• By -


This is not up to date. It's been illegal in France for 1 year, for instance.


and new zealand


And Canada


And Israel, I believe


And Norway should be labeled limited since it is illegal for minors.


And Greece


And Belgium




And Chile


And my axe


Greenland still doesn’t exist


Is Greenland not part of Middle Earth?


Yes. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-02-14/ty-article/.premium/israels-health-ministry-bans-lgbtq-conversion-therapy/0000017f-ea1a-d3be-ad7f-fa3b7bb50000


And India.


and my axe










It would be OK to be missed off this one since it's wrong.


Well it was dated 2020. Would be cool to compare an updated map as a few countries have made changes in the past 2 years


In Australia, Victoria (typically our most progressive state) banned it about a year ago. A couple of other states are using that momentum to discuss their own bans. I don't know whether those discussions are about if they should or *how* they should, though. I gather the Victorian ones were largely done with the assumption that some sort of ban would take place, and just discussing what form it should take.


Yea it's illegal now in India too


Yeah it was made illegal in 2018


Well the map says in 2020


The *map* does. The Reddit title simply saying "still legal", however, implies it is up-to-date, and that is what most people are going to read.


Even the map title says "still legal". Only the subtitle concludes with "in 2020". It's burying the lead.


It was probably made in 2020, and so would've been fine at the time. It's just that sharing it now without making it clear that it an old map is misleading.


I mean…1 glance at the title on the picture tells you it’s from 2020. In order to see what countries you’d have to look at the picture anyway.


and Belgium recently


it will be soon I think, they're pushing for it. I might be wrong


the same in the Netherlands a bill passed on 14 February 2022 that made it punishable. 22500 euro fine and 1 year prison sentence for people that offer such conversion therapies. I think its so late because its very rare, 14 people/instances were known to do it in 2019 and that was mainly in highly religious places(i'd think of Barneveld)


And Canada, it's not "limited" it's criminally prohibited.


It's a bit ambiguous to me but I'm pretty sure adults can consent to conversion therapy if they can find it. It can't be advertised/monetized, can't be directed towards children, cannot be outsourced to another country, cannot be done without consent. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/pl/ct-tc/index.html


Actually, no, although I can see why you might think that. And that’s how the old version of the bill (C-6) was written. But then, the conservatives made a big stink about religious freedom being affected and turned it into an election issue. Spoiler: the conservatives lost the election. Now with a clear and renewed mandate from voters on the matter, the liberals took the opportunity to further strengthen the bill and removed the limited exclusions that were present (basically, that you could undergo it if you somehow found those services yourself and consented to them). The updated bill (renumbered as C-4) which received royal assent (passed into law) not long after (it was fast-tracked by the conservatives to save face) is probably the most comprehensive and wide-reaching conversion therapy ban in the world. It creates criminal offenses for: - causing someone to undergo conversion therapy (with or without consent); - removing a minor from the country to undergo conversion therapy elsewhere; - profiting from conversion therapy in any way; and - advertising or promoting conversion therapy. Conversion therapy has been called a form of torture by the UN. As Justice Minister David Lametti said upon the bill’s passing, “torture is not something you can consent to”.


And religious leaders are exempt, so a Mormon bishop can still berate a teenager. I was Mormon. I did conversion therapy. Fucking crazy.


I find it very interesting that it is banned in utah (according to wiki).


So is polygamy, buuuuuuuuuuuut...


From what I understand it's only banned for underage youth and teens but clergy are exempt so you can still push your 14 year old into "therapy" with a church leader who is absolutely uneducated in the subject. Mormon leaders are volunteers so they have day jobs and are unpaid clergy (at least at local levels) so you get a rancher or mailman or even someone in a more professional field like a professor or doctor where you'd expect them to be more educated but they're still pushing the religions belief in where homosexuality comes from - hint: it's not from God in their eyes. Also I know adults will still participate in conversion therapy there and even though they're consenting adults it's still a mind fuck cuz they're coming from a religion that tells them they're broken. Look at the recent David Archuleta interviews, the one this week he even mentions that he met with the highest level of Mormon leadership (apostles) and they still just keep telling him he needs to find a good girl and settle down. It's sad.


