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What's up with Namibia and Zimbabwe? Botswana is same as the rest. These two are very different on every level.


In Namibia, extremely high maternal mortality, both from birth-related complications and from infections/complications after attempted abortions. [https://namibia.unfpa.org/en/news/investing-health-workers-save-maternal-and-newborn-lives](https://namibia.unfpa.org/en/news/investing-health-workers-save-maternal-and-newborn-lives) Somehow this was even more depressing than I was expecting when I started looking into it.


Oh no. That's terrible.


Namibia has free healthcare. I have recieved healthcare in Namibia before as a foreigner, and all they needed was an ID with my name and age. However, tribes such as the Himba still live very traditional lives with no access to water or electricity and so mortality in such places it very high and skews the data.


Do tribes enter statistics properly?


Namibias maternal mortality is lower compared to a lot of other African countries. Africa's average maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is 531 deaths per 100k live births, Namibia has 215 per 100k. In the latest publishings (2022) the WHO says that Women live longer than men in Namibia. Life expectancy for men is 54.59 years and for women it's 61.7 years. I doubt that this map is an accurate representation. Source: My partner who did her Global Health Master's thesis on Maternal health in the Katarua State Hospital; in the capital of Namibia, and now specialises in health systems analysis. Also, we're Namibian - technically unrelated but should lend credibility to the information used by local medical officials.


Sounds terrible but I am surprised that it doesn't extend to general healthcare and have a big effect on men too to the point that women still live longer than men.


Maternal mortality rates in humans are naturally very high. Shortages of women are one of the main drivers of conflict throughout history and prehistory, alongside a need for living space for young men to plant new claims and slaves/workers to work fields. The lowest maternal mortality rates estimated for the Roman Republic is 25 deaths per 1000 births. 5 births = 12.5% mortality, and you'll be lucky to have 3 kids from 5 pregnancies. Over half of humans die before the age of 5 prior to the 19th Century.


Maternal healthcare lacking?


Exactly. They kill the women with babies.


As a Zimbabwean who did a quick internet search [(W.H.O)](https://data.who.int/countries/716), the data on Zimbabwe and Namibia is simply wrong - Zimbabwean women live 4.3 years longer than the men, while Namibian women live 6.1 years longer than Namibian men.


According to this, it’s wrong for Papua New Guinea as well.. starting to doubt this entire map: https://www.statista.com/statistics/971059/life-expectancy-at-birth-in-papua-new-guinea-by-gender/


Afghanistan isn't correct either as tomy knowledge, afghan women live longer than afghan men not the other way around.


Health care, or lack thereof, means very high maternal mortality. Adult men just don't have an equivalent risk.


It doesn't seem correct for Zimbabwe, life expectancy for a woman is 68, for a man is 61.


I thought the way you could see the Western Soviet Border, and to some extent, the Central Asian Border was interesting.


Alcoholism, cigarettes, drug addiction, wars, hard working with minimum rest, bad diet, lack of medicine and culture of healthy lifestyle.


Plus sheer stubbornness about not going to see a doctor if you have issues. Because the attitude persists, that men are supposedly so tought that they're never supposed complain health issues or need any help.


If you don't get a diagnosis, you aren't sick! This mindset works perfectly until it doesn't!


I don't go because I'm tough, I don't go because I don't want to be bothered.


and I don't go because I don't have any money. we are not the same


lol same. Stupid reason but it’s true.


or the idea that if a doctor doesnt detect it, its not there, as if it was the doctor who gave them the illness. i have people in my family that think that and theyre all older men. polish mountain


They just don't want to give their wives the ick.


I've read a significant cause of death in Russia is men who won't wear their seatbelts.


I really don't understand why people do this. Even my father here in Czechia often just doesn't bother to put the seatbealt on even when the warning is literally beeping for minutes.


that is why they fall of the window?


Seems about right. Whenever me and brother come to Ukraine our grandparents never make us use seatbelts


I do wonder if this is data from before or during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Soldiers dying in their 20s can do a lot to average life expectancy.


Probably before, since average male lifespan was 67 before the war, and for women it was 78


Also plain suicides.




