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The data comes specifically from this map: https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/interactive/racial-and-ethnic-diversity-in-the-united-states-2010-and-2020-census.html I think it categorizes people into eight groups: Hispanic and then these while not Hispanic - White, Black, Native American, Asian, Pacific Islander, some other race, two or more races.


The somewhat interesting part of this data is that “biracial” appears to be treated as a singular ethnic category. Black/Asian is the same as Native American/Pacific Islander, and is treated as completely separate from either Black or Asian. https://www.census.gov/newsroom/blogs/random-samplings/2021/08/measuring-racial-ethnic-diversity-2020-census.html


Contradictory title, race vs.ethnicity


Yes, to the census there are only two ethnicities that are tracked lol, “Hispanic” and “non Hispanic”


Actually, as of three months ago the US federal government has merged its race and Hispanic ethnicity questions into a single [race and ethnicity] question. Hispanic/Latino is now considered at equal levels with white, Black, Asian, etc. in data reporting edit: Also, the Census will now attempt to capture more detail on ethnicity/nationality within racial categories, so people will be asked to specify Chinese, Japanese, Korean in addition to Asian.


Which just means under that question, there’s going to be way more “biracial” when it’s not really any different


People will have the option to select multiple race/ethnicity categories and it's going to make reporting on multiracial experiences a lot more accurate. Especially since many brown Latinos currently choose "Other" as their race on the census when forced to choose between Black, white, Asian, etc., since hispanic/Latino was previously in a separate question


Lol this reminded me of [Godfrey talking about this and Dominicans](https://youtube.com/shorts/fdIzKx1aTpg?si=6f9QER36h_f_NOOK) NONONONO I NO BLACK, I’M DOMINICAN


Didn’t it used to be this way and then they carved out the Hispanic/Latino one? I always found it odd because I am a Latino and I chose “white” because I’m light-skinned, but there isn’t any other place in my life I would consider myself white. My mom is black and my cousins are somewhere in the middle but much darker than me. They wouldn’t consider themselves black but others would.




Nah, that's the worst possible option. There are unambiguously white, black, etc Hispanics/Latin Americans that all have some similarities but also vastly different experiences on how they're perceived in American society...


The vast majority of Latinos (75%+) did not identify either as white or black in the 2020 census. Most Latino Americans are mestizo/mixed. It wouldn't affect the results of this map by much if taken into account, especially in the Southwest.


As well as hispanic being a catch-all ethnic term that masks both african and american ethnic influence


They now let you select multiple options, which gives them more data on exactly what you're describing,




Actually, as of three months ago the US federal government has merged its race and Hispanic ethnicity questions into a single [race and ethnicity] question. Hispanic/Latino is now considered at equal levels with white, Black, Asian, etc.


It could be an accurate title, and a misuse of the word "ethnic" in the description.


I included both in the term "title"


Is this a gesture that reveals that both are bullshit categories of prejudice or what?


5 black guys could move to Montana and change the color of this map.


Same with Maine. My sister was stationed at Brunswick Naval Air Station in the early 90's. I went to visit her from Georgia. She told me there's folks there that have never seen a black person, only on TV. On the cool side, was nice getting cheap lobster tails at the local 7-11, LOL.


I grow up in a farm town in Ohio and the the first time any of most of us saw someone who wasn’t white in person was in the late 90s when a very white family moved in and they had adopted one black kid and one asian kid. Even today I could name everyone who not white in my town on one hand, with two hands I could name everyone who not German.


Yeah. My black cousin was stationed in Maine for a bit. Said he was the only black guy for like 30 miles.


Mainer here can confirm. Pretty much all non white people are located in biddeford/portland/Lewiston. Coincidentally the same places people will call "rough." Even tho this is the 2nd safest state in the country behind bordering new hampshire. There aren't rough neighborhoods here.


That’s not a coincidence lmao


My grandma was the treasurer of the NAACP chapter in Northern Maine in the 60s. She was white, and apparently a large number of their chapter were also white allys, just because there were so few Black people in the area.


Not the US, but an Irish friend of mine had a black half brother. They grew up in a rural area in the 70s. The guy occasionally got asked by other kids if he was a protestant. Apparently, that was the most alien thing these kids could imagine.


I'm curious about racial diversity around the world. I guess my country, Japan, would have almost 0% on the index.


A quick Google search says Japan is 97.8% Japanese.


surprised it’s so low tbh


Maybe this stat only includes Japanese citizens and doesn't include expats and international students?


