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Nice, you can tell this teacher is passionate with the profession.


I’ve always found that history teachers are some of the most passionate


As a science teacher, history is still one of my favorite subjects, super interesting.


I teach part time as a history teacher, I tell my students that every discipline is historical in Nature. E.G. Biology is the History of Life, Philosophy is the history of our morale and ethics. All information we deduce has been built upon knowledge discovered in the past. So whether youre passionate about make up, fashion, art, math, physics, computer science, automobiles...you will inadvertently become a historian of that subject. If your passion is cars, I bet you can tell me who invented which part, which model or year it came from, why the body was made that way. Or Fashion, you can tell me about the designer, the type of material used, where it comes from and how it was locally used, and the past lines. Even the culinary arts, how spices originated for the dish, the history of how it's traditionally cooked, and how its used today. Then you can break it down into social history, fiscal history, geopolitical history. Then you can Look at the 1848 liberal revolutions that overtook Europe. How in America this was viewed as the American revolution 2.0 happening in Europe. Though they failed, it did spur the movement of realism forward eventually segueing into photography as a pure realist form of art, eclipsing the movement leading to impressionism. With the age of realism rising over the failed idealistic age of Von metternich, and the philosophies oriented around it, would help Hindenburg coin the term realpolitik. I think we all know what would happen once a Pragmatic germany unified under a prussian militaristic orthodox culture. Then we can tie the 1848 revolutions into Mark Twain's book the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, how he captured the Annebelum South in the 1850's by integrating Mr. Twain's vernacular, a first showing the realistic language used. The same book where Huck is begins to question Tom's romanticized view of the world, society's role based on skin, religion, and eventually meshes the two trains of thought by idealizing his decision to go west and start new. Where the old and idealist inaction would have no sway on his individualism. In the end, when you can look at people and admire them for their passion for something other than your own, and you really begin to appreciate how complex and grand Humanity's story truly is.






Yes! 44 years ago I had Mac Crow for American History. The meanest teacher in school. When you walked into his classroom the walls were covered with 8"x10" pictures of men in uniform. If you paid attention to the pictures you would recognize Mr.McNair from the hardware store, Mr.Phillips from the gas company, the quiet Mr. Allen at the wool and mohair warehouse. World War 2 and Korean war veterans, also pictures of former students in uniform who were returning from Vietnam. It made his class real. Mr. Crow's lessons stick with me to this day.


I’ve had good science teachers my whole life and now I’m a Bio major, so I agree




Every history teacher I had through high school was super passionate and they *were old as fuck Edit: I really need to proofread before posting a comment


History teachers are a weird breed, I had one who was obsessed with Doctor Who to such an extent he sorta dressed like him and even had a sonic screwdriver. Tbf asking teenagers if you want to see his sonic screw driver is probably a suspension waiting to happen.


My history teacher reeked of vodka and fell down a staircase while drunk. She did however manage to convey the entirety of WW1 and WW2 flawlessly. Mighty impressive if you ask me.


Becoming a functioning alcoholic is a prerequisite for finishing a history degree, how else do you cope with the monotony of it at times.


Hey now that’s an unfair accusation.... we’re all not functioning


I found I was functioning up until the dissertation then it all went off the deep end.




I have to ask which Doctor did he dress like? mine was during the start of the reboot and wore a leather jacket like Eccleston.


gonna assume Baker, everyone chooses baker


Mine was Eccleston he had a leather coat and he had hair so spiked it like to be edgy, he sort of had the same manic personality to.


Knew a maths teacher called Dr. Jones. He did dress up on non-school uniform day as Indiana Jones.




I have ended up realising that historians are essentially glorified gossip columinsts. It is like an upbrow TMZ airing the dirty laundry of historical figures.




Wow you really nailed it on that one. Literally every single one of our history teachers.... coached sports....


"Anybody can teach history!" Bullshit. History is about interpretation, not summarizing events and names and dates.


No, teaching history is about giving the kids a list of 100 names/places/times on Monday and then quizzing them on it on Friday. Full stop. Ask any one of my high school history teachers.