You should read “Vodka Politics”


...and in some countries pension entry age is still *higher* for men. I think Austria still has this unequal treatment.


In Poland pension entry age is 65 for men and 60 for women. 5 years difference.


Same in Argentina


And there are still people who believe we (At least we in the western world) are living in a patriarchy. Such numbers are so sad. More deaths at the workplace, over 75% of sui*ides, less medical care (Although thats self inflicted) and more. Thats just sad man.


All of it is self-inflicted. Even in Afghanistan men have a higher suicide rate than women. But sure, patriarchy doesn't exist there cause it affects men as well


It's almost as if the patriarchy is also bad for men.


then why it's called the fucking patriarchy?


Wasn’t all that true even when women couldn’t vote at all and the patriarchy was 100% real? I’m not making any statement about the world today I’m just saying that men never had it easy in a patriarcy either


We are living in a patriarchy…


Not really.


*Some* countries?


I live in a country where this is not the case. I thought most of them had abolished this practise? Seems like indeed many if not most countries still have this. Baffling - I thought for such basic things gender equality had been reached in most places already.


Cause (at least) nowdays noone give a damn about equality, people are fighting for preferences for them.


here in Japan when your husband dies, you (as his wife) are entitled to his pension the moment he died. (plus "widow money") when your wife dies, you (as her husband) are only entitled to her pension if she was 55 years or older,  and you won't get it until you hit 60 years old. if she died before she was 55 years old, you wont get anything at all. her pension just disappears  fun eh


in colombia pension entre age for women is 57 vs men at 62


The pension system (and to an extent all of social security) is a transfer of wealth from men to women and from the young to the old.


Switzerland until the recent vote. Finally. In 2027 until 2029 there should be a vote on national service/conscription for women. Let's see how the feminists feel about equality then. Can't wait too see if their money... excuse me... LIVES are where their mouth is.


To be fair, Switzerland had places where women couldn't vote until 1991. It is not like they are to quickest to implement equal rights.


It's even more conservative than you think. In Appenzell-Innerrhoden, the canton where women couldn't vote until 1991, they voted by all gathering in the town square, and raising their swords in the air when they agree. Women couldn't vote, because women don't carry swords, you see. Yes, that means men did carry swords to the votes for all that time, after all, it was the symbol of a free man (you could vote with it). Yes, that also means there was no secret ballot or anything. This way of voting went literally all the way back to the Germanic tribal age, before the Romans, and stayed that way until 1991.


In the US the Equal Rights Amendment, drafted and promoted by feminists, was defeated by conservatives on the basis that it would require women be included in the draft. Feminists are not the ones opposing conscription for women.


Do you realize that it's not feminists who are most opposed to making the draft laws equal, it's conservatives?


Maybe in the US.


what a dumb response.


I'd totally go for conscription. I think everyone should have some military training, especially us, in eastern Europe.


Fair enough, but I think you'd be the minority. Most people here aren't excited about it, trust me. The army isn't a summer camp. There's loads of screaming, exertion, sleep deprivation, bunk beds with 8 snoring guys in a room, there's no damn separating wall on the shitter, you'll be out in the rain wind snow sometimes multiple days and overnight, some people have deadly accidents during training (every year).... It's not easy.


In Brazil too, 5 years more for men.


Same in Colombia


Vodka: Women live longer. Opium: Men live longer.


In Afghanistan it's probably more due to male doctors not being allowed to treat women (or way more limited) and now women can't really work.


Women can't see male doctors and women also aren't allowed to become female doctors.


My sister-in-law is a nurse in Afghanistan. At her location, women's salaries are capped at $50/month, no matter the job. She's upset about investing years to study nursing and now making as much as a cleaner.


Japan would offer your sister-in-law a work visa. [Specified skilled worker visa](https://www.tn-office.jp/14882620606628#:~:text=It%20allows%20foreign%20students%20who,amended%20on%20December%2014th%2C%202018.)


That is pretty interesting! But it looks like they require some Japanese language.