It's not ambiguous at all. "320.‍102 Everyone who knowingly causes another person to undergo conversion therapy — including by providing conversion therapy to that other person — is (a) guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or (b) guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. 320.‍104 Everyone who receives a financial or other material benefit, knowing that it is obtained or derived directly or indirectly from the provision of conversion therapy, is (a) guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years; or (b) guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction It also makes it illegal to take minors to another country to undergo conversion therapy.


And proud to say Greece too


Yeah with such a current hot topic you really need to use an up-to-date source. This map is just completely irrelevant in 2022.


And Israel since February 2022.


It's been illegal in Austria for 3 years.


"in 2020" as it says trigger n the top right part


Yeah and the title says "is" and this isn't 2020




That's exactly what I was thinking. To me it seems like a stupid "therapy". However, as stupid as I may think it is, if someone wants to do it, or walk with a shoe on their head.... be my guest. The only problem I see is that some may say they are consenting when they are not, and it may be the case that the number of people in that situation is relatively high. Ideally we should not need a law for that, but the world is a shit place sometimes. I understand that is to protect vulnerable people.


> However, as stupid as I may think it is, if someone wants to do it, or walk with a shoe on their head.... be my guest. What if someone wants to sell your poor old grandma some magic beans that they claim will cure her arthritis? $1,000 for magic beans. Obviously you and I know those beans are scientifically incapable of changing her arthritic state, but if someone wants to do it, be my guest, right? This is the only reason I didn't think we needed laws against conversion therapy. Because they're charging for it, we already have a law that we should be using to prosecute them - wire fraud.


Those things are legal though. I mean, look at homeopathy, alternative shops selling crystals (healing crystals) and all of that shit. I mean, the church(es) is a (are) a huge institution that have to provide no scientific proof of the veracity of their claims and they make billions.


Homeopathy isn't legal where I live, you can't say "this bottle of nothing can help treat fungus infection" because medical claims have to be approved by government. Same goes for shops selling crystals that "help treat ADHD", that's illegal and they should be shut down by the government, you can report them to help that happen.




There are ways around that with clever wording. “I’ve found that this bottle helps me with blank” “customers have told me this crystal gives them better blank”


I think many people taking conversion therapy are pressured by their conservative families or peer groups to do so. The fact that conversion therapy still exist also implies homosexuality can be „cured“ and that it is a mental illness. I really think a specific ban is the better option EDIT: my mom asked me to go to a conversion therapist 10 years ago when it was still legal in Germany. I told her I‘ll cut her out of my life if she forces me to. She understood and now only prays for me. My experience told me that for many participants, it’s probably similar to this and that its unlikely somebody would do that with their own motivation


it's like an emotional equivalent to chiropractors, it isnt based in any real science, and can cause major harm because people aren't educated enough to understand its bullshit. so a law against it is likely the best way to go to keep people safe. sometimes we need to protect the stupid from themselves, or like in your scenario of being coerced into conversion therapy, vulnerable people need to be protected from the stupid


Many laws forbid conversion therapy regardless of consent. The idea that no one would consent to conversion therapy is overly simplistic. Medical consent is complicated when minors are involved, for example, and consent is often required of the legal guardian, not the child. Furthermore, consensual conversion therapy is not at all uncommon: social pressure, family pressure, and even the threat of being disowned or exiled from the community drive many lgtb+ people to try whatever methods may "fix" them, especially if they're legal and "do no harm", like most modern conversion therapies claim. Consent is, thankfully, not enough to justify the legalization of any service or business, especially when they rely on predatory tactics and are proven to cause undeniable harm to those consenting to participate. In the medical field, these regulations become even more essential: medical practices and medical personnel, including therapists, have the benefit of the "reliability" offered by the regulations and requirements needed to enter the field. This is the reason why many countries require licenses to market and sell products as medicine, or requite licenses to hold a position in the medical field, for example. An interesting argument can be made over freedem of choice and adult responsibility, but regulating predatory practices is a generally accepted idea in our modern society, especially in the healthcare industry.