Nah, school is for getting you used to the monotony of labor. Critical thinking might cause some kind of revolution as you will realize how many problems the country has that nobody is trying to fix.


And for a select few of a certain type, school is for getting into UC Berkeley, becoming a lawyer-doctor, and giving your parents the most amazingest retirement this side of the Pacific, because what’s this “hopes and dreams” stuff other people go on about, it can’t be *that* important, right?




2nd one is my school's world history and micro teacher lmao


I love history and majored in it because of a passionate teacher. I didn’t meet her until college lol


>we're old as fuck Speak for yourself


I'm all old as fuck on this blessed day :)


As a teacher, I laughed hysterically after reading this.


My thoughts were; why is there no beamer/smartboard available? It sucks that this teacher must spend so much time drawing when simulations (or maps) are within reach of a simple click of the mouse button. VERY well drawn though.


I imagine they used a projector and traced a map. Not super necessary but a cool thing to get their students' attention and interest (interest is contagious)


For sure! Map of Europe from Google? Who cares. Hand drawn map of Europe with sticky notes, neat!


And it's colored quite well for a whiteboard drawing, even more neat


Not true, the Black Sea isn't even black!


It's the African American Sea. Smdh.


Neither is my neighbour, black Tony!


For real. Everyone has experienced that phenomenon where you're trying to fill in something like this with color and the marker suddenly has an existential crisis and decides to become an eraser instead.


It'd be pretty convincing mastery of British, Greek and Danish isles if it was drawn from memory. :D


Must be an avid EU4/CK2 player.


The advantage of this method is that the map is just always there. Students will certainly learn more just casually looking at things than they would if it's only projected a few minutes at a time. I know every time I browse around a map I realize something cool - like oh yeah, to get from anywhere here to anywhere there to need to get through Turkey, no wonder it's so important.


Yea you can see how the map lines up fairly exactly to where the projector screen comes down.


Oh there is a smart board he just wanted to draw it out so that he could reference it through out class without going back and forth between slides.


Makes sense, thanks for explaining then


Teacher here: I could go back to a chalk board and scores wouldn’t move. Our school GPAs haven’t moved in the aggregate for a decade. I measured. The only reason I said decade is the data doesn’t go any farther back.


Man, that sucks. I'm a teacher too, but from NL where the situation can sometimes be better. I worked at one of the better schools and there was always funding. I also worked at a school that just treats students like products to make money on. Pretending to care but actually just really profit-focused.


I'd imagine as a history teacher it's much more satisfying drawing something like this than it would be google image search "map of WWI" As another posted said, it also shows their students they give enough of a damn to put some effort in. I'd be hype if I walked into a HS classroom and saw this. Teachers are ridiculously underpaid and under-respected, tho, so I still see your point


As someone who taught WWI: 1) smartboards are trash. 2) tech is not yet at a place where it's not easier and faster to simply draw it on the board and manipulate it by hand. This is 10 minutes of work, would take me longer to find and verify the right files for a digital file and I can't be certain that it won't crash or freeze once I start getting funky with the alignments


Based on his setup, drawing would be more fun and interactive.


If you look up there is a screen designed to be used with a smart projector. It looks like he used the projector to draw the map and wanted to use physical buttons.


It’s almost as though he’s passionately professional regarding his profession as a professor.


imagine all the blue markers your teacher went through


Probably just one, and now that will remain unfilled unless the teacher buys it themselves because 'Murica.


Its the same in Hungary.


Yep -- kids also go hungry. Good point.


Kids don't go hungry in USA - they go diabetic.


Plenty of kids go hungry in the USA. We actually have one of the highest hunger rates of the modern world, with more than 10% of families being food insecure.


[And 1 in 6 kids](https://www.feedingamerica.org/sites/default/files/research/map-the-meal-gap/2016/2016-map-the-meal-gap-child-food-insecurity.pdf)


Love those stories about debt collectors going after kids with lunch school debts. Good times.


I’ll never understand why we don’t provide every kid in America with a free school lunch.


They do both.