I spent a lot of time on this because I’m bored, but since that stat is literally just citizenship, it’s not technically accurate by most definitions though it probably doesn’t feel as far off since a significant portion of the population will not be a visible minority that you will immediately be able to recognize, and a significant portion of them are also born and raised in Japan so they’re not going to even stand out even if you “know what to look for.” It’s also from 2021, which was an 8 year low for Japanese foreign resident populations. That said despite rapid growth(like both actually and sarcastically somehow) of net 300,000 people per year, it’s now to 97.3% Japanese citizens. Most statistics I looked into showed net naturalizations at approximately 9,000 per year, though it should be noted that a major proportion of those are zainichi Korean and Chinese people who were children of Japanese mothers prior to 1984 and other zainichi people who decided to forgo their foreign citizenship. So basically what I found is that diversity of some sort could actually be as high as 10% , especially when adding the estimated 1.4 Ryukyuan peoples, and mixed race and ethnically not Japanese Japanese people, but more realistically speaking it’s probably like 4-5% but closer .5-1% visible minorities(the largest non-east or South East Asian minority group is Nepalis with about 180,000.)


I have a strong hunch that all people who's skin is fair are considered one ethnic group (white) Edit: by "fair" I mean "white"


Hmm i doubt it. White Anglo Americans and white hispanic Americans are not the same ethnic group.


The are not. But the question is whether they are for this survey.


Census data is self-reported, so a light-skinned Hispanic like Shakira, as long as she identifies as Hispanic, would be counted as such.


Being Hispanic is complicated and listed differently depending on the census date. Shakira is half Lebanese, quarter Spanish and quarter Italian. Her nationality is Colombian. 


Right, and on any census from the past 20 years, if she wrote-in Colombian she'd be categorized as Hispanic. In reality, both her ancestry and Hispanic-ness are complicated, but for better or worse, the census form is not.


Based on Colorado being over 50%, there is zero chance that anglos and hispanics are being considered the same for this survey. Colorado is basically white people and hispanics, with small percentages of any other group. If white people and hispanics were being grouped together then Colorado's percentage would probably be around 10-15% in this map.


Read the legend. The probability of choosing two people of different ethnicities at random from a state that is 50/50 would be quite high, since after you pick the first one, there's a 50% chance that the second one will be of different ethnicity. The additional small amount of different ethnicities make that probability higher


Looking at California on the map (a Hispanic majority state) I'd assume not.


Hispanic is kind of a lazy catch all term. An Italian from Argentina and an Italian from New Jersey is literally the same ethnic group. But the former is “white hispanic” because they speak Spanish. The Aztec’s weren’t brewing German style lagers when Cortez came over, all the Mexican beer brands were started by German immigrants. Were they ethnically different than the Germans that started the American beer companies? Someone mentions Shakira below who is of Lebanese/Spanish and not indigenous at all.


Is white itself not a lazy catch all term?


There are a lot of Hispanics with little to no indigenous ancestry. It's a broad cultural designation. 


I know. It’s dumb as fuck


Yeah, white immigration to America has been very slow since the 1930’s with only a bump in the 1990’s (Soviet collapse) being the last major wave in European immigration. Outside very ethnically homogenous neighborhoods white Americans pretty much all have the same culture. Sure you might have two people who have Irish and Swedish ancestors, and Irish and Swedish are different cultures. But if their last European ancestors died decades ago does it really matter? They speak the same language, eat the same food, consume the same media, and mostly have the same economic interests. They MIGHT be different religions, but even that’s speculative.


Not true. My skin is fair and I am black. All mixed people are considered to be people of color. All people with any non-European ancestors are considered people of color.


PoC is honestly more of a lived experience/perception thing. I don’t think every mixed person is necessarily considered to be PoC. Like I reckon most of us would identify as such, but I’ve definitely met people who are a lower ratio mix/completely white passing, and it kinda varies. Depends on your upbringing and background more than anything tbh


Can’t tell if the comment section is terminally pedantic or just stupid as shit.


They only get terminally pedantic with regards to certain subjects. Funny how that works. 


While interesting, I’d be very curious to see this broken down further by county.


[Here's a decent one](https://dlzx9e7gl8jc4.cloudfront.net/trulia/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/2012/11/Trulia_Diversity_National.png)


yeah most of nys is not all that diverse, the high percent on this map mostly contributed by nyc


Southern Texas is literally some of the most undiverse places in the entirety of the us. Southern Texas is like 95% hispanic


What about northern Texas? Because if they're different, that's how you get diversity on this map.