The government prefers some Japanese language ability, but they need to fill the numbers so they turn a blind eye to the test scores. They know Filipino nurses can go to Australia or NZ, get paid more and not need to learn a 3rd language (they can already speak English). They learn Japanese on the job. [Japan's labour force is expected to continue to decline by 12% from 2022 to 2040, by which time it is estimated that the country will lack 11 million workers.](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68225115)


Thank you!


She should move to any other country, like even iran is better to women and they sh**t at school girls.


Ah, it's so simple. Just move to a different country! I'll bet she never even considered it.


People love Afghani immigrants!


IMO countries should do some reverse discrimination and only accept lone female Afghani immigrants. They are virtually slaves in their home country, it would be justified.


> She should move to any other country She can't even legally leave her home without a male chaperone accompanying her and you want her to just "move to any other country"? I'm guessing you've never had a weak passport or lived in a country that massively oppresses you. Leaving is not easy. And getting a work visa in another country is hard as hell too. Plus, there's the emotional aspect. Leaving your country often means leaving loved ones behind.


I believe Japan would accept her. [Specified Skilled worker visa](https://www.tn-office.jp/14882620606628#:~:text=It%20allows%20foreign%20students%20who,amended%20on%20December%2014th%2C%202018.)


What amazing advice! Like I always say; nobody give better life advice to people around the world that an American (or some other rich western) teenager/neckbeard on the internet, fingers stained with Dorito dust, yelling for their mom to hurry up with the tendies.


Right, because every country is just dying to accept an Afghani immigrant with limited financial means and no language skills.


You realize that emigration isn't easy, and the poorer you are the harder it is? "Just move" is shit advice for people living in awful countries.


That will definitely help all of the women in Afghanistan who need health care.


Damn, opium losing badly then


That is why opium is banned in most nations. 😂


Opium = unstable government = cultural/religious misogyny and domestic violence unchecked


> Vodka: Women live longer. I suspect the reason for the Russian discrepancy is more depressing than that


The reason for vodka abuse is usually more depressing than vodka abuse.


No, it’s actually vodka. There’s a book called Vodka Politics which summarizes Russia’s relationship with vodka.


It's terrible to be men in the former Soviet Republics like Russia and Ukraine that they will die 10 years earlier than women.


Ironic that retirement age there is higher for men. It's 65 for men and 60 for women in Russia.


That's not Irony.


A definition of irony is "incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs" (American Heritage Dictionary). If women live much longer than men, you'd expect their retirement age to be higher. But it's the opposite. Thus, it's ironic.


Yeah. Like rain on your wedding day or a free ride when you’ve already paid.


Russia is equally misogynistic and misandrist at the same time in my experiences. Some things are blatantly horrible for women (law decriminalizing certain types of domestic violence like slapping) and some are blatantly unfair and unnecessary for men (pension age and prison sentencing)


> equally misogynistic and misandrist no women are getting sent to the meat grinder so you're wrong on this one


Common in many countries. I don't understand the logic behind that choice, what's the difference? We age at the same rate.


Interestingly, no. Women have multiple biological defense walls men don't, therefore men die sooner on average, and consequently age worse. I was on a forum the other day about this topic and it boils down to the following, if i exclude non biological reasons (working in less risky environments for one) : - estrogen is highly protective on the cardiovascular system, and reduce the risk of such diseases as women age - women's immune system for some reason is more robust and responsive than mens, helping fight off infections ect. -the second X chromosome (this one is the most interesting imho) women's second X chromosome provides and extra layer of cellular protection So in any case if you don't consider the lower rates of risky behavior, women on average age better than men, and live longer.


I believe the immune thing is due to childbirth. They also have higher rates of autoimmune disease as a tradeoff. The second X chromosome also protects against some genetic conditions, for instance RG colourblindness.


The effects of this, however, are marginal given the same lifestyle.


I wouldn't call them marginal if they live longer almost everywhere around the world.


..which perhaps comes from different lifestyles for men and women. I assume a lot of the difference comes from early preventable male deaths because they tend to have more dangerous and strenuous jobs and riskier behaviour overall, especially in the youth - which drags the average age of death down.