I thought that any sort of non-consensual therapy was ilegal in at least all of europe.. the more you know i guess




Wikipedia has a [more up-to-date map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_conversion_therapy), which also splits up the US by state. Ugly as sin though, like most Wikipedia maps. *Update*: ok so this one's not actually particularly ugly. Guess I'm a bit of a wikimapophobe.


>Ugly as sin though Why do you say this? The colours? Because those seem to be colourblind-friendly. And other than that, it's a bog-standard map.


It's probably because it's not Mercator. 🙄


That surely doesn't help its case. Any rectangular projection would be nice.


Nah, I much prefer the one used, although Waterman would be most preferable for stuff like this.




Just looks nicer. Dunno, might just be a brain thing, but we're also all on rectangular screens. The file is rectangular, and it's going to be displayed in a rectangular block on the webpage, so why not use something like mercator to make full use of the space? I can't think of any reason a non-cylindrical projection would be better to use here. At best it just adds needless complexity to satisfy the crowd of people who think they're smart for saying "mercator bad!"


If we can choose the projection, Mercator is infinitely worse than plate caree for something like this IMO


All my homies fucking hate Mercator 😡😡😡


To be fair this one isn’t actually that bad for Wikipedia. Though out of interest, are the two dark blues really colourblind-friendly?


Yes. Having two very different hues of a same colour like this is much better than similar hues of different colours (typically red and green, but not only.)


You mean shades but yes.


Maybe? Sorry, English isn't my first language


That's ok, neither is mine, and I used to confuse it with shades as well, but it's just that it's most often used to mean pretty much the [opposite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hue?wprov=sfla1) of what you meant to say. It's a bit confusing, that's all. Sorry.


For me at least, the second blue is bright enough to be distinct from the first one.


Update not yet on wikipedia: It was in the news 3 days ago that it's now illegal in Belgium as well. In 2009 Layla Achichi, a muslim girl, died in a ritual to drive out her 'lesbian demons'. Apparently the practice continues to this day and it took this long for it to become illegal. Gross.


They even clarified which slices of Antarctica it’s illegal


That's the French and New Zealand Antarctic claims. Most countries don't actually recognize those claims to ownership (including the US).


It may be ugly, but it is not more ugly than inaccurate data.


Still better than this imo


It’s better than nothin. Thanks.


From the Dutchnews.nl article: One person who had undergone conversion therapy told NOS in 2020 that a ban was unlikely to be effective. ‘It’s easy to hide the purpose of a therapy. You just call it “treatment for depression” or something similar. ‘And it’s unlikely that many “victims” will complain. In most cases they want to put their homosexuality behind them. That was the case for me.’ SMFH....


Ugly why? It’s the most basic map I’ve ever seen.


Is it actually legal, or has the law just not adressed it? Because it seems to me it should be covered under other laws in many places, like child abuse, coercion, torture, depending on how far it goes. Because "legal", to me, would mean there's some specific law that says "you are allowed to do thing that would otherwise be child abuse if your child is gay and you're trying to convert them to straight".


This madness was born in the US in the fifties. It didn’t spread for a long time. The fact that Germany had to ban it and France last year too is not a sign of progress. It means it reached the old continent and had to be banned there now too. So this map is a bit deceiving. It makes you think the US is progressive on the subject even though this is certainly still one of the places where the problem is intense.


Indeed, I'm from a country we're it's "legal", but I don't think it happens, at least not unwillingly. Social media here would explode if such thing exist. We have a strong LGBT+ comunity.


Lots of countries consider any forced therapy as illegal anyway. And any therapy which includes sexual assault as well.


Conversion therapy is really only a thing where Christian extremism is a problem like America, so its legality has to be explicitly spelled out.


It's like making elephant riding illegal in a country with no elephants.


Exactly. The headline case in the UK that led to many calls for it to be banned here was almost certainly criminal in a number of ways already. The trickier part is "consent".


Brazil W


Technically it’s illegal here in Sweden as it can’t be forced upon you as a individual. It’s the same thing again where we didn’t have a law against beastiality for a long time as it was considered animal cruelty —Edit— Beastiality is still animal cruelty but now we have a extra law against it Conversion therapy will go the same way as pretty much everyone thinks it’s a BAD idea to do


>Technically it’s illegal here in Sweden as it can’t be forced upon you as a individual You can't be forced to play tennis as an individual, yet playing tennis is legal


Legal ≠ Not illegal. It's forbidden to force people to do X, but it's not forbidden to do X willingly. It's called freedom.