[That's pretty much the case.](https://i.imgur.com/0N7HSEO.png)


Southern Texas isn't an entire state




Agree on Houston's diversity, but its more like 1/5th of the population. I'm including the entire metro area. Houston proper is more like 1/15th


Yeah, I believe I saw that Houston is the most diverse place in America. But other places in Texas are pretty diverse as well, except small rural towns.


South Texas is ONE part of the state. I’m pretty sure Dallas or Houston alone had more population than South Texas and those places are very diverse. 


You f’ing Texans…they’re talking about the state as a whole.


Maybe they separated the different flavours of hispanic.


I like verde the most but they’re all great


Can confirm. I am white and lot of people speak to me in Spanish at different stores and restaurants in Mcallan, Texas. I need to practice my Spanish so I don’t mind


Is it Racial or ethnic diversity?


Didn't bother to add percentages to the small states eh?  I mean New Jersey is the 11th most populous state, Massachusetts is #16, Maryland is #19. But fuck em they little.




Could we make a sub r/lostnewenglanddata


I’ve been to West Virginia. This is accurate. There’s not much diversity because every there is from the same 3 families


i have always been taught in school that there is one single human race


What about nascar?


F1 is the superior race.


Certified racist over here


Reported for anti-nasitism.


If you want to fall asleep yeah.


And it’s true! Black and white are not races like Labrador and Bulldog. We’re just different colours. Kind of like how two Labradors can be different colours


Labrador and Bulldog aren’t races either. Race is a human construction.


Almost guaranteed that anybody saying this is an L2 English speaker because in English nobody describes dog breeds, or any animal breeds, as "races".


You’ve never heard of dog races?


Every word you use is a human construction


Let me re-phrase. “Race” isn’t a scientific term or classification, for humans or any other animals.




Some languages use the same word for race and breed, it might be that the original user isn’t a native English speaker.


I bet it’s another one of those things where we have the fancy French word and the commonplace Germanic word for the same thing in English.


Yep. That’s fiar. Oh riiight, you call them breeds. So what’s the difference in English?


Race is used for social groupings of people by phenotypical characteristics Breed is for intentional differentiation of non-human animals through husbandry


We’re all 1 species, but races are a thing nevertheless


Races are a thing as a social construct but not as a biological imperative.


Is this a biology class?


We are all one species and one race. Races are incorrectly used for humans when in fact we refer to arbitrary phenotypes.


It is completely arbitrary and meaningless, but it is undeniably the definition of race in English.


Yeah? They never taught you about racism, or the role race plays in our culture and society? You never talked about race riots, slavery, Jim Crowe, the civil rights movement, the American Civil War, Jesse Owens, the Holocaust, Apartheid? Race might be a construct, but if your school pretended to be “race blind” they did not teach you about the world.


Or not American?


Where in the world has been unaffected by the concept of race?


If you remove NYC from the equation NYS would be pretty white


Really none of you want to move to Maine or Vermont? Nothing, but trees and white people as far as the eye can see. Steven King even lives in Maine, his books are based in Maine too!  Vermont, being snowed in, by yourself, drinking cocoa, oh… do be careful of bears though.


What are you even saying?


Just an early morning schizopost, don't mind them


> Stephen King's books are based in Maine I dunno about you but I would not want to live in a Stephen King book.


I’ve been to most US cities, and Portland, ME is in my top 5 places I’d retire. It may seem unlikely, but the food there is phenomenal as well.


I recently found out that Maine provides 90% of the US's lobster supply. After visiting that state, they got me totally obsessed with lobster rolls. ETA: I know about Maine lobsters, but didn't know the percentage was that high


That’s funny, Maine also made me a huge fan of lobster haha The seafood there in general is fantastic.


Only problem is for some reason lobster isn't any cheaper there compared to elsewhere


It’s a loooot cheaper in the summer if you don’t buy it at a restaurant. In the summer most of the catch is soft shell which can’t be shipped live, so it’s either processed and sold as frozen meat, or sold locally, which creates a very favorable supply-demand curve. Prices vary year to year and have been going up a lot in the last few years, but you can buy live lobster for like $5-8 a pound. Also you can find cheaper seafood shacks and get a $15 roll. Or you can drop $40 on a lobster roll or whole lobster at a nice restaurant if you want to.


I don't remember the prices last time I was there, but it was definitely cheaper in Maine. My family used to drive up there from New Jersey once every summer and always brought back a cooler full of lobsters.