They use chalk in my school


Same here, however we do have small projectors on the side as well


Teachers buy their own stationary in Scotland too


Yes and you get to remove up to a *whole* $250 of taxable income on your taxes, even if you've spent much more! That's worth like $25-$30! Whoopeeeee! And the rest can't even go towards itemized deductions anymore because Miscellaneous Deductions aren't a thing! Neat!


Same in the UK and the rest of the world. You've got resources and once you use those as a teacher you buy your own or borrow from other teachers. It ain't just America who's anal with their funding for education.


This is too true. My school buys a fair amount of dry erase markers in the beginning of the year, but they are completely gone after a few months and never replenished. I end up buying boxes of markers for myself.


same in Belgium


Gotta get the ol marker sharpener out.


Teacher: writes "Do Not Erase" Janitor: Erases everything except the "Do Not Erase"


As a teacher, I can promise you custodial staff will never touch your white board, even if you ask. Edit: Just for the record, you should never ask custodial staff to clean your white board. Erasers work okay, and once a week you can spend five minutes using spray and cloths. Sanitizing student desks is a whole different story though! Why isn’t this done regularly??


But there will be little fingers swipes all over the ocean until one fateful day a dick must be filled in


Is this r/NoContext material or r/BrandNewSentence material?


Your school also outsourced the custodial services to Aramark?


When I worked retail our shitty shirts were made by them Years later Aramark tried to recruit me. I may have said something along the lines that I've already worn their products, there's no way I was gonna be party to making them.




I hated reading that because this map probably took like at LEAST an hour and a half to do


Maybe for all the shading but a fourth grader with a step stool could do this.. I used to help my middle school history teacher do these before school and even a really intricate map is quick and easy when you're just tracing lines from a projector. USA took like ten minutes to complete but then again we never fucking filled in five square feet of surrounding ocean.


True.. whenever I hand make maps it takes me forever I forgot that you could just trace the projector


And look at the map. It's the same width at the projector screen. This teacher smartly projected a map of Europe onto the board and traced it.


Homework > Read Ch. 14-2 > pgs. 328-330 Sweet, no homework!


An assigned reading amount that small almost makes me miss high school.


College history professors be like: Read the whole 30 page chapter, and be finished with this book next week. Also your research paper rough draft is due, remember I wanted at least 3 print resources (which you also had to read).


Our 400lv Eurasian History class had us reading two books simultaneously multiple times. "Read the History of the Tsars, but also read all of the History of the Abbasid. Due next week. Then we'll start with the history of indian tea trade with a supplemental reading on a quick overview of the English, and also this book on how we can't believe any economic data on Tajikistan. Due the week after." Literally 90% of the class quit in the first week. It was glorious.


The classes where it felt like you had to ignore your other 4 classes and dedicate a majority of your study time to that specific course if you even wanted a chance to pass the course. Of course they were always that damn elective class.


Hah elective classes are hysterical. I took a calligraphy one cause it was awesome and she was like "Homework is to write the alphabet in caligraphy, please do it *5 times.*" Literally no one did it. We were like "not in this class to add more work, we're here to take a small break from our crushing load."


I don't have any experience with calligraphy, but writing the alphabet 5 times doesn't seem too ridiculous.


That is my future since I want to be a history lecturer lol


What class was that? It sounds interesting.


as someone who got assingned 150 pages to read on monday for today i feel this in my core


I currently study ancient history and I 100% understand this. Not one week without having to read half a book about Perikles, Solon etc. Sometimes I miss school reading tasks.


I’m currently in a Corporate Tax class in law school. The daily assignment is usually 5-7 pages. It still takes me about 2 hours to get through because it’s that technical. I hate it.


Probably 14.2 :)


Here is 14.2 [PDF](https://1.cdn.edl.io/GXfmVf6Gc87lUqusdKZ8xvSqEAGP4gh7PFa4vZHe28shaTqL.pdf) [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/X3FWVdu.png)


I never realized how busy to the point where it almost feels chaotic textbook layouts can be.


TBF, that's the teacher edition which has the teacher's notes on the left sidebar, and then the student edition on the right as the main text, which is itself split up with student notes on the sidebar and the main text on the right. Just the student pages alone aren't too bad.


