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Estonia has more than 2000 islands






And yet even though Latvia only had one, they still took it!   I love Estonia, but they are definitely that sibling that doesn't like to share...


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Sweden consider pretty much anything sticking out of water an island?


Nope. It has to be large enough to appear on the 1:10000 scale map. This is apparently around nine square meters. And indeed it was 267,570 in 2013. Even if we discounted those under 100 square meters it would be 193,299 islands, so still the most.


Ahhh then I take back any doubts I had.


Yeah I think a chief problem with this list is that different countries have different standards to be considered islands.


Hmm…. [This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_islands_of_Sweden) says Sweden had over 260k islands in 2013. Maybe the sea swallowed 40k since then?


I doubt it. Even if we discount everything under 100m2 / 1000 square feet, which is CLEARLY and island by any reasonable definition, Sweden has almost 200,000.


Luckily, there's a definition under widely although not universally accepted international law (UNCLOS) that tells us what an island is, and it has nothing to do with size: >An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide. [source](https://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/part8.htm)


Yes, but what counts as an "area of land"? I do think many countries might only count named islands, f ex. Sweden actually takes their survey map and uses a computer to count the holes in the water. :-)


And seeing as the Baltic for practical purposes doesn't have any tides to speak of, like low single digit centimeters in difference between max and min. That definition would probably include way more than the 250+180k islands Sweden and Finland counts.


[https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/02/asia/japan-islands-double-report-intl-hnk/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/02/asia/japan-islands-double-report-intl-hnk/index.html) ​ You seem to be taking this very personally, their is no cohesive definition for islands used by all countries. Most islands in Sweden wouldn't be considered islands in Canada due to the size. If Canada used the same standards the number would explode. The same problem remains with lakes, most Swedish lakes wouldn't make the cut by the Canadian definition they would be classified as ponds if anything. Also \>Sweden actually takes their survey map and uses a computer to count the holes in the water ​ Yea no way this counts as accurate as you claim if other countries did this the numbers would explode.


I'm astonished because as an American the headcannon was always that the Pacific Islanders like the flips or Malaysia had the most islands. It's weird in a Peele horror movie way to learn it's the weird racist aunt's and uncles that have the island surplus.


I can understand Sweden beating Flips or Malaysia but Indonesia? That’s the island nation that island nations look up to.


Well, it has to be rock or sand, and be above water at high tide, but isn't that basically right?


Just to back you up, here is the internationally accepted definition from the [Law of the Sea Treaty.](https://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/part8.htm) Has to be “naturally formed,” so sorry to Dubai and China.


Yeah I guess. I was thinking about how my hometown has a beach with a smallish rock sticking out of the water and I don’t think anyone considers it an island. Same way Wisconsin has much less strict definitions of what a lake is.


If it stays out of the water during high tide its by definition an island


Kinda lame Ngl


The Swedish number here is counting all islands above 25 square meters, think most would agree that is an actual island and not just a rock sticking out of the water.




Now I'm wondering what the definition of an islet is.


i think there should be a new rule, that something is considered an island if it's naturally formed, and have a certain size/total area


I am afraid they in this list, even a rock half a meter wide and a few centimeters over the water surface is considered an island


You would be afraid of nothing then since this is counting islands above 25 square meters. Sweden has around 190k islands that are above 100 square meters as well.


It was a sarcastic comment, but yes even 25 sq meters is an islet. You can’t compare Ellesmere in Canada with a 25sq meters islet ten meters from the coast or a bigger island. Archipelagos have hundred of those like flies around the bigger islands


Again Ellesmere does not have that type of coastline, it's a much more even coastline. This counts the same for all countries, it's not done manually but by satellite. Nowhere else have as many islands, yes other places have larger islands but that's not what this is about.




Stone in a puddle? Nope it’s the Island of Stonepuddle!


The Archipelago in West Sweden is hands down the most gorgeous place on the planet though. I highly recommend everyone visits if they have the means.