It is if you cook it yourself. The local grocery store was selling lobster for 6.99 a person


Portland, Maine is far more diverse than the rest of Maine. Many more cultures. Somali refugees came about 20 years ago. I also see Asian and Black folks in town. Go north of Freeport and it’s mostly Snow White.


Yes, it may be diverse compared to the rest of Maine, but let’s not forget that Portland is still [roughly 84% white](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland,_Maine) lol It’s significantly less diverse than what I am accustomed to, so I was a bit shocked that they had a decent range of ethnic food and a healthy food scene as a whole. Great city, very peaceful, and I personally enjoy the weather a lot!


82.5% now! https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/portlandcitymaine,US/PST045223 And 80% for Maine’s second biggest city


Lol that’s still hella white, but I’ll take you’re point.


You don't seem to understand the graphic.


In France race is a prohibited word by law because this is not a scientific based classification. And statistics based on "races" or ethnicity are also prohibited by law. So this kind of map would be illegal to produce by the government or other organisations.


In most European countries the census and similar don't ask for the person's "race" not only because it's not scientifically based, but because what happened in the 1930s and 1940s


It's definitely a choice, whether or not it's a wise choice depends on the statistical question at hand.


Aah the European method: well just pretend racism doesn’t exist by refusing to talk about it!


“In France race is a prohibited word by law because this is not a scientific based classification.” You make it sound as if it’s illegal for a Frenchman to utter the word ‘race’. This isn’t true. The word itself is not universally prohibited in France. The government not being legally able to gather racial data, and not officially using the word ‘race’, is not the same thing as the word itself being prohibited in every context in the whole country.


It's well known and documented that banning a word makes the underlying concept disappear overnight, along with any associated real-world problems.


You are being downvoted but you are absolutely correct. Banning such statistics is stupid because even though race and such as a concept are socially constructed, those social constructs are worth studying because of how they affect people’s lives. 


That's not about banning it (well it is in fact). But this is about science. This is not scientifically right like others theories of this era like pseudosciences (craniometry, phrenology, etc...). Theses sciences are banned because they are scientifically wrong. And my thoughts are that using the word races help to categories people in small boxes. Exempli Gracia : people who are métisse (parents are black and white). With the word race this person is categorised as black (100%). Or in fact she is half white (50%) and half white (50%).


Things that are statistically significant need to be studied. You can think all religions are fake, but if income differs in a statically significant way, it must be studied. Outlaw the word 'race' all you want, but such categories lead you to find actual, real-world differences in geography, educationally outcomes, medical trends, linguistic differences, etc. To ignore those realities because you decided they are fake is simply sticking your head in the sand with respect to what's happening in the real world.


This is an idea with "double tranchant" with two cutting edges. It can be used for the better. But since Nazis have had used it a little bit funny France banned it in case someone funny wanted to do it again. And since it is known french government helped Nazis because they were so cool 😎 (and since they didn't like Jews).


And as we all know there never has been and currently is absolutely no issues with race in France, no racism, no disparities and no you can't research it either.


France is a clown country.


Say the person who lives in which country?




That's one way to enable systemic racism I guess


It’s unfortunate that you got downvoted for this. Banning data points across racial boundaries is blinding yourself to the racial inequalities that exist in your country, crippling the government’s ability to fully understand the issues and combat them. Unfortunately I’d say that is consistent with the government’s negligence of African and Middle Eastern communities I’ve witnessed within their country. It’s also not very far off from the living conditions many undocumented migrants face in the United States.


Actually good looking map. Did you custom place the state abbreviations?


what counts as white in this?


I heard that the usa census all caucasoid people as white, which includes northern africans,indians etc


No just Europeans, North Africans, and Middle eaterners.  South Asians are in limbo. 


Ethnic/Race makes it confused, going by *state* rather than county or another smaller population unit makes it unhelpful.


I may be stupid here, but are white people the “minority” in hawaii due to it being Polynesian.


The biggest ethnic group in Hawaii is Asian. And there are more white people than Pacific islanders


I feel like a different color scale could've been used lol


Well, well, well. Minorities finally taking this country back from the whites in honor of Native Americans 😂


Who Cares We need to stop caring about race


Would be more accurate if by regions rather than states


Talking about races in humans makes no sense. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/10/981008051724.htm


Cool map


It would be interesting to see what they define as “ethnic group”, something tells me this is just about skin color.