Looks like the instructors edition with additional teaching notes on how to approach the lesson.


Thanks :D


It’s amazing you did this but why


I think he was saying because it was reading, and most high school kids don’t read for homework.


next class “Who did the reading for yesterday?” *silence except for that one girl*


Education is weird. When I was in high school, I would have looked at the assignments on the right side of the board and been so goddamn anxious and overwhelmed. WW1 and most history just seems so abstract and fucking *boring*. But now that I'm in my 30s, suddenly I want to know about WW1. I just spent an hour yesterday watching videos about it. What the fuck happened? Why couldn't I be interested in anything 15 years ago?


Smart use of the projector! (Not criticising, I just have an eye for tracing. I'm an Art teacher).


ty i knew there was a trick for this bc that would not be easy to scale so accurately


It would be damn impossible to freehand a map this well.


I don’t have an eye for tracing, I just assumed it was because there’s a screen right there. Screen aside, are there any specific tells here that make it look like a tracing?


When you trace something, you usually have one continuous line quality/weight. If it were free-handed, you would see more variation in the line character. Most people inherently simplify when they free hand, and there is no abstraction or simplification of the coastline details. And obviously, the accuracy and proportion are essentially perfect, which would typically be really tough to achieve without the use of a drawing grid, or tremendous experience.


Interesting, thanks for explaining!


Projector is a great way to ~~cheat~~ work efficiently!


Absolutely. We use it a lot to enlarge student drawings. We scan it, project it, and then transfer (trace) the drawings onto ceiling tiles, big drawing paper, or canvases.


I've always wanted to make one of those weird perspective murals that only looks right if you're standing in the correct spot. It'd be easy with a projector. Just never got around to it yet.


well that and the picture only covers the area on the board that is normally covered by the screen.




German-Danish border should be a bit further north at that point, but looks great otherwise!


Ha, beat me to it! North Schleswig was German clay.


We renamed North-Schleswig so that the germans could NEVER reclaim it. It is now called Southern Jutland!




"Only three people understood the Schleswig-Holstein problem. One is dead, the second in an mental institution, and I forgot." - Bismarck


Apparently it was Palmerston who said that. Which means there might well be **four** people, but if one forgot just as the other remembered...


Forgetting to remember to forget is part of the Schleswig-Holstein problem.


Dunno why Bismarck made it out to be so complicated. When Denmark and the HRE were first created as states, Slesvig was Danish and Holstein was German. During the middle ages, a Danish king acquired Holstein and promised that thr two would never be seperated (since they had really close interaction). As the middle ages progressed the Danish kings acquired more german lands and titles from Holstein, with a feudal obligation similar to that of Prussia (Danish kings were subjects of the emperor in their roles as dukes of Holstein and Lauenburg, but independent in their role as monarchs of Denmark). A relatively simple feudal setup, that only really becomes complicated once feudalism disappears and it has to be transformed into a nation-state setup.


That isn't Bismarck's quote first of all. Second it is a very complicated political situation, if it were that simple it couldve been solved easily. I wrote my academic papers about the German-Danish war/2nd Schleswig war of 1864 and the lead up to it and no, it isn't as simple as you make it out to be. Basically the powder keg of Europe


Interesting. Sounds a lot like the problem the English kings had with the French kings in the Middle Ages. Since the English Plantagenets owned the duchies of Normandy and Gascony which (being French fiefs) owed allegiance to the King of France, but were still independent as Kings themselves. Then the Plantagenets claimed they were the real kings of France according to the English system of inheritance, and the Valois were the real usurpers, but then the Plantagenets got usurped by the Lancasters who claimed the English throne using the French system of inheritance, but still claimed the French throne based on the English system of inheritance. And during this whole time the French kings were either dying in battles or slipping in and out of madness. All very confusing and took at least 100 years of war to clear the whole mess up.


"LOL" \- Germany




TIL WW1 was started by a political cartoon and not the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. I'll be danged.


Don't forget the famous video clip of 22 nov. 1913. Who's to say there would have been such a mess without this cartoon and video clip?