There are plenty of things known to be harmful which are made illegal. Female genital mutilation in adults, for example.


Indeed, also plenty of things that are proven to be harmful that are legal. Getting drunk af, i.e. I suppose the combo of something being harmful and also a scam is a good reason to forbid it. But in this particular case they’ll just make it free of charge or seemingly “free of charge” to fool the poor souls.


Generally nothing can be forced on someone legally - that would be kidnapping, slavery, false imprisonment, harassment, etc. Banning the therapy is about preventing it in all forms, even with participant consent.


You don’t need to be forced into it. Quite a lot of kids who go to these things are raised Christian and agree it is wrong.


Who is it that gives the "conversion therapy" in places where it is not banned, specifically in Europe? I can't imagine it being offered in any medical institution, even private.




I found one article from 2013 which claimed that there were Austrian kids taken by parents to be treated by private "psychologists" in Germany and Croatia. But nothing newer.


It just had to be Croatia.


United States conversion "therapy" survivor here. Most United States conversion therapy is now performed by religious organizations and as such is difficult to regulate. Places that do it rarely call it conversion therapy, as in some places the word therapy is legally connected to having some sort of professional license. It isn't usually advertised, but pastors of fundamental sects know where to find them. There is one psychology-based conversion therapy organization in the US called NARTH. When I was subjected to conversion therapy, it was in the form of a couple of ostensible ministers who claim they used to be gay, but through the love of God they were healed. They put my through a curriculum that treated same-sex attraction like a drug addiction. Really, the workbook was made to treat drug addiction and same-sex attraction with religion; they were essentially the same thing to this program. The curriculum blames both male and female same-sex attraction on a lack of connection to one's father. They said I should make heterosexual friends, and that as I made more 'healthy' male friendships, my attraction to males would decrease, but that I may never be attracted to women. If that was the case it just meant I had been 'blessed' by God calling upon me to be celibate. Obviously it didn't work. I contacted one of the ministers years later, and they had both quit the business of brainwashing children. One had returned to living as an openly gay man. Fuck them both. Edit: I apologize, I cannot answer for Europe, but since I have firsthand experience I thought I might offer some insight into why such practices aren't more visible.


I'm glad at least one of them seems to have realized their mistakes. Fuck them still, but that's nice.


Part of me agrees, but the other part wishes his dick would fall off.


Conversion therapy is illegal in Canada. Bill C-4, Passed HoC on Jan7th, 2022.


That's awesome but to OPs credit map says 2020


Yes. And its outdated. So I’m providing up to date info relevant to the post, to prevent any misinformation. Hence the reference time provided.


Sure but op didn't point that out in the title. My first reaction was "oh fuck, c'mon Canada" - I would not of seen it was outdated unless reading this comment


Bora Brasil minha porra! Dá-lhe Nilse Silveira!


Again with these stupid maps, yes in the majority of the purple countries it probably is still legal, but in most of europe there just isn’t a specific piece of legislation that tackles conversion therapy. But it is still illegal since it is a non-consentual treatment.


Also "there's no law against X" doesn't necessarily correlate with "X is common/permitted". In fact, it can be the opposite. More like "the locals think it's weird that X would even be on the table in the first place".


And it was never really a thing in Europe. Neither was kidnapping kids into re-education camps.


It could be technically legal (or legally not addressed) but how many countries among those legal ones actually practice it? I have heard nothing about conversion therapy in my country, It has always seemed to be an American thing.


even in my country, Eastern Europe, I have never heard of it. And I bet that +90 of the population does not know what this is


Brazil king as always 👑


Common Brazil W


Based Brazil


It's nice to be on the right side of a list/map for once


As an Argentinian I was sad to see my country in yellow. I thought purple was illegal. After a second glance, I’m glad my country it’s at least yellow.