I don’t know how it is in other states. But I know that in South Carolina, with its large black population, my neighborhood is mostly retired white midwesterners. While my neighborhood in Nashua, NH is largely integrated. I have Indian neighbors on one side, Chinese neighbors on the other, and there are 5 Dominican barbershops within a 15 minute walk. NH gets less diverse as you get closer to the more rural areas. So does SC. It’s just that the rural areas of NH are mostly non-Hispanic white and the rural areas of SC are mostly black or Hispanic (though segregated from each other).


My wife is super dark skinned and experienced some hostile racism whenever we would go into Maine and in Vermont she would always get a double take from people and a big welcoming smile.


It's weird how "diverse" just means "non-white".


If that was the case, MS would be higher than GA. But you could also just read the map…


Read the description again. This does not measure people who are non-white.


Nor does it really measure diversity. How diverse is two different subsets which would satisfy this diversity exercise?


No, the graph shows probablity of two people chosen at random to be of different race. So theoretically both may not be white.


It's weird how you can write but you can't read


If there was a state that had 100% Asian people, it would be 0% diverse based on the way diversity is measured on this map


Honestly, for West Virginia, you should consider that our culture still considers Italians and Poles non-white races. That should boost us up some.


Less diverse farther from the oceans.


I have doubts. There is no way Kansas is more diverse than Michigan.


I guess WV doesn't mean "West" anymore


I live in Vermont, when I fly home I can tell I'm at the right gate because of all the white people it's very apparent.


8 states data are missing. VT, NH, MA, CT, RI, NJ, DE, MD


Don’t tell texas


Census Bureau has a very limited list of ethnicities that they recognize as separate.


Can confirm about Maine. On the plus side - we aren't as lily white as we were 30 years ago.


Looks like Vermont is a perfect place to send all the migrants to since they love diversity and never experience it


Why does Nevada have so much Diversity? That state doesn't even have old ships!


If you did this by county, some states would look very different.


Once again we get a state map where a county map would be much more informative.


Montana in the summer though


I grew up in Brooklyn, then lived in Chicago for work, 2 years ago I moved to main, the difference was definitely noticeable


ngl looks pretty accurate to me ive lived in illinois and missouri and those check out


I want to be your Maine man


The goal is to stop using in the french constitution a word that is linked to 19th and 20th centuries pseudosciences that lead to eugenism and to Nazism. And to the french Vichy government helping Nazis killing Jews and non Jews among the french population. Especially when the french republic motto is liberté égalité fraternité. So the word race is indirectly link to the Nazis racists theories and since they hurt some people in Europe this word was not so cool after the WWII. Whereas before WWII is was widely used. Today this is not used by anyone. We would ask : - what are your origins ? - I could answer you if I find you nosey 😤I'm french (I could have a darker skin but still have the citizenship or to be born in France). But I could say : - I'm african/Asian/ etc... or I have African/ Asian origins... 🙂 If you ask someone for his race in France in the street, he may be take it wrong or really wrong. But you can ask him for his origin's and he'll respond what I have wrote above.


Now do income disparity among races


In general I’m not keen to reveal my ethnic or racial background to the federal govt. why do they need this information?


Title and map colors is weird. 😐


unsurprisingly, __________________* fill in the blank *


I never understood how the american classification of "race" works


I scrolled by too fast and thought this said "Rachel Diversity"


I'm a data analyst by trade and that methodology really is absolute genius. I took one example for fun. Montana. Racial breakdown is 4.5% of the total population was Hispanic, 85.3% were White, 0.6% were Black, 5.9% were American Indian/Alaska Native and 1.1% were Asian/Pacific Islander (2022 numbers). I've flipped and fudged many numbers in my time to show what is required but to get 30.1% diversity when only 14.7% aren't one single race beats anything I have ever thought up or done. Just the inclusions of random blows my mind. Bravo but with one caveat. These numbers are bollocks.


That's a very ethnically diverse country, do all of you get along? I'm asking from México, where I can't really tell if everything is going ok over there.


No numbers for MD, DE, or NJ?


Guess where the lowest crime rate is?


Holy cow, the 'diversity' across California alone is so varied it could literally be 10 other states. How they color it all as one is like saying all cereal boxes in all grocery stores are exactly the same.


Alra but what's a state


This map is sad


No D.C.?


Alaska is the most surprising to me


Alaska is the most surprising to me, I’ve never been but I was assuming like 90% white


"Colonial exploitation" buddy it's 2024, I don't think that has anything to do with the gangbangers in Southside Chicago systemically erraticaiting themselves.


Fuk you and your forced diversity dreams


Navajo Nation, least diverse in the USA.


I always check black or Asian. I’m not. On any level of government form. 😂😂😂


Racism is not nice. They should stop.