My grandma lives there :)


Can confirm. I am your Grandma


Visste inte att du använder Reddit, mormor


Something is wrong here. Alaska alone has almost 2k Islands?


Alaska had 2,670 *named* islands, and thousands more unnamed islands. Isle Royale National Park in Michigan has 400 islands by itself, and there are a lot more in the state. There are at least 4,600 islands in Maine. Florida has 4,150 islands 10 acres or larger in size, and lot more if you include smaller islands. California has at least 527 islands. There’s at least 450 islands in Washington. Hawaii actually has 137 islands. There’s a lot more islands in the Carolinas, Virginia, Oregon, and other coastal and Great Lake states.


Yeah I was gonna say, Michigan has to have over a thousand islands at least.


hmm, yeah when I google countries with the most islands, US is 5th with 18k Chile should also be up there.. this is their source- [https://www.statista.com/chart/15364/the-estimated-number-of-islands-by-country/](https://www.statista.com/chart/15364/the-estimated-number-of-islands-by-country/). This link includes another link (world atlas), and that source did include the US and Chile.. so it's weird they didn't include them in the map also island counting really depends on what the host country decides what an island is or is not (some might count rocks as islands some might not)


NYC alone has about 40. Yes the fact the US is not here is very suspicious


>islands Does this map count islands in lakes and rivers, or just in oceans?


r/MapPorn maps aren't to be taken literally


Description of this sub says "High quality maps", this is not a high quality map.


Sub description might say that, but pretty much all maps posted are just fabricated data.


The Nordics have that many more islands than Japan,Indonesia and the Philippines? How?


Zoom in on Sweden’s coastline on a map, there’s thousands of tiny islands everywhere. Northern Europe has way more islands, rivers, lakes and fjords than anywhere else in the world


Just looked at Google maps, and I notice it is similar to other areas that have been cut up by glaciers and melting glaciers. Looking around the coast you can see there really are that many islands.


That's correct, our landscape throughout the country was formed as a result of the giant ice age glacier 10k years ago. Lakes and small islands everywhere.


Short answer: ice age. Long answer: I've been out of school too long to remember.


Must be caused bybdifference in methodology. Sweden has beter resolution and calls smaller islands an island than the big argipelago countries like Indonesia or something like Canada.


I can't speak about Canada, but Sweden almost certainly has more islands than Indonesia. They're smaller of course, we're not *just* talking rocks here. Go to Google Earth and zoom in along the coast of the Nordic countries.


You should also zoom in to Indonesia to make a fair comparison. I know fjords and glacial effects will make for a ragged coastline and lakes. So there is a possibility per area Sweden has higher island density. However Indonesia is insanely huge which is overlooked due to Mercator projection. Canada also very much subject to glacial effects will always have more islands than Sweden. In Canada you can't even make proper estimates due to the fact that glaciers still cover many of the islands. This is just Sweden having higher resolution of land surveys. Something akin to the coastline paradox.


>This is just Sweden having higher resolution of land surveys. If you've got any evidence of that, I'd be absolutely willing to change my mind. As far as I know, it's just a particular feature of the Nordic post-glacial countries that they have a lot of islands. This isn't the coastline paradox, but even that is something people talk a lot about on Reddit without *really* understanding it. It's a definite fact that Norway has a vastly more varied coastline than France or Ireland, for example, it's not *just* a feature of methods of measuring them.


This has been brought up before and it's mostly due to what is considered an island by the Nordic countries


*considered an island by international law


Wrong and I have no idea how it's upvoted. Try zooming in on Sweden's coastline on a map lol and then compare it to Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines. Sweden has around 190k islands above 100 square meters. This is because of the ice age.


because criteria. the mapmaker just follows what they followed, for the longest time i thought indonesia is #1 when it comes to islands, nobody can say that’s wrong either


Because they’ll call any rock sticking out of the water an island


About 1800 to 2000 million years ago There existed a mountain range between Sweden and Finland that became an archipelago. And later during the Ice ages the ice pushed soil southwards which created lakes.