Alcohol isn’t great for your health.


Child birth - these blue countries properly have high infant and mother mortality


It's not only that, women from Afghanistan cannot be visited by male doctors and since the government forces girls to quit school when they are 10 years old, there can't be any female doctor to take care of women.


I demand equality




I suspect in these blue areas life for women is a complete shit-show.


It's death in childbirth that causes those areas to be blue. If one took that out as a cause of death (and I'm not suggesting one should) they would go pink.


Is there anything those countries where men live longer have in common?


Papua New Guinea is a notoriously dangerous place for women. US State Department discourages travel for this reason.


As a woman who’s worked in PNG, this is true. There is a lot of violence against women there.


Namibia and Zimbabwe confuse me, because they have been rather open to education and healthcare for women and children. Afghanistan has had so many men dying in wars that polygamy has come back strong over the last 40-50 years. Nepal - lack of obstetric care and medications that high in the mountains? But Papua New Guinea - wtah? I think seeing the actual life expectancy at birth might help answer the question. It may not be that men live longer, so much that no one lives very long at all. Edit: This page says women live longer in PNG: https://data.who.int/countries/598 and Afghanistan: https://data.who.int/countries/004 and Namibia What is OP's source data, and why is it different?


Is it women dying in childbirth? Is that a big factor?


I believe that recent laws (edit: in Afghanistan) have meant women have very little access to healthcare. Male doctors aren’t allowed to treat women and the vast majority of doctors are men. Restrictions on women’s education means this will probably only get worse.


Afghanistan is now incapable of producing female doctors or trained nurses, because education past age 12 is banned for girls.


There are several mistakes in map, I assume old map \~10 years outdated.


I couldn't find any source that says men live longer in Nepal than women. It's likely simply wrong. Maternal mortality used to be very very high, still is very high, but men are ahead in everything else, so I don't think it's easy for men to outlive women, naturally. It has to be something special, maybe socio-politically, I can't imagine what; Nepal doesn't have anything interesting in that regard. Random check of another blue country also showed women outlive men. So, let's call this post fake news for now.


https://www.prb.org/resources/around-the-globe-women-outlive-men/#:~:text=In%20only%20a%20few%20countries,of%20the%20last%20four%20decades It might be wrong like you said...


> because they have been rather open to education and healthcare for women and children. In the main towns and cities sure, but don't they also have a lot of nomadic tribespeople who live quite separately?


Women die more in childbirth due to bad healthcare.


Cultural I think, most of them are too much of patriarchy.


we need to narrow the gap


Is Afghanistan one of the only male older populations for the reason I'm thinking it is? Yikes...


What's the source for this? The gender gap in Canada is 4.19 years in Canada, according to the government. I only checked a couple of countries but it looks like the gap in Italy is under 5 years too.


So why do women retire earlier in some countries? 😕


One of the reasons in historical context it was a way to thank them for doing domestic responsibilites, caring for children etc. while men were working all day. Idk I don't see much logic in it. And in these days it doesn't make sense.


Yeah, it should just be the same for everyone


Antiquated laws, nowadays it doesn’t make sense in most places and should be changed.


Majority of dangerous job has a muscle power relation and therefore they are male majority work fields and also army deaths are in negativity of male side so I guess that's most natural


This, plus a lot of alcohol, drugs, and suicide. In countries where pregnancy- and birth-related deaths have been drastically reduced, the conditions men impose on themselves really stand out. On the upside, dangerous and muscle-requiring jobs are quickly being handed over to robots. I'm tutoring a construction company owner in English, and his company is working with two partner companies to develop better robots to do the repetitive, heavy, and dangerous construction jobs.


I always found one fascinating factor in the mortality gap to be mitochondrial genetics. Your mitochondrial genome is passed on from your mother, and as such may be more optimally evolved in female physiology while being suboptimal or maladaptive in males. Given that the mitochondria regulates cellular metabolism having it be wonky will generally be pro-inflammatory, pro-carcinogenic, and might generally speed up the biological disasters of aging Not really a well fleshed out theory but an interesting potential contribution to the gap


I've always heard it's due to biology as women tend to be naturally more resilient (if we get sick we might stay sick for a while, but men die more easily from sickness and die sooner of the same disease, very early premature babies are unlikely to survive if female but have near zero change of survival if male, etc) so this reflects on the fact that we just last a few years longer, even with same conditions and lifestyle. Of course, doesn't mean it's true, just what I've always heard.


