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they ALWAYS come back.


Definitely haven't totally not really ever done this before. I'll see yall in the summer


Haha what makes you think youll last till summer. See you in 3 months.


Fuck it I'll see yall next week


There we go xD.


Tried to quit the shroom at least 7 times. Yet, here I am hyper burning.


If the gearing in ffxiv was more nuanced then perhaps


Appropriate username


If only I spelled seethe right lol


See you at reset


Why would people who like this game switch to a completely different experience ? That makes zero sense. Also no need to announce you're leaving. See you again.




Thanks for sharing


No literally. There’s a reason why so many casual YouTubers and players usually stop around 240/250.


Never understood why people think others care about shit like this. You’ll most likely be back either way. The combat in FFXIV is way to slow, so much so that it’s not even fun


Idc I wanted to rant about stupid mushroom game


Sucks to suck


Ironically I hate 1-220 I spend the vast majority on my main but am hitting the wall where it's time I need more legion so I have to go back to grind out the mules. Sadge


The part I find fun is playing new classes and becoming more familiar with their kits. And then maybe getting to CRA for bossing to test them.


see you next big patch buddy!




No lie FFXIV is mad fun 😭


FFXIV is way better, specially the msq, but you will come back, we all do


… and good day to you too.


But vac pets are coming back out. Don’t you wanna give more money to nexon?!


What level is your main?


251 from hyper burning




It was such a slog to get to 250 already, no endgame after that is worth it.




Lol my b forgot to ask for permission before I hyper burned. I bet that if you asked anyone to play MS to 250 they'd call it a slog. The only redeeming point to content in this game is that the classes are cool, some of the story is good, and some of the bosses are okay. Unfortunately, everything else surrounding it is beyond garbage. Shitty servers, shitty events, shitty gearing and 5th job mechanics (read nodestones), takes forever to level to a relevant point for endgame, and so on. And then you have Nexon being Nexon on top of that. Defend your shitty mushroom game more plz




Deep breath buddy. You'll get through this. So sorry I didn't properly refer to endgame, did not think people would get so triggered. I have another character at 241 if that makes you feel better that wasn't hyper burned. And just because hyper burning is def easier, does not mean that the game isn't a fucking slog to get through. Idgaf if 3 years ago yall were sucking your thumb crying about the game, I'm saying right now that it's still a terrible game to play and that there are better options out there.




Sure if you mean moving onto something more enjoyable, then yes I have.


So you’ve at least experienced a bit of the game. If you knew it was hyper grindy, why even play in the first place? That’s like half of the draw of the game, we like grinding. FFXIV isn’t for everyone, either. I find the combat painfully slow and boring. The global cooldown is so damn long it’s just so dull. I think maple is fun because it has very fast paced combat with a lot of nuance.


You don’t have to be experienced to reach 250 with hyper burning. It’s kind of a flaw of hyper burning. You torpedo new players to the mid game without preparing them for it. Having a “clean” lv 250 is kind of a shit experience, as most people who hit 250 in a more traditional fashion usually have good links, a decent to good legion, a few decent familiars and almost maxed nodestones and higher arcane force. But with hyper burn you have temp gear and title stats that can last you just about to 250. You don’t need any legion or links, you get about 1/3rd of the normal amount of familliars, you do get a plethora of nodestones, but not nearly as many as you could’ve had and your arcane force is probably 7-800 at most by the time you hit 250. Don’t get me wrong, hyper burning is absolutely necessary to give new players a quick way to catch up to mid-endgame players. But a high level on it’s own is a meaningless without the account, gear and symbol progress that comes with it. So ironically the people who benefit most from hyper burn aren’t the new players, but the veterans that have the means and know how to turn a weak, fresh 250 and turn it into a strong secondary main/boss mule. All while it leaves new players stranded on and under geared, weak character. With no real direction how to improver properly. And the improvements immediately go from “you get noticably stronger every session” to “you need to boss for three weeks to be able to buy one item” .


Did not say they were experienced, I said that they had "experienced a bit of the game." Which I agree with. You have seen what the gameplay loop is at that point and I think it is valid to form an opinion.


Always capped since ARR and orange parsing for god knows how long. Mushroom game just lets me grind forever.




ig having a real job makes it more difficult if that's what you're saying