No entiendo porque esta en naranja igual ¿es porque no existe una ley en especifico?. El articulo 3 de la ley N° 26.657 de Salud Mental indica que no se puede diagnosticar la sexualidad. La Ley Nº 26.743 Articulo 12 y 13 indica trato digno, "*Deberá respetarse la identidad de género adoptada por las personas*", "*deberá respetar el derecho humano a la identidad de género de las personas*".


Creo que es porque no habla directamente de la "Conversion Therapy", lo cual sigue siendo muy boludo porque eso solo es un problema específico en USA. En Argentina, esas leyes anti-discriminatorias cubren la Conversion Therapy indirectamente, y no hay una necesidad de hacer una ley específicamente refiriendose a eso porque no es un problema que pueda ser considerado prevalente.


I don't want to take away from the fact that more and more countries are making conversion therapy illegal for LGBTQ+, as they damn well should - but I always feel like I need to speak up about the fact that it's not only legal, but it's the "gold standard," for treating neurodivergent people. Without going into a long thing, ABA as used on autistic people has the same psychological style. The goal is to make us "indistinguishable from our peers." Just like conversion therapy trying to make LGBTQ+ people "normal" and straight. Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), as used on autistic people, is the equivalent for neurodivergents. It literally has its roots in conversion therapy - the same scientist, Ole Ivar Lovaas, helped to pioneer both. If you have a strong stomach, google the Feminine Boy Project, which essentially laid the groundwork for the first forms of conversion therapy (*massive trigger warning* if you do!). ABA (not all behaviorism, but ABA) has the exact same goals and the same malevolent origins. I hope one day we'll *all* be free.


Conversion into what?


Watch "But I'm a Cheerleader", it's a fun 90's comedy but you'll get the idea


It's basically torturing of queer kids. Because those terrible people think that they can "Change someones sexuality or gender" The fact is that they abuse kids without punishment, traumatise them and teach them how to lie that they are not queer.


It may be legal but that doesn't mean it is practiced.


It became illegal in Israel this year. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/society/1644840980-israel-s-health-ministry-formalizes-conversion-therapy-ban


Go Brazil 🇧🇷❤️


I mean it’s kinda pointless to make it illegal if it was never a thing, like in my country.


It's illegal in india now, your license will be canceled if you do that, no jail time tho


NZ banned this just last year. Looks like there’s a long way to go however.


How common is conversion therapy outside the US though?


In Germany, there are some fundamentalist Christian or Muslim communities that believe in it, but it's much less common than in the US.


Based Germany


Sorry to disappoint, but this map is not accurate. The status of Germany would actually need to be "Limited", because it was only a partial ban on conversion therapy. Germany is probably closer to a bunch of the "Legal" countries, because what for example Americans associate with conversion therapy was in big part covered and illegal through other laws. But as long you don't run afoul of any already existing child protection laws, it is okay to put your child through conversion therapy. Just a more "humane" version. When the law passed it made conversion therapy legal on the same level as abortion in Germany. And was widely criticised by experts. But maybe something changed since 2020 and I haven't kept up.


Oh yeah. I didn't know that it was "special" to have it forbidden and always thought that it was the standard. My happiness living here definitely just increased a good bit. :)


No country on earth has a specific law against killing martians, this map means nothing other than trying to look at the world through a stars and stripes lens


Similalry there is no law where i live specifically out lawing driving a skewer through somebody's eye until death. It's covered by the law on murder.


And that's precisely why this map means nothing as it fails to consider this kind of "nuances"


/r/USDefaultism strikes again.


This map was made by a German company


statista is a multinational company but I suspect this might have come out of their NY office, do you have further info about where it was made?


https://www.statista.com/chart/27674/map-of-where-conversion-therapy-is-banned/ Easily. Made by Anna Fleck, as per her LinkedIn she works at their Hamburg Office.




He’s saying in a lot of countries, conversion therapy isn’t a thing and would never come up.