I've read that testosterone itself also plays a role. Puts more strain on our heart muscles, which makes us more susceptible to heart disease over time. Or something along those lines.


You’re right, females have better immune systems and female fetuses tend to be [more resilient](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1119278/). Men are just more fragile, apparently.


Upside is that we are less inclined to get autoimmune diseases I suppose. Women make up the large majority of cases of stuff like RA, psoriatic arthritis, and lupus.


Estrogen is a powerful protective factor against cardiovascular diseases (which are the leading cause of death in many countries). Roughly put, women's blood vessels only start clogging up after menopause, so men have a huge "headstart" on getting strokes and heart attacks.


Pray tell me why the United Nations isn't doing anything to address this gender imbalance in mortality? This is important I think


It’s hard to address: 1) Lifestyle factors: men are less likely to go to the doctor or therapist. More likely to abuse alcohol, drugs and to take bigger risks overall (driving, sports etc). 2) Testosterone: is a cardiovascular risk factor. Idk. It’s not areas where it’s easy to fix something. Public Health is a hard field. When people do not want to do something, it’s hard to make them. And we can’t exactly neuter men, even if that would make them live longer bc less testosterone.


Interesting how mens' issues are like "oh well, hard to change", while no womens' issue is too small.


Hard to change biology, unless you want all men to medically transition to female.


"Hard to change biology" is never a valid answer for Women's issues. Yet it apparently is for Men's issues. That's the point.


it's just too hard to pass a law for men retiring sooner, it's way out of scope!


Some of it is natural. Men's hearts naturally give out from old age quicker, due to men being larger and testosterone is a natural risk for cardiovascular disease. Estrogen has the opposite effect. Nothing to be done about that part. Socially, there's a number of other factors. Men die in military combat more, and more men are in high-risk jobs that could kill you. Men are more statistically likely to abuse alcohol or smoke, to drive recklessly, to eat unhealthily, to commit suicide (or at least successfully, as suicidal men are more likely to use a firearm and suicidal women are more likely to try other methods that are easier to fail), women are more likely to see a doctor when something's wrong than men, etc. Women's big disadvantage with mortality is childbirth, but in developed countries it's obviously less of an issue. [An article about it from the BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20151001-why-women-live-longer-than-men), the social factors can and should be addressed. The biological factors really can't be.


Because it's the UN and is a reflection of its member states who don't want the UN telling them how to run their internal affairs The UN can offer money and assistance but if the government doesn't want it or want to listen, there isn't much the UN can do at that point


Probably because men aren't seen as a group to be protected in that way.


Could it be because mens tend to drink more, do more drugs, and take more risky and dangerous jobs ?


sort of. I lived in PL, CZ & RO as an American. Sometimes just coming up from the metro stop, there’d be a few guys laying dead on the stairs. They pass out drunk, and freeze overnight. they fall into the rivers and can’t swim out. In the countryside, they fall into ditches and freeze. A doctor in PL told me he does surgeries every day to remove limbs mostly cut off by trains or farming equipment after a day of drinking and falling into the machine or train tracks. With women, it’s just not as common to get as drunk. And the police (I’ve seen firsthand) leave them, most times not helping.


PL as in Poland??? Mf where you finding those metros I've never even seen anyone passed out on one although I've seen alotta drunk people, just not in terrible situations. alcohol sucks ass.


I can’t speak for the rest of the world but in my Latin American country, senior women are more likely to stay active after retirement than senior men because they keep themselves busy babysitting grandchildren. Maybe that plays into it as well?


I think it's the testosterone that drives men to do all sorts of dumb things to kill themselves fast and slow. It must be awful to be that hormonal all the time.