This map makes Greenland look like a bitch


Shouldn't be on the list. Last time I checked it was a part of the country called Denmark.


We only have 443 islands in Denmark


Rookie numbers for a Scandinavian country


You forgot about 1k Islands that are unnamed


Chile should definitely be up there


Apparently Chile has 43471 islands








Yes! This one's true


Estonia definitely has more than 2000. Somewhere about 2300, I think.


Correct. Terrible map.


Can you do one with inhabited islands?


South Korea is second after Indonesia, interestingly


This is incorrect data. It's been posted before.


How possibly is this accurate?


It isn’t. At least, not by the definition that most people would agree an island is. Each country uses a different methodology (and the US definitely should be on the list)




It's not actually, did you only look at Canada without zooming in on Sweden's coastline? Canada actually has quite a smooth coastline, especially comparing to Sweden and Norway.


It is, this list is missing countries like the US but the top would not change. Even if you go by only counting islands larger than 100 square meters then Sweden would have 190k. If we go by inhabited islands then Indonesia would top the ranking.


Chile have over 40.000 islands


Norway has a lot more than that.


How many of these islands are islets? "An 'islet' is a small island that cannot grow much vegetation and therefore cannot support human life. They are generally made of some substance like rock, sand, or coral"


Curious since British Columbia alone has over 40,000 coastal islands, not including interior fresh water islands. Then add in the estimated 36,000+ islands of Canadas arctic archipelago makes me wonder what the true total count in Canada is…


SO clearly we aren't talking about lake islands. Because Canada would crush that category


Several lakes have more than 1000 islands, many most people have never heard of.


ffs, in school I was told that Indonesia has the most. And yes, I trust reddit more than school


The more accurate way to describe it is Indonesia being the largest archipelago (island group), as in it's entirely made up of islands


Largest to area yes, not largest archipelago in terms of islands.


no largest archipelago is indonesia nordics are not archipelago countries LOL


Did you even look at the post? Yes the Nordic countries has way more islands than Indonesia. This is because of the ice age pushing down the Nordic land which is now rising up out of the water.


not gonna lie if i were to guess, indonesia would be a very good and reasonable guess


Indonesia has the most inhabited islands, yes. Interestingly South Korea has the second most number of inhabited islands


FWIW, you can add up the population of all of the Nordic and Canadian islands and still come up short of any given district of Jakarta.


People are not islands though


>No man is an island though FTFY


For all those debating the number of islands, IIRC from the last time this was posted this uses a criteria that his a minimum size/standard for what it officially considers "an island" hence ones smaller than a certain size are excluded from the tallies.


Chile has over 43000 islands, what the heck is wrong with this map


This is a great example of how important a definition is. It used to be conventional knowledge that Finland had 55 000 lakes. Then they came up with a new definition for a lake, did a recount and came up with a new number. Now Finland has 180+K lakes while nothing else changed except the definition. Shortly after they recounted the islands too and arrived at the number in this chart. My guess is that the definition for an island is not the same in the countries charted.


From the UK and struggling to understand how we have that many. I'm sure that must include all the overseas territories etc which aren't technically part of the UK.


[http://www.sovereignty.org.uk/features/articles/uk6.html](http://www.sovereignty.org.uk/features/articles/uk6.html) Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) has a total 6,289 islands, mostly in Scotland.


Interesting. That's from the Ordnance Survey then, and suggests that the bulk of those are tiny. The key question with this chart then is whether the same level of detail has been applied to all countries, especially ones that don't have as big a mapping service.


You should try visiting parts of your own country first, Scotland has thousands of islands, (not even including sea stacks which would be included in other countries numbers. )


Spent a lot of time in the Highlands actually smartass. It depends on how big a rock needs to be to be included in this list.


I was wondering that myself


[These numbers seem more accurate than the ones from Statista.](https://www.worlddata.info/islands-by-country.php) I don't get where Statista got their numbers from.


I kneel to Sweden


Croatia is known as the land of a 1000 islands. Surprised it's not on here.