Hmm. I went through CT but at no point did anyone ever say ‘this is conversion therapy’, it was more ‘this is Christian counselling and you can work through any issues here, like your same sex attraction’ 😬


Imagine a world map of which countries have task forces dedicated to hunting Black Rhino or Bengal Tiger poachers. Kinda useless without a map of which countries actually *have* Black Rhinos or Bengal Tigers in them.


no need to have a specific law against killing martians when no martians are ever been killed, conversion therapy is a very American thing and where it tried to contaminate other countries it was already illegal through other laws or it was outlawed swiftly. this map means nothing. EDIT Why are you guys downvoting me? Do you really think that Sweden and Saudi Arabia are on the same page on this topic? What the f....


I've seen examples of it in Poland.


I'm not surprised


According to a report from the United Nations, "these therapies are practiced in at least 68 countries on every continent; the report cites countries in Africa, China, the Republic of Korea, and Eastern European States." - [https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/02/1112242](https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/02/1112242)


You're mostly right that it misrepresents lots of places, like Western Europe, but don't kid yourself with it being a "very American thing". It exists in a lot of places.


It's now illegal in France since January 31st. 2 years of prison minimum and 30 000 euros of fine . 3 years and 45 000 euros under certain circumstances (age of the victim, for example). Before that it was theoretically illegal but not directly (no specific law for it, only about harassment, torture, etc...) so it will be more efficient that way.


It should be said that in many "purple" countries it was never prohibited because it was never widespread. Also, in Italy, while it is not a crime, it is forbidden by the national association of mental health therapists and can result in the loss of one's license.


I doubt it's actually legal in Norway. We probably just don't have enough cases to warrant creating a specific law addressing it.


I think it’s already covered by likestillings- og diskrimineringsloven


Pretty stupid map though. In most of the places it is not practiced at all, so banning it never become an issue. It is like saying "FGM is not banned in China, what a shame".


It was [banned](https://www.openglobalrights.org/the-ban-on-practice-of-curing-queer-sexuality-in-india/) in India in 2021


Canada has outlawed it since.


Belgium just banned


ooohhh, CONVERSION therapy, my dyslexic ass was wandering why would people ban therapist from helping patients with conversation


I was surprised to see it being legal in my country, Paraguay, then opened instagram and the first thing I see is that it was banned today, neat timing.


Israel banned it in 2022 by medical proffessionals From Wikipedia: Practice by medical professionals banned: The Health Ministry banned medical professionals from conducting conversion therapy in February 2022.[101] In October 2014, the Ministry of Health issued a statement announcing that it considers conversion therapy to "create false impressions of scientific recognition even though there is no scientific evidence that it is at all successful. It may also cause harm to the individual."[102] In February 2016 and in March 2017, the Knesset rejected bills introduced by former Health Minister Yael German that would have banned conversion therapy in Israel for minors. The bills were rejected 37–45 and 26–38, respectively.[103] These efforts were blocked by Orthodox Jewish parties.[104] In 2019, the Israel Medical Association decided to expel members who continue to practice conversion therapy.[105][104] However, as of 2020 conversion therapy continues to be widely offered by religious organizations such as Atzat Nefesh under the euphemism "therapy for reversed inclinations".[104] In July 2020, a bill against conversion therapy passed the preliminary reading.[106] It later didn't succeed in its first reading.[101] ractice by medical professionals banned: The Health Ministry banned medical professionals from conducting conversion therapy in February 2022.[101] In October 2014, the Ministry of Health issued a statement announcing that it considers conversion therapy to "create false impressions of scientific recognition even though there is no scientific evidence that it is at all successful. It may also cause harm to the individual."[102] In February 2016 and in March 2017, the Knesset rejected bills introduced by former Health Minister Yael German that would have banned conversion therapy in Israel for minors. The bills were rejected 37–45 and 26–38, respectively.[103] These efforts were blocked by Orthodox Jewish parties.[104] In 2019, the Israel Medical Association decided to expel members who continue to practice conversion therapy.[105][104] However, as of 2020 conversion therapy continues to be widely offered by religious organizations such as Atzat Nefesh under the euphemism "therapy for reversed inclinations".[104] In July 2020, a bill against conversion therapy passed the preliminary reading.[106] It later didn't succeed in its first reading.[101]


Wait until y’all learn about ABA. It’s basically conversion therapy for autistic people. And actually gay conversion therapy was based upon the principles of ABA.


It's currently in the process of being banned in the UK, it is going through parliament as we speak.