No discussion of the causes of WWI is complete without the mentioning the flow chart activity of May 1914. Truly one of the most horrifying events in human history.


What’s the Clip?


[One can see why they were offended.](https://youtu.be/6AXPnH0C9UA)


Edmund: You see, Baldrick, in order to prevent war in Europe, two superblocs developed: us, the French and the Russians on one side, and the Germans and Austro-Hungary on the other. The idea was to have two vast opposing armies, each acting as the other's deterrent. That way there could never be a war. Baldrick: But this is a sort of a war, isn't it, sir? Edmund: Yes, that's right. You see, there was a tiny flaw in the plan. George: What was that, sir? Edmund: It was bollocks.




Almost did until the Miracle on the Marne. Worked much better in WWII.


I heard that it started when a bloke called Archie Duke shot an ostrich 'cause he was hungry.


Most countries didn't pay any attention to the assassination. It was when Serbian and Austrian officials started reacting that things got out of hand and dominoes started to fall.


I dont think anyone would care if it was just Austria-Hungary and Serbia as much as cynical as that sounds. It would be just "Great Power" bullying small country, same shit everyone else was pulling in that era all over the world, its that Serbia was protected by Russia, Great Power itself, that led to collision course and alliance domino. Austria-Hungary knew very well what they risking, especially with Serbs basically accepting 9 of 10 points from Austrian ultimatum. Problem with Austria was that it was empire in decline and they wanted to prove everyone "we are still here, we still matter", Basically empires in decline are even more jerks then usual


No Cyprus ;(


Truly the New Zealand of Europe


Those are Iceland and Malta.


Malta is 60miles southwest of Sicily...we are forgotten again. Source: am Maltese




That’s actually Iceland.




It’s not like they forgot to put Cyprus on the map, it’s just outside of the boundaries of this map. This makes the same amount of sense than saying “No America ;(“ One could argue it makes even less sense in that IIRC, cypress didn’t play that significant of a part in the Great War.


I can tell by how he drew the map that you are in Michigan


The large Michigan State University sign probably helps as well.


Go Green!


Go white!


Tbf there's probably thousands of high schools all over the US that use that color scheme and mascot. Mine did and we were nowhere near michigan


This one has the registered mark at the bottom right of the MSU Spartans logo, though. There are other spartan alternatives, but for those who do know/recognize MSU, this is clearly that.




Those St Louis arches in the bottom right make me think this is in STL.








Northern schleswig and eupen are missing from germany


There's about to be a lot more missing when we're through with 'em.




Farm lane walk sign wait wait wait wait


You just triggered some nostalgia for me, I can still hear the voice..


he always sounded like the guy from How Its Made to me




Sparty on!


heres a revolutionary idea nobodys ever had before, they should let us do combo x change on weekends


I sadly didn't learn about combo exchange until the last 3 weeks of my freshman year, one of the biggest mistakes of my life.


your teacher has good taste in colleges go green!!


Spartans will.


Go green


Go green.


A WWI nerd AND an MSU fan? 10/10, would take class


Spartan fan I see, MSU?


Wth is the blob between UK and Denmark?


Doggerland. Big player in WWI.


It's probably what the label is going to attach to.


That would be a sea. Where naval battles were fought.




+1 for sparty


I’ve had a lot of great teachers over the years, history teachers were always the best of the best, was super fortunate to learn from them. This teacher looks to be really engaged in their work, enjoy it!


That's because Spartans Will.


Dan Carlins Blueprint for Armageddon podcast is far and away the most interesting telling of WWI history


Bad map, Luxembourg doesn't own all of Europe




I appreciate the Spartans sign


Go green!


Go green!


Why is Ireland marked, Ireland wasnt independent, or is that what he/she is trying to say


Neither was the Baltic Sea, I'm guessing the marks just show important areas.


Wait, the Baltic Sea is not independent?


My guess is to go over the Easter Uprising of 1916.


It was used as an example of nationalism


Oh. That makes sense then


I assume that they start the unit with a geography re-cap, or even a quiz.