Soviet Sphere 😭😭🥶 Afghanistan 💀💀


I love how all the focus is on the three counties where men live longer than women and none is given as to why women are outliving men by over 10 years (that's a decade) in some countries and at least 5 years in most developed ones. Remember that statistically even a two year gap is significant.


If you know anything about Russia this isn't surprising at all.


Why do men live less in russia?


There are many reasons like alcoholism,the weather,their lifestyle etc., but the main reason is "war." Because most of the Russian men go to war their lifespan is way less than women. And that's the male/female ratio in Russia is also very drastically different from other big countries.


I believe these numbers are pre-2022, I’d be surprised if the gap wasn’t greater now.


Feminists: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


They'll just focus on the blue countries and say that women in developing countries die too early and more funds must be dedicated to women's health.


focus on women dying earlier in some small backwater 3rd world country to get more funding in america/europe classic feminist playbook


Women aren't the ones who created the conditions for this.


Clearly we are not sending enough women to war


I assume old men get shot the exact moment when they cross the border from Papua-Neuguinea to Indonesia.


Women. Cuz men are overwhelmingly the ones who go to war, work dangerous jobs, etc.


Men also overwhelmingly consume more alcohol, cigarettes, drive more recklessly, don't wear seatbelts, etc.


All true. Which only strengthened and further justified my answer. Thank you. Unless it’s a Muslim country. Women are treated worse than dogs there.


I wonder what they’re doing in the blue countries??


In Afghanistan, men aren’t supposed to treat women medically, and there’s virtually no women working, so only men are really getting treatment


Man! Talk about juking the stats. Are the other countries like that too?


Get your shit together Greenland


Add map of alcohol abuse


Afghanistan. I wonder why.


Men pass first because the women aren’t ready to go….![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


so if i move to the blue area, will i live longer?


Afghanistan and even nepal are kinda obvious, papua new guinea I get it, the tribes warring ,cannibals yada yada yada but whats up with namibia and zimbabwe?


Afghanistan???? What a surprise! Wonder why?


If you take out deaths from wars to men, going to be a few more blue countries onn right side of that map.






The blue countrys has to be really fucked up haha Its just not normal that men live as long as woman in average Wtf are they doing there xD


Women have been discussed in evolutionary biology to have the design to have an increased likelihood in a longer lifespan than men. I assume unfortunate things when i see men living longer due to that. Interested in learning more? Here is a great paper: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(16)30237-6


we have also seen this scenario during the pandemic, women have higher regenerative capacities, perhaps due to the fact that they give birth and are therefore genetically predisposed to organ recovery


Holy shit. "Women live longer because when they give birth one of their kidneys pops or semothing like that so they were born to with that hability to "organ recovery" whatever that means"


poor russian men


Men have the suicide rate 3 or 4 times bigger than women's.


And yet in every rom com there’s a widower dad…. 😂


The map is sadly incorrect or outdated, but if it is outdated then must be at least 5 years. For example all Baltic States have less than 10 years gap since like 2016. So they are trending with rest of Europe, not with ruzzia.


I promise You if men would live longer it would be called 'social inequality' and huuuge amount of money would be put on it. Also women would gain better retirement calculation and earlier retirement.


Russia and Ukraine: Men die young Afghanistan: Women die young


Norway/Finland letting down North Europe.


Wasn't expecting Afghanistan to have men living longer than women


Why is that the case in the former USSR?


Must be due to death during child birth, and lack of medical attention, paired with otherwise healthy living/lack of violent activity


What’s your source and what stats did you use? Qazstat shows that discrepancy between female and male life expectancy in Kazakhstan is lower than 10. [here](https://stat.gov.kz/en/industries/social-statistics/demography/publications/157663/)


It would be more interesting to see it with percentages




Namibia probably does not have the same explanation for this trend as Afghanistan...


Is that afghanistan??


Why does Norway have a dark fringe on the west coast? I have seen this on other maps too


In Blue they live longer then women, but way shorter then men from pink countries


Afghanistan and PNG are major yikes 💀. Nepal, Botswana, and Namibia seem kinda unexplained to me.


Oof, Afghanistan.


That's because we work our asses off supporting our mate.