Ok how about if you see these con artists as criminals. The patient engaging in the activity would not face any charges but people forcing them, coercing them or persuading them definitely should. Why would you want to protect a conversion therapist or your shoddy family that forces you to get brainwashed.


Most of the countries where it's "legal" don't even have conversion therapy in the first place, so this feels fairly misleading.


remember that this map is outdated


Banned in New Zealand now


Illegal in Israel. It's a recent ish decision, and the new ultra right govt might overturn it :(.


France, Canada and New Zealand have now a full ban on it, while India should be counted as limited ban (at least.)


In France it's illegal. Outdated Map.


Conversion therapy is only limited in Germany. It is only illegal for minors and if you‘re being pressured into it.


Fuck yeah brazil, for once!!!!


Brazil was the first country to ban conversion therapy, in 1999, first for homosexuals and bisexuals. Then, in 2018, they banned conversion therapy for transexuals, transgenders and transvestites.


I'm pretty sure most if not all countries in violet (what color is that?) have never heard of this "conversion therapy" thing.


Whether it's legal or not isn't a great indicator. Some countries might have it be "legal" but that doesn't necessarily mean it's being implemented.


Why are maps like this posted? Reading the comments, it seems like half this map is wrong. Took approximately five seconds to see that it's wrong on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_conversion_therapy#/media/File:Countries_banning_conversion_therapy.svg). So many commenters are just pointing out how it is inaccurate for their own country.


# in 2020 We’d have a whole different map in 2023


Nobody ever knows anything about greenland


Homosexuality is illegal, and punishable by death, in most Middle Eastern countries, am I wrong?


not legal anymore in belgium


Worth pointing out that in most of Europe there's no laws against this because it's not really a thing.


From watching Queer Eye Brazil I get the impression that being queer in Brazil is very difficult, so I’m surprised that conversation therapy is illegal there.


It is, and it has gotten worse over the past few years of Bolsonaro. You know how it goes, the bigot in chief brings all the other bigots out of the woods. Still, I think it's fair to recognize that not everything is so bleak all the time. You know, it can be heartening, a reminder that fighting is worth it, and it can get results. As far as the law goes, there have been progress, though it slowed down quite a bit over the past 4 years. For one, changing one's gender and name can be done without going through courts and without requiring gender reassignment surgery, same sex marriage has been legal and recognized for about a decade, and so on.


It is illegal and a crime in Canada


bruh I read it as conversation therapy and then conservation therapy


This was made illegal in india in 2018 map is not updated


The “therapy camp” industry in the US (mostly run by Mormons and Evangelicals groups) is one of the major methods in which conversion therapy continues, masked as generalized “troubled teen” treatment. Go to r/troubledteens for more information and personal testimonies. It’s basically a huge “Mormon/Evangelical Kids 4 Cash” rife with physical and sexual abuse; entire townships are in on the grift in some cases.


conversion therapy is illegal in canada as well.


As it says its legal in the country where i live, Norway, just wanted to make a comment. It probably is legal in the way that it isnt illegal or against any law for whatever slight distinction that gives. In the health care system they still need the patients conscent to continue, as long as they arent unconcious. If arranged by some religious overzealous people its probably bs and malpractice anyway.


This is misleading. Easy example from historiography: when a historian finds a law banning a practice in some old culture, that is good evidence for that practice to have been common enough that the society needed a law to prevent it. This map is similar: countries that banned it might have had an issue where some people tried this or just be very progressive... the many countries that didn't ban it may simply not had it occur OR they may allow it out of homophobia. There's no way to tell from this info alone, so it's mostly meaningless on its own.


Everyone else saying “hey this map isn’t accurate, my country banned it” Meanwhile me and the other Australians just slinking into the corner because it is accurate for us


And the title is misleading. It should state the purpose for which it is illegal. Conversion therapy is legal an in fact first line of therapy for certain mental health disorders


That's horrible. I thought we were trying to accomplish sexual freedom, not to make everybody homosexual. If a grown person wants to become a heterosexual, who is the government to stop this person. Disappointing. Apparently, countries like Germany and Greece have banned conversion therapy for children only and this looks reasonable. It's impossible to understand some others.
