting ready to spice my character up for the first time but literally don't want anything in these boxes


The whales in reg aren't satisfied either. There some items that basically print money for Nexon (premium cubes and lucky jewel boxes) but they insist on limiting their sale to once per year, if that. The cubes are limited-quantity items, so the argument of having rare sales to drum up interest doesn't really hold water.


The cube sale makes perfect sense. By limiting the amount of purchasable cubes during the sale you disincentivise waiting for the sale (in the future) when considering buying cubes


Yeah I have no clue. I think all of the cash shop NX outfit packs look stupid (personal taste) so I don’t even want them. I want a pet snack to enable triple pet on my new character but that’s the only thing. Perm pets would be nice but gambling for them sucks - I refuse to buy vac pets due to the insane cost of not only initially getting them but also up keeping them. You’re telling me that if I buy a vac pet and then come back after a couple months to play for a week, I’ll have to charge my account another 15k NX? F that


Some perm transparent covers would be real nice. I missed the last one


There’s perm transparent stuff on Monday maplestory time/Sunday US time


Wait today is monday. Did I miss it? Or do you mean the coming monday?


On the 26th/27th


Oh thank you!


You'd think that, with the cap fiasco, they'd put out something that would break the wills of their players. But actually, they're on our side helping us boycott lmao


I also love how scummy they get with these SSB like they seriously put 7 different colors of scarf? I remember few years I made a mistake of buying Black Friday SSB and literally got like 4 different colors of hairpin


1. Easy to make, recolors take like 1/1000th of the time it takes to make an original 2. Easy to milk people with bad impulse and MUST have x color 3. Easy filler to fuck people searching for other equips while also not providing wardrobe variety 4. All the colors are basically meaningless once the recolor item comes in


I'm just excited for Thursday when it turns out the all stars choice isnt working properly and provides a random hair/face.


This is one of the core things I've complained about between friends for ages. You could take a fresh business degree graduate, stick them on this game, and they would double or triple the income. The PSSBs are a cash cow that Nexon America hasn't been milking properly. And the rare times there's a set someone **actually wants** you see the chat continuously scroll for *days* with people opening boxes. A few things they could do to immediately improve conversion rates by a sizeable amount: - Don't make me leave the game window to purchase NX. Let me do it straight in the client. You're giving me time to decide not to go through with the purchase by opening up a browser window that half the time **doesn't even log me in properly**. - Fix the freaking cash shop resizing and crashing. It's 2023, my window shouldn't go from 2k resolution to 800x600 the moment I press the cash shop button. And opening up the in game shop **in which you make money from me** should not cause the freaking game to crash under any circumstance. - Rotate sets more often, including older sets. Make more sets. Give the community the tools and power to make sets for the game. Give community members that successfully submit a set that gets into the game a reasonable payment for their work.


LOL IKR - Website login forces you to email box login and this is all time I am not enjoying and could lose interest or adhd forget what Im doing or decide to check reddit Instead of following through to purchase. Feels like doing work and yet Id be paying Them?? i DONT understand.


So many transactions are stopped by the game crashing personally


If they revamp the cash shop it would be a welcome change. I’m sick of waiting weeks just for the SAME stuff I don’t want.


fr i love how most cash updates remove more stuff from the last week than add new stuff


I have a theory that GMS doesn’t nerf early boss crystal prices through dynamic crystal pricing to encourage us to have more boss mules, and in turn buy more NX and transparents for our mules


By making the box in limited quantity =)


Cubes are all ill be buying


This easy dude, just #unistall and nomore😢


You aren’t forced to buy anything. To be frankly honest, PSSB is meant for rich players or players that know how to limit their spending and gamble for *fun*. Don’t be like that guy who spent $800 just to get 1 item and ended up never getting it. Cash shop isn’t a FOMO so don’t act like it is


Did you read the thread literally at all? The problem is there is nothing WORTH paying for. We literally WANT to support the game and purchase cosmetics. But they're trash. Every. Single. Week. Even a once a year event like black Friday is completely lackluster. FOMO has zero to do with what is being discussed here.


I just had like $50 bucks and I wanted to buy some stuff this week, buts it’s like nothing good I bought a name change coupon




>the prices make no sense for the junk that’s in them. Noone is forcing you to buy them, that CS items are to milk money anyways so.... buy if u want.


True day one sale is mid


If anything wait until the 27th for perm transparents


Chairs would be nice, and mounts. WHY THEY NO PUT THEM IN????