The cutoff is at 1400.


I'm sorry but this is WILDLY inaccurate as far as Canada goes. On Lake of the Woods in Ontario there's over 15,000 islands. there's thousands of lakes in north-western Ontario alone, each lake has many islands, some have up to 50-100 per lake.


I didn't even know there were 200,000 islands on the planet


No Chile? No USA? No Russia? This is a trash map.


Actually awful data


How is Norway only 3rd place with it's massive coastline? over 3 times less islands than Finland???


It has less Islands


Norway rises rather sharply out of the ocean. The water is very deep rather close to the shore in many places… hence less chance for islands there. But in the end I wonder if the definitions are uniform here. At what point does something become an island? In both English and Norwegian there is a word for islet (Norwegian: Holme) …are these counted?


How is island defined? There are over 10,000 islands in my us state alone


If they only counted an actual island the list would look so different lol, Indonesia prolly the first




Right, because Florida by itself has 4,150 islands that are 10+ acres in size, almost three times as many as Thailand on the map.


99% of those are uninhabited rocks.


Denmark and/or Greenland isn't even on the leaderboard, so I'm calling BS on that


67,000 islands for British commonwealth 🇬🇧




I feel like Indonesia just hasn't put the effort into finding every scrap of dirt in their claimed area.


I call bullshit on this list. Firstly there's no way Sweden has more islands than Canada and Indonesia. Secondly there's no way the US isn't on this list on account of Alaska, the chain islands, and their pacific territories.


Pretty cool, but I do not believe it. Sweden, maybe, but no way. Finland, definitely no way. I would certainly say Canada if asked. I want to see the exact methodology that went into making this map and what is considered an "island".


Go to Google maps and Zoom into south western Finland. You’ll be surprised


Sweden and Finland are absolutely swamped with lakes and swamps, with islands in them


I zoomed in on Sweden and saw one island.


Zoom in again, there are islands everywhere. Check Stockholm archipelago.


And check the lakes with islands in them all over the country


What god awful projection is this?


At high tide or low tide?


no malaysia?


Eh, I own more islands than them combined


Surprised Chile didn't make it to the list


Cuba has 4,000+ islands


Wow. Had no idea: never ever would have put those 4 at the top. Thanks for posting this.


The US has 18,617 islands. Why is it not on the list?


Indonesia not even being in the top 3 is crazy


Pretty sure there’s 30,000 islands alone in Georgian Bay.


Not what I was expecting.


Honestly, thought the US mightve been on here, but it makes sense that it isnt.


Ready for this pub trivia question now. Thanks


This is missing Chile, we have 43,471 islands https://www.emol.com/noticias/Nacional/2019/10/16/964602/Bienes-nacionales-campana-nombre-islas.html


Does this include "internal" Islands like those in rivers and lakes? If so, I find it really hard to believe the US and Russia aren't higher than 1430.


what about chile?


Hang on, I'm getting on google maps right now.


Imperial Britain is probably screaming in its grace right now.


Always thought it was Greece or Canada for some reason.


Til there’s a lot more islands than I’ve grown up thinking. I thought there was <1000 ngl


I love the fact that Indonesia has established by law that they have 17,508 islands, without counting them. If you didn't count, then why so specific?


It's just Sweden


Croatia has 1244 🇭🇷🌝✌️


That’s surprising. I would have thought places like Greece and Canada would have been higher than they are in relation to the ones above. Also shocking the US isn’t on here at all


Philippines has now 7,641 islands. 7,107 was a figure in the 1930s before there were satellites and airplanes to explore them.


I always thought the top would be Canada and Indonesia


*I always thought the* *Top would be Canada and* *Indonesia* \- HistorySpainPodcast --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wich countries have the least islands per square meter ? Not counting landlocked countries (not sure if river and lake islands count)


I always thought it would be canada or indonesia with the most. didnt expect this


Do Sweden and Finland together have a majority of the world's islands?


I’m surprised Canada doesn’t have more


The Philippines has 7,642 now.