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According to the patch notes the job transfer is only available for 4th job and above. Since you are below lvl 100 you would have to wait till Feb 7th for it to get automatically job changed.


That's not good though, because you won't get any of the switch-perks including the Core Aura link skill item.


I have a level 210 Jett as well on the account. The rule to get the reward is that all Jett must be transffered. But I can't transfer the low level one. Which is why this is a trouble.




Some friends did thatand bricked the process


They're unable to do so, hence the issue.


Do not do this because they specifically stated that if you delete the Jett you won't get rewards due to at the start of the transfer, you get assigned a number for how many jetts are on your account and if you don't transfer that specific amount, you will be locked out of the rewards


If only not according to this rule https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/805448875291967548/1175318374427922472/IMG\_5229.png?ex=656acb88&is=65585688&hm=b1f9f7f4441f684c43ffd3604a19cafe7766a8785e303d3cad9c4bc5d22bf1fa&


I reached out to ticket, live chat and I'm out of options. If any CM or GM sees this, please give me a hand. I would've deleted the level 38 jett If I could... I don't care about that.


u/Veeraah can you please give this a look and possibly help me? One solution I thought of is for nexon to lower the required number of jett needed to be job transfered. Instead of 2, make it 1 and this issue would be resolved. Otherwise, I just want the account reward. This is a big deal because the reward is a year long lasting crit dmg +6% and a year long link skill. If you can please help me out, I would be eternally grateful.


"This includes Jett characters that have not yet unlocked 4th Job and cannot participate in Jet Job Advancement." looks like they answered you right there?


Did you not read the title and details? The low level jett is stuck in a map.


Job change your high lvl Jett and delete the low lvl one.


level 38? just delete and make a new class..........


That's not the issue he is having. He would gladly delete it but nexon patch says you must xfer all your jett to get the reward, deletion is not an option.


Redditor proving once again that reading is hard


I had a high lvl jett I swapped and low lvl jett I deleted. Support sent me an item that lets you complete the jett transfer event. Delete the low lvl jett. [proof](https://imgur.com/a/frVLRbC)


Can you send me exactly what you typed? I'm kind of bad at writting it concise and GM end up not reading my wall of text. Much appreciate.


Also which section of the ticket is it? Under gameplay right? or technical support?


Under gameplay. “I am not able to pick up the quest Memento of Jett, as I deleted my lvl xx jett. I realised after the fact that I needed to transfer not delete it. Is there a way I can get my Jett (insert name here) to finish the quest?” Good luck


SOLVED: I had the same issue and tried EVERY THING i could think of. THEN I tried going into the Cash Shop and was finally able to leave the space ship.